There are 63 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
bohemianh wrote:
How in the hell is this even a story? Hey Times do us a favor and give us real news, like how China is dumping US Treasuries and how that will cause our dollar to collapse. That's the kind of sh*t your readers need to read about!
Oct 19, 2010 7:40 PM
6 15
Joe Joe wrote:
there is nothing wrong with this. She is just an aspiring politician learning how to work the system. OMG and LMAO
Oct 19, 2010 7:42 PM
16 3
SunnyCollie wrote:
Just looked up "misspoke" in the Webster's Bullspit Dictionary". Definition is "lied through my crooked teeth in an effort to deceive voters".
Oct 19, 2010 7:49 PM
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tampaguytoo wrote:
Bohemianh - this is a story because the broad lied about her education and shes on the School Board. What makes you think the morons that make up the vast majority of our society care about China owning our A$$.
Oct 19, 2010 7:55 PM
10 4
geoteacher wrote:
This is beyond me. She is controlling billions of your tax dollars and many of you could care less. She lied! She is telling students who believe in her it is okay to lie! She is deceiving the electorate. While nothing new it is astounding a person who wants to lead teachers who work for children would do such a thing. Does she have the decency to withdraw from the race? She has shown her true colors. Tell me, anyone out there can you believe anything she says from now on? I hope not! Vote her out of office.
Oct 19, 2010 7:57 PM
15 4
SocialJustice wrote:
Next time you think the TEACHERS are the problem in public education -- just remember that one of the INCUMBENT candidates for the county school board couldn't find the time to finish her A.A.!
Oct 19, 2010 7:58 PM
14 3
menckenjr wrote:
You can always tell when the human side of an elected official comes out.. there are all kinds of keyboard monkeys ready to throw their feces because that's all they have. geoteacher especially sounds like Glenn Beck winding himself up to throw a public hissy fit to keep his ratings up.. or maybe just doing their best to try and quit being irrelevant. As for SocialJustice, I'd rather have her on the job keeping the Superintendent on her toes and finding enough money so Hillsborough doesn't have to lay off teachers to meet a budget.
In other words, money talks and BS walks... or in this case, types. A lot.
Oct 19, 2010 8:14 PM
4 7
elainec wrote:
Misspoke? Hahahahaaaaaa. Liar.
Oct 19, 2010 8:18 PM
10 4
Mr. S wrote:
So both of these candidates for the school board are either incapable of getting a college degree or don't value education enough to actually earn one. Fantastic.
Too bad teachers - you know, the people who have the most training about how kids learn and some actual experience in the classroom - have such little voice in educational policy. Only problem is, the uneducated school board and, especially, the appallingly ignorant Florida legislature and state department of education keep them drowning in paperwork and test-prep and threatening to tie their jobs to a FCAT crapshoot so they keep their mouths shut.
Oct 19, 2010 8:18 PM
7 7
tampaguytoo wrote:
I'm sorry, I guess she has done the best she can with what she has, but why in the hell is someone with a GED on the Public School Board???
Oct 19, 2010 8:24 PM
10 4
tampaguytoo wrote:
Oh I just figured it out. She's a future Presidential candidate for the tea party. Yep that's it I understand it all now.
Oct 19, 2010 8:27 PM
5 4
menckenjr wrote:
elainec, make sure you pick up the trash in your own yard before you start pointing out how messy somebody else's is. And Mr. S, would you rather she be on the job finding money to keep teachers employed and getting Hillsborough an exemption from losing tenure or have her spread too thin?
And here's something else to think about when you're sipping your latte with a side of bitter... she's the only one on the whole School Board to give the Superintendent the oversight that the rest of them are too co-opted to be able to manage.
Of course, it's also possible that you all are frustrated opponents who can't beat her in a fair election so you're taking potshots from behind your computer and hoping to slide into an office you don't deserve.
Oct 19, 2010 8:27 PM
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elainec wrote:
I think menckenjr and Griffin are well qualified to pick up trash. What are the educational requirements, a GED? I'm still laughing. Imagine a school board incumbent who can't earn an associates degree.
