Well, it appears that A-28 was extremely successful. Impeachment's successfully ON the table. It's in the MSM and now it's there to say. Thanks to my hero John Murtha

On Face the Nation he brought Impeachment up several times and the host goes after it and now it's going over the airwaves. This is in response to all of our hard work !
Oh and like I've said in the past, if I can't get him out of there myself I am counting on my friend, David Swanson to do so for me. He's very tenacious and the word 'driven' comes to mind ! You GO, David !!!!! Here's some awesome action in bryn mawr. Where were all of Tampa's progressive bloggers? We NEEDED you. Lots of us went to Miami, others made signs and demonstrated ... just made a bunch of noise. Waking up the sheeple is the key. I love seeing democracy in action. It's not just for US, it's for the rest of the world. They are sitting there watching us put up with this shit --- what must they be thinking? Where the hell can they emigrate NOW? Seriously, we can't let this go on.
I am beginning to wonder if Nancy Pelosi will soon be the first woman President. NOT my favorite idea but I did catch her on Leno the other night (pretty shocking in a meant to happen kinda way because I am generally no where NEAR a tv at that hour) and she impressed me much more than I thought she would. I'm extremely disappointed in her in many ways so .. that was a long road for me to reach impressed. Well, it's one way to skin a cat. What I'm most upset with her over is the first 100 hours. NO ONE mentioned pushing through the Sept.11 2001 agenda giving these police TYPES more millions after the millions they already spent on wine women song and HIGH FUCKING WALLS THAT SURROUND US. I hope all of these people involved in impeachment are very careful so they don't suffer health setbacks or worse.
Even foreign countries are trying to help RID US of this regime. There were impeachment actions in at least a half dozen countries outside of the U.S. YAY AND THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From David Swanson
Thank Murtha for Speaking Up for Impeachment
It looks like our impeachment efforts are making a real difference. Last week, when Dennis Kucinich introduced articles of impeachment for Dick Cheney, the Pentagon Post's Dana Milbank portrayed Kucinich as nuts. But if that was Karl Rove's way of trying to scare "respectable" Democrats away from Impeachment, that strategy backfired "bigtime," as Dick Cheney would say. HEHE
On CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday, Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) raised the possibility of impeaching the president.
"We've already compromised," Murtha said. "And we need to make this president understand, Mr. President, the public has spoken. There's three ways or four ways to influence a president. One is popular opinion, the election, third is impeachment, and fourth is the purse." Host Bob Schieffer followed up, pressing him on whether impeachment was a serious option on the table. Murtha responded, "I'm just saying that's one way to influence a president."
Murtha may have cleared his comments with Speaker Nancy Pelosi before his appearance, which would indicate that impeachment is back "on the table" where it belongs. But Murtha is going to get a lot of heat for speaking truth to power, and his staff will be inclined to back off. Murtha needs to hear our support and encouragement immediately.
Call Jack Murtha to thank him and ask him to sign onto Dennis Kucinich's bill to begin impeachment proceedings against Vice President Cheney: (202) 225-2065.
From Jacob Park:
Given the significance that has attached to Nancy Pelosi's claim that
impeachment was "off the table," Murtha would not use that language casually. This
is a major statement that can be seen as a trial balloon to gauge whether the
support of the public is there to actually go ahead with this. Now is to the time to
flood Murtha's office with phone calls and letters to tell him you want it.
Please contact him immediately to thank him for putting impeachment back on the table and to ask him to move forward with the impeachment of Bush and Cheney immediately. (I did and I hope YOU will, too) It takes about six seconds. Please do so.Call Jack Murtha to thank him and ask him to sign onto Dennis Kucinich's bill to begin impeachment proceedings against Vice President Cheney: (202) 225-2065.
Tell the Pollsters: No More Excuses
There is no longer any possible excuse for polling companies' refusal to ask Americans whether they support the impeachment of Cheney or Bush. Articles of impeachment have been introduced in Congress. Prominent Congress Members are discussing the topic on television talk shows. Please go here to ask all the polling companies to start asking the question:
From Ramsey Clark
Ramsey Clark's statement to the media“We have seen that Congress can be moved. The Bush Administration is reeling from its own wrongdoing. The horror its war of aggression has wreaked on the people of Iraq and thousands of U.S. service members must trouble the sleep of every sentient American. The Surge is only adding to the death and destruction.
“All over the country supporters of impeachment are intensifying their efforts. Our focus must be on Congress, and the priorities of full troop withdrawal and the impeachment of President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and other culpable officials within the Administration.
“In recent weeks, tens of thousands of people have sent letters or called their elected representatives in Congress. On the statewide and local level people have been demanding local officials take a stand. Large scale pro-Impeachment demonstrations took place on March 17 at the Pentagon and in more than 1,000 other protests marking the 4th anniversary of the start of the Iraq war.
“The crimes committed by President Bush and Vice President Cheney are numerous. The Bush Administration’s war of aggression, its assault on human dignity at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, demeaning the Geneva Conventions and Habeas Corpus, invading the privacy of any American it chooses, corrupting the rule of law in the Department of Justice and others.
“President Bush and Vice President Cheney should be held accountable as it is proscribed in the Constitution, Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President, and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office or impeachment for and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.
“The authors of the Constitution were serious about impeachment and intended that the carefully prescribed procedures and principles of impeachment written into the text be faithfully executed. We, the growing impeachment movement that is sweeping this country from one end to the other, will make the members of the House of Representatives become as serious and courageous about impeachment as the Founding Fathers were.”