Harrison Kowiak Property Grab
That's Harrison Kowiak and his little sister. She must be about fifteen now. Or a little younger.
This post also included commentary on Allyson Marie Faulk and the intended grab of her parent's property via her death in a tampered with vehicle.
AND, Eddie James Ivy. Beaten to death. His mom's property? Same sales records nearby as OURS, Allyson Marie Faulk and Harrison Kowiak. They LOVE to get people to North Carolina and Georgia. No autopsies in Georgia.
UPDATE: Since many posts on my blog are not showing I'm reposting this with a
different title along with some others. Keep em up on top. In other news the sheriff had the power co. cut the power and then flew his big star overhead yesterday. MY GOD. I'll tell you what upset them even more than asking why so many of them are millionaires .... (oh and i love the whole fake enemy gang so you can message killing off family members which by the way i didn't get cause he wasn't listening but no cofirmation because he wasn't going to go there. LMAO. That's good ... it shows prior planning. But, not so much.)
Anyway .... (still the update) Harrison Kowiak's death was LIES LIES LIES on top of being suspicious. When his parents google his name and they will they'll read this and get it. Maybe not right away but the seed will be planted.
Never mind. THIS says it all: read leeharper or harperlee. I thought I was posting at the Tampa Tribune and was all bedazzled because my post would not fly. Come to find out I read colleen jane's comment and then went to harper lee and realized that I was in the small town that harrison was murdered in. Yeah.... so here ya go now I can have time to repost the stuff about the other murders with the good links to the kindly sheriff. MURDERERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Yahoo! Buzz
Sheriff: Student died in fraternity initiation
‘We don’t think it was anything that was done on purpose’ (THIS IS A PERSONAL OPINION SHERIFF NOT ANYTHING TO DO WITH FACTS OF DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Sheriff's Press Conference (PLEASE WATCH THIS CLOSELY parents NEVER GET that their child was murdered by those that smile to their face I GET IT they WILL GET IT)
By Richard Gould Hickory Daily Record
Published: November 20, 2008
HICKORY - The preliminary investigation into the death of Lenoir-Rhyne University student Harrison Kowiak found he died of injuries sustained in a game of capture the flag while participating in a fraternity initiation activity.
"We've heard three or four different versions of what happened that night, but we don't think it was anything that was done on purpose," said Catawba County Sheriff David Huffman.
Some witnesses claimed Kowiak's injuries were sustained during basketball or football games and because the Sheriff's Office investigators received inconsistent accounts, they continued their investigation to come to a positive conclusion about the 19-year-old Tampa, Fla., youth's death.
Huffman said the most accurate account of the incidents leading up to Kowiak's death is that his head hit hard on the frozen ground during a game of capture the flag while pledging Theta Chi fraternity. (um how does he GET THAT?? Listen to where he talks about folks he trusts and stuff. WHy? Why does he trust them? Who had the combination to the gates? Interesting how it happens on private property limited access TO THE MEDIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
The accident happened Monday around 11 p.m. in a pasture along N.C. 127 South.
Between 17 and 20 members of the Theta Chi fraternity gathered at the private and gated field in southern Catawba County near Greedy Highway. (that's exactly IT GREED aptly named)
"It's commonly referred to as the Buffalo Farm," said Capt. Roy Brown of the sheriff's office.
The field was dark Monday night, there were no lights and the students were dressed in black. "It was part of the game," Brown said. (several times they are asked to NAME THE OWNER and his/their connection to the school or the students but they SIDESTEP THE QUESTION EACH TIME THE SHERIFF KNOWS )
While playing the game, Kowiak suffered a severe blow to the head, but witnesses were unable to explain the specifics of how the injury happened, said authorities. (sure and they were)
Kowiak remained conscious after his injury but witnesses reported that "He was not making a lot of sense and he had lost some motor control," Brown said.
Rather than calling 911, the students drove Kowiak to Frye Regional Medical Center, where he was treated before being flown to Carolinas Medical Center in Charlotte. He died near midnight Tuesday.
Sheriff's office officials said their investigation into the death began early Wednesday morning.
