Here's where you can go vote for or against impeachment of dick.
I just spoke with Dennis Kucinich's Congressional office in Ohio.
What timing.
If you ever felt that you don't MIND that big media is controlled by the bushies/masons/etc....
now is the time to wake up and realize that we are about to lose a VPOTUS and you don't even KNOW IT. But, if he shoots someone or talks about his family, we know it. When he's ready to let us know it, that is. HEHE Here's a way to
STOP BIG MEDIA from continuing their assault on Freedom of Press
when I asked the aide if I were correct and if this was an historical undertaking: 'has a vice president ever been impeached before?' he was quite sure it was the first time.
Neither of us are absolutely positive but I'm right next door to sure.
So, they're not covering it in Florida. They're not covering it in Ohio (home of the Presidential Candidate who is also Congressman, Dennis Kucinich)
I know they're covering it in the NY Times and Vermont.
Does anyone know if this is the first time that a VPOTUS has ever been impeached?
Democratic Underground has it going on.
Oh, yeah -- this would be THE TIME that liberals and progressives ACT LIKE IT.
WHY aren't the St Pete Times and the Tampa Trib covering
AND, I guess the excuse can't be made 'this' time that this is simply 'not big enough'.
Can it?
Pair that with ol condy refusing subpoenas . . whoo HOO we got us a big laugh coming.
We'll see who laughs last.
This helps the picture too .....
.Condosleezza Rice was a Chevron Director from 1991 until January 15, 2001 (TEN YEARS) when she was transferred by President George Bush Jr. to National Security Adviser. Previously she was Senior Director, Soviet Affairs, National Security Council, and Special Assistant to President George Bush Sr. from 1989 to 1991.
Another Chevron Corporation giant in the Bush administration is Vice President Dick Cheney. Vice President Cheney was Chairman and Chief Executive of Dallas based Halliburton Corporation, the world’s largest oil field services company with multi-billion dollar contracts with oil corporations including Chevron. Lawrence Eagleburger, a seasoned Bush counselor who held top State Department posts under George Bush Sr., is a director of Halliburton Corporation.
Here's the oil-tanker named after Condi ....

Here's a great read
from The Nation.