Samuel Alito/Antonin (aka fuckYOU, world) Scalia: Maroon of the Court. He loves to write these idiotic opinions. (link to article not opinion have to read it first and laugh and grimace)
Supreme Court rules for vaccine makers on lawsuits
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal law shields vaccine makers from product-liability lawsuits in state court seeking damages for a child's injuries or death from a vaccine's side effects.
The high court on Tuesday ruled for Wyeth, which is now owned by Pfizer Inc, in a lawsuit brought by the parents of Hannah Bruesewitz, who suffered seizures as an infant after her third dose of a diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine in 1992.
Pfizer and other vaccine makers argued that a Supreme Court ruling for the plaintiffs could open the door to a flood of lawsuits -- many by families who believe vaccines cause autism -- and threaten the supply of childhood vaccines.
At issue was the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, a law adopted by Congress that created a special program to handle disputes in an effort to ensure a stable vaccine supply by shielding companies from most lawsuits.
Wait. Did the Supreme Court and Congress ADMIT that there are SIDE EFFECTS??????
DID THEY BOTH ADMIT IT??? appears to me, they did. humph. (maybe this is the wookie defense, too?)
Yet they are shielding the manufacturer from known and future defects.
What currency is there for the drug PIGS to then turn out a DECENT PRODUCT??
Give me some of what those jackasses are smoking. I won't share it with the fat-ASSES. (dear hillsborough county firemen yer in a deep hole. stop digging, losers you're burying your stupid f gay porn selves) (nine sightings in less than ten miles, maybe more) It's the old home week for the Philmore avenue gents of eight engines and NOT ONE KNEW WHERE THEY WERE GOING. Awesome video of that and the Philmore neighbors all wondering WHAT WAS UP???Oh, I'll tell you what was up: I was driving by and my sister once lived there ... with one of their MURDER VICTIMS. Another one of my sisters BECAMEtheir murder victim isn't that right Kathy Roberts and your family EXCITY SLUT and (suspected killer of elvis honestly it comes to mind that is one ugly battle axe IF I SAW IT I FELT LIKE DYING and it claims to have met elvis) Virginia Roberts and snitching nephew James Darrel Mason (nee Roberts) and wifey the prostitute turned mommy of the year shotgun shells and all (thanks 13th judicial possession by a felon) And let us not fail to recall City of Tampa Parking MaNGER(MANGY) Dorothy Jean Roberts/Mason (*hide that homestead exemption in tampa and spring hill) mason/roberts/mason/somethin .....or is it Dottie??? and her fatass dirtbag murdering brother Spence Spence the arsonist/slash/drummer/ta,pa fireman. And her other brother. Spence is a bootlicker. One suspects an asshole buddy relationship or something more interesting with billy dill(y) TPD and the rat's weave AO EVANS totally hoped to see that hore today. LMAO. But maybe she didn't want the NINTH orwasn't ALLOWED to get the ninth drugholeguarding sponsorship on video/
But, where was I?
The timing: Magnificent. Just after they castigated the doctor who revealed the autism ties to vaccine. This case was winding its way through the courts at that very moment. So I wonder what the vaccine industry's attorneys had to do with the ruining the doctor's reputation INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY DISPROVING OR DISPUTING HIS FINDINGS.
Check it out: THEY HAVE PAVED THE WAY for the girl/boy slut vaccine which actually contains WHO KNOWS WHAT???? Why will ANY ATTORNEY DO A STUDY IF THEY CANNOT SUE THE DICK OFF OF PFIZER????????
Evil Slutopia: 10 More Things You Might Not Know About Gardasil
May 26, 2007 ... THE EVIL SLUT CLIQUE said... So girls who experience side effects from Gardasil are actually not having any kind of real medical issue, - Cached - Similar
Democratic Underground - some of the thinking re: vaccinations and ...
Feb 7, 2007 ... I'm presenting a cost + risk vs. benefit analysis of GARDASIL. mhatrw, Feb-07-07 05:27 AM, #4. Oh, so now it's only the dead sluts who count › Discuss - Cached
Oh, so now it's only the dead sluts who ... - Dec 14, 2010Slutty neighborhood? Are you implying ... - Sep 20, 2010
More results from »
Gardasil for Guys: a good idea, sort of : White Coat Underground
Jun 9, 2010 ... I came across the official recommendations for Gardasil for males. ... little sluts, and make them get dangerous vaccines. - Cached
What if WHOLE ENTIRE CULTURES AND POPULATIONS ARE NOT FORCED INTO THIS VACCINE??? Which pretty much leads to the next article of interest..... (windy, weren't you and your daughter BOTH pregnant by 13??)