"There's nothing to indicate that there was any anger or foul play there," Huffman said. "I don't think they were trying to hurt anybody at all." (had time to get the story straight, I've personally read a six hour standoff boiled down to FOUR SENTENCES....so someone helped them with this)
Huffman said the capture the flag game is being considered initiation rather than hazing because it was not intended to degrade, humiliate or cause the pledges harm. The game was focused on proving strength and endurance. (Do you notice how they have MORE ABOUT THE GAME HERE than the INCIDENT?? That's called false flagging it so it's an interesting choice the whole flag thang)
Although he doesn't think the students meant for Kowiak to get hurt, they do need to re-evaluate their rituals. (awwww yallll need to be more succinct with your murders)
It does not appear the students were engaged in binge drinking. (we really don't care if they were drinking)
"If these guys had shown up at the ER after drinking heavily, we would know it," Brown said.
The sheriff's office has been in communication with the family and, although neither they nor the Kowiak family suspect foul play, the sheriff's office is determined to find the answers to the family's questions. (ummmm I bet the parents, once recovered a bit and not driving to north carolina through georgia BOTH OF WHICH ARE GREAT PLACES FOR MURDERS will have PLENTY OF QUESTIONS)
What is capture the flag?
From the 1947 Scoutmaster's Handbook, pgs. 447-8:
Space — Large
Type — Strenuous
Teams — Half Troop
Formation — Informal
Equipment — Two Signal Flags
Each team has its own territory in which its Scouts are free to move as they please, but on which opponents enter at their own peril. The territories are separated by a boundary line such as a brook or a trail, etc. Any Scout crossing this line may be captured by the enemy.
The teams assemble close together at a starting point near the center of the line, each team in its own territory. On a signal, the teams proceed to set their flags at any point within 200 steps of the starting point The flags must be visible, although it is permissible to place them as inconspicuously as possible.
After three minutes another signal is given for the start of the game. The object now is to enter the enemy's territory, capture the flag and carry it across the line into home territory without being caught. Scouts may be posted to guard the flag, but not get nearer than 50 feet to it, unless an enemy Scout goes within the 50-foot circle. They may then follow him.
Any Scout found in the enemy's territory may be captured by grasping him long enough for the captor to say "Caught!" three times. When a Scout is captured he must go with captor to the "guard house" — a tree or rock from the boundary line.
A prisoner may be released by a friend touching him, provided the prisoner at that time is touching the guard house with a hand or a foot, whereupon both return to their own territory. If the rescuer is caught by the guards before he touches the prisoner, he, too, must go to the guard house. A rescuer can rescue only one prisoner at a time.
If the flag is successfully captured, it must be carried across the line into home territory. If the raider is caught before he reaches home, the flag is set up again at the point where it was rescued and the game continues as before. If neither side captures the enemy's flag within the time agreed up on (say, 30 minutes) the game is won by the team with the most prisoners.
— Source: Usscouts.org
way too much about the game all meant as a distraction. This was NO accident. Lies told throughout. Covering up.... hey these guys would be GREAT in tampa. As you read the comments you see it is not the first murder covered up by this lutheran school.
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Posted by ( rancher47 ) on 11/21/2008 at 07:23 am.
this is a rediculous game,this poor soul just wanted to fit in with his peers,hope the family sues all these kids and their familes,the college also
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Posted by ( LeeHarper ) on 11/21/2008 at 07:47 am.
How dumb do a bunch of college idiots think we are? If this was a simple and honest game of "capture the flag" why did they have to do it at an off-campus clandestine party spot? How many other frat's have "off campus" recreation venues? Even if alcohol was not involved in this incident think of the countless times that young kids have driven drunk from the Plateau area back to Hickory. Why would the college allow this? I have heard that this place was bought by alumni so the current frat members could haze and drink and fornicate without any control by the college or have law enforcement breathing down their necks; I hope they are satisfied with their results. No wonder our sheriff is downplaying this, it was his department responsibility to enforce the laws where the kids play. Oh yeah, factor in a dose of political favors from Theta Chi members here in our community.
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Posted by ( beachman10 ) on 11/21/2008 at 09:13 am.
just to let you know, this isn't an "off campus clandestine party spot-recreation venue-or bought by alumni to haze, drink and fornicate". You should get facts straight before going on a tangent about something you have no idea about. Political favors from theta chi members in the community? I didn't realize a small town fraternity could run and control the police and town. Seriously?
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Posted by ( hky ) on 11/21/2008 at 10:07 am.
I completely agree beachman. People hear fraternity and death and automatically want to believe that something else is going on.