Oct 19, 2010 8:38 PM
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menckenjr wrote:
April is eminently qualified to be on the School Board. She was qualified the first time she ran and won, and she's more qualified now because she's done an excellent job these four years. She's done a better job than some of the members with advanced degrees.
I'm glad you think we're well qualified to pick up trash. *I* certainly have my work cut out with the five or six online personalities that you two or three losing candidates are posting under. As for April, I long ago cut her some slack on this. School Board member is a full time job (and more than full time when you've got an FCAT-happy legislature looking for any excuse to blame teachers for *their* failures), and I'd a lot rather she spend her time watching the District and doing her job. She can get her degree after she wins this election and that's fine by me.
And FYI, I *have* two scientific degrees and April's fine by me. She's doing a great job. and deserves four more years.
Oct 19, 2010 8:58 PM
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menckenjr wrote:
let's see... judging from the writing style I'd guess that karma_bites_u, SocialJustice, and tampaguytoo are all the same person - same sentence structure, same bilious tone, same "gotcha" mentality.
Oct 19, 2010 9:03 PM
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seednfert wrote:
No biggie. I mis-spoke about the size of my ●●●●●●. No biggie.
Oct 19, 2010 10:07 PM
4 5
McBob wrote:
I don't know much about this woman, but I will say that having a degree doesn't always mean much. I went to graduate school with several who weren't the crunchiest chips in the bag.
Oct 19, 2010 10:37 PM
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gman044 wrote:
She is such a fraud...only in Hillsborough County could someone that does not take education seriously at all be on the freaking school board. How did this happen? Oh yeah...the UNIONS back her.
Oct 19, 2010 10:55 PM
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tampaguytoo wrote:
Wrogggggggg, menckenjr you blew that one. All the "scientific degrees" didn't help you there. Sorryyyyyyyyy but "you beez wrong" about who I am or am not and you sure are wrong about the candidate who lied! You see those who try to embllish their credentials don't get ahead.
Oct 19, 2010 11:00 PM
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Maxi50 wrote:
The bottom line is she has been doing a good job. Hopefully she is sufficiently embarrassed by her "misspeak" and will more accurately portray her experience, beliefs and positions. The public is in a very distrusting mood. It would serve all politicians to remember this and give us the credit and respect we deserve. All we have is your word, until the research is done. And there will be background checks.
Oct 19, 2010 11:58 PM
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oldcootpinellas wrote:
So school board members just need a GED or whatever? What kinda system they running?
Oct 20, 2010 12:27 AM
6 4
haridi wrote:
It took me 12 years to get an AA degree after I got a GED. More power to her!
Oct 20, 2010 12:33 AM
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VacantSea wrote:
Vote Sally Harris!
Oct 20, 2010 2:44 AM
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Harrybosch wrote:
Wow. Pile on much, SPT?
Oct 20, 2010 6:28 AM
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jasa9900 wrote:
She "mispoke"? Mis-spoke my @ss. She plain lied and is now blaming others. What a hero to the Hillsborough County School system.
Oct 20, 2010 7:05 AM
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jasa9900 wrote:
She’s the most outspoken member on the school board and does not have a college degree? Ignorance is bliss. I thought that everyone on the board and downtown had a degree of some sort since they oversee those teachers and school administrators who do. We need new board members like Richard Bartells immediately. Get rid of those members who just agree with each other while cobwebs grow under them. Griffin should do the honorable thing and step down immediately. Go back to school, major in education, become a teacher, and really see what it is like on the front lines before trying to become one of downtown’s top dogs.
Oct 20, 2010 7:06 AM
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menckenjr wrote:
tampaguytoo, now you sound like a two-timer losing candidate who got thumped once by April and once by Susan Valdes and has been itching for any revenge he can get. You sound shifty and evasive, you're using some weird dialect and you sound like you had a rage-gasm when you hit the 'y' and 'g' keys on the keyboard because you got caught fielding a bunch of blog sock puppets.
