"Homeless" "Veterans"
I have a whole lot more to say on this and a whole lack of time.
Why do people GO to law school if they want to do nothing WITH the law?
A mystery I laugh about as I continue my social experiment and remind you that HE will ALWAYS choose ME.
Colin, your wife makes me laugh. How many other poeple have you had her stalk?? I can find out. In fact, I'm well on my way to doing so, bro'.
But, quickly ... dear GOP WAR MONGHER MOTHERFUXXERS your ummmm dollar store camo pant homeless veterans are NOT a very good advertisement for your dollar store poor man's kid ARMY of murderers.
Whenever you come back down .......
it's all about to fold over and get pissed on.
you a mean mean man. WHy you stalkin ladies and CHILDREN>>>
Oh, pay it forward.
Let's see ... pay it forward .....
hmmmm how should I pay forward you murdering my mother and sister and fucking with my family???
Paying it forward ....
gimme your swords fuckfaces ... I'm going to slice your fucking program to ribbons with them.
Thank you for standing on your own dicks so very hard.
Oh .. you who livces next door to the murderer on the base line road.... you raised your daughter to be a crackhead by twelve and all.....
do you live in one of those CHURCH PROPERTIES TOO?????
Like the paperthin fuckface who going downtown with his sickness/???
AND further who would defend that fat fuckface??? seriously.
Take him jogging.
Meantime.... back at the ranch................................