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Posted by ( sweetiepie1980sen ) on 11/21/2008 at 10:14 am.
Just to set some records straight. I am a L-R alumni and I am friends with quite a few Theta Chi alumni. The things written here are ridiculous. People need to stop jumping to conclusions. Fraternities are not all about drinking and fornicating. They also do a lot of things for the community. People need to think before they write things. This fraternity is suffering enough right now with what happened. Is suing people really going to give any satisfaction to anyone???? People need to think before they open their mouths!!!
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Posted by ( bullymom72 ) on 11/21/2008 at 10:24 am.
What a sad story. A young man doing what so many other college students do in pledging. These guys obviously had no harm intended and their pledge game certainly is not a malicious game. Beachman, you are right on. I am right down the road from Greedy and I can tell you there are no "clandestine" party spots out here! These comments are ignorant. Like the one suggesting suing these young people who are in college and have nothing because of a tragic accident that occurred during an activity they all freely chose to participate in. Or sue the college for something that happened off campus. I guess if I tripped over my own feet I should sue the city? That comment is ridiculous!Focus the attention where it belongs; on the friends and family of this young man!
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Posted by ( Margo ) on 11/21/2008 at 10:27 am.
It's a tragedy and a shame, no doubt about it. I feel for the family and his campus community for losing a wonderful young man. But as far as initiations go, it seems pretty tame, just trying to have a bit of a challenge to prove worthiness... traditional, standard procedure for entrance into a club. How gutless do we want our lives to get? Should we limit initiations to tv watching marathons?I don't want anyone to get hurt, but how far should we go in squashing young people's desire for adventure and a chance to prove themselves?
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Posted by ( momofg8kids ) on 11/21/2008 at 12:19 pm.
Take the name fraternity out of it, and people would not be jumping all over this with accusations. I'm an L-R graduate, was in a sorority, and I was never hazed nor did we participate in hazing activities. Our initiations were at night, which I thought was the most ridiculous thing. But they were never about drinking or harming anyone. These activities are more about tradition than anything in my opinion. No way do I believe fowl play.Yes, I could see where people would say aalcohol was involved. This is a university. But until and unless alcohol is proven to be a factor, people should accept this as a freak accident and help this family and his friends in this difficult time. My family sometimes plays capture the flag, and it's an innocent and fun game. We don't play it exactly the way the rules here were written. And we do play it in the daylight. I do think that fraternities should look at not having initiations at night for the safety of all involved.
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Posted by ( LeeHarper ) on 11/21/2008 at 12:56 pm.
My comments are all about transparancy. Why conduct your affairs off campus? Unless what you are doing would revoke your charter at the college. Ever wonder why they have the spot in Plateau?Some of us remember 25 years ago when the last LRC homicide occurred. A knife to the neck. It too was shrouded in deception by the fraterity and those involved. Wasn't it a Theta Chi party?So please enlighten us as to what charitable fraternity raises the money to buy their own "Farm?" Is it to grow veggies or to rehabilitate injured campus squirrels in a wild environment? What possible explanation do they have for this expense? You say they do so much good for the community, raise money for the poor. I stand firm in my opinion that this is a place to conduct fraternity affairs away from campus so they won't have the charter revoked.Who knows what really happened, it will be covered up. What we do know is that the fraternity members who were at the scene did not dial 911 and get immediate medical assistance to the Plateau site. This is gross negligence and this delay may have cost him his life.I am not advocating law suits, but all that were involved better be lawyering up right now.I'm not against Fraternities; if you are in a position where you can buy friends, go for it. Earning trust and respect from your peers is very time consuming in today's world. It is much better to buy than cultivate.
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Posted by ( colleenjanel ) on 11/21/2008 at 01:10 pm.
LeeHarper, your comments are completely inappropriate and have nothing to do with the incident that occurred. It could have just as easily happened if they had been playing the game in broad daylight in the middle of campus. Could we focus on the loss that the family and college community are suffering???
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Posted by ( ajw1994 ) on 11/21/2008 at 01:12 pm.
Hey Lee, do us all a favor and crawl back into your bunker with your flashlight batteries and beanie-weenies....
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Posted by ( beachman10 ) on 11/21/2008 at 01:38 pm.