Just about everybody I know puts their foot in their mouth once in a while. April has been a good School Board member and better than some of the ones who do have advanced degrees. I care about having the Superintendent be reminded that the board is her actual boss and not just seven happy friends with rubber stamps waiting to dole out money no matter what her performance is. I especially want someone who doesn't think her role is to "make everyone happy" the way Harris has said before.
Oct 20, 2010 7:16 AM
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menckenjr wrote:
jasa9900, while I agree that Bartels is the better choice between him and White you're way off base on April. And as far as "lied", she's quoted as saying she's "seeking a degree" at HCC. That's not the same thing as "I'm in classes at HCC", and it can mean that she's going to finish her degree there. Before you get too far up on your high horse you might go back and actually read her quote and see what it actually said. I agree, she wasn't as careful about her phrasing and should have said what she told me when I asked her - that being a good board member was more than a full time job and it was more important for her to devote her energies to the students of Hillsborough County than to her own self-improvement. But she's a human being, so there you go.
Oct 20, 2010 7:22 AM
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Reginald48 wrote:
April, I'm on your side... Why in the heck would anyone need a four-year degree in political-science to understand the goings-on in the political realm??? More than likely. over half of the negative comments posted on this website have little or no degrees and don't understand that sometimes common-sense can rule... One doesn't need a higher education to ascertain the difference between right and wrong... Our ancestors did it without formal education, and we turned out fairly well... I am a college graduate (both in Sociology and Psychology) but after all that schooling have recognized that decisions and thoughts from the heart prevail no matter what... Reginald Arno, Danville VA
Oct 20, 2010 8:04 AM
4 6
Zanne wrote:
She didn't misspeak. She lied! And in this day of computerized records, I would take the word of the school over hers. I applaud her desire to get her degree (it took me 20 yrs.) but she needs to learn that constituents value honesty! Vote her out.
Oct 20, 2010 8:58 AM
4 4
chris64 wrote:
Don't worry April, your district has a high ratio of Marxists to Americans. You'll do fine.
Oct 20, 2010 10:13 AM
1 5
Mr. Concerned wrote:
I really cannot stress nearly enough, just how highly important a good quality education actually is.However, with that being said, I have met quite a few dropouts, whom the majority of people would consider them to be some very highly self educated individuals.That some of our best PhD, would, in fact, not be even able to compete with, when it comes to some real world challenges. Nevertheless, when it then comes to Mrs.April Griffin, I cannot honestly say! That she happens to be one of them. Even so, one, must give one credit where credit is due! Mrs.Griffin was, in fact! Smart enough to get herself elected to one, of only six positions on a public school board. That happens to oversee more than A $3.1 billion annual budget.So, I' would suggest that everyone SHOULD CHEW ON THIS FACT! FOR A GOOD WHILE. Before they think about bubbling in the circle next to just! Anyone named, next time at the polls.
Oct 20, 2010 10:18 AM
3 2
The Captain wrote:
She's on the school board and doesn't have a college degree?!?! Only in floriduh.
Oct 20, 2010 10:24 AM
4 3
Normal Citizen wrote:
Someone wise once said, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone." The sad part of all this is that we have all become cynics. We never believe it's possible that a good person can make a mistake and still be a good person because we've been disappointed so many times. I weep for what has happened to all of us.
I know April personally. She has done an excellent job for our community. She has worked to ensure that no schools and no jobs had to be cut during this financial crisis. She helped land the Gates grant. She stood up against bullying before doing that was "cool." Am I disappointed that she misspoke? Yes. But I know how easy it is to do, and how few people in the world can say they've never done it. Do I wish she had a college degree? Sure, because then we wouldn't be having this conversation. As it is, she doesn't have one, and I have three of them -- yet she is far and away a better public servant than I would be. Vote April. She is an excellent choice.
