
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

south tampa v the biker

Dear Nazi Biker and Confederate Liasons to the Irish Republican Army Tampa .... (all the same difference, huh? LOL)


I just want you to know that while they focus on HIM I will remain focused on the two of you but MOSTLY YOU. I thought your dumbass would catch on to that but apparently not ... so I'm spelling it out for you.

Also when your Plant City bitch was taking my picture with her little pink celly a. she's stupid and her fingernails are whorey .. like YO MAMA .. b. I've seen her AND her car before ... c. Try to remember when I take YOUR picture it's because your ass is following, stalking and surveilling me for your nefarious purpose of stealing my property and fucking with my family.

Me? I was just pumping gas.

Living my life.


Just for the record.

So you put that in your crack pipe and smoke it.

SPeaking of crack I see the crack shelter is developing some cracks.

What the hell is a trailer doing there loading up in the DARK OF NIGHT??????

Are only black people homeless?

Right there is a lying dichotomy because: A. we all know blacks take care of their own.

b. I've never seen any homeless black people YET ...

c. the crack shelter is FULL OF THEM.

d. black cop wannabes with kent.

e. dat biker be knowin all bout dat.

f. remember while they focus on him I WILL BE DRILLING DOWN ON YOU with endless, endless, endless, endless pointing out of your criminal activity until finally you are

a. in handcuffs.

b. in prison

c. in prison

d. in prison with the wife beater

e. your gas can friends can join you for all i care.

f. L O L on that one....

g. your army is pathetic.

h. cueball's new tattoos are awesome. how many murders per each elbow????

i. clank.

j. remember I will NEVER EVER lose my focus on you .. never.

k. so while you're turning the screws ... let's see who squeals first, pig.

Paper thin this is for you and boxers

See that gas can thingy????


you guess, fuckerface.

oh ... nice network by the way.

what a loser.

Families help stalkers to pursue their victims
By Jason Bennetto, Crime Correspondent
Thursday, 1 June 2000
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Four out of 10 stalkers are helped by their families and friends to harass their victims, the first national study of the disorder has discovered.
Four out of 10 stalkers are helped by their families and friends to harass their victims, the first national study of the disorder has discovered.
The report found that one-quarter of victims said their stalker had tried to murder them, one-third had been attacked, and half had threats of violence made against them. Two in five stalkers turned their attention to relatives and friends of their targets, exploding the myth that the crime is a secretive activity involving single victims.
The study of 95 victims of stalking in Britain found that some said their homes were bugged by their tormentors. The age of offenders ranged from 11 to 73.
In a second study of 400 cases, researchers identified four categories - ex-partner harassment, accounting for half of cases; infatuation, accounting for a quarter; sadistic stalkers; and delusional stalkers.
The research by the Univer-sity of Leicester's Department of Psychology is the most comprehensiveon the phenomenon, which has resulted in 2,200 convictions a year since legislation was introduced in 1997. The reports are due to be published later this year.
Among the most surprising findings of the first report - "The Course and Nature of Stalking: A Victim Perspective" - is that stalkers often prey on the friends and families of their victim. The report also says: "... stalkers do not always conduct their campaigns single handedly: 40 per cent of victims reported that their stalker was helped by family and/or friends.
"This is a surprising finding as the popular view of a stalker is of a lone and secretive individual.
"The finding that a similar number of stalkers [40 per cent] harassed members of victims' families deals a double blow to the popular image of stalking as a menacing game of cat and mouse perpetrated by an individual stalker toward a solitary target."
One victim recalled: "My stalker would telephone and visit my friends and family as much as he contacted me." Friends and families of respondents had been assaulted in 17 per cent of cases.
One-quarter of respondents reported having been the victim of a murder attempt by the stalker. The survivor of one attack said: "He almost strangled me, beat me, blacked my eye and threatened to burn me and my family to death with a gallon of petrol and matches."
Another said: "The safety of my daughter is my main concern. This man attempted to kill us both when she was only five weeks old. He also nearly managed to kidnap her when she was two. She is unable to play out with friends, and I dread the day she has to go to school."
Anti-stalking laws were introduced in 1997 in England and Wales under the Protection from Harassment Act. Cases include Perry Southall, 24, harassed by Clarence Morris, who was sentenced to 46months after he tried to contact her more than 200 times in eight months. The actor Helena Bonham Carter won a restraining order against a man who stalked her for several years.
Of the 95 victims, 7 per cent were men. The victims ranged in age from two to 70. About half were professional and clerical workers, or students. One had been stalked for 43 years. Many were forced out of their jobs; one said that she had had little choice but to "give up my job as he [the stalker] was my boss".
The offenders came from a higher socio-economic status than most of the criminals. In almost half the cases the stalker was an ex-partner of the victim, and in 12 per cent of cases he or she was a stranger.
The stalker would typically make contact with the victim several times a week at home, at work and in public. Victims were harassed via the telephone and were sent messages, even from prison. About one in 10 said their stalkers had bugged their homes.
One victim said: "All I did was act as a shoulder for him to cry on, and then ... the presents, flowers and letters started to arrive - sometimes 12 to 15 letters a day, plus gifts." Victims were left fearful and terrorised; one said: "I curtailed my social life to zero [for] six or eight months, have not been anywhere orreally spoken to anyone."
One-third of victims tried to take out a civil injunction to deter their stalker, but most were breached. Just over one-quarter of stalkers were convicted. All except one of the respondents felt that the support available for victims of stalking was inadequate.
In the bigger study of 400 victims the research team - Lorraine Sheridan, researcher in forensic psychology; Dr Julian Boon; and Professor Graham Davies - have drawn up advice on how to tackle the different types of offender.

Oh I nearly forgot, as usual that puts you and the WIFE BEATER together with the GAS CAN thingy back there with IVETTE's MAN.

L O L.

buh bye .....

Mr. Tome

This is for you cause your specialty besides STALKING ME and then displaying SCIENTER while doing so and then STOPPING ABRUPTLY as WESTON added IVETTE (oh by the way tom's ummm tree and lance or was that crane service?? Gold badge copper. do cops EVER go away or do they just take up freelance stalking KNOWING THEIR BROTHERS IN BLUE AND RED will cover for them???)


TOPABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONMETHODRESULTSDISCUSSIONREFERENCES OBJECTIVE: This clinical study was devised to elucidate the behaviors, motivations, and psychopathology of stalkers. METHOD: It concerned 145 stalkers referred to a forensic psychiatry center for treatment. RESULTS: Most of the stalkers were men (79%, N=114), and many were unemployed (39%, N=56); 52% (N=75) had never had an intimate relationship. Victims included ex-partners (30%, N=44), professional (23%, N=34) or work (11%, N=16) contacts, and strangers (14%, N=20). Five types of stalkers were recognized: rejected, intimacy seeking, incompetent, resentful, and predatory. Delusional disorders were common (30%, N=43), particularly among intimacy-seeking stalkers, although those with personality disorders predominated among rejected stalkers. The duration of stalking was from 4 weeks to 20 years (mean=12 months), longer for rejected and intimacy-seeking stalkers. Sixty-three percent of the stalkers (N=84) made threats, and 36% (N=52) were assaultive. Threats and property damage were more frequent with resentful stalkers, but rejected and predatory stalkers committed more assaults. Committing assault was also predicted by previous convictions, substance-related disorders, and previous threats. CONCLUSIONS: Stalkers have a range of motivations, from reasserting power over a partner who rejected them to the quest for a loving relationship. Most stalkers are lonely and socially incompetent, but all have the capacity to frighten and distress their victims. Bringing stalking to an end requires a mixture of appropriate legal sanctions and therapeutic interventions.


TOPABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONMETHODRESULTSDISCUSSIONREFERENCES Stalking refers to a constellation of behaviors involving repeated and persistent attempts to impose on another person unwanted communication and/or contact. Communication can be by means of telephone calls, letters, e-mail, and graffiti, with contact by means of approaching the victim and following and maintaining surveillance. Associated behaviors include ordering goods on the victim's behalf and initiating spurious legal actions. Threats, property damage, and assault may accompany stalking. Community surveys suggest that 1% to 2% of women report having been subjected to stalking in the previous year, with a lifetime risk of 2% for men and 8% for women (13).
"Stalking" is new terminology, but persistent pursuit and intrusion by discarded partners and by would-be lovers with disorders have long been discussed in fictional accounts, such as Louisa May Alcott's aptly titled A Long Fatal Love Chase (4), in reported legal cases such as the 1840 prosecution of Richard Dunn (5), in nineteenth century psychiatric literature in relation to erotomania (68), and more recently in the domestic violence literature (9). The media first used "stalking" to describe intrusions on celebrities by fans with mental disorders, but it was later generalized to cover a range of recurrent harassment behaviors, particularly in domestic disputes. In 1990, California's anti-stalking law gave stalking an initial legal definition: "willful, malicious and repeated following and harassing of another person" (10). Finally, stalkers and their victims began to be regarded as constituting groups worthy of study by behavioral scientists (1113). In less than a decade, stalking has been established as a new category of fear, crime, disordered behavior, and victimization.
Stalking, like any complex form of human behavior, can be the product of a number of different states of mind. Stalking, which is obviously hurtful, is part of a spectrum of activities that merge into normal behaviors, often around such aspirations as initiating or reestablishing a relationship. To further complicate definitional issues, central to the construction of stalking—both as a concept and as an offense—are the victim's perceptions of being harassed and rendered fearful. Thus, it is not just the intentions and behavior of the perpetrator that create a stalking event but how the actions are experienced and articulated by the victim. These complexities have made problematic the generation of a useful classification.
Meloy and Gothard (11) proposed "obsessional follower" as a clinical corollary of "stalker," perhaps appealing to the Latin derivation from obsessor, one who abides or haunts (14), although "obsessive pursuer" might have been preferable. Zona and colleagues (15), on the basis of 74 cases, suggested that stalkers fell into three distinct groups: erotomanic, love obsessional, and simple obsessional. Harmon et al. (16) developed a classification system using two axes: one, defining the nature of the attachment as either affectionate/amorous or persecutory/angry; the other, defining the previous relationship. A number of other typologies have been proposed, including a simple dichotomy between psychotic and nonpsychotic stalkers (17) and those of de Becker (cited in reference 18), who devised four categories: attachment seeking, identity seeking, rejection based, and delusionally based.
A classification of stalkers should provide a guide to the course and duration of harassment, the risks of escalation to assaultive behaviors, and, above all, the most effective strategies for ending the stalking.
This article provides a description of a group of individuals who persistently stalked others and who were assessed and, in some cases, treated at a specialized forensic clinic.


TOPABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONMETHODRESULTSDISCUSSIONREFERENCES Case materials were gathered between 1993 and 1997 from referrals to two of the authors (M.P. and P.E.M.) at a forensic psychiatric clinic with a known interest in both the victims and perpetrators of stalking. The clinic had received extensive and sympathetic coverage in national and local media, which contributed to high rates of referral. Referrals came from throughout the state of Victoria (population 4.7 million) from courts, community correction services, police, and medical practitioners and, in three cases, following self-referral.
Stalking was defined as repeated (at least 10 times) and persistent (lasting for at least 4 weeks) unwelcome attempts to approach or communicate with the victim. The behavior was considered unwelcome on the basis of the feelings of the victim, not the claims of the perpetrator. Some who were referred after a court conviction for stalking did not meet these criteria and were not included in this series.
Communications were subdivided into those employing telephone calls, mail and facsimile, e-mail, and other, which included graffiti and notes attached to property. Contact was separated into following and maintaining surveillance or approaching the victim. The associated behaviors were divided into either giving, or ordering on the victim's behalf, unsolicited goods or initiating spurious legal actions. The associated violence was grouped under threats, property damage, and actual assault—both physical and sexual.
The psychiatric classification is by DSM-IV criteria. One nosological difficulty is raised by those who do not believe that their love is reciprocated but are totally preoccupied and insist, with delusional intensity, on both the legitimacy and the eventual success of their quest (19). This group cannot be encompassed by existing DSM-IV criteria for delusional disorder of the erotomanic type, which favor exclusive emphasis on the delusional conviction of being loved, advanced by de Clérambault (20), rather than following the far longer tradition of regarding erotomania as the morbid exaggeration of love in all its aspects (6, 8, 19, 21). In this article, subjects with these morbid infatuations are analyzed both separately and combined with those with erotomania, who are absolutely convinced that their love is returned.
Discrete variables were analyzed by means of chi-square analysis. To best predict the variables associated with patterns of harassment and violence, log-linear modeling was used (22). This method is equivalent to using analysis of variance when both dependent and independent variables are categorical. Within this model, both the individual effects of each independent variable (i.e., marginal effects) and the potential confounding between independent variables in the analysis (i.e., partial effects) were considered. Post hoc analyses of significant main effects were assessed using log-linear parameters. This method of analysis allows for a decomposition of significant main effects when an independent variable consists of two or more categories. The effects of individual categories are expressed as z scores. Continuous variables were compared among groups by using analysis of variance, with post hoc analyses of group main effects conducted using Tukey's honest significant difference. The significance level was set at 0.05.


TOPABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONMETHODRESULTSDISCUSSIONREFERENCES Demographic CharacteristicsOur criteria for stalking were met by 145 stalkers, of whom 115 (79%) were male. Ages ranged from 15 to 75 years, with a median of 38 years. Over half of the stalkers (N=75) had never had a long-term relationship; another 41 (30%) were currently separated or divorced. Unemployed stalkers (39%, N=56) made up a substantial proportion of the group, although the majority (56%, N=82) were employed; six (8%) of these occupied professional and senior management positions, six were students, and one (1%) described herself as a housewife. (Data on employment status were not available for eight subjects.)
Duration and Nature of Stalking BehaviorsThe duration of stalking varied from 4 weeks to 20 years (median=12 months). The most common method of communicating was by telephone (78%, N=113), often involving multiple calls, the highest being more than 200 in 24 hours. Some stalkers revealed a detailed knowledge of the victim's movements, tracking them by phone to work, to friends' homes, and to cafes and bars. Letters were sent by 94 (65%), varying from the occasional note to a daily deluge. Eight notes were attached to the victim's property, six messages were scrawled on walls, and two were cut into the paint of the victim's car. Two flooded the object of their attention with e-mail messages.
The stalkers maintained contact by repeated approaches in public situations (86%, N=124) and through surveillance and persistent following (73%, N=106). Surveillance equipment, such as cameras and audio transmitters, was resorted to by four stalkers, three employed detective agencies, and three persuaded acquaintances to aid in their pursuit. One stalker obtained a license to operate as a private investigator, and another hired a helicopter to maintain surveillance.
Although some stalkers favored one particular form of harassment, only three confined themselves to a single approach. In 92 cases, between three and five methods were employed, and 16 of the stalkers used seven different forms of harassment.
Associated BehaviorsUnsolicited gifts were sent by 69 stalkers (48%), including flowers, chocolates, self-help books, and pictures of the stalker, but more grotesque offerings included mutilated photographs of the victim and a dead cat. Goods and services were ordered on the victim's behalf—the most common being pizza, often delivered in the early hours of the morning—including ambulances, magazine subscriptions, and airplane tickets. Spurious legal actions were initiated by 12 stalkers, which included litigation aimed at forcing contact, as well as accusations of stalking and harassment intended to preempt the victim's pursuit of legitimate legal redress.
Threats and ViolenceThreats were made to the victim by 84 (58%) of the stalkers and to third parties by 56 (39%). Thirty-six (25%) threatened only the victim, eight (6%) only third parties, and 48 (33%) both. Property was damaged by 58 (40%), the most common target being the victim's car. Fifty-two (36%) attacked the victim, and nine (6%) assaulted third parties. These attacks were intended to frighten and physically injure someone in 38 instances but in 14 were primarily sexual assaults. The physical injuries were largely confined to bruises and abrasions, but one victim sustained a fractured jaw and one received stab wounds. The sexual attacks involved six indecent assaults and eight attempted or accomplished rapes.
Relationship to VictimThe stalkers were ex-partners in 44 (30%) of the instances; 34 (23%) had had a professional relationship with the victim, most often a medical practitioner. Initial contact had been through work-related interaction with fellow employees or customers in 16 cases (11%). Casual acquaintances made up 28 (19%) of the victims, with 20 (14%) having no previous contact with the victim. There were three stalkers of celebrities. Twelve women stalked women, and nine men stalked men.
Psychiatric StatusSixty-two stalkers had an axis I diagnosis. Forty-three had delusional disorders, 20 of which were of the erotomanic type; five morbid jealousy; three persecutory and 15 morbid infatuations categorized as unspecified. Fourteen had schizophrenia, five of whom had erotomanic delusions; two had bipolar disorder; two, major depression; and one, anxiety disorder. The primary diagnosis was personality disorder in 74 men, with the majority falling into cluster B. Comorbid substance-related disorders were noted in 36 (25%) of the stalkers. There were 59 stalkers with psychosis (delusional disorders, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder).
Criminal HistoriesFifty-seven (39%) of the individuals had previous criminal convictions; 41 (28%) were for interpersonal violence and 10 (7%) were for sexual offenses. One had a previous stalking conviction.
Motivation and ContextOn the basis of context and motivation, five groups were constructed: rejected, intimacy seeking, incompetent, resentful, and predatory (Table 1).

View this table:[in this window][in a new window]
TABLE 1 Stalking was the response of 52 subjects to the rejection of a relationship, most frequently involving an ex-partner (N=41) but also occurring with estrangement from the mother (N=2), a broken friendship (N=6), and disrupted work relationships (N=3). Rejected stalkers often acknowledged a complex mixture of desire for both reconciliation and revenge. A sense of loss could be combined with frustration, anger, jealousy, vindictiveness, and sadness in ever-changing proportions. The majority of the rejected stalkers had personality disorders, although nine had delusional disorders, five involving morbid jealousy.
Forty-nine stalkers were seeking intimacy with the object of their unwanted attention, whom they identified as their true love. Twenty-seven had erotomanic delusions and believed that their love was reciprocated; 20 of these had delusional disorder of the erotomanic type, five had schizophrenia, and two had mania. The remaining 22 intimacy-seeking stalkers were made up of those we termed to have "morbid infatuations" (15), together with those with personality disorder (7) who persisted in their pursuit without absolute certainty of eventual success. The central purpose of the intimacy-seeking stalkers was to establish a relationship, but several were prey to jealousy, and a number became enraged at their would-be partner's indifference to their approaches.
The 22 we classified as incompetent stalkers acknowledged that the object of their attention did not reciprocate their affection, but they nevertheless hoped that their behavior would lead to intimacy. This group included intellectually limited and socially incompetent individuals whose knowledge of courting rituals was rudimentary, together with men with a sense of entitlement to a partner but no capacity, or willingness, to start by establishing some lesser form of social interaction. The incompetent stalkers had often previously stalked others. They regarded their victims as attractive potential partners, but, unlike those seeking intimacy, they did not endow them with unique qualities, were attracted but not infatuated, and made no claims that their feelings were reciprocated.
The 16 we termed resentful stalkers stalked to frighten and distress the victim. Eight pursued a vendetta against a specific victim, but the remainder had a general sense of grievance and chose victims at random. Such a stalker persistently pursued a young woman because she appeared, when glimpsed in the street, to be attractive, wealthy, and happy when the stalker had just experienced a humiliating professional rejection. Another man stalked a medical practitioner who he believed had failed to diagnose his wife's cervical cancer.
The six predatory stalkers were preparing a sexual attack. These men took pleasure in the sense of power produced by stalking, and there were elements of getting to know their victim and rehearsing, in fantasy, their intended attack. Such stalking could be prolonged before they either attacked or were apprehended. One predatory stalker sought help after reaching the point of equipping an isolated house, acquiring ether and ropes, and being poised to abduct the victim. Predatory stalkers predominantly had paraphilias and were more likely than all other diagnostic groups to have previous convictions for sexual offenses (2=57.00, df=4, p<0.001).
Predictors of Type and Duration of StalkingThe number of harassment methods used varied according to the proposed clinical typology (F=5.99, df=4, 140, p<0.001); href="">Table 1). Diagnosis was also associated with the number of harassment behaviors (F=3.04, df=4, 140, p<0.02), with those with personality disorder using the most stalking methods.
Log-linear modeling was used to predict whether typology and diagnosis were associated with particular types of harassment. Both diagnosis (2=12.61, df=4, p<0.01) and typology (2=15.57, df=4, p<0.01) were independently associated with calling by telephone, although neither variable remained significant when confounding between the factors was considered. Predatory stalkers were the least likely group to telephone (z=–2.87, p<0.01), in contrast with rejected stalkers, who most frequently used this method of harassment (z=2.93, p<0.001). Letter writing was also predicted by both the diagnosis of delusional disorder (2=11.14, df=4, p<0.02) and typology (2=9.40, df=4, p<0.05), with intimacy-seeking stalkers predominating, although neither group's results remained significant when confounding between the variables was considered in the partial analysis. Following and maintaining surveillance were associated with diagnosis (2=12.16, df=4, p<0.01, partial effect); stalkers with personality disorder were twice as likely as other groups to follow their victims (z=3.30, p<0.001). Unwanted approaches and sending unsolicited materials were not significantly associated with either typology or diagnosis. When the results were analyzed with either morbid infatuation excluded or included in delusional disorder, no differences emerged.
Stalking duration was related to clinical typology (F=3.26, df=4, 140, p<0.01). href="">Table 1). Duration was unrelated to diagnostic group or gender.
Association With Threats and ViolenceLess than half (48%, N=40) of those who threatened their victims proceeded to assault them, but the 77% (N=40) who assaulted had previously threatened their victims (2=11.14, df=1, p<0.001). Log-linear modeling was used to predict the relationship between threats and violence and the independent measures of typology, diagnosis, history of substance abuse, and previous criminal convictions. Threats to the victim were predicted independently by previous convictions (2=7.89, df=1, p<0.01), substance abuse (2=3.90, df=1, p<0.05), and typology (2=9.40, df=4, p<0.05); resentful and rejected stalkers were more likely to threaten their victims. When confounding between variables was considered in the partial analyses, however, only previous convictions remained significant (2=5.62, df=1, p<0.02), thus accounting for most of the explained variance with threats. Property damage was predicted independently by both substance abuse (2=7.52, df=1, p<0.005) and previous convictions (2=4.70, df=1, p<0.03), although only substance abuse remained significant when all variables where considered (2=5.65, df=1, p<0.02). Assault was predicted by previous convictions (2=15.61, df=1, p<0.001) and substance abuse (2=5.04, df=1, p<0.03), and there was a nonsignificant trend for typology (2=8.40, df=4, p<0.07). Only previous convictions remained significant, however, when all variables were considered (2=10.44, df=1, p<0.001).
Specific diagnoses were not associated with threats or violence, but nonpsychotic stalkers were more likely to commit assaults (43%, N=37) than were psychotic stalkers (25%, N=15) (2=4.42, df=1, p<0.05), although they were equally likely to threaten their victims.
Response to Management StrategiesA full analysis of treatment response is ongoing, but certain patterns are discernible. Intimacy-seeking stalkers require assertive psychiatric management, particularly because they are largely impervious to judicial sanctions, often regarding court appearances—even imprisonment—as the price of true love. In contrast, many rejected stalkers can be persuaded to desist by fines or potential incarceration, although usually not those embroiled in child custody disputes or those who are morbidly jealous. Incompetent stalkers abandon the pursuit of their current victims with relative ease, but the challenge is to prevent them from choosing others. Resentful stalkers, who usually evince considerable self-righteousness, are difficult to engage in treatment, and legal sanctions tend to inflame rather than inhibit their sense of grievance and the associated stalking. Predatory stalkers, because of the nature of their planned offense, are primarily a criminal justice problem, but there is a role for psychiatrists in the treatment of their paraphilias. With our self-referred potential predator, therapy has to date prevented him from committing a sexual offense and prevented a return to stalking.
Those with major mental disorders require treatment, but given that delusional disorders predominate in this population, this is no easy matter and requires considerable psychotherapeutic skill in addition to pharmacotherapy and more general support. Those with personality disorders are a disparate group, but most can benefit from a combination of support, social skills training, and psychotherapy.


TOPABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONMETHODRESULTSDISCUSSIONREFERENCES This study was clinically based, with a study group skewed to the severe end of the spectrum of harassment and more likely to contain those with obvious mental disorders. It is probable that in the State of Victoria, several thousand women and men were victims of stalking during the study period, but only 284 stalkers were convicted (23), and only 145 are included in this report.
Stalkers come predominantly from the lonely, isolated, and disadvantaged of our society but can include individuals from the whole social spectrum. Similarly, victims are not selected exclusively from the famous but can be almost anyone. One is most likely to be stalked by an ex-partner, but also at particular risk are those such as psychiatrists, whose profession brings them into contact with isolated and disordered individuals, in whom sympathy and attention are easily reconstructed as romantic interest.
Stalkers were grouped into rejected, intimacy-seeking, incompetent, resentful, and predatory types. These are not entirely mutually exclusive groupings, and the placement of an individual is a matter of judgment. This typology of stalkers overlaps with several proposed previously (15, 16, 18). The incompetent group is, however, unique, and although it could arguably be incorporated into the intimacy-seeking group, differences in the imagined relationship to the victim, the pattern of stalking, and the response to treatment justify its separation. Intimacy-seeking stalkers form a spectrum, from those with erotomania to those with morbid infatuations to rigid, obsessive individuals whose attraction to the victim has produced persistent pursuit. There are different management imperatives in intimacy-seeking stalkers, from the grossly deluded to fixated individuals, but, interestingly, the problems they share of being isolated, lonely, socially inept, and filled with an inflated sense of entitlement present the greatest therapeutic challenge. Rejected stalkers comprise the largest group, formed predominantly, but not exclusively, of ex-partners; they overlap with the "simple obsessional" grouping of Zona et al. (15) but exclude those whom we have placed in a separate group called resentful stalkers. The predatory stalkers form a small group within this series but are important to recognize given their potential for sexual violence. With sexual offenders, some elements of stalking are relatively common, but the usefulness of treating such individuals as stalkers remains to be investigated. This typology, when combined with diagnosis, provides a basis for management decisions and, in combination with criminal convictions and substance abuse, predicts the likely nature and duration of stalking and the risk of assault. This typology, however, remains a tentative proposal because it is only with the experience of larger and less selective populations that a reliable classification with robust predictive value can be established.
Diagnostically, stalkers often fit within the spectrum of those with paranoid disorders. Intimacy-seeking stalkers include those who have erotomanic delusions, both secondary to preexisting psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia and as part of a delusional disorder. True delusional disorders, which are common in intimacy-seeking stalkers, merge imperceptibly into the overvalued ideas and fanatical obsessiveness of those with personality disorder, with the boundaries often uncertain and changing. With rejected stalkers, there is a spectrum in which the tenacious clinging to a relationship in inadequate individuals merges into the assertive entitlement of the narcissistic and the persistent jealousy of the paranoid. Resentful stalkers present, in contrast, an almost pure culture of persecution, with paranoid personalities, delusional disorders of the paranoid type, and paranoid schizophrenia.
Stalkers are, as has been previously noted, atypical as offenders (11, 15, 24); offenders tend to be younger and more often substance abusers with histories of conduct disorder in childhood and criminal offenses in adulthood. Compared with the state's public mental health patients, stalkers are more than twice as likely to have a previous conviction for violence and also more likely to have comorbid substance abuse disorder (25% versus 15%) (25). Stalkers' profiles are intermediate to those of offenders and of mental health patients, as to some extent are their behaviors and psychopathology.
Effective strategies for ending stalking involve an appropriate combination of legal sanctions and therapy. The majority of rejected stalkers will desist under the threat of prosecution, but their continued abstinence is assisted by an appropriately supportive and directive therapeutic relationship, which will usually be with a mental health professional but can be with a parole officer. Intimacy-seeking stalkers always require psychiatric intervention, although compliance may require a court order or—in extreme cases—incarceration. Predatory stalkers are primarily a criminal justice problem, although management of their paraphilic disorder may be relevant to reducing recidivism. The incompetent stalker requires augmented interpersonal sensitivity and communication skills, which are easier to prescribe than produce. In our experience, resentful stalkers are the most difficult to engage, although time attenuates their bitterness and drive for revenge.
Stalkers who are strangers and overtly mentally ill produce the most fear in victims, but those who assault are most likely to be rejected ex-partners. Histories of previous offenses, comorbid substance abuse, and the issuing of threats all predict assault. Predatory stalkers are a special case, and here there is a troubling lack of warning of danger because they are the least intrusive stalkers, often only glimpsed by their victims, who may report fear but are not certain they are being followed. Resentful stalkers are threatening and prone to damaging their victim's property, but, interestingly, they rarely proceed to overt assault. The overall risk presented by intimacy-seeking stalkers is low, but, in our experience, those with erotomania and morbid infatuations can, on occasion, be responsible for extreme violence (19).
Studies of stalking are in their infancy, with only the beginnings of answers to who stalks, why they stalk, and, most important, how to stop them. Stalkers inflict considerable damage on their victims, whether or not they resort to actual assault (26). A small proportion of stalkers are the predatory stalkers of so many dramatic presentations, but many are lonely, distressed people whose behavior wreaks havoc in their own lives as well as those of their victims. Therapy can usually help stalkers and often is the most effective way of lifting the burden from their victims.