LeeHarper....I'm completely baffled by your comments and where exactly you get your information. I was a member of Theta Chi fraternity at LR and I can tell you that this "farm" you are talking about is in no way owned, purchased or rented by the fraternity. This is a case of a freak accident and you should show some respect for the family involved. Greek life isn't about 'buying' friends as you suggest and I'm not even going to attempt to explain that to you. Nailing jello to a tree would be easier than trying to get truthful, positive information into your head.
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Posted by ( ajw1994 ) on 11/21/2008 at 01:48 pm.
No need even trying to debate with somebody like that, beachman. Getting people riled up with comments he probably can't make face-to-face with people in "real life" is probably the high point of his day. His opinions and $.50 will buy ya a bag of chips.Whoever said earlier that we should just be paying tribute to the young man who lost his life has the right idea, and I'll follow that lead now myself.R.I.P. Harrison
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Posted by ( beachman10 ) on 11/21/2008 at 01:50 pm.
Agreed.thoughts and prayers.RIP Harrison.
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Posted by ( MO3 ) on 11/21/2008 at 02:43 pm.
Nailing jello to a tree...I like that. This young man sounds like a well-rounded, well-liked, beloved person. A group of fraternity brothers and their pledges decide to head out to the country (I thought Plateau was further out than Greedy Hwy)...and play a game of capture the flag (which my 11 y/o loves) in the dark, wearing black clothes...why not? They're young men looking for fun in a good way, making the game a little more challenging with the darkness and the dark clothing...there is NOTHING wrong with that. Why not get away from the school?..they're free to do so...and late at night they may have disturbed others with their game. They wanted to be boys, get loud and rowdy, and just have fun. What happened was such a terrible terrible accident. As for not calling 911, the article states he was conscious but somewhat incoherent...unfortunately many people think "oh wow...we have to get him to the hospital NOW"...and they take off in a hurry...esp being that far out in the country, they may have thought they could get him there faster. These were young kids who probably have never had to dial 911 in their lives and they meant absolutely no harm but instead tried to help him themselves. RIP Harrison, and may your family find a modicum of peace.
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Posted by ( nc5teacher ) on 11/21/2008 at 04:45 pm.
To Lee Harper,In regards to the LR homicide that happened 25 years ago, get your facts straight. I was there. This incident had nothing to do with Theta Chi. Also, the person who killed the LR student was NOT an LR student and the college did NOT try to cover up anything. I played "Capture the Flag" at church camp - in the dark! This was a tragic ACCIDENT.
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Posted by ( roadrunner ) on 11/21/2008 at 04:58 pm.
Posted by ( rancher47 ) on 11/21/2008 at 07:23 am. this is a rediculous game,this poor soul just wanted to fit in with his peers,hope the family sues all these kids and their familes,the college alsoNothing worse than losing a childSueing everyone is not going to bring him back
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Posted by ( TOOPRETTYforprison ) on 11/22/2008 at 02:13 pm.
leeharper, please visit tampasbackdoor blog there's some feeling that there are definitely murders (policital favors) being committed in order to strip the families of their homes during their grief. Wanting to escape the memories and such. This poor young man is THE THIRD to die in tampa in less than ten days every house around theirs sold in the last year or so. In his case EVERY HOUSE. Their house is half a million. The other young lady: half a million.The guy beaten to death in tampa eddie james ivy .... his mama's house is in the most important house in this area next to my own. My children have been threatened. IT has been threatened to run them over carwreck them burn our house down you name it. They beat eddie james ivy to death. All they had to do was push this florida boy down in the snow. I hope his parents are smart enough to have an autopsy done IN FLORIDA not by the hillsborough county med examiner.Colleenjane, who do you think you are?
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UPDATE: It gets more and more suspicious the more I read about the sad death of Harrison Kowiak.
Now: it was VERY DARK. Ground FROZEN LIKE CONCRETE. I'm not saying kids don't do crazy schniz. Something more went on then this kid falling and hitting his head.
And, in the same old sickening news there's another HIT ON A KID in the Tampa Tribune today. As soon as I read Tampa teen NORTH CAROLINA, as expected, it got my attention.
um yeah.
So, I kinda thought it was maybe a plant because they've planted so much other crap in that paper that they turned into a rag but it looks for real.
His parents?
HALF MILLION DOLLAR HOME --- every home around them has sold within the last two and a half years.
About a hundred homes on Arbor Green. Looks like some folks built there as recently as 2001
When you go to Harrison Kowiak's parents' address and check the nearby sales you see (once again!) that EVERY house around them sold in the last 2 1/2 years. Huh.
