R S R lfellow
So someone has stepped forward to claim the 'whooo' BIG 'whoooo' prize for being a DOG THIEF. Coming as no big surprise. L O L. He's so mad cause I got him a bit. SO WHAT? He's moved every pig on god's green earth over there .. .it's really NO comparison. If he had people like ME around him... people LIKE ME would never have gotten through.
Anyway .. you know directly behind me? If you can't figure it out get your beaumont buddy to help you .. he's all about our hood. Mr. Weston in the buildin'. He wants me to know he stole the family's dog.
Whoopty ding. Nothing lower than a dog thief. Would it were the days of yore you'd find him dangling with his boots underneath him on the high chapparal and all.
horse thief (get it? horse?? LOL think think @!!) dog thief same difference.
Anyway barring that.... we in the civilized world have YOUTUBE. Some big treats we're saving but one is continual footage no trouble a'tall.
So, frankie milkcrate knows but weston was hopping up and down to get his credit so for god's sake cut the man in and ...
Makes no difference to me. I told your buddy colin the same thing. And nothing has changed. Just wait for it.
Incidentally your wife and daughter can follow me around til the cows come home and fuck with my family and get one of yoru pigs to blow the magic dust whateva.... WHERE did that get you??
You think of ME while you're fucking her. zorro the gay blade.
IF that ever happens.
Ya think I don't see???
Anyway .. get a number and stand in line, sugar.
Cause by the time I'm done EVERYONE ON EARTH will know that Colin and his State's Atty and HIS COP AROUND THE CORNER took a motherfucking dirty, greasy war and rolled it off to WOMEN AND CHILDREN AND PEACE LOVERS. MANLY.
Where would you BE without your wife ??? To poison, mark spots, lead the teenagers around, display an unhealthy interest in YOUNG BOYS one of whom is ready to TELL ALL, baby.
yeah .. the angles are fucing ENDLESS.
How's your math?
I mean when it gets above keg level?
You and I could probably have been friends.
Don't fucking try to intimidate me. I got more of YOU IN ME than you have of YOU IN YOU.
Oh, a friend of mine fucked your wife by the way .. so some things are not resting like sleeping dogs should.
AND, take a close look at your ladies.
The stress brother.
Picking up the field mice and bumpin em on the heads......
Honda dealerships notwithstanding.
Skanky krewe ya slithered down to.
Hope you're in with the new boss.