FOOTNOTES Received May 26, 1998; revision received Nov. 23, 1998; accepted Jan. 4, 1999. From the Victorian Institute of Forensic Mental Health, Melbourne; the Department of Psychological Medicine, Monash University, Melbourne; and the Department of Psychiatry, University of Melbourne. Address reprint requests to Dr. Mullen, Forensic Health Administration Bldg., Mont Park Hospital, Waiora Rd., Macleod 3085, Australia;
(e-mail) Supported by a postgraduate award from the Australian government to Ms. Purcell.



Domestic Violence and Stalking: The Second Annual Report to Congress. Washington, DC, US Department of Justice, July 1997
Australian Bureau of Statistics: Women's Safety. Canberra, Australia, Government Printer, 1996
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minne HA HA

dear bikers : it's coming INDICTING BUSH THEN YOU

will be GOOD to get the ugly parade back under their ROCKS.

Keller, read this.

Click here to subscribe.

**Please circulate widely to friends and on social-networking sites**
Washington Post editorial calls for a prosecutorThe flood gates have been opened!
The July 27 Washington Post lead editorial callsfor Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint aprosecutor to "look at the facts and apply the law.

We will succeed! The indictment and prosecution of those who committed crimes during the Bush era will soon become a reality. Nothing is more important to restore the Constitution. The flood gates have been opened because of the massive grassroots intervention by you and hundreds of thousands of others who have petitioned, sent emails and letters, and made phone calls that deluged the White House, Justice Department, Congress and the mass media. The Washington Post lead editorial today calls for Attorney General Eric Holder to appoint a prosecutor to "look at the facts and apply the law" for the "violent deaths of detainees" in U.S. custody.

This is a remarkable development. The pressure to appoint a prosecutor will not go away until justice is served. Once the prosecution opens, it will lead inevitably to the doorsteps of Dick Cheney and George W. Bush. It was they who ordered the torture, secret assassination teams, the breathtaking massive spying operation against the American people and, most importantly, launched a war of aggression in Iraq that led to the deaths of nearly 1 million people at the cost of nearly $2 trillion.

Now we are entering the next stage of the IndictBushNow movement. We must guarantee that the truth be told—all the truth—and that the prosecution not end with the indictment of low-level officials and operatives. Please make an urgently needed donation now so that we can sustain this national movement, place newspaper ads and provide the general public with the full story of the unfolding details and revelations of the criminality of the Bush Administration. We can’t do it without you support. Please donate today by clicking this link.

And then we'll take down BY IMPEACHMENT your biker judges and your prosecutors.

AND THEN we'll have you.

Or sooner.

So, Mr. Keller as you endeavor to terrorize me I'll remind you one last time:::::::::

You were asked nicely and kindly to KNOCK IT OFF.

Jose, I know he's just trying to impress you but guess what????? LOL. You have done WAY WAY more so ..... don't ever misunderestimate these sneaky lowdown snitches to bury yo gay ass up under the jail while they skate away crack pipe asmokin ......

cause you the one is the interstate VEHICLE STALKER.

Which I'll remind you and IVETTE is a felony.


Unlike you we have an actual plan.

Tell me. umm... what's his name??? beltran?? Beltram??

And boxers (mr. timing.. whoo hoo love the way ya lurk, baby) bout that.

Because ummm mr. boxer also qualifies for numerous felonies although looking around I can SEE WHY he'd want to look at HER.

L O L.

Anyway... pay attention stalkers.... it's going to TRICKLE DOWN MOTHERFUCKERS.

double letters in name

So this purse-snatching fuckface got arrested the other day, right??? Looked like a nice enough face could have done ANYTHING. Kinda like the Tampa Fireman's nephew who instead chose to be a lurker and a stalker and a murderer. Anyway ... it's coming honey I know you didn't fall far from the tree. The time of THE ORKS is almost over.

Arrest Inquiry - Selection List
7 Matches Found For: ROBERTS SEAN
Booking Date
Booking Number







Information provided should not be relied upon for any type of legal action.
Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office - 07/28/2009 @ 16:14:58

So .. .remember how yeah we went ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON about cheRRyl please note the double useless letter in her name Davis who beat the fuck out of her toddler,(way more than once) had it covered up by her Tampa Fire PARAMEDIC (cause yeah he didn't notice the kid's face beat in ...) Rescue husband (ARE WE STARTING TO SEE A TREND HERE????) and then FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY after OVER A MONTH OVER A MONTH PEOPLE>>>> is going to be ARRAIGNED> ARRAIGNED AFTER A MONTH. In front of the crack judge so there's that. Anyway ..... please go look at her record and then check THIS out...

this crazy cracker
(like mr. keller only good looking and young) has a TATTOO of fucking FLORIDA ON HIS FACE. And, that's how he got caught with his latest home invasion and purse stealing etc....

Please do NOTE the USELESS EXTRA LETTER in his middle name Erric Roberts. First name not rememnbering. The Tampa Tribune LEFT OUT his middle name. Wanna know why???

YOU JUST READ WHY. (they're trying to help KEEP THE LID ON like the stpete times plansts threats for it's masonic editors and lets bloggers do it's journalism. hey SPT don't you DARE ever say word one TO ME about copying your shit you out and out STOLE MINE WITH NO CREDIT)

Just call me voxx poppulli. No thanks. I'd rather be a human being.

go check out something eRRic Roberts. Which actually fits THREE times in the fireman equation. Last name, DOUBLE LETTERS, FIREMAN, CRAZY CRACKER. Oh, that's FOUR.

they're so fucking PISSED OFF that they had to actually take that cunt to COURT for a change after her arrest for FAILURE TO APPEAR for her LAST BATTERY and then a NOLLE PROSS by the SA MARK OBER.....


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mr. Keller

I think you are the sadistic type stalker.
Either that, or delusional.

Imagine that ... I found a(nother) good study to glean from .....

and lookie it details how FUCKING STALKER LIKE YOU use your friends (LOL at that collection of fuckedupedness) AND your family along with your snatch, one assumes... to do the stalking.

In the end. You'll wish you had not fucked with me as I kindly did advise you.

Mark my word.

Remember how nicely I said that?

Do you remember some time back when I advised you to stop stalking me and you could tell from your head movements you were listening???

On video?

Do you remember that?

Cause I know you do.

Anyway ... I think you're the sadistic type.

I also kinda pitcher you jerking off over it.

But I couldn't find a category for that and it hurts my mind's eye to keep looking.

get some help wid dat.

