Oakland ... police and suspect
This guy doesn't sound like he was REALLY a murderer .. yet four men PLUS HIMSELF are DEAD.
The underlying problem, as I see it .... he couldn't support himself AND comply with the rules of his sentence. I wonder what the violation of parole was that sent him back to prison for a short stretch??
It makes me angry and sad that so many people do NOT get to see their loved ones again because this country has allowed itself to become a victim of PUNISHING people WAY MORE than they should be.
Want a guy to go back to prison??? Stop him from working.
Small guy like him did not have an easy time in prison, probably.
Who knows what was said and what happened???
These officers look like fine men ... this guy does NOT look like a vicious killer not that I PRESUME to know.. just going with my gut.
There's just going to be MORE of this until the police depts and justice system up to and INCLUDING OBAMA AND THE LAWLESSNESS OF GEORGE BUSH understand that the American people WANT THEIR CONSTITUTION ENFORCED and the laws served FAIRLY and EVENLY.
It's easy to understand the anger of a person who is being punished and punished and punished and punished and punished..... and then is pulled over by people he KNOWS are many times getting away with A LOT of CORRUPTION.
Makes you CARE LESS. They're just DUDES ... these guys actually look like a fine exception. I believe we have many fine Tampa cops. I just don't see them because they are NOT corrupt m'fers trying to intimidate me for DA MAN.
I struggle EVERY DAY to respect LEO as individualS even that we have LEO family .. it's still very hard. I DO give them a little more room because I DO understand how tough it would be to go against the blue line if corrupt. That IS all bullshit. If they stood up like men and women it would STOP. Still, I have compassion.
Also, I have noted that NOT ALL cops are corrupt. Some are just guys and ladies with a job.
The firemen and women??? AT LEAST every member of certain shifts at EVERY house in Tampa is corrupt. I can assume there are SOME non corrupt ones because there are days they can't play it off and I assume they have a non=participant those days... but then they transfer them around and load certain stations with stalkers just like Joe Stine loaded Jan Kaminis Platt library with assholes for the NAZI CLIENTELE. Yes he damn well DID.
So I have NO sympathy for the firemen. And WOMEN !!!! They're in it. They're IN IT FOR GREED.
And there's no excuse for that.
By covering up arson and labs they are covering up murder, death and destruction.
People KNOW IT.
They are hiding their assets due to public record exemptions.
So are the cops.
It's disgusting.
But no one NO ONE deserves what my family is being put through (AND OTHERS) and what happened to these officers and this young man who also has a family who loves him and says he felt 'against the wall'.
I'm not condoning what he did; I'm just not going to crucify him. It's entirely possible he was trying to turn it around and ..... then look what happened with all the roadblocks and otehr factors.
RIP, men.
I'm sorry for you and your families.
Cops and firemen !!! STRAIGHTEN OUT. Seriously. STRAIGHTEN OUT. Obviously you don't WIN THEM ALL.