And avoid that circumstance when there's no second chance .......
I have recently witnessed three separate incidents where civilians were placed in immediate danger due to actions by the Hillsborough County Tampa Fire Dept. and the Pinellas County St. Petersburg Fire Dept employees. Two of these occurred before I reported on the arrest of Tampa Fire Battalion Chief Robert Wayne Garrett whose arrest was covered up by the Tampa Tribune. Through some research I have finally found where the Tampa Tribune covered his arrest in the Seffner paper as though it were not news for the county he serves, which includes Tampa. The third incident occurred this morning (Saturday but I struggled with whether to publicize this or not and so it is now Sunday) and was the proverbial straw that goaded this article.
At any rate, my concern is regarding the manner in which Tampa Firemen and St Pete firefighters impel HUGE fire prevention vehicles ( these are called Tstyle pumpers apparently, upon some research) weighing over FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND POUNDS down the road in quiet residential neighborhoods with no lights and no alarms. I have witnessed two near collisions within the last three months which would have likely been fatal for the citizens involved. I can't imagine a bicycle or a 1200 pound car faring well against a forty eight thousand pound emergency vehicle racing down the road. The thing is that they are still traveling that rate of speed when they return to the station.
If you stand at my back door you can see the fire station. I have never paid any attention to them in all the years I have visited or lived in that house until the problems started in my vicinity and I noticed that the firemen were suddenly parking the trucks in the middle of the street, looking at me menacingly and racing up and down the street. Still, I had to stand there helplessly and watch as they sped down the street going at least FIFTY miles an hour and without the lights and siren and with a neighbor who has been driving around there for years and is a bit casual at his corner stop-sign, pulled through and the two were MERE INCHES (if that far) from contact. My sons and I stood in mute, growing shock as we realized how close these two young people came to dying. My youngest son was in tears, it was very frightening to be that close to catastrophe. The car froze; the fire vehicle never hesitated.
So for awhile it quelled; this was a very close call, all over sickness in trying to intimidate someone.(read ME) Everyone apparently realizing that people had almost died over this goddamn foolishness and they better knock it off. Then a couple of weeks ago a nice-looking young gangster type moved in and the night before last (Thursday) he was riding his bike and at the same stop-sign he was a half-a-nano-second from dying right in front of me. No lights, no siren -- fifty miles an hour. INCHES from his bike. He was a little past the stop sign before he braked for his life. The accident would possibly even be called part his fault but the circumstances that cause it are completely UNCALLED for and illegal.
The WORST part is that there are only three and one half VERY SHORT blocks(two houses on each) from the station to the main road which the fire vehicle turns out onto. They are going to end up killing someone in this tiny bit of space because they are playing games, trying to intimidate myself and others and not giving a DAMN about public safety. I filed a federal lawsuit involving this same matter of county and city employees using their public vehicles and 'status' (for lack of a better word hehe) to intimidate myself and my family. But this is something far more sinister, even. This is a big problem and if I remain silent about it; then watch someone die in front of me, I would never get over the guilt of not remarking on it.
About ten o'clock at night which is when I generally arrive home these guys race down this tiny three and a half block area to impress upon me that THEY CAN and they have almost killed someone twice now. I am not exaggerating and this (IMO) is attempted murder. It is pre-meditated because they are running this action to intimidate me and in the process they are going to kill someone. Once was one thing but this second incident; if you had to witness something like that -- you'd want to do something. It's NO accident, they're not rushing off to some emergency.
I've lived there for YEARS AND YEARS and barely noticed the firehouse in the past. We never saw or heard from them. Now they race up and down the street for NO reason and twice in my direct line of sight from less than twenty five feet away, I have witnessed near CARNAGE since the incidents around my home started (that I noticed though I suspect the incidents went on a long time without my notice, I'm a VERY peaceful and tolerant person). Correction: They DO have a reason; it is to intimidate me. These are not isolated incidents and that is the subject of a federal lawsuit and they know it.