What kind of SICK FUCK climbs in their car to STALK CHILDREN??????? WHAT KIND OF SICK FUCK ?????



Nice video and pics too.

Dozens of them.

Probably HUNDREDS.

You just keep pushing.

Overc0nfidence is never a good thing.

we'll see who laughs last.

Oh and ... yehhawww when the PI matches that tag up to one of your friends .... he's fucked too.

L O L.

It's a misdemeanor to follow someone BUT it's a FIRST DEGREE FELONY to poison them.

L O L.

Mindy Mechanic, Ph.D.
National Violence Against Women Prevention Research Center
University of Missouri at St. Louis

Stalking: Define the Crime
Stalking is a repetitive pattern of unwanted, harassing or threatening behavior committed by one person against another. Acts include: telephone harassment, being followed, receiving unwanted gifts, and other similar forms of intrusive behavior. All states and the Federal Government have passed anti-stalking legislation. Definitions of stalking found in state anti-stalking statutes vary in their language, although most define stalking as "the willful, malicious, and repeated following and harassing of another person that threatens his or her safety" (1).

Maybe you should read the RICO statutes with the wifebeater. cause you got rico roni written all over you.

Would be SO FUNNY you trying to force me away and me ending up with ALL YO SHIT.

I'd just give it away ... I have no use for blood money acquired SHIT.

Thieves and murderers ....


Keller, you studying bringing down the WHOLE ENTIRE TAMPA POLICE DEPT WITH YOU BROTHER????

Cause that's about where you're headed.

You really think they'll be standing strong and proud when your name is up in lights?

Like George Lewis the murderer and his buddies in brudderhood the fireTHANGS??

Cop 731 ... who else?? I'll have to look.

Anyway .. 700 musta gotten a new ride. L O L.

It's all about first blood.

Hon frankly you look like a washed up crack head.

And ... 29577 backatcha ......

Will be fun to put you up there and find out what's what with all the records I've had released on you.

I know you can never have been a cop so ... I'm thinking you're just a cop wanker.

Even THEY are not that desperate.

I mean .. .maybe back in the day....

you awful tough to smarten up.

Thinking that's a real ballsy thang, right???



where'd you get your lessons ??

On your knees with Irish Republican Army Tampa????


Two words for ya ....

and then yer swirlin the drain with the rest of em ....


see you could have just stopped.

but apparently you are just too fucking stupid.

So ...

swirl away asshole.

Who the hell holds up the bike when you let your VERY FREAKY flag fly?

AIN"T NO WAY you hold up yer own hog, dog.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Phyllis Busansky would be SO PROUD

Cause of COURSE people are going to go stay alone at a motel with a bunch of strangers and FUCKED UP HOTEL STAFF after Phyllis was murdered. Out of town murders are growing like STINK ALL OVER YOU.

Irish Republican Army Tampa. If only I were as stupid as you must be for taking up this cause.

Nothing romantic about murder and theft and undue influence on the sexualizing and sexual predator acts towards teenagers.

ALSO .... here's the deal. You load up that class all you want straw boater head. I gotchoo. Cop disappears. Michael's namesake still there.

People !! If you value your life don't go stay out of town alone in a hotel like Phyllis Busansky did. OR stand on a street corner alone in Miami with your daughter.

OR if you have children ... watch who slithers around them. Irish Republican Army Tampa doesn't just play with guns and pesticide and whatever else. They send out the whores and the women .... playing dangerous games. The goal: your life, your family, your property.

Because they are too motherfucking stupid to figure out how to do anything without a gang.

Apparently it requires a slithering into your home. Because this is like 37 I've counted all associated back to the Irish Republican Army Tampa, the United State's Attorney's Office, 13th Judicial State's attorney's office, Tampa Firefighter, (oh LOVE THE CHRISTIAN PSYCHOLOGIST >> L O FUCKIN L) Robinson High School, TAMPA POLICE DEPT, HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE< MICHAEL BRIAN KELLER and the other CONFEDERATE ASSOCIATES TAMPA FLORIDA PLUS, CIty of Tampa parking fat mama and Tampa Fireman's nephew ... PLUS the Claudio heroin family with their associated disbarred attorneys and gay landlords ... (wife beaters) PLUS child molesting sleep with their own daughter pedophiles .... trying to slip slither into mi hacienda .... and some DO just not legally which, by the way, ms. perex-c adds up to felonies to match the first degree felonies of slithering under folks' cars fucking with their tires while your ponytail dangles... L O L. Now that I've mentioned all of htat it comes to mind that the number might be over one hundred. Had to work her way all the way FROM THE BAY to nearly USF .... wow. wonder how many times her gas receipts or cellphone have been located in that area PRE ME???? HUH?????


While the hsuband's assorted soldiers and children drop messages to our cells and slither around inveigling trust from a family member.
Now, that's ONE THING from children but QUITE ANOTHER when a forty year old woman is manipulating CHILDREN into helping her carry out her dirty murderous deeds for her husband.

AND< I might then welcome you to Washington DC Attorney James P. Scanlan's site.

Seems Bob ONeills been at it for A LONG TIME. Probably at LEAST 1989(this site starts in 1993) BUT, now I wonder .. he and junior ghotti... same parts of new york they hail from. Bob wants the TOP FLORIDA PROSECUTORIAL SPOT BAD REAL BAD> All the sudden John Fitzgibbon is in charge of SPONSORING BOB FOR SPOKESMODEL. huh. where'd THAT come from????? *READ THE COMMENTS)
Is it too big a reach considering all the new york gangers and murderers that david gee and KLAN imported from new york and dirty jerz who FUCK WITH EVERY ONE BUT THE CONFEDERATES AND DIRTY SHERIFFS as VISIBLY NOTED ON NUMEROUS DOCUMENTS. assholes.. anyway is it too much of a reach to suppose that it's all a BIG PLAY ACT between juior and bobby because IN THE LONG RUN>>>> Bob will be ENABLING junior in florida.

Now, it would take me some time to prove it but I can tell you this: Our good old mob (love em to pieces but getting a little worn out with patience from them) is IN BED with Gotti (DUH) and IN BED with the Irish Republican Army Tampa and BOB ONEILL is MOST DEFINITELY IN BED with the Irish Republican Army Tampa.

Which .... explains why some want some dead. L O L. Why some people get away with WHATEVER. Why mortgage fraud is NOT being prosecuted and why the tampa firefighters and tampa cops and hillsborough county sheriffs OWN MILLIONS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF PROPERTY IN HILLSBOROUGH AND ADJOINING COUNTEIS and HOW the irish republican army lives in the other half of them. DEAD FORMER OWNERS. Also how the Irish republican army is growing so powerful one hundred thousand dollar loan ilegally acquired at a time. Among other things.

And why some forty year old woman has all the time in the world to put her hand up a young MAN'S ASS and fuck with his family. I mean the time devoted to ONE YOUNG MAN ALONE tells you that there is MUCH AT STAKE.

ALSO.. bob wants to prosecute fraud which lets you know that his idea of fraud is TAKING FROM WHOMEVER HAS WHAT HE WANTS. as noted.

By any means necessary.

Mr. Scanlan's too intelligent to read quickly. Better take your time, get some coffee and read what John "TOO PRETTY FOR PRISON AND GETS GOOD HEAD" Fitzgibbons and KREWE chose to ignore.

