WHAT is Eric Holder UP TO NOW
Well, Erikkk Holder and Debbie Swastika Schultz (D. Weston) have set down the racism fork and picked up the sexual offender spoon. They're both about hate and both these HATES are VERY profitable.
What's interesting to me, personally is all the threats directed towards me from Chrisstien Breen about the sex offenders' reistry as she carts underage children around WITH ADULTS and the rest of her meth dealing scum teenage loyalists of the Irish Republican Army is this:
Yknow Jose Tome' below??? Yeah, he. This little nukka stole his home out from under others who could find NO INFORMATION ON IT while it was listed with NOBLE BROKERAGE AND WHILE MEL what r an ethic Martinez was HUD in charge of shit like that.
So, I'm thinking Jose, Colin and the rest of them are REALLLLY frightened (along with the scummy and DISHONEST AND DISHONORABLE ROBERT E O'NEILL) that this big bat of a threat of sexual offender registry they are swinging is about to go away.
ERIKKKK ERIC HOLDER NEEDS TO GO AWAY. Not much chance of getting rid of debbie swastika wasserman schultz because she steals for a city which was created for her. Go ahead. Read about Weston as someone down there advises. THAT is what caught my eye.
And likely the whores who move here from NY via Puerto Rico will trace right back to Eric and if not to Jose' Jose is connected to various murders. BUT that's okay as he is blowing or being blow by number 700, TPD.
Please note (while the united states falls apart we're all inside watching child porn)
Justice Department says child porn growing, victims' ages dropping
By Alex Holt, Times Staff Writer Posted: Aug 02, 2010 07:12 PM
WASHINGTON — The spread of child pornography, fueled by the Internet, is outpacing efforts to combat it, the Justice Department said Monday in a report to Congress that promises more arrests, prosecutions and better coordination among federal, state and local authorities.
Attorney General Eric Holder said child pornography, the number of images being shared online and violence against children all have increased.
"Tragically, the only place we've seen a decrease is in the age of victims," he said in a speech at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
The average age of a child targeted for prostitution is 12 to 14 for girls and 11 to 13 for boys, according to an FBI official.
The report, ordered by Congress in legislation approved two years ago, concedes that the market for child pornography is continuing to grow rapidly and that determining its size is impossible. "The number of offenders accessing the images and videos and the quantity of images and videos being traded is unknown," the report said.
"This is an epidemic," said U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Weston, who was one of the primary authors of the law that mandated the national strategy that Holder introduced.
"It is a cancer in our country that has metastasized and if we don't do more to stop it it will devour our nation's soul," she said.
Wasserman Schultz said the anonymity of the Internet has created a "thriving black market for child pornography. These images are beyond reprehensible. This is not obscenity, this is not pornography. These are crime scene photos: sexually graphic images of children of all ages, including infants."
Orlando has been identified as "a major recruiting area for national and international abusers of children," the report says.
Two programs have identified more than "20 million different IP addresses offering child pornography on a peer-to-peer file-sharing network," with one of the programs having found 170,000 child pornography files.
Creating or possessing images that depict the sexual abuse of children is illegal. There is no First Amendment protection for child pornography.
In announcing a national strategy for preventing child exploitation, Holder cited steps being taken by federal authorities to help law enforcement:
• Target the "top 500 most dangerous" sex offenders who have not registered with authorities in the states where they live.
• Create a database to increase cooperation among authorities at all levels of government.
• Hire 38 new prosecutors for child porn cases.
The increased attention to fighting child pornography already has led to record numbers of prosecutions and tips. More than 8,600 people have been prosecuted at the federal level since October 2006.
State and local authorities focused on the use of the Internet in child sexual exploitation have reported that documented complaints of online enticement of children more than tripled from 2004 to 2008 and complaints of child prostitution rose more than 10 times.
A victim of sexual abuse by her father, identified only as Melissa to protect her identity, spoke at the event and urged victims to tell someone if they are being abused. She said that sometimes family members will not believe the claims, and so a victim should tell someone like a school counselor.
Melissa was sexually abused from preschool until she was 12, and her father took photos and shared them with other abusers. Although her father is in prison, Melissa said that in the back of her mind she will always know that photos of her are online and that there are people looking at them.
This story includes information from the Associated Press[Last modified: Aug 03, 2010 10:40 AM] Click here for reuse options! Copyright 2010 St. Petersburg TimesClick here to post a comment
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There are 19 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
croixian1 wrote:
Why are they even let out of prison in the first place? Lock them up for life, problem solved. The problem is letting them out to do it again.
Aug 2, 2010 7:46 PM
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empsnewclozh wrote:
Aug 2, 2010 7:52 PM
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Ct_jackfl wrote:
Sadly, the problem is catching the people that produce it, doesn't do much good catching the people that download it cause the abuse has all ready happened.
Aug 2, 2010 7:56 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
Xcalibur wrote:
The abuse will continue even if the photos stop. They're just treating a symptom of the disease. They need to trace all this back to the abusers. Comb the photo's from every area and find things that will lead you to those rooms and then the problem can be stopped - one child at a time.
