Firemen will DO YOUR LAUNDRY
Holy MOLEY...... I'm coming by for a DRIVE ALONG. OPEN INVITE. Wow. I thought yall just sat arond playing xboz 360 and fucking with peopkes; computers from the number of visits you pay to best buy while I'm there. Like um EVERY TIME.
Anyway, read this disgusting article and then the various ill educated fire THANGS that leap on in support. And, the truth you see throughout(the comments NOT the article)
Although bill profitt is pretty funny and the firemen drinking while driving. LOL
I LOVE when they talk about 'passing the academy' L O L. GED plus some ass-kissing. IWe SEE you guys okay? I'm not sure WHICH (model mayhem??) modeling agency you hire to stand out there with boots but it AIN'T FIREMEN> THAT is the frigging funniest thing you expect people to believe.Besides that everyone making a comment is disgruntled becuase they CANT PASS THE FF ACADEMY. FUCKING LAUHING.
What morons. Looks like there's someone else there in comments who has had them run over thie family members.
PURPOSELY .. this is ATTEMPTED MURDER. In OUR case they were headed IN the station and w were in a CAR so ... none of the coverups they are trying HERE>
But I really came here to say I'm going to have them do my LAUNDRY while I'm on a drive about with them. Because their EXCUSE for the COCAINE is that it's PUBLIC AREA>
Of coruse, if I had to stash MY coke the first thing I would think of is to run into the firehouse. FUCKING LAUGING.
Besidest, they'd STEAL IT.
Maybe THAT is why they always look so PARANOIED.
Snorting cheap coke cut with bad toxins will do that.
I should qualify that I don't cart illegal drugs around and I don't know anyone who does. Well, I KNOW them but that's NOT my fault. They followd my family around til they finally made friends with one of them.
And they live next door. What can you do? It's just NOT MY THANG. Since they selectively busted my friend from Tarpon Springs to destroy his family ... the bikers and their cop friends so they could TAKE OVER THE DRUG TRAFFICKING.... it just took the fun out of it.
You can't be around those people. They're not of sound mind.
Since then, I've also discovered that they TARGET PEOPLE to addict them to their drugs. GREAT MARKETING.
That, intermarrying, selective arresting, pimping out their children and other tactics is how the nasty mob takes over.
Whatever deal he cut with the Irish Republican Army Tampa was his undoing.
Mr. Pupello?