Oh ... also this same forty year old has threatened SAME young man with sexual predator status and also tried to entrap him into impregnating her daughter by drugging him and dangling her daughter HER OWN DAUGHTER in front of him with almost nothing on. The father thinks this is just jake; believing it will be a property grab. L O FUCKING L. Dude, you think I'm wasting the video tape?

AND .... since Bob Oneill, the business partner has EVERYTHING TO DO with creating a sexual predator this is a very serious threat INDEED. Yes by cracky it is.

BUT, attention LAST DECENT PUBLIC OFFICIALS IN FLORIDA: TRUST that you better keep your dicks in the zip and your hands to yourself because BOB will be coming after you.


Anyway ... yeah .. ummm Charlie restored civil rights FUCK HEADS and the black people you all send stalking around over to the kollidge are too mean.

Just try to remember.... if my Grandfather hadn't fought for YOUR rights you coudnt' BE a goddamn stalking tampa fireman TODAY, bitch.

So you remember that when you put your pants on in the morning. And take your manly ass to work to stalk CHILDREN and cover up for your wife beating the living fukc out of your toddler.

WHEN IS CHERRYL *please note the useless extra letter in the name) going TO COURT??????? TUGGLES BARNETT DAVIS wife of chad charles davis tampa fire (anything BUT) rescue PARAMEDIC.

Oh .. maybe bob oneill can tell us. Seems a bit of a PUBLIC FRAUD to allow a firefighter PARAMEDIC to cover up for his wife beating the living fukc out of their toddler and being FORCED to turn her ass in and then no court date while everyone else arrested on the same day is on their way to SENTENCING.

Yep. Checked.

Now roar your manly fucking ass down the street on that one.

Whoever pointed to the trailer and said that is how I'd be leaving florida.... I doubt you're right but it's okay if you are... my self esteem doesn't rest on what a bunch of scumbags point and worry about ....

and guess what else???? I got to fuck who I wanted to ALL THROUGH LIFE while andy doesn't even give YOU permission to stick your dick in it.


I mean maybe you'd rather be home fucking your wife instead of crawling around my car. Just sayin ....

Mr. Tome ... did you forget to tell ivette that her man would be just as guilty of stalking as she is???

Along with cooter toad and the other ....

Got her on video loggin t with the other gangster. tell boxers that.

You mothervukcers might want to take a read through RICO.

And again, be sure to read about Bob on Mr. Scanlan's site. And don't wonder anymore WHY florida is FUCKED.

I just double checked all these links . they're live. When you go to the article on the SP TIMES website be sure to follow mr. scanlan's directions pertaining to b1 under prosecutorial misconduct. He has constant updates and copies of the letters he has sent to DOJ the judges who may appoint bob and other items pertaining to how Bob got wher he is and how that took Florida DOWN THE TUBES.

He doesn't even mention the covered up mortgae fraud and theft.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

firefighter second degree TERRORIST

ahhhh the ties that bind the brudderhood (emphasis on HOOD) of fireTHANGS

Although upon listening to the video

I'd SURE like to hear larry's side of the story.

Maybe his city manager is like our mayor just going around firing and demoting anyone who gets in her way ...???

Through the Bobbers with Colin FOUR

ummmmmmmmm very clumsy. Did you know he endangered many other people acting like a goon? (in (reference to the N's step out the W's step in gd car dealers have MOR cars but not enough legal resources considering that they are far and wide scum sucking BALLLESS DEGENERATES. (hey jases)

Did someone stalk EVERYONE who disparaged the choice of corruption handlers yesterday???

Cause MY comments never even appeared there among the numerous comments calling for Bob Oneill and his office to be investigated before he investigated ANYONE ELSE.

And, why does a top dog prosecutor have to read about some corruption in the newspaper rather than investigating CITIZEN COMPLAINTS HIMSELF??????

Maybe cause they bat for the same team???

Because who in greater ANYWHERE did not know that Buddy Johnson was corrupt???

Speaking of corruption.

ANOTHER mayor goes down.

Bob, when you get done reading here ... (LOL) does his little woman stalk US TOO?????

Anyway when you get done reading here could you please open a big boy drawers investigation into the corruption in the mayor's office? The CITY OF TAMPA WATER DEPT??? THE CITY OF TAMPA PUBLIC WORKS DEPT? THE CITY OF TAMPA SOLID WASTE DEPT? AND don't take the city cops with you. START THERE FIRST.

Don't take Sheriff Gee !!! Investigate THEM, too.


et. al.

Basically anything that wears a badge needs to turn it in. Almost everything.

And, then there's the ones who only have badges on IN THEIR MINDS and send their wives and daughters out to do their dirty work woth the former house dwellers of mark ober.

Speaking of which ... mr. humphrey .... and mr. kinsman .... grow a pair.

You do GET that she's a WOMAN, right/

How M A N L Y.

Pesticide and stalking women and children.



And all go back to all the state's and otherwise attorneys.

Don't forget THE PAMS.

Mayors arrested !!!

Coming to Pampa soon???I wonder if these mayors allowed the water in different sections of the city to be tainted in order to FORCE PEOPLE FROM THEIR HOMES??


MUrder is much MUCH worse than corruption..

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Bono Ass Kissing??

Bono ... WASSUP wid da asskissing?

Did the IRish Republican Army put you up to this trying to ramp up THAT MURDERER'S IMAGE so that obama can keep backing off prostituting him? I mean ummm prosecuting him????


Funnier n shiznit. It's what happens when the natural born HO daughters of bikers bo to work for the Tampa Police Dept.

AND the sheriff's dept.

How many times have you watched the PO PO roll up to a dump and the DRUNK that lives there roll off the porch sayin, 'whatcha got? whatcha got?' as in PIG COPPIN LATIN.

you know...

biker, you stalking dickhead. changes nothing.

blow THIS .... L O L.

Gonna be funny when they roll you over and stick it IN.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

paper thin scummy boy

om g

startin up the ugly parade again.

that changes nothing.

nor does anything else.

future reference:

patience is NOT a virtue: it is concentrated strength.

Nother dealer tag for you later ....

interesting note in the pensacola murder case which ya get the feeling some things are going to come out about this freaky dude... children dying, special needs, camera system car lots shady people ... LOL> remember people : the best dealers keep their shit offsite preferably in a WHOLE NOTHER STATE and they don't rely on the cash to buy their shitty camper parts ...

any old hoooooo (mistake there unless the cop got the dope prolly)

what was interesting to me was how another commenter pointed out that car DEALERSHIPS have very bad reputations.

L O L.


ALL the ones in tampa are either scumbags, nazis or I know them personally.

Investigate the background of EVERY car dealer on Kennedy BLVD. EVERY ONE of them has ties to nazi germany.


anyway, biker i ain't goin to play your stupid game. that's how ivette over there ended up with NOTHING stalking people with her man and her children and how her man will end up in prison.

listening to a fat man.

i ain't got no time to be studyin that.

Mr. Irish Republican Army be thinking he's so clever.. oh yeah what's your youth band doing living in mark ober's house and real estate probate attorneying with mr. moran HUH??

AND further when I come for lunch don't poison me again. I have the remedy for that.

ask around.

although frankly even though we share the same friends we get very different information from them.

setting quite a pattern there, crackmeister.

why make enemies where you had a friend?

