Didn't even have to look .....
When you're me life is so much easier. I knew that Pam had won the race when the Tampa Firemen guys from the firehouse did their victory laps around me while I was buying some gas and nosh over on Himes and Gandy.
See? I don't even have to read like the rest of you unlucky people !
Also, I got a wild hair due to some things that have occurred and so I searched for 'Tampa Firemen and Masons' and this is the first link that I got. The rest are as bad. Why doesn't it surprise me how many came up??
I'm going to look now and see how many votes Pam got and then I'm going to try to find out without filing an FOIA how many 'first responders' we have in this county and see how those two numbers line up. Should be interesting.
Pam Iorio
21,808 votes (from Bay News 9)
Approximately 9,000 of the total 9,600 regular full-time Hillsborough County employees are in Classified Jobs. Classified Jobs cover a very wide range of job duties and responsibilities. Starting pay for Classified Jobs ranges from approximately $6.47 per hour to over $32.00 per hour. I believe there are 500 others who are 'non-classified' --- I read the website a few times to try to make sense of it and you are welcome to do so and tell me if you can figure it out. Numbers don't add up. So, that's a possible 10,100 and that doesn't count the Tampa Florida Police Dept AND all the wives/spouses of said employees. As well, since I have had some degree of gangster activity from EVERY department in the City and County --- I used the #'s I could access easily in order to make this an election day post. Also, when it comes to ganging up I think that the Hillsborough County and City of Tampa employees are mostly eager 'first responders'. You know? One day I will scan the activity I have seen from these people just because they NEED my property to build their smarmy dream ....
I guess it's easy to see who elected this Mayor. Even more transparent is WHY. But, less transparent is the suffering being experienced by some citizens at the hands of the gangsters. That's what I'm about.
And during my search to find a firetruck on the fly so I could pictify my post (gotta get my video through software before I can show you the personal experience)-- this is the first link I found. It makes me VERY SAD that children and others are robbed of this feeing of awe due to the corruption and the current lack of such qualities that one used to associate with firemen. In fact, it was a very young person who pointed out to me that the Tampa Firemen were stalking us. Then I started paying attention. Then I felt crazy. Then I documented it. Then I re-read it. Then I said: SHEEEIT ! This is really happening ! I'm not the crazy one.
But, it IS crazy.
Now -- on to the first day of what will prove to be a LONG four years. Probably longer as there will be fewer REAL Tampa residents next time around.
Thank GOD for term limits. Maybe next time we'll get a Charlie. Affable but the same === scratch the surface.
Unless he proves me wrong !
COME ON CHARLIE ! PROVE ME WRONG !! If you can make me proud you've got it ALL going on.
Saddest? Besides robbing a little boy of his passion for firetrucks??? I have heard MANY city employees railing against Pam. They can't all be liars and gamers. But, they all know that their vote is a matter of public record.
Check out the spelling ....
And, may the OUSTINGS begin !!!