STALKER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They almost wasted their time today. I do not care who you sit down to eat Sunday dinner with. I wasn't too impressed with you OR your principal at Morgan Woods and I was far less impressed with the little fucker you transferred in to hit the child over the head with a stick. yeah. Much LESS IMPRESSED.
So ... whatever I have to say about YOU ya bought it, ya vixen.
Old girl. Listen .... I am not afraid of you. I do not care how many people you have follow me into parking lots and around on line. They do not impress me. YOU and your fucking tightass teachers do definitely NOT impress me. *although a REAL teacher always will NOT the brownshirts you favor as you FIRE or FAIL TO HIRE real people with real educations.
Anyway .... stalking IS a crime.
YOU are a criminal. BUT that is not your only crime, now is it??????
No it's not.
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Comments on this article
by angles
Feb 22, 2009 10:17 AM
there's something wrong with a paper so strongly supportive of a pest control captain and a realtor. st pete times. WASSUP>>>
by voxy
Feb 22, 2009 10:12 AM
has the st pete times gone over the edge?? Sure a COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE BROKER WOULD BE A GREAT MAYOR. Did he WRITE THIS ARTICLE???
by Maryellen
Feb 22, 2009 07:38 AM
Since I voted early I was excited to see that all of the candidates I supported are endorsed by the St. Pete Times, Good Choices!
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Now ya know this is mary ellen because a. I'm telling you it is. b. the usual stalkers all around me now ... school this teacher that ... DRY UP on that. Don't care. Sad ... that there are actually stupider people in the world than you ....
c. these pest control people and realtors are TOTALLY her kind of people.
I hope someone checks her voter's registration.
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UPDATE>!!!!! (now that you're good and mulled over)
OH ME .... I forgot to tell you .. THAT was the final link in the scenario of how I REMOVED OUR CHILD FROM YOUR REACH BUT THEN YOU SENT THE LITTLE FUCKER AFTER HIM INTO AN EXTRACURRICULAR CLASS> LMAO. I mean I KNEW IT but now it's on video.
So and shorty house thief both from the big apple or WUT?
Anyway .. you know what this means right.....
THIS ties YOU to sexual offender creator threats. That's right.
SO, it's really NOT a reach to imagine you setting GOADER UP.
You ever give me even a second of reason and I am going to absolutely take your reputation (such as it is) apart from one end of your lackadaisical ass to the other.
AND that goes for his wife and your husband, too.
They BOTH make me sick.
What disgusting representations of the human race.
You should get together with the haters (SOME MORE) and really like ummm block my entrance or something.
Or ... I dunno ... send some school cops down the block.
THIS is the best you could think of to do with YOUR LIFE??
Wow. What a vixen.