And then Speaking of Sluts
We go back several years to the EVIL SLUTOPIA !!
TEN things you should know about the variously named "slut shot", HPV and Gardasil .. which has been mandated in some states and then pushed back and then brought up again for more legislation and NOW parents, there is a NEW slant.
The "if only you'd talk to your children" approach ...
It's fair laughable. I think they asked like ten sorority sisters at like the entrance to ... I dunno .... a Glamour magazine photo shoot. Seriously, it was a VERY SMALL NUMBER completely unrepresentative of any reality-based yknow .. reason.
It's an EXPENSIVE shot which is the least of reasons you should refuse it for your child or not even consider it no matter the nazi-ness of your state..... BUT it is a helluva lot of money for a very questionable drug co and product which only promises to ATTEMPT to prevent a small percentage of cancers. And they want to give it to boys, too. That in itself is highly suspect.
And the usual .... fainting, fall down, violently ill etc etc etc....
the side effects of the shot up to and including three days of terrible pain for some.
I wouldn't do it .... but I'm not you.
At the very least educate yourself and don't fall for their latest joke ... that if you'd ONLY talk to your chlidren so it's somehow your fault if your child dies of cancer ...
ummm WTFE.
You can follow the money line directly from the drug reps to the legislators who want to mandate it.