Today, (Saturday) my boyfriend and I were driving down 4th Avenue in St Petersburg and (as usual) we hear the call of the sirens. (I have videotaped this rampant rage of activity around me in the past to the point that within twenty minutes I have taped thirteen encounters with different fire emergency vehicles) ... everywhere I go, soon as a few minutes here comes an emergency vehicle. Or three. I was taking all of this in stride because I know what my property is worth and the lengths a county/city will go to in order to steal a property instead of paying for it. I read and talk to others. I had a Grandpa who told me that one day that property would be so valuable they would try to kill me for it. That day has come.
AND, I can no longer take in stride the danger that these 'public servants' are placing innocent people in.
The boyfriend and I were approaching the Fire Station on Fourth and whatever and the sirens start when we are a few blocks away. We're yakking about something but it's a very open view on that avenue so ahead you can clearly see the emergency vehicles racing out of the station. One and then the second. The light that is at the fire station which one ASSUMES the fire-fighters control for safety on such a busy street turns green but somehow there is a hint that there is more to come. My boyfriend drives like Grandpa on his fast days so we were creeping forward slowly THANK GOD when OUT LIKE A FRIGGING SHOT comes this third huge fire vehicle --- the siren doesn't start until after they are already pulled in front of us (#124220 on 2-24-07 approximately 10 a.m.) but then leaning out the window this firefighter ON HIS WAY TO A SUPPOSED emergency is obviously taking pictures of my boyfriend's car. They purposely lurked back in the bay until we crept forward and then RACED OUT and just barely cleared us and another car and were taking pictures. If my boyfriend were any other type of driver I would not be here to blog this right now. First I got angry and then I said, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I've been saving my video footage for court but this has gone too far. So, if anything comes of this, I'll be releasing the video.
First of all, why is this guy COINCIDENTALLY aiming at me and my boyfriend when I just HAPPEN to be the blogger with the MILLION dollar property and the blogger who reported the actual news about the Tampa firefighter FLEEING TWICE, that the Tampa Trib tried to squash?? WHY did they lurk back there behind another parked truck and then SHOOT OUT like that, camera at the ready?
Isn't it a little statistically questionable that in that car would HAPPEN to be ME?
They tried to set my boyfriend up by lurking back there and then racing out in front of him. The whole 'camera at the ready' part was just CREEPY. These are the people we are paying FIFTY AND SIXTY thousand dollars a year to in order for service and protection. And they are busy pulling out in front of your fellow citizens and taking pictures of them in order to intimidate or harass them.
Here's the REAL NEWS: YOU have been paying these men and women to intimidate myself and my family out of our lucrative property (I can PROVE this) and they are spending YOUR money to buy the gas and time to carry out this mission.
These 'people' are playing very dangerous games with cars and trucks provided to them with YOUR taxpayer dollars. I can prove that they have utilized city and county vehicles and employees almost ceaselessly for a LONG TIME to intimidate my family and I from our property.
It needs to stop. If someone in charge doesn't stop them, I will find a way.
If you endanger my life or anyone else's life AGAIN, I will take action. I won't remain silent any longer while you race around putting others' lives on the line.
You can't have or keep EVERYTHING. You MAY NOT any longer intimidate myself or others without recourse. I know you know that I have pictures and videotape of your actions. I know you know that this had better stop before someone gets hurt. You thought I was an easy mark and a pushover but you are WRONG. You have threatened, harassed, intimidated and arrested and even beaten members of my family. At every step of the way I can prove who was involved in this sordid mess.
I've asked you to knock it off. You have continued. YOU ALMOST RAN OVER THAT BOY THE OTHER NIGHT. You KNOW how close that was. Some of you have to be ashamed. I know that some of you WILL step forward when the time comes. And it will. Two near misses of fatalities within two months are more than a warning. They are an OMEN. STOP IT.
These guys (and gals) are NOT our heroes, they're not always even special people. There are heroes and special people AMONG THEM just like in every profession.
And then you have the ones I am experiencing and these other guys and gals:
This one "HERO" collecting two thousand dollar a month after being busted TWICE for meth-trafficking and welcomed back to the fire station after the first arrest. Also they never fired him. EVER. For two months and one-half after he was busted w/31 grams he was still firefighting .... or somethin'. He finally resigned and collects his pension.
attempted rape OF A MINOR "hero"
Child-molesting hero (ALL victims BETWEEN SIX AND NINE!!!!!)