Oct 20, 2010 10:36 AM
6 6
Trisha11 wrote:
She could not have thought no one would pick up on this. I am shocked that a college degree is not required of candidates for school boards across the State. No wonder our schools are in such a mess. Her opponent also does not have a college degree. How can they sit in judgement of what teachers and administrators need, if they don't have the right qualifications. This is just shocking.
Oct 20, 2010 10:39 AM
5 4
Why1100 wrote:
To run for school board, or any sort of political office, all you have to be is 18 years old, a registered voter, and not be a convicted felon.
Oct 20, 2010 10:48 AM
5 1
uraFloritard wrote:
Yeah, she just "misspoke". Kinda like Bill Clinton "did not have sex with that woman", he just shot spooter all over her face.
Oct 20, 2010 11:08 AM
3 4
rolltide wrote:
what a loser! no wonder Hills schools are a mess!FloriDUH......first in corruption, last in education.
whatever happened to the other Hills board loser Fallacio or whatever her name was?
Oct 20, 2010 11:48 AM
1 4
ddp1234 wrote:
Since when does a college degree make you an expert? I have a Bachelor's degree, and I do recognize the value of a college education, but Colleges are turning a lot of "educated fools" these days that only have ideas about things buy no real-life experience. Someone without a college degree has no business on a college board, but the Public School System serves ALL families - even kids that aren't going to go to college and parents who may not have a formal degree still have valid ideas and voices when it comes to their children's educations. School-Board Administrators are dripping with degrees and still can't get the job done, except for making sure their paychecks stay fat while teachers have to scrimp for every dime personally and professionally.
Oct 20, 2010 11:52 AM
4 2
Jake Tyler wrote:
Why1100, your knowledge of the requirements to hold public office is lacking. Please google before you spread wrong information. I'm beginning to think that almost anyone interested in public office in our times is a sociopath, the way they are able to lie so easily. It really is downright scary. Another curious thing is how many folks condone it. I guess our education system really is suffering. Also, its curious how many people make claims about how many degrees they hold, but then say how they dont really mean much. Really? So, you spent lots of money and years of your life muddling through something that really doesn't mean much? Why, if you believe you could have simply not gone to college or grad school and be just as well off now without higher education? Comments like those always make me think of racists and bigots saying how "some of their best friends" are black, or gay. Things are what you make of them.
Oct 20, 2010 12:04 PM
1 5
uraFloritard wrote:
ddp1234 - "School-Board Administrators are dripping with degrees..." Really? Maybe I missed something in this article.
As a child I wondered what teachers were talking about when speaking of reading comprehension. While it was never an issue with me I always thought it was pretty straight forward. But the older I got the more I realized just exactly what teachers were talking about. And some people only read into things what they want. Freaky
Oct 20, 2010 12:04 PM
0 3
FWizard wrote:
menckenjr- get your lips out of Griffin's booty cheeks. My goodness, you are a K(iss)A(●●●).
Oct 20, 2010 6:22 PM
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cedarwood54 wrote:
Let's see- I was on active duty and got my A.A. by the time I was discharged. Then, I got my B.A. with a double major while working full time right after that. 20 years later in life, I went back and obtained TWO Master's degrees while teaching full time with a baby/preschooler to raise concurrently.
And Griffin is telling us what a struggle she has? Give me a break, I know many people that did what I did in similar fashion, who finished the educational tasks they set for themselves- without excuses, while otherwise burdened.
Griffin represents the kind of fool we deserve if we re-elect her, when so many others are far more informed and talented.
Oct 20, 2010 7:05 PM
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menckenjr wrote:
cedarwood54 - Let's do some math here. Minimum age to into the military is 18. I'm assuming you enlisted, which IIRC is a four year hitch. That means you were 22 when you got out. A double-major BA will take you around three years to complete. If you work full time and can't take the 15 credits a semester required to be a full time student it'll take you five or more but let's go with five. You're now 27 by the time you graduate. Add working 20 years and we have you at age 47.
