How the Crime Rate in Tampa/Hillsborough PLUMMETED
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Deputies arrest two gang members in Ruskin murder
By Jessica Vander Velde, Times Staff Writer In Print: Tuesday, May 11, 2010
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TAMPA — Deputies say they have arrested two gang members who robbed and beat a migrant worker to death early Sunday on U.S. 41 in Ruskin.
The Sheriff's Office arrested Jose Palomo, 18, and Luis Miguel Romero, 16, on Monday and charged each with first-degree murder and robbery.
Palomo was booked into the Orient Road Jail, and Romero, who is being charged as an adult, was taken to the Juvenile Assessment Center.
Deputies say that about 2 a.m. Sunday, Roberto Arredondo, 30, was driving on U.S. 41 in Ruskin when he was forced to stop because a' vehicle cut him off. When he stopped, deputies said, the assailants hit him several times with a baseball bat and robbed him.
Arredondo of 718 19th Ave. NE in Ruskin died from his injuries, the Sheriff's Office said. Though detectives said both suspects are gang members, they don't believe the attack was gang related, said Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Debbie Carter.
"They just picked him at random," she said. "He was just in the wrong place at the wrong time."
The assailants fled but Palomo and Romero were later arrested. They confessed to the crime, the Sheriff's Office said. Palomo told detectives he was unable to stop beating the man, and did so to rob him.
Romero of 505 Second St. NW in Ruskin is a member of the Westside Low Life gang, according to the Sheriff's Office. Palomo of 13107 Brant Tree Drive in Riverview is a member of the Southside gang, deputies said.
Romero was also charged on warrants of battery, obstructing or opposing an officer without violence, possession of an alcoholic beverage by a minor and not having a valid driver's license.
Palomo was also charged with possession of marijuana.
Deputies are trying to determine if anyone else was involved in the attack.[Last modified: May 10, 2010 09:24 PM] Click here for reuse options! Copyright 2010 St. Petersburg TimesClick here to post a comment
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There are 35 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
Divagal wrote:
Hope they get the maximun time. So young to be so stupid!
May 10, 2010 4:50 PM
4 0 Report Abuse
cbstpete wrote:
These guys need to get life. PERIOD.
May 10, 2010 5:02 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
because_i_said_so wrote:
at least the name of the gang is right. Low life's
May 10, 2010 5:18 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
bugnout wrote:
Are they illegal aliens?
May 10, 2010 5:29 PM
4 0 Report Abuse
lonewolfe777 wrote:
I will say this again. All people who admit to being gang members, or have gang tattoos should be immediately executed. They are nothing but domestic terrorists and should be exterminated.
May 10, 2010 5:36 PM
6 0 Report Abuse
tt wrote:
This violent at 16 and 18. Put them down now, before they are let go to hurt someone else.
May 10, 2010 5:55 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
Diddysdaddy wrote:
Shouldn't the West Side L L's and Southsiders be killing each other?
May 10, 2010 6:37 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
ididso wrote:
This is exactly why we should protect our boarders andstop unregulated entry.
I could have guessed their ethnic backgrounds before I read the story.
Could Arizona be right?
May 10, 2010 6:41 PM
7 3 Report Abuse
walterschick wrote:
Their victim recieved life with no parole, please give them the same.
May 10, 2010 8:06 PM
3 0 Report Abuse
1234grad wrote:
these boys are not illegal aliens. they were born here in the united states. but they are complete idiots and deserve the max sentence. i hope they never see civilian life eve again
May 10, 2010 10:06 PM
2 0 Report Abuse
Rufus wrote:
Pat them on the hand and let them go again and again and again and again. The revolving door never stops.
May 10, 2010 10:09 PM
1 0 Report Abuse
MeganM wrote:
Does anyone else notice that there have been several seriously violent crimes committed by kids younger and younger in this state lately ? The one that stands out the most in my mind is the one with the 3 young men that stabbed and set fire to a fourth young man over petty nonsense. Who is raising these kids ? Something needs to be done about these parents that are being allowed to have kids and make no attempt to teach them right from wrong. Clearly, they are being raised with no understanding or consideration for other human beings and it seems that it's becoming more and more of a problem with each generation that passes. If we don't start teaching our kids to do better and be better, things will keep getting worse. Educate yourselves, educate your kids. Teach them that harming another person is not acceptable and to work for the things they want instead of steal. The only way to teach them to live this way is to live this way yourself.
May 11, 2010 1:03 AM
2 0 Report Abuse
windowsugarme wrote:
Couldn't stop beating him. That's just terrible. ALTHOUGH I knew that Arrodondo sounded familiar. I'm pretty sure this IS gang-related and wonder (but not too much) why the sheriff's office is working so hard to cover that up? hmmmm.
May 11, 2010 1:12 AM
2 7 Report Abuse
Stard3 wrote:
sugarme, Once again, you show your ignorance. LOL!
May 11, 2010 1:38 AM
4 2 Report Abuse
emchale wrote:
Kill 'em & get rid of their permanently damaged brains and souls. Why pay to store it?
