Robert O'Neill stalkers and tampa firepigs deux
So, this means the other sweet bay murderer was yours too. AND Sweet Shannon of the BIG TNT. hmmmmmm Where IS that fatboy lately? Let me guess. His fat ass is at the Y right now.
What losers you surround yourself with.
I guess you know what that is a sign of, correct?? FEAR. you skeered someone smarter than you will fuck you over.
And today we have another body to add to your heap. And that would be Mark Longway, Hillsborough County sheriff.
Tell me, babby... how close ARE you to Andrew Forman former attorney??
When I said, "take me to your leader", I most def was not interested in stopping AT YOU. A guy who has spent his whole life in the company of evil clowns. Making shit of the very system you claim to protect.

I only got this guy's tag for you today. It was O'Neill's boatyard... clever grey tshirt.
The guy had to follow me like ... three miles to follow me into and out of the store. While I turned this way and that because I did not really have a destination in mind at that moment.
LOSERS> Down blocks, u-turns, up others, another u-turn... so this guy followed me in hee by no accidental means.
You should tell him he was obvious as a fucking loser when he was as far away as the next register. They could go naked without painting the dot from the i in O'Neill on their teeny tiny penises and I would know em.
They stink. It seeps from them.
The world wants to fry them and have them for cow patties.
Robert .. you're not a leader so in whatever fantasy world you feel that you are .. you're NOT in MINE. So .. I'll be waiting on the leader still. What tells me when he/she/it finally pokes it's little snaggle tooth head out of the shit pile I'll be less impressed if that is possible??
6085 9th avenue north
st pete 33710
at 1133:42 pm there is a grey-haired man at the register west end of the front lines w/ the pretty asian cashier and he follows me out after he followed me in and got into this van.
WITH his O'Neill boatyard shirt.
This is Robert O'Neill, a contender for the United States Attorney's post middle district florida using first responsers, what looks to be a retired first responder (and dumbass) to stalk citizens.
I have more than several other photos of the O'Neill people stalking... they always lurk and wait so they can pass by and show you the O'Neill stuff. This guy took no chances. His was on front and back. W/a hat and sunglasses. He really didn't want his picture taken. So I did.
This, by the way, hooks O'Neill up with the whole hood and that comes across through fatass shannon who is BIG TNT and his motorcycle, McEnaney Roofing and dearly river view meets riverview beloved tampa fireTHANG Mike Benitez and his big thug son who once hoisted a small boy up by his backpack and didn't get quite the reaction he was after. BIG MEN ...
Honestly, Robert, this juvenile behaviour PLUS the poisoning and such that you and Christine Breen and Roberto Bautiste's sister take part in is interesting. SOME of it is very juvenile ... and I will opine that you have a Peter Pan syndrome much like Colin Breen's.
It's creepy and stupid. No creepier than you fucking your secretary on your desk and your wife not minding... WOW> Please god I hope you have not spawned.
The following firepigs were also stalking today. Two NEW ONES: SO PROUD.

There was also lots and LOTS of firepig truck activity today but .. hey, I ain't got all day for their stupid ass boolshit.
FUCK THEM. This is my life. They have begun to recognize that what they smell there is LOSS.
THEY LOST. I toldja that a long fucking time ago.