oooooooooohhh big surprise here. 'Someone' is unhappy that they are all ganged up in an effort to steal my property (the American way of gangs) and apparently embarrassed to have their nasty lifestyles revealed to the whole world. So, in a fuuurrrrtttthhheeerrrrr effort to intimidate me, shut me up and steal my property 'someone' has gone by and torn the valve stem on my right front tire; probably means time for a(nother) new tire. That's okay ....
Luckily there is a witness to this activity who can clearly identify the individual and his transportation and so it goes on the heap of RICO activity evidence piling up. All of the acts that have transpired and continue to transpire against my family and friends are documented, many are witnessed and/or on tape and all are part of the picture.
So, while the activity of the 'emergencies' has quelled for the time being .... wow, it's nice and quiet ...(now they pull them out in the road just a few feet and then start the engines in unison the second I drive by (this is pretty funny to me but it's not really funny at all, I just have a good sense of humor) .. I think that everyone in Tampa should INSIST that these guys/gals actually WORK for a living rather than text around me as I drive down the road. My car and yard have had an extremely toxic substance in them to go with the tire damage today. I found this cool little dealio online to collect it all with so that it gets to be evident that someone has done something criminal (along with the video this is pretty compelling stuff, eh?) This kinda negates the story peoples' ideas that they've been fighting the bad air in my hood for twenty years. I guess they better start fighting the bad air in my car. And what's his name's too. Oh, yeah, that's right -- he didn't make it. SO --- just as I predicted, the other activity has begun. (again) If we can't get you by scaring you to death --- we'll small-time you to death or any of the endless list of stuff these tricky sorts have up their sleeves. Nasty. I'm so glad to be me and not them; it's great to be me and have clean hands and a pure heart. I do honestly pity them and I even pray for them because it's what my Mother would ask me to do. And, I'm not even much of a praying person, so .....
I directly attribute this to the posts I have made in recent days concerning the activities that go on around me all the time. Too bad. Remaining silent was not an option when lives were at stake though I feel it's possible that the thugs are all in the same family running their sick version of street theater for me. Wow, when you invest in property in Tampa (not my choice, I inherited mine; it's a family homestead) you never know what you might end up with, huh? There is truly NOTHING like live entertainment.
Business as usual in Tampa FL, home of Gasparilla Rape and Arrest rolled into one.
It's all good. These same folks will be buying me a whole tire STORE before it's over. And, I think they are kinda beginning to 'get' that.
First they ignore you.
Then they ridicule you.
Then they fight you.
Then you win.
Let's see --- they've stalked me, web-sensed me, sent their version of tin soldiers to look over my shoulder as I go about my day as a citizen of Tampa (I have never mentioned that but when I first started this blog we'll just say there were uniformed visitors) and now they are back to crawling around my car damaging it and believing themselves to be unwitnessed. So many things I have not titillated you with but will get to eventually. Cheap help -- anything for a crack rock or a green card or .... There are so many enslaved people in Tampa. I know, I meet alot of them. I see their anger at the situation they find themselves in. Some of these people sometimes believe they are angry with me (due to the gang chatter in their ears) but you'd have to know me: I'm the kindest, most unassuming, polite and loving person; I'll help anyone. They tried to take that kindness and use it against me by (for instance, there have been NUMEROUS times) planting their slaves with dead batteries --- I asked the guy to try his car first and lo and behold, it cranked up like a brand new car. Yep. These guys are too obvious and are Grade B actors. Of course, if you surrounded yourself with smart people, in that line of work, how long would you be in business??
Anyway, they think they are angry with me as they are sent in to do their nefarious little jobs but no one who gets to know me can understand WHY anyone would want to fuck with me so they keep having to find new people (move them in and out of the hood, it's a right laugh to watch this action) ... they've got an endless supply but that's part of another story. Enough of them have seen who I am and realized who they should be angry with. They're scared to death of those who control them (broken ankles and other bones [city employees related to me the punisment meted out for their mistakes] ... other collateral damage to these slaves) but unlike the slaves that plantation-owners held, these people are not in chains. The rising up will be beautiful to behold.
I bet if I called the TPD to report this I'd suddenly get a real live operator all eager to do business with me. All part of the plan.
At any rate, yes I'm aware that I could have a blow-out at any time because of these actions and it's all part of the plan; I'll be taking care of it and mailing the receipts to the attorney. He is writing a movie version of my life, I'm pretty sure. It IS interesting, I'll give them that. Where else could I go and be witness to all of this then the world they have brought to me !?!?!?! It's better than CRASH.
It's not the first time my life has been threatened. (Police reports) Or even the first time my property has been damaged and witnessed (same)(hehe) You know what they say, right??
And, I am VERY patient.
I have something very important to research today but likely the article will appear without enough research and will be edited throughout the day.
It's THAT important.
ADDENDUM: Sometimes I think that maybe I should offer a glimmer of intelligence to these folks. Stop it. If I had the finger pointed at me and I had alot to lose (and you do) and it is pointing ... I'd be VERY VERY sure not to continue to build up further evidence against myself. There's really no excuse that you don't 'know'. You've got your heads so far up my ass that I've learned to get comfy around all that. So, it is now your responsibility to be sure that I and my family are safe along with my network of loved ones because every thing now points to you. Hello, that is how a smart person would react. But, you go on with your bad selves. And reap the blame for every little thing that befalls me. And whose fault is that? Look at the mirror if you can see yourself in it in your Nazi get-ups. Get your little gits and your bikers and yourselves under control ... but that's only my advice. All this and a simple conversation man to woman could have solved it all ... just like I told ya way back when ....
A friend had an encounter just yesterday with an ex-Tampa fireman (name withheld currently) (seems almost impossible to get fired from the Tampa Fire Dept. he must have done something SHANKIER THAN SHANKY --- not another hooker incident, I never understood why they got fired for that, anyway...) who has already been caught stealing (from a customer) at his current job and a few other vagaries. This guy then sat behind my friend loudly stating how all his Tampa firemen friends are 'completely off the chain' and talking about all the wild things and awful things they did to people. A great, if hostile witness, eh? I am documenting all of this activity as the continuing threat to my safety, job security and the right of my family and loved ones to live in liberty and enjoy the pursuits of every American. By the way, my friend is subordinate to this ex Tampa fireman .... another bad thing for the baddies.