Oct 20, 2010 8:11 PM
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menckenjr wrote:
cedarwood - Now you say you went back and taught full time while raising a baby/preschooler and getting two master's degrees. A full-time teacher routinely has to work 10-hour days to get all of the grading and planning and prep and extra committee stuff done. You can't stay healthy on less then 6 hours sleep a night, and you'll need to eat to avoid dying (and shop and other stuff .. call it two hours a day). So, you have 10 hours teaching and teaching-related activities + 2 hours a day for eating and personal time + 6-8 hours for sleep. We're now up to 20 hours out of your day that you can't spend on school.
All that and you claim you had time to get two master's degrees? I've got a MA and know how much work it is, and I think you're floating bald-faced lies thinking nobody will have the background to call you on it.
Oct 20, 2010 8:13 PM
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menckenjr wrote:
FWizard, I would like to take you seriously but to do so would insult your intelligence. (with props to WF Buckley)
Oct 20, 2010 8:14 PM
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menckenjr wrote:
For the record, April has done an excellent job as a School Board member. We elected her to stay on top of the administration and she has. She promised to find solutions and she has. It's due to her work that Hillsborough teachers didn't experience the same layoffs that teachers in other districts did, and she's never been embroiled in a scandal.
I'd rather look at her record in office. You guys can scrounge around in the garbage if you want to trying to find some dirt to throw.
Oct 20, 2010 8:18 PM
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JohnFL10 wrote:
Anyone else think that menckenjr is either Griffin herself or someone related to her? He/she is very supportive!
Oct 20, 2010 8:37 PM
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menckenjr wrote:
Think what you want, but I'm neither. April's got a *lot* of support countywide, and she'll be re-elected handily in November.
Oct 20, 2010 9:22 PM
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JohnFL10 wrote:
Does Susan Valdes have a college degree?
Oct 21, 2010 2:36 AM
1 3
JohnFL10 wrote:
I agree with you, goldberg. Sally is absolutely the best choice for this election because of her experience. She has been working with children for most of her life and actually has business skills. Most of all, though, she wants to be the voice to those who have long been ignored.
Oct 21, 2010 2:38 AM
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April Griffin wrote:
I am putting my name on this post as I have in the past. My husband and I reported your comment for abuse because you were talking about my child. I signed on for this and put myself out for the public scrutiny and know how ugly and dirty politics can be, but to speak or 'mis-speak' about my family is unacceptable to me.
April Griffin
Oct 21, 2010 9:06 AM
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goldberg wrote:
Sally Harris is the best option for District 6. She works with children on a daily basis as the owner of Circle C Ranch in South Tampa. She worked as an Occupational Therapist for many years. Her character is what we need in office. Not someone who frequently "mis-speaks" which is just politician-talk for lying.
Oct 21, 2010 11:04 AM
4 3
cedarwood54 wrote:
Menckenjr: Thanks for the age compliment, but you do no justice to those of us who actually can calculate. For your information, I took 3 classes a week at night and also on Saturdays to get my two M.A.'s between 95 and 2001. I started back to grad school at age 41, wise guy, and not only busted my butt but also paid the full tuition myself, as my GI Bill money was used us in the late 1970s. Unless USF is handing out degrees like Halloween candy these days, the refutation to your assertation that I lied in my post is proudly displayed on my home office wall in two identical frames. And by the way, my little 7 yr old girl was mighty proud of her dad when I walked across the stage in April 2001 to receive my second master's, so....bite it!
Oct 21, 2010 7:03 PM
1 3
cedarwood54 wrote:
By the way, Menckenjr- that was non-stop fall-spring and summer terms, no vacations, no interruptions. Today, I am still a teacher and thankful that my health has been good enough to have accomplished what I did, when I did it. It also sets a model of accomplishment for my students, my nephews and nieces, as well as my most important client, my daughter! So...bite it, one more time!
Oct 21, 2010 7:07 PM
1 3
goldberg wrote:
As you can see by April's comments above, one of my previous posts was removed because she didn't want everyone to know the truth. I will rephrase it so it is hopefully not removed again.
