YAY ~~ There was a fistfight over this. So that makes me VERY happy.
Oh people would love it if that revealed a violent tendency, nest ce pas... >
HOWEVER, back when we had REAL congress critters and REAL senators there would be FISTFIGHTS on the floor of the house.
Over REAL THINGS. Like principles and FREEDOM.
The motherfuckin fascist mayor of st pete, TRICKY RICK BAKER gave away your SIDEWALK.
Along with his henchies ... half the city council.
Everyone mail mayor tricky a copy of the Constitution. Might wanna send one along to Pam Iorio, as well.
Hope he beat the shit out of that fascist.
City Council's BayWalk and push cart vot...
Hello, this is Cristina Silva.
We are live blogging the most interesting items of today's City Council meeting: The BayWalk sidewalk vacation and the push cart ordinance that would allow vendor Joy McGhee and others to sell hot dogs past 9 p.m.
Should the City Council vacate the sidewalk fronting BayWalk?Yes
( 47% )No
( 53% )
There are some other items on the agenda today that we are not going to address in this forum. While we wait for the council to do their other business, let's chat about this morning's workshop on BayWalk. It was not televised.
A little background first: Mayor Rick Baker and his staff have been working with BayWalk's new owners since at least May to revive the failing complex. It's about 70 percent vacant. People say they won't go there because the crowds along the sidewalk fronting the structure are annoying and unsafe. Others insist BayWalk's real troubles are due to mismangement, poor design, poor retail mix and increased competition from a growing downtown.
The council was supposed to take a final vote on the vacation two weeks. The vote was a tie, 4-4. Council members Herb Polson, Leslie Curran, Jeff Danner and Wengay Newton voted against it.
Last week, city staff urged council members to reconsider. Polson lead the effort from the nay voters. Meanwhile, Danner put forward a plan to look at alternative solutions that called for city staff to reach out to the public, including youth and protesters. Polson motioned to reconsider the vote, but only if Baker and his staff responded to Danner's plan.
A week later, the council meet this morning to hear what staff had done. Turns out, they spent a lot of time talking with business leaders who already support the sidewalk vacation. They could not meet with protesters and asked BayWalk to reach out to youth for them. BayWalk waited until Tuesday afternoon to make those calls. As a result, those meetings have not yet happened. City officials and BayWalk said they are making every effort to hear from the public and will meet with youth groups and protest groups eventually.
After the workshop, a handful of protesters asked Danner why he didn't let them speak during the workshop. As council chairman, Danner decides who speaks at committee meetings. His response?"I was satisfied that that is going to happen and left it at that," he said. Why even have the meetings at all if they will occur after the sidewalk vote?"My reason for doing these meetings is to find solutions," he said.
So, here we are.The council is about to take a new vote on the sidewalk vacation. Not much has changed since the previous votes.
What we are waiting to find out: Will Polson, Danner, Curran or Newton change their minds and end up supporting the sidewalk vacation?
Some comments made during today's four hour workshop:"This has to be a dramatic and complete rebirth of the center," said Thomas McGeachy, of Ciminelli Real Estate Services, BayWalk's property manager. The sidewalk must be vacated, he said.
[Comment From Guest] Christina, last chance at that free lunch. Stand up and say "Beyonce had the best video of all time"
Assistant police chief Luke Williams says there is no need to add more officers downtown: "There is ample coverage. Downtown St. Petersburg and BayWalk are safe," he said.
Fire chief Jim Large said no one has ever asked him for help because the entrance of BayWalk was blocked to patrons.
John Long from the St. Petersburg Area Chamber of Commerce said his group has come up with a 13-point plan to help small businesses.
There was some talk about turning the former Ann Taylor store into a cafe with outdoor sidewalk sitting.
[Comment From Guest] 13 is unlucky. I think they should all do the 12 step plan
Read today's story on BayWalk here: http://www.tampabay.com/news/localgovernment/to-cede-or-not-to-cede-st-petersburg-city-council-again-ponders-baywalk/1044144
[Comment From Peter] The Ballon safely landed
[Comment From Guest] If the sidewalk is given away, and Baywalk still fails, can we be indian-givers an take it back?
No, the give away is forever. It will belong to the developers, so if they sell it, it goes to the new owners. This is not a temporary solution.
[Comment From Peter] No one in the balloon.
[Comment From Joe] Is this a $6 million vote? Will the developer walk away if the sidewalk is not vacated?
[Comment From Guest] that's BS
Joe, the developer has promised to spend $6 million to fix up BayWalk. However, they don't have to. It's not a condition of the vacation. Some protesters say they don't trust them. Supporters, however, say it is in their economic interest to fix up BayWalk.
[Comment From Guest] If it is a $6mil vote, we all know the outcome.
[Comment From Guest] Where's #balloonkid?
[Comment From Peter] Newton can't even speak. He just asked a question: "How you doing the homeless?" I wish I was the presenter: Pardon me, Councilman Newton, do you mean, how do we plan on counting the homeless population, because I dont know what 'do the homeless' means!