May 11, 2010 3:35 AM
0 2 Report Abuse
LilMsInosent_69 wrote:
For the ones blaming the parents, That is just straight out and out BS!! At the ages of 16 and 18 these POS know right from wrong. It has nothing to do with their parents. They fell into the WRONG crowd and it got them in TROUBLE. I'm tired of parents getting blamed for this stuff when the blame lies on the idiots in question. You CAN NOT watch your children every second of everyday, you teach them respect, honesty, and everything in between and hope and pray that they listen and learn what you are teaching. If not, then they have to suffer for doing whatever it is they have done. I have 3 children of my own ages 22, 18 and 9, My oldest is in college, never had a problem with her, or my middle child for that matter. My baby is still learning the ropes but don't think for one second that if he gets out of line, I won't set him STRAIGHT. As parents that is all you can do anymore.
May 11, 2010 5:44 AM
0 0 Report Abuse
JEC wrote:
iduno said it right.Come to my neighborhood and play your punk ●●● games biatches.This is why immigration is so important.Let these countries keep their own garbage instead of sending them here.
May 11, 2010 7:44 AM
0 0 Report Abuse
iduno wrote:
Thank you JEC, you also need to read the comment from lonewolfe777, i dont want to sound like a copy cat but i have been saying the same thing for a long long time, gang members are nothing else but domestic terrorist, Friday night on the history channel watch GangLands and you will see absolute horror, and this is happening everyday, people that organize such affiliations as MS13, Latin "pato (●●● in spanish)" Kings, SNM, Barrio Ezteka, Los Zetas, etc, - these duche bags of society need to be thousands of miles from this beautiful country.
May 11, 2010 8:34 AM
0 0 Report Abuse
I am soooo sick and tired of all the ignorant people who make ignorant comments about Hispanics, in case you ignorant people did not notice these teenagers were born in Florida, therefore, they are US CITIZEN'S what are going to do now or what are going to say, that because they have black hair, brown eyes and of brown skin they need to be deported, you guys need to take your head out of the gutter, America is composed of people with different colors and looks and they are still Americans, you are so racist and too ignorant to admit it. I am an African American, yes my color is BLACK and according to the ignorant people if a Black person commits a crime I guess we should be deported to Africa because we are Black, well I have news for you, when a WHITE commits a crime they should also be deported to some other place of the world because the TRUE natives of this country are INDIANS, everybody else is an immigrant whether you admit to it or not THAT IS THE TRUTH. SO GET OVER IT.
May 11, 2010 8:54 AM
2 0 Report Abuse
Scoutsout wrote:
Society is degenerating into an ever accelerating free fall to collapse. Our only real chance to stop this is to kill the enemies of the people. It's a matter of survival now.
May 11, 2010 9:00 AM
0 0 Report Abuse
99T/A wrote:
I just want to let it be known that this didn't have to happen. I was chased from this gas station TWICE in 3 months very recently. The first time I pulled into the gas station not knowing that it was a gang/drug hotspot. The second time I was innocently passing on US 41 to go home. The Sheriffs told me "YOU SHOULDN'T BE AROUND HERE AT THIS TIME" HOW ABOUT YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT!? ARE YOU HERE TO TELL PEOPLE NOT TO GO HOME LATE AT NIGHT BECAUSE YOU WILL BE HARASSED BY GANGS OR ARE YOU HERE TO PREVENT CRIME?! Now it is too late. Apparently all of my outraged phone calls THAT NO REPORT WAS WRITTEN FOLLOWING EITHER OF MY 911 CALLS and all of my CrimeStopper Tips WENT NOWHERE. Their excuse is that they are short staffed and they can't just have someone stationed in that area all night. This is such a shame. I wonder if they will start making some changes now that a life was lost. Not to mention all those who were harassed by these gang members who didn't make the news!!
May 11, 2010 9:19 AM
1 0 Report Abuse
citizen wrote:
ALL OF THIS IS OUR FAULT !! We allow way to much degradation in our society, WE VOTE and PAY TAXES for this BS to continue happening, WE just have way to many pansies in high places. GANGS should be gone after by the police and US 24/7 til they disappear,they ARE NOT that difficult to spot, (stick out like a sore thumb) want to play with guns take them to war, to the front line. Immigrants OK if they are legal, there are those who want to come to this country and contribute in a positive way and are going through the right channels to be here , so it is not fair for US and THEM to allow those who constantly break the law as soon as they cross the borders north or south.We need more strict police and OUR participation, if we are going to clean this mess. Parents YES YOU ARE LIABLE if your child is a criminal, you should know what your child is doing. If he is acting against the norm...turn him in before is too late for YOU, HIM and I.
May 11, 2010 9:37 AM
1 0 Report Abuse
WINDOWSUGARME......aside from the fact your are an absolute idiot....WTF IS WINDOWSUGAR ???