Aug 2, 2010 8:01 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
SS wrote:
Anyone who watches the Predator series on Dateline knows the consequences for these scumbags is nominal at best.Anyone harms my kid...well, there's many a hungry gator b'tween here'n Miami.
Aug 2, 2010 9:07 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
cbstpete wrote:
While I have no use for a child molester, I have to say that teens are engaging in sex at a very young age these days. The internet, Face Book, texting, and technology has a big part in this. Adults have no excuse for engaging in sexual activity with a minor, and there should be stronger consequences for their actions.
Aug 2, 2010 9:14 PM
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Maxi50 wrote:
I think referring to sexual activity with an infant goes way beyond "minor". Teenage hormones have absolutely nothing to do with this sadistic and perverted torture. Death penalty.
Aug 2, 2010 9:34 PM
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madbeach wrote:
Smoke-screen artists like Ms. Wasserman Schultz will attack any of our social ills except for our national debt.
Aug 2, 2010 10:09 PM
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voxyqt wrote:
I DO NOT believe them. Especially given that it's wasserman the RINO. Probably being repaid for her support of Kendricck. I'm not sure how holder turned his attention from racism and the cowardly americans to child porn. HOW BOUT THE CORRUPTION IN IS OWN OFFICE??? Go away WASSERMAN. She's from Weston. Child of the MASONS. Read about how weston came to be. You'll seee. They're lying. We're supposed to believe that violent crime and murder rape and robbery have dropped by OVER fifty percent in the hole pam has made of tampa and everyone is hiding inside watching child porn. BLOW IT OUT YOUR AZZ. We MUST impeach Eric Holder He has not made ANY TRUE statemtns since he was appointed. NOT ONE.
Aug 2, 2010 10:39 PM
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MentosMan727 wrote:
LOL voxy your posts always put me in a good mood....
Aug 2, 2010 10:56 PM
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voxyqt wrote:
Dear Alex Holt, could we get a lnk to the story in the SPT revealing the MILLIONS which ar being made from this "CRIME" and then maybe a photo of Eric Holder's and Ms. DEBBIE DOWRONG's HOMES??? Palatial mansions.
Aug 2, 2010 11:26 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
Tom1 wrote:
voxy----I ususally just pass up reading your posts, but today....WOW!!!Your ignorance is only surpassed by your ability to make a fool of yourself. Please take your medications, and refrain from drinking while you are on them......K? Thanks.
Aug 2, 2010 11:38 PM
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voxyqt wrote:
i think mentos has a thing for me.... and I am fond of him. Now if only I can make him smart enough .... (kidding mentos)
Aug 3, 2010 12:07 AM
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voxyqt wrote:
Tom1, That's the reason you will remain ignorant and continue to tosss out lines such as oooh take your meds. ooh get help oooh dont' drink on them oooh yer crazy. Wallow in it. One day it will be someone you love and/or you'll actually learn to think FOR YOURSELF. Please try. reading my posts would be a great start. Where's your better half, jerry1? If you're poor go to the library and learn it's FO FREE. Unless you're homeless. Thanks to JOE STINE, hillsborough closet gay man and homeless HATER.
Aug 3, 2010 12:28 AM
1 0 Report Abuse
Maxi50 wrote:
"We MUST impeach Eric Holder He has not made ANY TRUE statemtns since he was appointed. NOT ONE."
Eric Holder is a Jew hating, Terrorist coddling self serving poc and a cancer on the entire America justice system. Nine years since 9/11 and the terrorists are still neither charged or have a trial venue. Yet the wikileak conscientious objector all of 22 years old has been charged and a trial set. Eric Holder must perish, politically at least.
Aug 3, 2010 12:54 AM
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voxyqt wrote:
thank you, maxi. Yes and the whouse spoken out STRONGLY against any more 'leaks' but guess what? Those papers are being compared to the pentagon papers which ENDED VIETNAM. So screw eric holder. I LOATHE he and rahm emanuel ... and Obama going after the decent blacks he has .. maxine waters, rangel as though telling them to GET IN LINE. Obama is a horse of a different color than black. Oprah is a sicko. I believe she did plenty of terrorism to get her man in the whouse. Incidentally, here's a link to the money that ms. swastika schultz deploys: http://www.opensecrets.org/politicians/earmarks.php?cid=N00026106I did not know eric was a jew hater I DO know he is a racist. He's dangerous.
Aug 3, 2010 1:10 AM
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voxyqt wrote:
Aug 3, 2010 1:15 AM
1 0 Report Abuse
voxyqt wrote:
Inmate Bradley ManningUSMC Base Quantico Brig3247 Elrod AvenueQuantico, VA 22134Be aware that he was held in isolation in Kuwait. To the best of ourknowledge, he was not allowed to receive any mail. No one is known to havereceived ANY mail from Bradley. There is no reason to believe that he willnow be allowed to receive mail. However, we should certainly try, andencourage others to try as well.FYI, more info about the brig at Quantico:http://www.quantico.usmc.mil/activities/display.aspx?PID=588&Section=SECBN
Aug 3, 2010 1:17 AM
1 0 Report Abuse
Rufus wrote:
This is sick.
Aug 3, 2010 11:45 AM
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