Just like Eddie James Ivy.
Just like Allyson Marie Faulk.
I guess it's possible that folks built there in order like that and I'll have to look through EACH listing to determine that. My educated guess is that they are re-sales.
This one, chosen at random, makes no sense at all. Matthew Arfa.
This one, chosen at random, has DEFINITELY sold two times since 2004. One of them may be a mortgage loan. I really don't have time to check them all, and it's not my job.
This one, again, chosen at random seems to be a prime example of false value inflation.
And, with all the mortgage fraud which was basically the government passing money through banks and brokers into the RIGHT HANDS ... we see this appears to be the case on Arbor Green. Like much of South Tampa. Frankland Road. Also where Allyson Marie Faulk lived with her parents. The ENTIRE neighborhood. The blok kaptain on Frankland seems to live in the middle of the block on the right heading south. Go see for yourself.
Mortgage fraud web needs to WIDEN SOME MORE and include some CONSPIRACY TO MURDER.
Young Mr. Kowiak's death:
"At this point, we're just treating it as an accidental death off-campus." (so says the Hickory NC police detective, Huffman)
Witness statements were somewhat contradictory on how Kowiak was hurt, Huffman said. Investigators were told Kowiak was playing flag football, tackle football or basketball.
David Gardner Tweed, the Kowiaks' family pastor, said he was told Kowiak was tossing a ball with friends when "apparently he landed wrong and hit his head on the concrete."
Kowiak was taken to a hospital in Charlotte, N.C. on Monday, Huffman said. The sheriff's office was informed of the student's death Tuesday. Huffman said detectives are expecting medical information from the hospital this week.
"Hopefully we can get some good, concise information," he said. "It would surprise me if it was anything but an accident."
(sounds like he's already made up his mind)
Kowiak is a graduate of Wharton High School in New Tampa. He was a scholarship player on Lenoir-Rhyne's golf team.
AND, maybe, like with the Palma Ceia incident .. someone just wanted his spot on the team.
But, I've noticed that the murderers like this dual-purpose thing. Spot on the team PLUS a house. The sweetener.
Their thinking is that the grieving parents and/or family will want to get away from the memories.
Not in all cases, huh?
And, you know if they hadn't threatened MY OWN child so much .....
Oh, biker, by the way .. I see where you cut all the scrub and moved the ummmmmm tenant in to watch me. LMAO. I have been and will continue to collect all the info from every person that goes near that house since you and Mr. T slithered in. I don't give a F what they do over there or how they make their money. BUT, when they cross the line to bother me, harass me, poison my dogs and tamper with my car ... that's what's going to happen. So watch all you want.
You DO see what that's bought you so far, correct?
I smell you planning something. I'll warn you to be prudent. I try to warn you just to knock it off but due to your thickheadedness I've about given up on that. Fuckin moron.
I see your boy wasn't bold enough to come any closer. I notice the front door activity has increased since you did the chopping. LMAO. You're such a fuckin drip. WHO would ever do business with you?
Anyway, I think it's interesting how you tried to disappear the biker from that property (spring on this0 and ummmm in so doing involved hte county in your madness (big surprise)
Anyway, DO NOT try to misconstrue my watching YOU BACK as anything but what it is: Me keeping track of your criminals and what they do to my property.
That's mine. I don't care what YOU do on YOURS but you seem mighty concerned with me.
I have no intention of NOT keeping track of people over there. Last crew in there poisoned my dog. So FUCK YOU.
You're not setting me up as a rat.
That's you nigga.
Favor Factory 2008 quick look at your congress person and WHERE they send your money and who gives them money frequently the same names on both lists. Have a look.
suggested email signature: NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA
may have read this email without warning,
warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or
legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection
save to call for the impeachment of the current President.
ERACISM: ALL colors with love and respect.
"This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalised... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."
Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.
Tampa Firemen and Other Firemen Fire Brigade: NeoNazis
Follow along with Tampa Stalking HERE.
The DOCUMENTED TRUTH about Masons and Shriners (part of it )
I've saved some sunlight
if you should ever need
a place away from darkness
where your mind can feed.
from Rod McKuen's "I've Saved The Summer"
Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men.
Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)
Make today COUNT.
Go to to find the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)
... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.
Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.
Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
Stop Organized Stalking
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
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