Let's have a HARD LOOK AT JUST TWO CALLS by the Tampa Fire Rescue and a repeat avowal that the evidence of stalking and murder is AVAILABLE. But the corrupt fire marshals are IN ON THIS. The last FBI investigation PLANTED CORRUPT INDIVIDUALS IN THIS SPOT. And, they're armed. Stay away from them.
We've mentioned at least TEN fake wrecks that the Hillsborough County and Tampa FIre Rescue have participated in with special KUDOS to Station 8 who actually laid an old guy down in the road and had his old lady church friend pretend he had been run over. He had to lay there a LONG TIME (ON YOUR DIME) because we were bullshitting around before we drove back down Cypress where they then RACED TO from the corner where they were idling. FuckWADS. So, we got there first and pulled in to take pictures. What the witnesses said was just hysterical. This was almost a year ago. Even a child was laughing. THese carnies will never win an oscar.
Now, since Tampa FIRE RESCUE PARAMEDICS are being investigated for child porn and have scaled back their stalking due to noticeable efforts to see whether they are doing so or not (I have all the video to PROVE what they were doing along with the fact that IT SUDDENLY ABATED I think along about the same time a local station started paying attention)
The reason they are being investigated for child porn is likely two-prong. First they are FUCKING PERVERTS. Why else would a young girl be welcome to hang out around a street corner adjacent to them LEERING (shorty is gone though) 12 out of 24 hours PLUS????
The other reason is that they are responsible for planting porn on computers and cellphones.
Oh, here they go again talking trash about OUR HEROES.
Don't foreget Adam Dinofsky.
Don't forget that they're keeping MUM about the
LATEST FBI TAMPA FIRE RESCUE CHILD PORN INVESTIGATION.NOthing about this in EITHER bay area 'newspaper' or any of the ones owned by Mr. Bill IRAT STICKS OF FIRE FAME. IRAT: irish republican army TAMPA. You'll see that a lot throughout this: connections to the RAT BASTARDS at the United State's Attorney's Office. The good news: There are those among them who do not care for RAT BASTARDS.
Meet Thomas Moreno.
Mr. Moreno is a Verizon employee, inventor, local(at least) slumlord and a SNOOP who has invented a program to frontdoor into peoples' data and .... TA DA ... without their knowledge TAMPER WITH FILES. This means upload AND download data from private users' computers. I know more than a little about unix and servers and spy capabilities and it's long been my observation that people are the victims of child porn being planted on their computers and on their cellphones. WHO PROFITS FROM THIS??? TOO MANY PEOPLE TO LIST HERE
Not to mention the puerto rican sluts and their pimps from New York who feel it is their sworn duty to obey the masons on the bench in dowtown tampa and tempt youth into all kinds of compromising positions. Please PUERTO RICANS have some self-respect. You don't HAVE TO BE WHORES. You bring shame upon your people. We'll be the RICHEST MOTHERFUCKERS on the sex offender registry .... speaking of which.. Ivette Perez Claudio.. what was that little roadshow on your porch the other day?? Was that you warning my cousin NOT to call your old man's felony probation officer after he and your brother or his brother have fucked with their car OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN ON VIDEO???? Cause by now that all adds up to prison time. Who knows how many dirty people yall have but your little skank ass with all your connections over to the sheriff's office taking your picture down from the website/// that party is almost over so dance while you can with the rest of the whores. Someone should investigate the santanas on lois lane in brandon. They seem to be running a whorehouse out of their home and the cars in the driveway look a lot like they might be friends of Ivette Perez Claudio and her little let off the hook too many times husband... GO SEE WHO LET HIM OFF THE HOOK. WHAT JUDGE(s) KEEPS LETTING THESE PEOPLE OFF THE HOOK TO RETURN TO TERRORIZE AND PLUNDER THE NEIGHBORHOOD SO THAT THE PROPERTY CAN BE ACQUIRED CHEAPLY??? People in the neighborhood disappearing in to prison being replaced by the likes of the scum that the judges keep sending back, the murderers on wood street, the doug gresians who also with plenty of knowledge to tamper with cars ... the leftovers actually fired (had to he committed a MURDER and apparently drives illegally) from the TAMPA FIRE DEPARTMENT who shoot at folks as they walk down the street. And let's not forget: Jose Tome' who runs the whore house and Michael Keller who runs the halfway house for the MURDERERS AND WHORES on Mitchell Avenue and has been the proud owner and illegal flipper of a FEW TOO MANY CHURCH PROPERTIES. CHURCH PROPERTIES owned by bikers and other scum.
So, fire pigs you stopped stalking or dialed it down a LITTLE TOO LATE.
BUT, back to Thomas Moreno and his ability to assist the firefighters and their cohorts at the INTERNET PROVIDERS in planting child pornography.
On Veteran's Day this blog was in the middle of doing some posting. Suddenly the blog disappeared and the fire pigs did some roaring around the block in order to send the message that they did this ... now we suspected that the last time the blog disappeared but had some fun with it by swordplay with other folks who have done some ill deeds because the truth will NOT be BLOG ificated.
