TEN Congress Members for Impeachment
By David Swanson
Ten Congress Members have cosponsored articles of impeachment against Vice President Dick Cheney, including House Judiciary Committee Members
- Maxine Waters,
- Keith Ellison, and
- Hank Johnson,
- Deputy Whip Jan Schakowsky,
- Progressive Caucus Co-Chairs Lynn Woolsey and
- Barbara Lee,
- Yvette Clarke,
- Al Wynn,
- William Lacy Clay, and
Dennis Kucinich
Soon this will be THE list to be on.
Submitted by davidswanson on Mon, 2006-05-08 14:22. Impeachment
ImpeachCheney.org is a Project of AfterDowningStreet.org
H. Res. 333, Articles of Impeachment Against Dick Cheney, is sponsored by the following Members of Congress: Jan Schakowsky, Maxine Waters, Hank Johnson, Keith Ellison, Lynn Woolsey, Barbara Lee, Albert Wynn, William Lacy Clay, Dennis Kucinich, Yvette Clarke. Please thank them and encourage them to whip their colleagues.
1. Ask your Congress Member to support impeachment proceedings against Cheney.
3. Contact the media.
4. Contact the pollsters.
5. Print out postcards to mail to Congress Members.
Three Charges in H Res 333
First Charge:
Cheney has purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens and Congress of the United States by fabricating a threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction to justify the use of the United States Armed Forces against the nation of Iraq in a manner damaging to our national security interests, to wit:
(1) Despite all evidence to the contrary, the Vice President actively and systematically sought to deceive the citizens and Congress of the United States about an alleged threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction:
(A) ‘‘We know they have biological and chemical weapons.’’ March 17, 2002, Press Conference by Vice President Dick Cheney and His Highness Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa, Crown Prince of Bahrain at Shaikh Hamad Palace.
(B) ‘‘...and we know they are pursuing nuclear weapons.’’ March 19, 2002, Press Briefing by Vice President Dick Cheney and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in Jerusalem.
(C) ‘‘And he is actively pursuing nuclear weapons at this time...’’ March 24, 2002, CNN Late Edition interview with Vice President Cheney.
(D) ‘‘We know he’s got chemicals and biological and we know he’s working on nuclear.’’ May 19, 2002, NBC Meet the Press interview with Vice President Cheney.
(E) ‘‘But we now know that Saddam has resumed his efforts to acquire nuclear weapons... Simply stated, there is no doubt that Saddam Hussein now has weapons of mass destruction. There is no doubt that he is amassing them to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us.’’ August 26, 2002, Speech 22 of Vice President Cheney at VFW 103rd National Convention.
(F) ‘‘Based on intelligence that’s becoming available, some of it has been made public, more of it hopefully will be, that he has indeed stepped up his capacity to produce and deliver biological weapons, that he has reconstituted his nuclear program to develop a nuclear weapon, that there are efforts under way inside Iraq to significantly expand his capability.’’ September 8, 2002 NBC Meet the Press interview with Vice President Cheney.
(G) ‘‘He is, in fact, actively and aggressively seeking to acquire nuclear weapons.’’ September 8, 2002 NBC Meet the Press interview with Vice President Cheney.
(H) ‘‘And we believe he has, in fact, reconstituted nuclear weapons.’’ March 16, 2003, NBC Meet the Press interview with Vice President Cheney.
(2) Preceding the March 2003 invasion of Iraq the Vice President was fully informed that no legitimate evidence existed of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. The Vice President pressured the intelligence community to change their findings to enable the deception of the citizens and Congress of the United States.
(A) Vice President Cheney and his Chief of Staff, Lewis Libby, made multiple trips to the CIA in 2002 to question analysts studying Iraq’s weapons programs and alleged links to al Qaeda, creating an environment in which analysts felt they were being pressured to make their assessments fit with the Bush administration’s policy objectives accounts.
(B) Vice President Cheney sought out unverified and ultimately inaccurate raw intelligence to prove his preconceived beliefs. This strategy of cherry picking was employed to influence the interpretation of the intelligence.
(3) The Vice President’s actions corrupted or attempted to corrupt the 2002 National Intelligence Estimate, an intelligence document issued on October 1, 2002 and carefully considered by Congress prior to the October 10, 2002 vote to authorize the use of force. The Vice President’s actions prevented the necessary reconciliation of facts for the National Intelligence Estimate which resulted in a high number of dissenting opinions from technical experts in two Federal agencies.
(A) The State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research dissenting view in the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate stated ‘‘Lacking persuasive evidence that Baghdad has launched a coherent effort to reconstitute it’s nuclear weapons program INR is unwilling to speculate that such an effort began soon after the departure of UN inspectors or to project a timeline for the completion of activities it does not now see happening. As a result INR is unable to predict that Iraq could acquire a nuclear device or weapon.’’
(B) The State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research dissenting view in the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate also stated that ‘‘Finally, the claims of Iraqi pursuit of natural uranium in Africa are, in INR’s assessment, highly dubious.’’
(C) The State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research dissenting view in the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate references a Department of Energy opinion by stating that ‘‘INR accepts the judgment of technical experts at the US Department of Energy (DOE) who have concluded that the tubes Iraq seeks to acquire are poorly suited for use in gas centrifuges to be used for uranium enrichment and finds unpersuasive the arguments advanced by others to make the case that they are intended for that purpose.’’
H Res 333 does not mention, but it is also relevant, that post-invasion Cheney clung to the idea that Iraq had WMDs. The above also does not include much explanation of how we know that Cheney knew he was lying. Congressman Henry Waxman has posted a searchable database of lies. (clickable link in case the color does not show) It includes Cheney WMD lies not included above (with citations) and Cheney lies about al Qaeda not included below, a total of 51 Cheney lies. And it explains how we know in each case that he was lying.
Further documentation would begin with this:
Make today COUNT.
And call your congressman and talk to her of Inherent Contempt. Do it. And hug everyone you can reach.
North Jersey JUST DOIN it.
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Bush Business (two states moving to convene grand juries)
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Court of Impeachment and War Crimes
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)
... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.
Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.
Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
Stop Organized Stalking
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
Technorati Tags Congress for Impeachment
Technorati Tags: Head Cueball on his way out Cheney Tampa Connection??, Impeachment , Deputy Whip Jan Schakowsky