Like every other time you want me outside to intimidate.... (loser you want a lil bit of that, huh? Can't say that I blame you !) there is some carnie character and THEN YOU. Sir, this evidence will be PERFECT for my purposes you conspirator in murder, theft, drugs, intimidation, stalking and property theft. Oh and other shit.
RICO for the RICANS. It's like... purrussyfect.
So that's like six.
Now fuck off.
Haven't you heard? It's over and you lost. fuckhead.
Thanks for playing poorly you stupid dipshit.
Listen, I'll probably be going out later.
If you wanted to follow me around in your navy blue jeep with your raft of carnies I'll let ya buy me some nice stuff to try to get back on my good side.
I'm partial to expensive suits and silk boxers. I mean chintzy bathrobes and ridiculous boxers.
OH, no that's right: THAT IS YOU.
It's de rigeur winter wear for ricans doing rico.
Sir, you will have a motherFUCKER of a time explaining WHY you lent a guy who you KNEW had no ID to drive and was on felony probation (like countless before him in fact ONE HUNDRED PERCENT BEFORE HIM) a car from your collection to drive and the endless circling and alla that. And the continual, perpetually-planned stalking. THAT is enough to sink your yacht of boxer-wear.
I'm a documenter FROM HELL.
I own you.
So bend over.
No thanks. Not even with someone else's dick.