The rapist "hero".
embezzling hero
Threat to public safety using fire hydrant to fill his ice rink??"hero" Jesus ...
Running over policewoman
Kiddie Porn
Although it is my suspicion that MANY men are being set up as purveyors of kiddie porn ... there were so many firefighter arrests for same that some of them have to be true perps. (that's another subject, the set-ups ... getting rid of the dissnenting voices any way that's necessary) My own life is in danger. Anyone who speaks up is at risk. But, they can't kill all of us. SPEAK UP before it's too late !!!
I finally got SICK of reading these. Just plug in 'firefighter arrests' and see for yourself. You will also see a continuing pattern of their jobs being safe no matter WHAT they do. Unless they lose their driver's license. It really wouldn't look good if they ran some unfortunate soul over and were found without a license. In many cases I read there were blatant cover-ups and absolutely no remorse on the part of the firefighter OR the administration. One guy kinda casually says, 'yeah, I guess we should have a way to deal with that ...' [in reference to one of his firefighters being arrested for arson and armed robbery and assault] The guy was still working. Due to personal experience I believe a high degree of fire personnel may be involved in arson. The reading added to this. Every second article (from mainstream newspapers) involved arson. Like I said, I got sick of reading them. Thousands of articles.
I more or less silently tolerated the actions taken against my family and friends and myself. I didn't feel good about laying down for it so I started videotaping it. When they almost ran over that car I knew it was time to stop letting it go in silence. Shortly after that incident I opened this blog.
Watching that kid almost get run over was breath-taking in a horrifying way and I determined I must report it.
The incident yesterday confirmed that they don't give a damn that they almost took some kid's life; they GIVE A DAMN that I and those in my extended network of family and friends feel intimidated, and also perhaps punishing me because I felt it necessary to uncover one of the crimes of 'one of their own'. It's what I get from reading the other mainstream articles about them, too.
From meth-trafficking to kiddyporn and rape.
Why are these guys out of control? We are giving them millions and millions of dollars through Homeland Control Security. MILLIONS !! It's part of a big picture and it started with Sept. 11, 2001 and before but especially by that planned incident after which it has been pounded in over and over that first responders are our heroes.
I BEG TO DIFFER!!!!! Here in Tampa they have controlled WHO will be a member of the team and now (for instance) it's impossible to get in the field unless you have the right last name. Link chosen for example of fraternity which is rampant throughout this department and throughout the local school board and all county and city employment just in case anyone is new here. HEHE If you are new to Florida and unconnected: RUN !!!!! RUN and don't look back. RUN! Although this is national; it is an epidemic overtaking America and it's called the Nazi-ish Homeland Control Dept to turn us into a fascist nation. And, it's convenient that it's well in place to intimidate and victimize women and children.
I beg to differ. These people ARE NOT HEROES. There are heroes among them just like there are heroes among the bloggers. Read here to refresh your memories for a FEW of the things that have occurred with the firefighters of Tampa Bay. Of course, some of these were blatant dismissals for some in the ranks who did not go along with the status quo of intimidating women, children and owners of LUCRATIVE PROPERTIES whom the City is attempting to force from their homes.
Now, their approach will differ. They'll put the bikers back on the case of intimidating me (same difference, you know) and the firepeople will park their vehicles here and there in a message I am supposed to note. Whatever.
Besides all they do towards me there is the issue that in order to park their big ass trucks in the street they had to pretend to wash them. EVERY DAY. No kidding. Every day. With the water shortage. mmmmkay.
Today on the interstate the one from House 9 had it's flashers on and escorted me from the Howard Ave. on-ramp up to the Orlando exit, slowing traffic, endangering others and again-- NOT GIVING A FUCK. People slamming on their brakes left and right and causing near chain-collisions (picture it, this is no exaggeration, that truck is HUGE!) (witnesses and videotape) This is YOUR city, folks. Say something.
(truck from 9 227908) 11:32 a.m. Sunday, 2-25-07.