Amor Vincit Omnia
Although I have some personal stuff to yak about ... (stealing items out of my car now results in one revelation you'd rather not have from now on, mmmmkay?? And for God's sake I owe you a few .....) See I think part of the problem is these lil lawless maggots are doing stuff that the bigger lawless folks aren't aware of and so I guess that stealing judogi pants out of my car (gotcha on videotape by the way, friend) is part of what? Anyhoooo, after MLK Day, we'll get to discussing something of a personal nature ... and batting stuff around at my property ..... I'll think up something for that, too. In the meantime, grow F'in up.
You embarrass yourself. You embarrass your people. You'd embarrass me if I acknowledged you. I love you, anyway.
Speaking of love .... if you have an iota in you and I know that most people DO ... please call the Mayor's office and remind her that we can hold off on the weekly fireworks display and wasting all the city/county employee resources harassing innocent citizens (read me and others) and put some dollars and efforts into doing something about the homeless problem that she, Baker and the other guy have helped create and ask her to show you where any money is being spent towards helping the homeless. Don't fall for the Metropolitan Ministries faith-based gambit.
Ask her where this municipality is directing it's dollars to help the homeless and ask her if fireworks weekly is such a great idea when one considers these statistics?!?!?!?!
Mayor's Office homepage contact us
306 East Jackson Street - Tampa, Florida 33602
Phone: (813) 274-8251 Fax: (813) 274-7050
Pam Iorio, Mayor
There's a few people in the office who will pretend you are dead but go ahead and ask, anyway and then report back here with your results !!!
Homelessness in Hillsborough County
The 2005 Hillsborough County Homeless Coalition Homeless Census Survey reports:
11,023 men, women and children are homeless in Hillsborough County. A 26% increase from 8,082 counted in 2003
Before you get on with the rest of these SAD SAD SAD statistics please take note of this date and these papier mache' goals from the BIO of this mayor who has sold this city out and allowed the good citizens of Tampa to become wholesale victims of city-sanctioned gangs. From the mayor's BIO:
Sworn into office on April 1, 2003,(when homelessness began it's TWENTY SIX PERCENT ESCALATION) for a four-year term, Mayor Iorio has established five strategic goals to guide Tampa throughout this decade. These areas of focus are:
* investing in neighborhoods,
* economic development of our most challenged areas,
* creating a residential community downtown,
* efficient city government focused on customer service, and
* establishing Tampa as a city of the arts.
Mayor Iorio is committed to improving the quality of life in Tampa. Under her leadership there has been a commitment to the basics of city government including public safety, parks and recreation, neighborhood road improvements, and improved drainage and pipe systems. Last year, for the first time in Tampa’s history, the city established a five-year stormwater plan to address long-neglected flooding and drainage issues and the city has also embarked on a plan that begins to address Tampa’s aging water and wastewater pipes.
Since her first month in office there has been a crackdown on street level drug dealing and a renewed commitment to community policing. This has resulted in a dramatic decline in Tampa’s crime rate – down 29.4% since 2003 – its lowest rate in nearly 30 years. The city is being cleaned up through invigorated code enforcement and the establishment of a Clean City division dedicated to reducing litter in neighborhoods throughout the city.
From New Tampa and East Tampa to West Tampa and South Tampa nearly every part of the city is experiencing new development. Downtown is transforming into a residential community and the city continues to attract new businesses. Recognizing the emerging global economy, the Mayor’s Global Business Committee was established to support the expansion of trade in the Tampa area.
Before anyone thinks I'm picking on the Mayor -- think again. She has done one thing I admire and she hasn't sold us out ALONE -- she's just the smiley face. BUT, when Bush came to town she refused to designate free speech zones and I VERY MUCH admire that. Thanks, Pam.
Now, for God's sake --- do something about the homeless and stop trying to make ME one of them.
10 percent are children (a 48% increase in 2 years)
56 percent are Caucasian
36 percent are African-American
18 percent are Hispanic
25 percent are veterans
31 percent are employed full time
25 percent have drug and alcohol addictions
23 percent suffer from mental illness
1 percent have the HIV/AIDS virus
21 percent have a physical disability
55 percent have some kind of income
There are enough services in Hillsborough County to help ONLY 13 percent of homeless men, women and children living in the County
Hillsborough County has the 6th largest homeless population in the nation
During the 2005-2006 school year, the Hillsborough County Public School’s Homeless Education and Literacy Program directly served 800 homeless students. This does not include the 3,500 Migrant students who have been identified as homeless this school year
Speaking of fireworks ---- it's interesting that this woman who is also a caring citizen (with an awesome blog and NOPE I don't know her, just LOVE the blog!!) has a problem with same in her neighborhood.