Peter is talking about the council's discussion of census counting.
[Comment From Guest] most of council has no census
By the way, the push cart public hearing is scheduled after 6 p.m., so you can come back for that later. I'll still be here.
[Comment From Joe] Wengay's IQ is not high enough to handle this situation. Thanks Cristina, what is your gut feeling? What are the rumors? Have any of the four changed their mind?
I really don't know. I don't think Curran or Newton would change their votes, because they have been the biggest critics of the motion, but stranger things have happened.
Danner and Polson are wild cards.
[Comment From Peter] The presenter couldn't answer his questions because of his inability to speak coherent English.
By the way, only one council member skipped the workshop this morning: Jamie Bennett, former candidate for mayor.
Here's who is in the council chamber (remember, the public can't speak before the vote because there has already been a public hearing on this): former mayoral candidate Scott Wagman, District 6 candidate Vel Thompson, District 8 candidate Leonard Schmiege. They all oppose the measure.
[Comment From Guest] He was seen handing out USF tickets
Supporters in attendance: John Long, chamber president, a Muvico rep and some other business people I can't name. Sorry about that.Also, Pamella Settlegoode from the District 4 race is here. She opposes the measure.
All right. It's been an hour. I'm going to close this poll and start a new one at about 4:10. So get your votes in now.
[Comment From Guest] Ford just received the AFSCME endorsement!!!
[Comment From CabbMan] Cristina, are any of the supporters giving examples of other similar complexes nationwide obtaining public sidewalks and how they are fairing?
No. But they say few complexes compare to BayWalk. In other words, they say it is unsual for a complex to have a public sidewalk used for protesting.
[Comment From Guest] Ford just received the AFSCME endorsement!!
[Comment From Guest] AFSCME- Another Foster Supporter Cost My Election?
[Comment From CabbMan] Do you believe this is really about protestors or about keeping undesirable youth from congregating on the property? I ask because over the past year there have been lots of comments about undesirable youth and much less about protestors.
Well, the property managers said this morning that it is about more than protesters. If they get the sidewalk, they can remove teens and panhandlers.
[Comment From Shane] I said this before and I'll say this again, it's all about common sense. Go get em, Christina!
[Comment From Guest] new poll time
[Comment From Blue Pencil] What's happening now, Cristina?
They are discussing transportation issues. We are not covering the entire council meeting, just BayWalk and the push cart vendor. I'll let you know when they start talking about BayWalk. In the meantime, you can discuss the measure or ask questions about it.
[Comment From Shaun] Christina do you even live in dtown st pete?
[Comment From Joe] Cristina - Is Muvico leaving without the vacation? How much $ do they need to fix up the theater? Any news about who might come in if Baywalk is cleaned up?
Joe: Muvico says it won't leave right away, but they add they might not have a future there if the vacation is closed. BayWalk has been in talks with the man who owns and runs Z-Grille and a lounge/bowling alley chain.
[Comment From insider] Danner is not a wild card BTW. He will not be changing his vote.
Danner's computer is open. Wonder if he is following this?
[Comment From Guest] Danner free lunch if you stand up and say "Beyonce had the best video of all time"
[Comment From Guest] Polson won't change his vote either
[Comment From Mike] Christina- I am friends w/ the GM (and co-owner) of Splitville in Tampa. When I first read that claim that they were interested in Baywalk, I called him up and asked if that was true. He said they have ZERO interest in Baywalk reardless of the sidewalk vote.
Wow. I have this letter that says they were interested but are no longer interested because of the vote two weeks ago. They did not return my calls.
[Comment From i love uhurus] privatize the sidewalk
[Comment From Guest] Polson won't flip because the city didn't reach out to anyone as they promised they would....that was THE reason he motioned to re-vote...and they handed him a big bucket of FAIL
[Comment From Joe] Agreed, Danner is a fish...Polson is the only chance. My guess is that he knows that and his collar is very tight. Come on Polson, do what's best for the city! There are plenty of sidewalks in St. Pete...but only one BayWalk.
[Comment From Guest] Its all a ploy
[Comment From Guest] Wengay, free lunch if you stand up and say Rick Baker hates black people
Show time.
[Comment From Joe] Come on Polson!!
[Comment From Mike] Had nothing to do w/ the sidewalk. Baywalk has design flaws and not enough "space" for a Splitsville to logistically work. There was never any lukewarm interest on there part.
John Wolfe, city attorney: "The motion is on the floor to approve the vacation ordinance. This will be your last vote. You cannot reconsider a reconsider vote."
Wolfe: It is legally defensible whether the council decides to approve it or not.
[Comment From Guest] tear Baywalk down...whoever thought a mall would work downtown is nuts.
Polson: You can't defer it?Wolfe: You can defer it. If you vote on it, if you vote one way or another, that's the final vote.
Wolfe: If you decide to take a vote today, that's how it stands.
Jim Kennedy: I would urge us to approve the vacation and allow BayWalk to attempt to get revitalized.
