Basing the Economy on REAL ESTATE
now ... for a long time this thought has been stewing ... and I know I can't do this justice. I barely have time to drive my route to get normal things done never mind actually pin myself to research -- even on the Internet. Plus ... there's extra stuff right now that requires my attention.
Anyway.... I rake the property records quite a bit given the situation of my family and so I have noticed many, MANY ..... errr .. let's call them GROTESQUE inequities.
I don't want to make an example of anyone and it's tough to make an example of SOME because well, yknow they are benevolent firefighters who for some crazy reason GET AN EXEMPTION. Whicy I am constantly questioning why they need this because don't they just HELP people???? Yea .. ummmm. yeah. Well we all know that's to hide where they live and how the hell they afford it and they can't ALL be married to socialites and yknow ..... ummmm way too many properties OWNED BY FIREMEN. (see what happens when I re-read for accuracy?? more typing)
Let's just say that a ramshackle home on ONE street should be worth as much as a ramshackle home on another street. BUT, the key factor there, despite various improvements, caps, zaps and assorted other bullshit is this: THEE LAND THEE home sits on.
Which most folks- probably know.
Now a LOT of games have been played with my family and yeah cause I'm so going to believe the assholes I KNOW are kinda scummy as opposed to people in whose hands I have calmly and always placed my life besides MY OWN good judgment. (mFER stop the kicking and screaming and give me your money, you know you want to)
Our perfectly adequate home has been left to perish in nowhere land 'value' wise while in other parts of the city vacant lots are worth UNTOLD SUMS. Now, truth be known OUR property is worth more than ten of those parcels combined but that's an old wornout, beat to death drum, smoke signals and all, right/??
Who values these properties????? WHO upped and downed our economy (BASED ON REAL ESTATE?E?E?E ARE YOU KIDDIN ME?????) at a whim over the past eight years while we've been forced to dance along as fast as we can; some of us watching our credit lines and capabilities of supporting our lifestyles and/or families plummet and rise. Along with taxes, insurance and etc...
See, crazy SILLY ME. I always thought the economy was based on gold. Supply and demand. MEANING if I have the LAST HOUSE in a hot area that someone needs ALL OF for their big fatass moneymaking shindig I'm luckier than the day my Grandpa was GIVEN THIS PROPERTY. But, enough about me.
Some folks' homes have dropped ten twenty thirty thousand dollars in value between 2007 and 2008. SCHWOOOP went the line of credit .. OUCH ...
Why these sketchy ass values which (allegedly) sent out economy staggering off into the abyss are set by PROPERTY APPRAISERS.
Start reading.
You see what I mean/??
Are we really TRULY letting these corrupt assholes value their buddies' and THEIR and their campaign contributors' properties so high that the person is sitting on a gold mine ???? FALSELY???
Why, yes we are.
So, on a whim when they want their taxes to disappear and all the sudden the hottest market IN THE COUNTRY has plummeting home values ?!@?!??!?! Our economy tanks.
Now you can draw this picture any way you like and tell the truth I'm pretty tired ... but I think I'm getting my idea across.
CORRUPT PROPERTY APPRAISERS WHO WERE BOOSTED INTO OFFICE DID AMERICA OVER while their and their friends' profits and property value stayed strong.
Anyway .. why are we letting corrupt assholes run our economy???
CAN we PULEEZE let the sangers and singers and other SMART people take over now???
Hopefully some with a shred of integrity.
Obama ... DO MORE. You're doing good, brother. Just take the necessary step and disallow these bastard corporations and their BOUGHT AND PAID FOR property appraisers and public officials sell America down the tubes.
It's YOUR country, roo.
And those pretty daughters.
One of my favorites is Bay County. We have our own dude here who .... well .. ummm whatever. They're working SO HARD to TRY to make me believe my home is value-less (OMG I'm just not as stupid as you) that the property appraiser wouldn't come down this street if someone tied a rope around him and dragged him. Okay. Maybe then but yknow doubtful. They do NOT pay those people for that crap. They pay them to LIE. Yep. If you want good people call them on the phone and get a long-term employee. There are AWESOME people there but you have to know how to find them. At any rate ... there's a property appraiser lives just around the corner from me. See him all the time. Which means he drives by the same house that sits here WITHOUT A ROOF WITHOUT WINDOWS which is valued at almost twice what mine is CAP AND ALL. L M A O. Yet ... .. oh never mind. *they're city/county/firemen employees .. need I say more??
Check out their HOOTERVILLE page. You'll get some idea.
I just wanted to point out that the economy rested in the hands of those who MEANT to tank it. And, who the hell ever considered our economy could be based on REAL ESTATE when real estate in Florida was born a scam and will DIE a scam. With the exception of SOME one of a kind properties (yeah that's us)
Niters. Even the beautiful people have to sleep sometimes.
Even the greatest gotta suffer some time ...