Pushing Rope: Write A Caption: John McCain Wallace and Gromit
Pushing Rope: Write A Caption: John McCain
I had to pictify it because Lit Brit did not come by and expound .... (on this veddy british show)
John McCain ... Wallace and Gromit
How to steal property from people and make it look like you are not even an interested party. Has this gone on since July 15, 1877?
Pushing Rope: Write A Caption: John McCain
I had to pictify it because Lit Brit did not come by and expound .... (on this veddy british show)
John McCain ... Wallace and Gromit
Posted by
Vox Populi
4/20/2007 01:33:00 PM
Impeach Bush, or get out of the way
Friday, April 13
There will be a time when future generations will look at us and wonder why President Bush and Vice President Cheney were not removed from office.
They will look at us and question why, when confronted by the most corrupt and incompetent administration ever witnessed in the United States, nothing was done to stop Bush and Cheney.
They will look at the craven behavior of the Democrats, too afraid to take on the president when it mattered. They will look at the Republicans, so intoxicated with power that they backed their president to the hilt, even as he ran this country off a cliff. They will look at the press, and how too many journalists were cowed into parroting the words of the administration. They will look at the voters, and shake their heads in disbelief that a number of Americans voted for all this -- the electoral equivalent of the chickens voting Colonel Sanders president.
And they will look at Vermont, and how a bottom-up impeachment effort with broad support ran into a brick wall of indifference in Montpelier as well as Washington.
History will not look kindly on House Speaker Gaye Symington for her insistence that her chamber must focus on "important matters" and that the House "does not have the time" to deal with impeachment.
History will not look kindly on Senate President Pro Tem Peter Shumlin, who has talked loudly about impeaching Bush and Cheney, but won't pursue the issue as long Symington says no.
Even though an impeachment resolution, like any other Vermont law, can start in either chamber, Shumlin is using decorum and the "we don't have time" argument as an excuse to duck this important issue.
History will not look kindly on Sen. Bernard Sanders, and his successor in the House, Peter Welch, as well as Sen. Patrick Leahy, for treating impeachment as if it were a barrel of toxic waste. Short-term political considerations apparently are more important than the Constitution, which they took an oath to uphold and defend.
Nearly 40 towns voted for impeachment at their town meetings this year. There is little support for Bush, Cheney and the war in Iraq that they lied us into. The list of the administration's failures at home and abroad is long and embarrassing. Yet Symington, Shumlin, Welch, Sanders and Leahy feel no sense of urgency to hold Bush and Cheney accountable.
We believe this is unacceptable and that both the Vermont Legislature and Congress are shirking their responsibilities. There is time to deal with impeachment and we believe nothing is more important.
When the story of our time is written by future historians, there will be but one question asked: When confronted with the malevolence and mendacity of the Bush administration, how did the people in positions to do something about it react?
Does Vermont want to go down in the history books as standing up to the worst president ever? We, the people of Vermont, have the chance to affect the outcome of this story. We must seize this opportunity.
(and read the comments, too!!)
Posted by
Vox Populi
4/20/2007 12:40:00 PM
Vermont Senate approves impeachment resolution
By Burlington Free Press
THANK YOU TO PETE SHUMLIN ... DANG, he's H O T !!!! (of course)
And thank you to
Jeanette White who co-sponsored with Mr. Shumlin. And she's pretty dang awesome TOO.
MONTPELIER -- The Vermont Senate voted 16-9 this morning to urge the state's congressional delegation to initiate impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney.
The vote came quietly in the Senate chamber, with no impeachment supporters in the room and no debate. The senate resolution was introduced by Sens. Peter Shumlin and Jeanette White, two Windham County Democrats.
Impeachment supporters have lobbied legislators to take up the matter, and this week were back in Montpelier to press legislative leaders. Shumlin and Speaker of the House Gaye Symington have told supporters there was no time for full legislative debate and action in the issue in this session, but reminded them that a single legislator could raise the issue at anytime.
Report from citizen lobbying effort this week in Montpelier:
Call by Vermont's 3rd-largest newspaper for impeachment:
Explanation of how a state can petition the U.S. House to impeach:
Representative Daryl Pillsbury (I. Brattleboro) introduced a resolution on Thursday, Feb. 15, 2007: JRH-15, but it has not yet passed in the Vermont House.
Background on Vermont Impeachment, including reports, videos, analysis:
Local organizer Dan Dewalt
Local organizing website http://www.vtimpeach.com
Speakers Available:
Posted by
Vox Populi
4/20/2007 12:15:00 PM
Apparently, the City of St.Petersburg (Mayor Rick Baker)while outlawing camping in the city have allowed one tent city to remain open. This is the permitted city run by Catholic Services. However, they are NOT accepting any new residents.
Reverend Bruce Wright who is hosting 30 homeless people at his church facility says that most of the homeless who LEAVE the tent city and are not replaced with other homeless are only receiving thirty day vouchers for hotels.
So, not only will the tent city be empty before long with the nefarious vouchering these folks out of there but then the poor people will be right out on the streets again in 30 days.
And WHO is responsible for this?
Mayor Rick Baker created this situation by catering to developers and tearing down the places that these folks could afford to live in. Now they are homeless. He just wants them to go away.
Posted by
Vox Populi
4/20/2007 12:32:00 AM
Labels: Mayor Rick Baker and City of St Pete still kicking the homeless around
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