Setting us up for Martial Law in the news Military long preparing
There's not much doubt in my mind that the cabal is setting us up for martial law. Despite the fact that things appear normal in many ways on the surface, the American people have ceded many of their rights already. (habeus corpus comes to mind)
In the news within the last two days, the following maniacs (a few of whom we actually call Americans!!) hold forth on the usual build up to some type of insanity. Republican friends, please note: I do NOT believe these people are Republicans. They are not like ANY Republicans I know. Please divorce yourself from these people posing as Republicans.
A brief aside: I have long noted that this cabal posing as Republicans lack several things: timing, patience, skills and intellect (not to mention moral compass, compassion, dicks, etc....) Anyway, when they start this crap it's cause they've got a 'big plan' for us. It's always the start of something when the media is ramping for them and I haven't had time to look nationally, just yahoooooo and sptimes ... here goes:
There's this guy who looks my friend's son in a headpiece. Honestly. And, oh, the magical timing of he resurfacing just when georgie gets his money. ooh oooh, another bedpan, kidney-machine chase. Osama Bin Forgotten. Yippeeee. That should cost at LEAST a billion.
The United States and Arab allies rushed military aid to Lebanon on Friday, boosting its strength ahead of a possible army assault to crush al-Qaida-inspired Islamic militants barricaded in a Palestinian refugee camp near Tripoli. Defense Minister Elias Murr said he was "leaving room for political negotiations, " which he said must lead to the surrender of the fighters from the Fatah Islam militant group inside the camp.
We keep mentioning Palestine as a place that the terrorists are holed up. Now, I don't take sides on this issue because I think the issue itself is just plain WRONG. But, I don't see why the MSM insists on labeling Palestine as a hide out for those terrible Islamists because according to the much-admired (by some fucking idjits) grade C actor, Fred Thompson ... AMERICA is a hotbed of seething suicide bombers. So, when those posing as Republicans finally unleash suicide bombing on America, my theory is that martial law will be invoked. (hitler bush kept trying it with the bird flu ENDEMIC PANDEMIC, but no one bit)
Anyway, read what the lunatic Fred says: For god's sake, hat in the ring to be Res. Even Jeb would be better. NOT !!!
WASHINGTON - Fred Thompson, a potential Republican presidential candidate, suggested that the 1986 immigration law signed by President Ronald Reagan is to blame for the country's illegal immigrants and he bemoaned a nation beset by "suicidal maniacs."
"Twelve-million illegal immigrants later, we are now living in a nation that is beset by people who are suicidal maniacs and want to kill countless innocent men, women and children around the world, " the former Tennessee senator said. "We're sitting here now with essentially open borders."
He made the comments Thursday night as he discussed the 1986 immigration reform bill and the Senate's current legislation to overhaul the immigration system during a speech at the annual Prescott Bush Awards Dinner in Stamford, Conn.
Finally, we have the "ANONYMOUS military spokesman" (these are my favorites because they're easy to pick up on) ...
"If they use unconventional weapons against us, we will respond with unconventional attacks everywhere," said the statement, read by the group's spokesman Abu Salim Taha.
A military spokesman said he had no reaction to "these false allegations which are not worth commenting on."
WOW !! Nothing like a non-response, ANONYMOUS response to inspire more fear into the hearts of the sheeple.
Finally (again) last night I was watching this video from (guess??) yeah, you're right youtube. Now I have some questions about the video .. who created it? How did he get permission?? etc...
However, I DO realize how easy this would be to pull off and undoubtedly it's happening unless he got all his army buddies together, and etc..... Also ... it doesn't matter if it's fact or not because the FACTS are with the changes made to posse comatitus bush usurped the right to call the military out against the American people...
And, just imagine if you were on your way home in Tampa and this is what you saw in the road.
Something's going on for sure. Please pay attention.
Concentration Camps Being Built for US Citizens. Steps right up to the traintracks .. (sound familiar??) Oh yeah, and you can blow it off if you like but the longer I listened the more I saw ... it's pretty compelling -- electric turnstyles for a supposed train repair station. Concrete blockades ?? Guard towers? radios? Surveillance cameras?? Brand new gas lines?? MILLIONS of dollars poured in to an abandoned site which they purport will in the future be used for train repair? Hmmmm. Just watch it. And don't shoot the messenger.
Bill Clinton questioned about this by a famed reporter, blows her off and changes the subject !!!
Hmmmph here's something else I didn't know !! I had NO idea how the whole alex jones/prison planet thing got started .... but here is then-gov. bush having him arrested for asking him a question ... you can hear the thug cops discussing what to charge him with on the way out the door. Oh, my, god. They just drag a guy out for talking --- no idea what to charge him with ..THEN how did he commit a crime. His crime: Getting that idge george to stop in his tracks. And, I wonder for even a second why they are after ME so hard.
Whew, this hanging out at youtube and following the threads: if you're not careful you will learn something. LOL. This is serious stuff, though.
George Bush caught off guard about september 11th
Honestly, I think this one PROVES that he is running off battery. Thirty seconds. Just watch it. It'd actually be funny if he weren't the 'dear leader'.
Oh and one last bit from Alex Jones ... hmmmmmm ..
And there's this which you should watch because -- it's kinda unexpected whose names you find there:
I'm not advocating OR dissing, just putting it out there. There are connections I never noticed before but, as an artist ---- well, here's one that has always bothered me and that is the word "HEIL" on the back of certain gas trucks. Don't deny you ever wondered. Of course you did. We all know what Heil is associated with. Well ... now, enjoy your day. LOL.
Here's another one but I keep wondering where the HELL is verizon??? I saw BrightHouse but not the biggest brother of all the mothers. The REAL brother. LOL.
Headlights to Impeach
Memorial Day 2007 is the one-year anniversary of the Headlights to Impeach Movement. Turn them ON. PlEaSe !
Help a country out here. Also, click the link to sign the petition. Takes three seconds.
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Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)
... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
They need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.
Technorati Tags global warming
Technorati Tags: magical sheep, Truckspy rawks, shaggy sheep, SUVs