May 11, 2010 9:45 AM
2 0 Report Abuse
citizen wrote:
99T/A So they shouldn't complain when one of their loved ones or fellow officer goes down at the hand of one of those low lives, because of their lack of prevention. DO YOUR JOB LAW ENFORCING AGENT !!! or you should be sued. YOU are there to protect and keep the streets safe SO WHAT DO YOU GET PAID FOR ??
May 11, 2010 9:46 AM
1 0 Report Abuse
Zander wrote:
Migrant worker? Is that politically correct code for illegal alien? Regardless, this is a sad story and I hope these two low life's get the book thrown at them.
May 11, 2010 9:53 AM
0 0 Report Abuse
citizen wrote:
SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM : If you commit a CRIME, and do not work , go to school or are here Illegally and basically YOU are a menace to SOCIETY...ENLIST THEM !!! in the ARMY, Navy, Marines.. so they learn first hand what it is to be terrorized at.HIT THE TRENCHES BOY!!!
May 11, 2010 10:04 AM
0 0 Report Abuse
Zander, since you have proven not to know what a Migrant worker is, let me give you some knowledge. A Migrant worker is not an illegal alien, a Migrant worker is a person from a very poor country, this person acquires a special visa or permit to come to the United States of America and does the work that the lazy American's don't want to do, and then claim not to find a job so they eat and party of our taxes. I do appreciate the fact that you do understand that no matter what color, nationality etc. this person was the fact is that that person was a human being made of bones and flesh. And I do believe that these guys deserve the death penalty.
May 11, 2010 10:24 AM
1 0 Report Abuse
oldtimer67 wrote:
So there are no illegal aliens who are also migrant workers? Puh-LEEZE!
May 11, 2010 11:12 AM
0 0 Report Abuse
vickimiguel2002 wrote:
My thanks go out to 99T/A for your comment on this article. The reason being is that the gentleman that was killed in this incident was my brother-in-law. I was so very shocked to read your comment and find out the hard way that this type incident had been accurring at the knowledge of the police department and nothing was being done to put a stop to it. And as for the other comments,especially the one by windowsugarme, just because my brother-in-laws last name is the same as mine-ARREDONDO- does not make him a gang member. Am I. No, I am not. I am a native american and proud of it. Please do not degragate his name again. I ask this of you so that no disrespect is shown to a good man that would do anything to help anyone. Where was his help when he needed it. No where to be found. Now if you will excuse me, I have a funeral to plan for.
May 11, 2010 11:24 AM
2 1 Report Abuse
windowsugarme wrote:
No, stard3timesdumb you just whowed YOUS. Go to HCSo and look up Arredondo. ALL THE FAMILY hasb been arrested for trafficking cocaine. MANY FEDERAL If your brotherinlaw is innocent perhaps it was the company he kept. Or the gangers are stupid and made a mistake believing he was like them. NO ONE just jars someone to tthe side of the road and yanks em believing they will have something. So you are not related to the traffickers? If so my apologies. I regretted your loss anyway. MY POINT was the sheriff covering it up. AS USUAL. Of couse the cops are involved. You likely know some mexicans AS I DO .. the mexicans know the gangs do NOT EXEST WITHOUT THE SANCTION OF THE SHERIFF. Take care of yourself. I have some gangers harassing me the anme arredondo has shown up which is why I looked it up. It's NOT that common a name. Sorry for your loss.
May 11, 2010 12:19 PM
1 2 Report Abuse
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windowsugarme wrote:
99T/A is right. The sheriff does NOTHING to protect people. Only FACILITATES gangs. It will raise up and bite him. They have SUPERIOR FIREPOWR. Right now they're all making money but when that dwindles the sheriff will lose. IDIOT! The sheriff and TPD have been trying to get citizens to stay in at night for AGES. So they won't see the cooperative traffickign. That's why the random knifings. Arredondo lilely IS innocent in this case.
May 11, 2010 12:24 PM
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windowsugarme wrote:
Just like mexico. VIVA LA MEJICO. The tampa fireman, spence roberts and his trafficking nephew do a LOT of business with Ruskin gangs. Heard em talking about it MANY TIMES. The gangers are regular visitors. ALL CITY OF TAMPA EMPLOYEES.
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windowsugarme wrote:
99t/a I hate to tell you this but your tips probably made you a target. The sheriff SHARES that information with the gd gangsters. GET A GUN. Go nowhere witout it. Use it.
May 11, 2010 12:30 PM
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windowsugarme wrote:
AND, once again a citizen reveals a lack of crime report being written. OVER AND OVER AGAIN. Just wait. It's going to get a LOT WORSE. Ask Manatee. Ask Miami Dade. Their cops make these look like citizens. This is how the crime rate "dropped". NO CRIMES ARE REPORTED.
May 11, 2010 12:39 PM
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windowsugarme wrote:
last piece of advice: look around your neighborhood. See who is NOT being haraassed. THEY ARE IN ON IT. This will likely lead you back to LEO and firemen. It did in our case. They are IN ON IT.
May 11, 2010 12:42 PM
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