Mr. Keller is in mourning this morning
They were all slithering around so quiet and him doing his usual stalking (not for much longer now hehehe) and so ... ohmygosh ... they cleaned it up quick.
But with all that new mortgage on his new crack house and all (bought from the state's attorney spokesmodel) 205 Rampart which is NOT a vacant lot at all as hcpa has it listed .. hmmmmm
It's like a BIG EXPLOSION but not this time .... and no record of it ... (but we'll see about that)
Mr. Keller lost his portable meth lab today and it was towed away but quick by some big ugly dude ..... or his house caught on fire and jumped over to it. LMAO.
And some sheriff-licking guy came out to help him fix it.
My cousin said he yelled over, "HEY WHAT HAPPENED DID YOUR METH LAB EXPLODE??" and old Keller just about shit his pants.
He started making all those crazy signs .. you know everyone's crazy but him and his bunch of whores and crackpushers.
Anyway .. it was funnier n shit. Mr. Gonzalez all faking it up over pretending he don't know he has a gangster LIVING IN HIS HOUSE. LMFAO.
That, juxtaposed with the video of him CLEARLY DRIVING BY while the hood (christopher carr-saavedra) was sitting right outside in the car is just hilarious !
All in all it's been a red-letter day.
Big plans, huh?
You'll take it down now or they'll need the jaws of life to pull that motherfucker out of the wreckage I make of the last five years of his slithering around me and his life.
I'm going to post some pictures of the exploded crack/meth lab which Tampa Fire Rescue is helping to cover up.
First let me go gather up all the information you put there so I'll have it in court.
It's so obviously a gang of people going after an innocent family and a person who asked for and was denied a restraining order but WON'T BE THIS TIME.
And, Ima take a few of your jobs and such WITH ME.
So ... do as you're told.
It was fun while it lasted for you losers but now that your balls are where I needed them to be ... yknow ...
tra la la la la la.....
Ask that black man how he likes his job .....