[Comment From Guest] they're going to defer it until after the election, watch this
[Comment From Guest] Baker and Mel's BayFlop
Kennedy: The alternative of not going forward with it will basically be devastating to BayWalk.
[Comment From Joe] Wow. Go Polson. Cristina - How do they go about a "deferment" vote?
Jamie Bennett: Stop beating a dead horse to death. We have heard all the arguments. Our blackberrys have been filled with messages... but a decision has to occur today.
Bill Dudley: "I would like to remind everybody that we have about $20 million invested in this property. For us to turn our back and walk away is irresponsible on our part."
[Comment From alex] I am still at a loss why a lack of protesters will suddenly bring big business to Baywalk -- especially considering they haven't protested there in months!
[Comment From Guest] That's standing up and grabbing them Jamie
[Comment From alex] Somebody should of said that about his campaign!
[Comment From Joe] Jamie = Baker
[Comment From Sue] Plenty of dead horses sitting on the council already
Dudley: "Let's get on with it."
Newton: "We are providiing $700,000 in infrastructure for the BayWalk facility. We are not walking away from it... so we are business friendly."But he swore to uphold the constitution.
Nurse: (he wants to show pictures)
[Comment From Guest] It isn't about the protesters, it's about the large crowds.
[Comment From Guest] he says binesses
[Comment From insider] Wolfe is a hack. If this thing passes, the city will get sued to no end.
[Comment From Guest] Just say "no" and move on. The sidewalk won't change a thing.
Nurse is showing pictures of protesters blocking the entrance.
[Comment From Tom] Any discussion about parking meters? That's another reason why people don't go downtown.
[Comment From Keith] Tennants won't move in unless they have assurances that there won't be protests. That's why it's needed even when they aren't actively protesting.
Nurse took the pictures from the web site of the organizers. "They were proud"
Nurse: "I know it has been awhile since we experienced this, but this is what the prespective tenants have seen... this is why the owners of BayWalk are so insistent that they can't get tenants unless the sidewalk is vacated."
Curran: But how are we solving that problem if we are pushing protesters across the street? "We are totally comitted to doing what is right for BayWalk and moving it forward. It is shortsighted to say that this is the issue."
Curran: "We need to do what is in the best interest of everyone."
Danner: Fire department should see those pictures as blocking the access to building and current ordinances should clear the path into there.He is not on the side of protesters. "That is deplorable." But the problem won't go away. The protesters will go somewhere else. And council will be asked to vacate another sidewalk.
Mayor Rick Baker: "Wengay you are not the only one who believes in the constitution." But there will be ample opportunity for people to protest across the street.
[Comment From Peter] Curran is against, so were 4 to 3...lets see what Polson does.
[Comment From Joe] Nurse is correct. Hey Wengay, what does the Constitution say about that?
[Comment From kathleen] I took most of those pictures....all the entrances were never blocked....if we had blocked the entrances, we would have been ticketed or arrested
[Comment From Madison/ Monroe] We can't do business if this Constitution passes???
[Comment From Guest] Negative pereception is the problem. People won't come back until there are new tenants and tenants won't come until all of the issues publicized by the press are addressed and cleaned up. Sidewalk protests were one of many issues that turned customers off but perception becomes reality and right now, it's part of the package.
[Comment From Joe] Curran = Clueless
Baker: "The ability of BayWalk to move forward will be remote if we don't move forward with this."
[Comment From Guest] I would love to see Baywalk succeed. If that means that protester and unsupervised kids have are forced to find a new place to hang out, so be it.
[Comment From Guest] a yes vote = pandora
[Comment From Joe] Curran is also in over her head. She is not prepared for issues that require deep thinking.
[Comment From Guest] If the fire dept. can simply come in and open the way, why didn't they do so in the past?
[Comment From Peter] Baker's administration goes into lame duck status if this vote fails after this speech.
[Comment From Guest] I stopped going to Baywalk because the stores sucked.
Baker: Everyone wants another option. "I just don't know what that third option is." "This has been a proposal for three months now and I have not seen a third option."
[Comment From Guest] Put it this way: if YOU owned a business, would you even THINK of signing a lease at BayWalk if you knew that there was even a mere possibility of protestors and kids impacting your customers?
[Comment From Guest] Those pictures must be old and faded.
[Comment From Joe] Wengay is in over his head. BTW - The sidewalk is everything.
[Comment From window sugar] what will stop the protesters ffrom moving out one block and carrying boycott AND PEACE signs???
[Comment From window sugar] ooooh we'll miss that black/white store. LOL
The vote passed!
Protesters are yelling: "You are so full of shit it is ridiclous."
There is a fight going on on the floor!
Two old men are punching each other
Why is BayWalk hurting?
crime ( 2% )
teenagers ( 8% )
all of the above ( 32% )
protesters ( 9% )
mismangement ( 49% )
none of the above ( 0% )
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Writer: cristina silva
City Council's BayWalk and push cart votes
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