Yes, it will be.
Interestingly enough, Mr. Rice's roommate (LOL) the arsonist firefighter was on duty that day (of course) He and his family burnt down a house in my family and now live in it and attempted to burn this one down so that his fat ass sister and her fat ass cocaine armed trafficking son (same judge who stepped aside after we commented on this) ended up on probation. She is a city of tampa parking dept manager. WE have so many parking tix that we now use the garage in tampa and walk blocks and blocks because she and all her skanky employees tail us whenever we go to downtown tampa. Is this RICO?? YES IT IS and it's ON VIDEO. And ... hello prostitute cum-daughter-in-law ... SO IS YOUR COMMENTARY on how we're on video. Taking pictures of the fat whore's car because her fucking cohorts spray our engine with toxins so that it's hard to breathe when we DRIVE THE FUCKING CAR. I always liked you but you turned out to be too much a whore to be amusing any more. I had no idea you were also a prostitute. But now you're the virgin mary with a BIG FAT ASS HUSBAND TO BE (LMAO what a rock around the neck) and also closely related to those who have fucked with others in mi familia.... so it's all interesting... Is that INBRED OR WHAT????
And that brings in the carney nation. But that's ten blogs worth of words no time for that. Also the BIKER NATION AND FIREFIGHTER NATION. All those connections in one nasty illbred family which pays no taxes and owns THREE HUGE HOMES all on one tiny lil civil servant's salary...... and a drug traffiker with the fire dept, bikers, 13th judicial and THE CARNEY NATION at his disposal. A dumbass.
Mr. Moreno has rented this house out for a number of years to every manner of illegal folks you could imagine
. Now, why would an INVENTOR not be smart enough to screen his tenants/?? Well, he is. He rents to them as a family tradition. AND he participates with Tampa Fire Dept. in making fraudulent calls for service or maybe actual meth lab fires (OR HIS TENANTS do) so that they Tampa FIre Dept can STALK AND TERRORIZE CITIZENS UNDETECTED.
But they're not.
Just as the blog went down and the pigs roard around to strut their ummmm manliness ... THIS is the call they were pretending to be rushing to while risking THEIR LIVES to SAVE YOURS.
First to your left observe the extensive research that was involved in revealing the duplicity of JUST THIS ONE CALL. There are HUNDREDS LIKE THIS in the last four years of them stalking my family.
The post we were working on for November 11th pretty much detailed what is above WHO took ivette perez' picture off the sheriff's website? HOW CLOSE IS THAT TIE TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT?? TO THE JUDGES???
The reason why is obvious. Ms. Perez-Claudio participates in stalking people and other activities in conjunction with the criminal element in tampa which yes hello no one gives a fuck about.. you just fucked with THE WRONG ONE as we politely told you over and over again before we loaded the pen and camera and took aim TO PROVE WHAT THE FUCK YOU ARE DOING TO INNOCENT PEOPLE AND OTHERS YOU HAVE SUCCESSFULLY MURDERED AND STOLEN PROPERTY FROM ... don't forget the Irish Republican Army, Tampa Florida from whom the sex offender registry threats FIRST CAME. Business partner of Bob O'Neill's wife. If a UNITED STATES ATTORNEY is in business with someone who is threatening A CHILD WITH A LIFETIME ON THE SEX OFFENDER REGISTRY this is a big BIG FUCKING PROBLEM for the community. When you see these ties go right into the fire department and the judiciary and those who participate in terrorizing the community and THEN SOMEONE DISAPPEARS THE PHOTO OFF THE SHERIFF DEPT'S WEBSITE so that you cannot discover WHO THE PERSON IS OH BUT TOO LATE YOU ALREADY HAVE THE PICTURE SAVED AND THEN ONLY THEN did it disappear because they didn't realize it was already saved AND OR disappeared it off the computer along with other files of officer FAJITA but yknow TOO LATE also ... this means the Sheriff's DEPT is participating in covering up RICO, STALKING and other CRIMINAL activity and trying to prevent the victims from finding the identification of the people who are terrorizing and stalking them FOR THEIR RINGLEADER JOSE TOME. Who skankily enough is also assisted by the very VICTIM'S ADVOCATES from DRUM ROLL>>>> MARK OBER'S OFFICE. Also assisted by Michael Brian Keller and the fatass nephew of Mr. Rice's roommate the closet gay fireboy from ARSON street.
So, this is pretty much what the post entailed that they tried to interrupt.
BUT// the hapless m'fers led us right to the door of one of the most important pieces of the CHILD PORN PLANTING PUZZLE.
No one has driven by tenth street to see if there is actual damage or if a meth lab blew up or just some whore needed to offload her crack BUT ....
immediately we began research into the names and addresses associated. The names of renters is too voluminous for one post. Easy enough to find and investigate for interested parties. They're whores, prostitutes, dealers, meth manufacturers .. you name it. Seems Mr. Moreno would have teleported in and figured this out for his smart, inventing self.
But no.
AND here is the address they went to ...