Firefighter on Firefighter
Wow. THIS is a surprise. Orange County is one of the few places I've gone where I wasn't STALKED BY SOME FRIGGING FIREMAN (men???) and his big red truck that I pay for. OR some mob ambulance company. Fuckers.
BUT I kinda figured that was because I was visiting stalkers. YAY ME.
I don't mind. They're fun for crunchin on.
Anyway ... read on
Judge Under Fire For Going Easy On Firefighter Who Stalked Ex-Wife
Posted: 5:05 pm EST February 7, 2008Updated: 5:36 pm EST February 7, 2008
ORANGE COUNTY, Fla. -- An Orange County judge is under fire for going easy on an Orlando firefighter who was convicted of stalking his ex-wife. Judge Jerry Brewer is being accused of cutting the firefighter a break, because the judge is a former Orlando firefighter.
Judge Brewer would not talk to Eyewitness News about Orlando firefighter Derek Lennon's stalking case, but he's catching heat for what he said during the trial and sentencing last month.
While the jury was deliberating, microphones in the courtroom recorded Judge Brewer reminiscing with defendant Lennon about his own days with the Orlando Fire Department years ago.
"It was station 12, I guess. You had the two stations on either side," Brewer is heard saying on the recording.
Moments later, the jury came back with a guilty verdict convicting Lennon of stalking his ex-wife, even putting a GPS on her car to track her. Judge Brewer asked her what sentence she thought was fair.
"I really feel like whatever the maximum sentence he could receive, he should get," stalking victim Robin Lennon told him. "I'm afraid of him."
Derek Lennon
The maximum would have been a year in jail, but Judge Brewer did not send him to jail and then, to the astonishment of people in the courtroom, completely wiped the jury's guilty verdict off his record. He didn't want the stalker to lose his job.
"There's no doubt in my mind that if you were adjudicated guilty the city would absolutely terminate your employment," the judge said.
Court watchdog Laura Williams said she's never seen Judge Brewer erase a jury's conviction before.
"I think it's unconscionable for a judge to show that type of favoritism to somebody and I think it's because they were both firefighters that he did that," Williams said.
The firefighter's ex-wife would not talk to Eyewitness News for fear Lennon would retaliate.
If Lennon violates his one-year probation, he could end up facing tougher sanctions.
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How is someone's J OH BEE more important than someone's right to FEEL SAFE???
The stupid dickhead will most probably violate his probation.
OOOOHHH tougher sanctions.
He can just move to Tampa and shoot at people.
No problem, isn't that right Judge Artie McNeil??