Revenge on Pam Iorio ??
I was intrigued (finally) that someone posted (in the comments on my piece) that they felt that Marion Serious Lewis and Aria Ray Green were 'seeking revenge' on current Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio by running against her for the job of Mayor of Tampa.
If that's the case : there's a BUNCH more people should be in the Tampa Mayoral race for revenge.
And here.
And here
Pam is Perturbed: Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio has led a charmed life as the chief executive in the Bay area, with especially strong and unquestioning support from the Tampa Tribune. She's never been portrayed as emotional or out of control, even though some who've worked with her over the years can attest to her occasional temper.That's why it was so interesting to see that one Tampa Bay journalist finally pushed the right buttons to get her to lose it - and on camera to boot.
Tampa Bay's 10 reporter Mike Deeson has been questioning the Iorio administration over a variety of issues, from top officials possibly violating the charter to improper city e-mails.
In the latest story, Deeson reported on an ethics complaint filed against Iorio, charging that she violated city rules by allowing firefighters to lobby the legislature using city computers and by going to Tallahassee in uniform. Iorio supported a change in pension benefits that has apparently set retired firefighters against those on active duty.
Deeson camped out in the lobby of City Hall and caught a clearly perturbed Iorio returning to her office. She pre-empted his questions with a terse, "I don't know anything about it, Mike. I don't have the time to learn about it right now, and I don't like to be ambushed on camera."
(damn that's because CAMERA EVIDENCE lasts A LONG TIME, AND isn't that what reporters are for and aren't public figures just supposed to be willing to take on all that when they decide they want to RUN THINGS???)
Fired or NOT fired? (above excerpted from here)
To see the piece on streaming video, go HERE HERE
Pete Botto, Former Tampa Fire Chief:
“I don't only think she should be impeached, but also jailed and a lot of others with them for the actions they've taken.”
David Keene, Former Tampa Asst. Fire Chief:
“I think she bent the rules so she could keep the fire fighters and union support it is very obvious that's what happened here.”
The ethics complaint says Iorio is misusing her position for personal gain.
Ya THINK????
More here
Then HERE (color that the ENTIRE board of the art museum)
Though she finally DID sign the environmental agreement (under much pressure) there is no taking back what she did or failed to do in the other areas ...
As well, LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of these people suddenly left to pursue degrees or to spend time with their families, or like Emily Kass, just worn out ... not exactly FIRED but ..... FIRED with cooperation as in WTF I might as well not be here. Emily Kass did a great job and I'd rather have her around; anyone can be a smiley face.
SO, in essence, there are TONS of people who would be in this race, 'for revenge'. Considering this city doesn't exactly protect MY civil rights or the civil rights of others... Considering that THIS city under this mayor does not give a damn about the homeless -- that's ANOTHER 26001 people who would be in this race 'to seek revenge'.
Maybe they only seek to make this city a better place. You know the best revenge is LIVING WELL and there's too little of that for ALL the folks in Tampa.
However, for a FEW of the people in Tampa, there's a WHOLE LOT of LIVING WELL. Yknow?
I like that Wayne Garcia mentions that the incumbent Mayor Iorio has enjoyed UNPRECEDENTED SUPPORT from the Tampa Tribune.
Maybe Mr. Green and Mr. Lewis just want that 15,000 RAISE that the Mayor generously voted for herself.
Nope, Mr. Lewis said he would re-appropriate that BACK into the city budget.
That would be cool. Maybe we could start a REAL gang task force and someone could get a handle on the VIGILANTE bikers.
I just don't get all the confidence. People are very angry with this mayor. Blacks, in particular, are VERY angry with this mayor. Do we have a black reporter at the Tribune who talks to the black in Tampa or is that only my experience? People need MORE than a clean city filled with cranes and homeless people. People need honest, ethical folks they can count on. For God's sake, it's OUR DIME.
I didn't get all the confidence the first time around when she ran.
When she said she was dropping out of a race that was 'hers to win' .. then went back to the Supervisor of Elections office to 'finish her job there' ....
I don't think anyone's seeking revenge.
I think alot of people feel this city can DO BETTER.
I think the Tampa Tribune covered this VERY unfairly and I said that WAY before I read that Wayne Garcia felt she had enjoyed UNPRECEDENTED good coverage from the Tampa Tribune.
What IS up with all of dat?
People should want to know.