Low Key? .. if you say so Tampa Trib ... BUT ....
Tampa Trib. holds forth that the Tampa Mayoral race is low-key and even seems to quote that Mayoral candidate Marion Serious Lewis 'has to admit that it's low-key'. Aria Ray Green is also running against Pam Iorio; she fired him, as well. It is said that she fired him because she wanted the Union votes and they demanded that he be gone. I sum this up in an earlier post but it can be read at Digg. The Tampa Tribune will chase ambulances but sees no story in two fired employees running against the incumbent?? HMMMMMM
Somehow, I can't imagine a man who has confronted TPD about skewing murder stats, stood in front of reporters on more than one occasion to call the PTB to accountability ...
The same guy who was FIRED by the mayor when he announced he was running for mayor?
He called this race low key??? I really don't think so.
The article claims that only 45,000 will turn out to vote. I don't buy that. And I quote from Ellen Gedalius (same article):::::
With such a muted mayor's race, observers predict a low voter turnout March 6 and throughout the two weeks of early voting that begin Monday
I DO buy the possibility that only 45,000 votes will be COUNTED.
A definition of muted:
Main Entry: 3mute
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): mut·ed; mut·ing
1 : to muffle, reduce, or eliminate the sound of
2 : to tone down : SOFTEN, SUBDUE
I ask you: WHO is MUTING the mayor's race? I think it must be the very people who should be UN-muting it and that would be THE LOCAL PRESS.
Marion Lewis and Aria Ray Green are not reporters and Pam doesn't NEED reporters --- the Tampa Trib reporters seem to be busy muting the other guys for her. And we all know it. Who can UNmute this race??
Call the Tampa Tribune and demand they report some REAL NEWS for a change !!
I see Marion Lewis' signs pulled down and kicked over all over the place in Tampa as Pam's go up.
There has been some news coverage of the mayor's race, mostly to say how little chance the two men with no political experience have against an incumbent who has developed our city with legos .... or something. There has been other coverage concerning the Mayor claiming that she knows the TPD did nothing wrong when she has no police experience. Gedalius' piece mentions that neither of the opponents have any political experience.
What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander. When it was politically expedient for her to say she was the top law enforcement officer she fired her opponent, Marion Lewis. Somehow she disconnects herself from this action but it is HER action, no one elses. When it's politically expedient, the idea of the two men mayoral opponents having no political experience crops up. Nothing was said when Pam opined that she was the top police officer and that the TPD had done nothing wrong and that she's the boss and if someone runs against the boss they're OUTTA HERE. Why didn't anyone mention that she has no law enforcement experience? Hmmmm?
Over at Sticks of Fire, readers made it pretty clear that Pam Iorio is not their favorite person. All over town you hear the same thing.
The Bay News 9 coverage of Marion Lewis and the .45 cent pack of cookies harkens back to Kelly Benjamin's run for Tampa City Council against Rose Ferlita where she sent her posse to intimidate him.
This is a mayoral race in what is supposed to be a MAJOR city between a questionable mayoral incumbent and two men; both of whom SHE HAS FIRED.
And this is LOW KEY????
I've never heard of a muted mayoral race in such a setting.
Only because it's not being reported.
So, I guess I'll have to keep doing the job.
For the record, Marion Lewis says this is a CRUCIAL race where the people of Tampa
have a chance to be heard again.
I believe him.