Impersonating an OFFICER
Dear Mr. White,
It's a VERY VERY serious offense to impersonate an officer. I don't even want to HAZARD A GUESS to the reaction of you being on video telling that guy this and that after you and some others motioned his car over. THREE OF YOU IMPERSONATING OFFICERS ON A PUBLIC STREET?????? AND some broad eying too. What do you have to hide in there?? HUH? All those windows on the world?? L M A O.
Any old hoooo and come to find out you're a janitor. Nothing wrong with that just brings to mind the janitor at DA OTHER CHARITY down da block. hmmmmmmmmm
Pulling over a vehicle on a public street is SIMPLY NOT WITHIN YOUR AUTORITY.
We can go around with this anytime.
I see millions of dollars I can get my client .....
Terrorizing people with children and letting huge scary looking men stride up and down the street. F'ing with people TIMES TWO.
This does NOT look good. (or sound good)
Maybe he's a stalker, too??
MAN since paper thin got here STALKING IS ALL DA RAGE.
How you likin them da rest boys???
Cause I'm betting you see them MORE THAN TWICE A DAY.
Windmill arms make you appear to be psycho by the way.
I'm going to have my cuz start walking his dog A LOT.
Then the gunshots will ring out.
But, that's okay. AND I bet it will be jake with you, TOO.
Don't bother us.
Most especially ... don't even look up when we're around.
Or I'll rat your ass out for impersonating an officer.
You canNOT pull cars over, CRIMINAL !!!!
Time to check you out I guess.