THEN we have Mr. Johnson of some place or another. Nothing personal dude but you're the maroon of sociology.
One in four counties failing: Mr. Johnson explains it (I bet he's black LOL just kidding)
The ONLY THING that will "save" a community is an influx of Hispanic immigrants? Is this guy for REAL?
Further down in the article reveals dying communities that have long been known as Latino havens and destinations.
Windy Charneco, you fat whore. I so wish you and your disgusting heroin auto sales family would pack it up and head for Mr. Johnson's university town.
I guess you had to move or be arrested for prostitution, huh?
But the best part is: HELLOOO you failed.
At everything you've ever done.
The pictures of your fat ass here there and everywhere were the icing on the cake.
That your family allows you to behave like such a cunt and your dearly beloved boyfriend HELPS YOU by stalking people is criminal and disgusting.
That you have an innocent baby along for the ride is putrid.
Sure miss the nineteen of you crammed into that one heroin hammock Diaz DUMP.
No murders there yet.
Can hardly WAIT to see what is considered WORSE than YOU.
You got more balls than Keller I'll give you that.
Jack, mah nigga, you don't mind if I call you mah nigga do ya?? I hope not. I mean we so close even though I did not know that. You know where I IZ all da time to follow me up to and fro flexing your steroid'd body for the latina ladies and all know where I live and what I do and where I go.
Mah nigga.
Hugs, Jackie.
You corrupt fuck.
Listen I note that you attended A.P. Leto with one Antnee Angel Delgado who has found mention throughout this blog due to his habit of being a thieving realtor AND fucking with my family's houses and yknow my family. Whore after whore barking at the door of antnee's listings, car tamperings (thanks janie you stupid fucking slut with your big trailer ass)threats to a child... ummmm this latest and EVERY band endeavor. One surmises antnee ALWAYS had a hard time getting laid by anything but sluts.
What ELSE did I notice??? Yup. That old colina thang. Another match between you, shorty delgado and clown-haired colin breen .... and his sleezebag wife and partner FOUR GREEN FIELDS (Robert O'Neill less than honorable piece of shit with the DOJ pushed by st pete times who also pushes BOB BUCKHORN)
Antnee, your ties to heroin families notwithstanding, you owe me seven hundred dollars you lying piece of shit.
Surely your very rich (LOL) ceviche eating ass can cough up six hundred bucks out of your numerous rich pursuits when you find your way out of yknow all the lis pendens on the dumps you're juicing with toxins and yknow STEALING.
So, let's keep the juicebox rolling. I ain't done with BB yet so I sincerely hope it ain't done wid us. LMFAO.
Is it scared to get back in the car??
It should be.
Brightest light in the harbor it SO AIN'T.
Poor Ryan.
I loved him. AND YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT along with your whore of a wife who sat on my goddamn couch like a motherfucking vulture.
Fuck her and FUCK YOU.
What does Gina know about you considering HER KID IS DEAD????????????????????????
Does she know about your connections to hit and runs, gangs and auto-tampering??
Does she??
You fucking loser.
Being short is one thing. Being a short loser is another.
Didn't that whore of yours come from back in the woods here?
I keep smelling something there. Like the poop from Jack and AO Evans, I think.
Please slam back a few at Ceviche for me. Then go pay your bills and send me my six hundred bucks. Actually closer to seven.
OR bring it by in person and bring Ryan too, hon. That way you can have him fix all those lil thingies he kicked in because you told him to. He's a decent person who deserved better than a piece of shit like you who spawned and then went on with your thug fucking life w/some whore....even your kid spotted decency and borrowed the name. oooops. So yeah, there's that. Poor kid.
Stated Residence Upon Release:
SILVER HILL DR (I thought that was MILL)
TAMPA FL 33624 33624
Anyone reporting in good faith shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability. Any person who knowingly and willfully makes a false report or counsels another to make a false report is guilty of a felony of the third degree punishable by up to five years in prison. In addition, the department may impose a fine not to exceed $10,000 for each violation. Each time that a false report is made constitutes a separate violation.
A false report is a report of child abuse, neglect or abandonment or adult abuse, neglect or exploitation that is made to the central abuse hotline which is not true and is maliciously made for the purpose of:
Harassing, embarrassing, or harming another person;
Personal financial gain for the reporting person; (hello antnee colin keller and krewe you pieces of shit .....)
Acquiring custody of a child or vulnerable adult; or
Personal benefit for the reporting person in any other private dispute involving a child or vulnerable adult