People miss the fact that what you feel as a 'good buzz' or a nicer way to cope with life -- (amen brothers and sisters of the parenthood hehe) --after downing a good glass of wine and/or a martooni or two is the fact that you are under the influence of toxins.
This, (well,duh) is why they call it intoxicants. I have a friend who is a former (is there any such thing?) member of AA which I have always referred to as AAA because I am sometimes a wing-nut about words and, especially the countless acronyms. I am an MCSE so acronyms are far too much a part of my life. Anyway, after I finally convinced him that I wasn't insulting him; just being myself, he now calls it the tow-truck club when he wants to make me laugh and then proceeds to knowledge-ificate me about same. (ergo this amazing connection of toxins inside intoxicants)
Again -- I support whatever gets you through the day. Be it chemicals or aa or aaa, you are my hero if you are breathing and loving life and not hurting anyone else in the process:
I love you. I love you more if you are outspoken folks standing where you stand and doing it from the heart, wherever that is that you stand. I love you the most if you display kindness and give a hand up to others who don't have your same strength at the time. I see alot of that in the blog world. Okay ... enough of me.
If you've read me for awhile I know you know that I am aware that a group of people have repeatedly sprayed varying toxins of some type on my car engine (and also in my yard via some spray and underground hose devices, yeah it's on video) and before I put out a camera or five they also casually broke into the car (they have keys so it doesn't take a mo' and, even without the keys it wouldn't take long; they're on the road to success in their club/gang/whatevvv) and sprayed the seats, the floors, etc. They've done many other things in pursuit of my property but today I'm going to stick to the Toxins. As well, they're a travelin crew and they don't mind following you and breaking in or spraying your car wherever you go... I've caught a few of them scurrying away. Don't forget, it's over MILLIONS MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of dollars.
I think we can all agree that intoxicants make you laugh. Most, if not all of them.
They also make you feel talkative unless you are more contemplative or shy anyway, like I am. So it took me a long time but since I am feeling more intoxificated by the day and sometimes several times a day -- I'm starting to feel talkative from it and that is the mood you catch me in today.
And if it continues, it's the mood I'll stay in. Knock it OFF. It hasn't helped any in lo the forever amount of time you've done it and you need to reach into your deeeep, deeeep pocketses and get out your old wallet and open it. After the moths clear out of the way, give me my money.
But stop poisoning me. I'm not asking nicely again. You would think with your 45,000.00 a year jobs that would be enough for you .... what WILL be enough for you?
Nothing. And soon, you'll have only each other to turn on.
Where will you land in that heap? I can see that some of you will not land well; you're no match for the sharks you're swimming with.
Interesting to contemplate but not amusing for a person like myself who loves everyone. Yeah, even you. The one guy with the very pretty wife ... I know it's your whole lifestyle, dude and even hers. But, it's WRONG. It's at least got to be frickin boring.
It might be easy for you to stand around with the rest of the grey-shirts laughing but I see something different in some of you; especially you ... of course, I've been wrong before. Your son deserves better and so do you. Your pretty wife and son definitely deserve better.
Stop letting fear rule you. You act like crabs in a basket but not all of you feel good inside about yourselves. How could you? I see you. I know.
I might as well add that the car-tampering and constant mechanic visits --- do I need to go there? Knock it off.