April's own children participate in Florida Virtual Schools. For those who don't know what this is... Students in Florida Virtual Schools only report to campus for FCAT Testing, and extra curricular activities (optional). They do all coursework online.
Is it just me or does this seem to be wrong for someone that is on the school board? Our normal public schools aren't "good" enough for their own children? It is ridiculous to have someone like that in office.
Oct 21, 2010 9:10 PM
3 4
menckenjr wrote:
cedarwood54 - No, USF isn't handing out degrees like Halloween Candy. One of the things I learned was how to challenge someone's assertions and get them to come out with a bit more data to support what they're saying. In that spirit... you said you went back to grad school at 41. Subtract the 20 years you said elapsed between getting your BA and entering grad school and you're 21. Subtract 2-3 years for your double-major BA (which assumes you're going full time, but let's go with it) and you're at 18 years old and (according to you) leaving the military with an AA degree. If, as you said, you were working full time and going part time while getting a double-major degree it's more like five years and you're 15-16 years old and getting out of the military.
I can only go with the numbers you quoted us in your posts; if you have numbers that add up I'm happy to revise my calculations. As for biting it, thanks but no thanks. I'm trying to cut down. ;-)
Oct 21, 2010 10:06 PM
4 1
menckenjr wrote:
JohnFL sounds like Sally Harris's husband, whose name (I believe) is John.
goldberg is doing his/her best to try and stoke resentment and doing a lousy job. FVS is a public school, by the way, and open to any student in the school system. So, bad operative - no donut.
Oct 21, 2010 10:09 PM
3 1
jhall427 wrote:
Let's quit mincing words people of the media and all of you politicians. The use of "misspoke" is clearly wrong and morally incorrect when the person has obviously lied and is nothing more than an effort to be evasive. Such people should not hold public office in any capacity as they are practitioners of deception and are very poor examples of those supposedly providing paid public service!
I wonder what the School District of Hillsborough County and it's Board if and when it found out that an employee, instructional or non-instructional type, had "misspoke" (lied) about their educational credentials and accomplishments. My guess is that the employee would be dismissed for cause with prejudice! Were Ms. Griffin a person of honor, respect and good moral character, she never would have "misspoke"! Failing in that, as she has, she should withdraw from the race, offer a public apology to the people and offer to pay restitution for past compensation she has received. Otherwise, appropriate
Oct 22, 2010 5:00 AM
2 0
goldberg wrote:
I understand that FVS is a public school, but the program doesn't make kids keep up with their studies. They can wait until the final week and then try and do an entire semester's work and "chritmas tree" multiple choice tests in order to pass.
We already know April lied about pursuing a college degree and she also lied about being a successful business owner since her business went into bankruptcy. And she didn't just "misspeak" once. These lies have been repeated.
She has also accepted donations from Ralph Hughes and his family. Yes - the same Ralph Hughes that gave $500,000 to Jim Norman so his wife could buy a house in Arkansas. She even wrote an article defending him. Google her name and Ralph Hughes if you don't believe me.
Oct 22, 2010 8:10 AM
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chris64 wrote:
April is a liberal and a fraud (but I repeat myself).
Oct 22, 2010 9:33 AM
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Merril Nelson wrote:
menckenjr is April Griffin, she also posts as SDHC Watcher. Be glad she doesn't know where you live. She will call crime stoppers on you and make up a lie to cause you trouble. She is a very ugly person!
Oct 22, 2010 10:48 AM
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pambondiskatrinadog wrote:
April YOU LIED. I KNEW she was menckenjr. I also know she is as merril Nelson stated. She is also ugly physically. Now she is lying about her mother and blaming someone else. Great example. As well, she calls in to question educational records. HCC has kept records on me for over ten years. FLAWLESS. FLAWLESS. But April's OWN record is filled with lies and deceit and FAT. When I commented about her one other time she sent her little griffin family out to drive around me on the highway. She's a THUG.
Oct 22, 2010 12:23 PM
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