I call that fucking stupid.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

dealer tag N40 83V

Whichever scumdump dealer this tag or expired tag is registered to; You should go immediately to that dump, arrest the owner, charge him/it with EVERY crime you can think of and then find the evidence. And find out who was trying to hide themselves under a ballcap at about 200 pm today while they tried an attempted murder, felony assault with a vehicle.

L O L.

Just go pick him up. He's guilty.

Doesn't deserve any defense.


feelin lucky today.....

Now what you might want to ask yourself is this. Tree and yard and car crawlers.. I can hear the buzzing through the phone alert dipshits.

But what you want to ask yourself is this///

did they switch to THESE batteries???OR are they still using the eight hour ones???

Or that hundred dollars worth of double a that lasts all day and all night.

You might think we're all about watching the house but you'd be wrong.

Got that covered.

Have enough property damage on the biker to bury him alive....BUT the thing is that it's MR. TOME's folks always coming over inquiring about the tree and the property.

Is that the whine of a chainsaw?? Cause it sure sounds like it.. or whatever else you're up to. You ain't gittin away wid shit.

OH and LOVE the witness buildup... document document document.

I can come up with a lot of witnesses TOO.
You know who makes the best witnesses?? That's right !!! THE PARENTS OF DEAD CHILDREN.


SO you knock yourself out.



Favor Factory 2008 quick look at your congress person and WHERE they send your money and who gives them money frequently the same names on both lists. Have a look.
suggested email signature: NOTICE: Due to Presidential Executive Orders, the NSA
may have read this email without warning,
warrant, or notice. They may do this without any judicial or
legislative oversight. You have no recourse nor protection
save to call for the impeachment of the current President.
ERACISM: ALL colors with love and respect.

"This Act (the Federal Reserve Act, Dec. 23rd 1913) establishes the most gigantic trust on earth. When the President (Woodrow Wilson) signs the Bill, the invisible government of the Monetary Power will be legalised... The worst legislative crime of the ages is perpetrated by this banking and currency Bill."
Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.

Tampa Firemen and Other Firemen Fire Brigade: NeoNazis

Follow along with Tampa Stalking HERE.

The DOCUMENTED TRUTH about Masons and Shriners (part of it )

I've saved some sunlight
if you should ever need
a place away from darkness
where your mind can feed.
from Rod McKuen's "I've Saved The Summer"

Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men.

Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968)

Make today COUNT.
Go to to find the phone numbers of your Senators and Representative.
Live Vote for Impeachment
Brought to you LIVE from THE TAMPA NAIL HOUSE ... : Proud members of the drive-by media (just like Thomas Paine, father of America)

... located in the midtown desired redevelopment center just one block from the river.
The City of Tampa and it's assorted city-sanctioned gang members need this property because it's in the middle of land they intend to develop for gambling facilities.
LaS VEgas here in Tampa : Ta-Vegas or Tam-Gas.
But it's going to cost YOU a helluva lot of money as they defend their criminal acts in federal court due to what they are doing to my family and I in
the process of attempting to steal our home.

Terrorist,"Cause" and Gang Stalking Perpetrated by Tampa Firemen and other Firemen -- revealed and written about.

Some more threats from Tampa firemen (we'll just drive by your burning house if we know who you are) no kidding? I would NEVER have guessed that !
More mention of Firefighter and Police participation in gang-stalking
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Blanks and Charges

Okay, tell me if this sounds mercenary. I'm leaving out names and identities for now, and even some words to protect those who frankly don't deserve protection but having never been a RAT (like some) I just don't feel good about spilling people's filthy sides of their lives onto the WWW...

However -- (you knew this was coming, right??) -- I'm willing to disclose same for a fee. In fact, I'm going to disclose some of this in a book which will definitely be for sale very soon but if you'd like to know if your name or some similar aspect that identifies your smarmy and illegal acts towards me and my family have been mentioned I'd be happy to negotiate a fee with you. For the record, save your pennies if I've known you longer than thirty years. Out of respect for you and your family I'll leave your names out. Out of respect for you and your family I have remained silent. Apparently this same respect was not inbred in you. That's a pity but you and yours are safe with me. The ones who took it upon themselves to do your bidding against an innocent family are wide open just like they've left MY family wide open. Herewith I refer to my extended family and network many of whom are currently suffering at your hands. Be on notice.

Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008

Bush McCain Huggy Bears 2008
Blast Off's Huggy Bear Pic Challenge

A Nation in DISTRESS

A Nation in DISTRESS


In my living room watching;
but I am not laughing ....

..... risk something, take back what's yours
say something that you know they might attack you for
cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before ....
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day

In their living room laughing like,

"what did he say?"

Fight the Good Fight

" .... courage is humankind's cardinal virtue, because ''it makes all other virtues possible."
Reverend William Sloane Coffin

......" And I dare you to ask for a lot, I dare you to hold fast to your ideals and to expound them as publicly and as fearlessly as Martin Luther King and Bill Coffin and Betty Friedan and those dozens of grandmothers arrested a few weeks ago for protesting the war in Iraq."

Francine du Plessix Gray


MainSTREAMMedia=Bush Propaganda Machine

vox dictionary
Never Mistake Kindness for Weakness
I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires. Kahlil Gibran

Sept15 button
Every man dies.

Not every man really lives.

In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends...... Martin Luther King, Jr.
[PDA - Progressive Democrats of America - Stand Up. Take Action. Vote.]

Vox Talk

Contrary to popular belief:

Patience is NOT a virtue.

It is concentrated strength.
"The pioneers of a warless world are the young men (and women) who refuse military service."

- Albert Einstein
"Only those who dare to fail miserably can achieve greatly" – Robert Kennedy
"Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation…want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." Frederick Douglass, 1857
Tis nobler to lose honor to save the lives of men than it is to gain honor by taking them.

~David Borenstein

You cannot win a War on Terrorism. It’s like having a war on jealousy.

~David Cross

Blog Roll Me ~~~



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Fight Child Protective Services False Accusations

Fighting Child Protective Services False Accusations
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About Me

I was born a citizen of the world and have remained such but along with that: I'm a long time Tampa resident. Mixed bag at that as I've seen life here from nearly all angles and while somewhere in there I became slightly indoctrinated, I'm not too proud of the way people have taken over this city and run it with an iron fist for all but some. This city is working hard on creating just two classes. Thems and them dont's and they are working hard to shove some families down into the gutter for reasons known only to them. Some might be as petty as jealousy, some might be politically motivated, some might just be stupid and all are wrong. I want to believe we can get better but that would entail some stuff that I have no control over. I only can control myself and my reactions to what occurs.

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Ybor City Stogie

Ybor City Stogie

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To Whom it may concern: The contents of this web-page reflect the opinions and experiences of the authors. No contents here are fodder for legal use or purposes. This is a fiction or non-fiction story unfolding and as such all references are held for editing and any references to persons or entities living or dead are merely coincidental and should not be construed as proof or material for legal purposes.


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In other words: read it, enjoy it ... copy it, paste it, distribute it widely.

Don't construe it as anything but what it is: the opinion and experiences of a novelist on the way ... anything that IS true can be proven. Anything that's not true --- well, that's my opinion and yours, isn't it?

My blog is worth 27,092.28.
How much is your blog worth?

My apologies

Addendum: Please check back to older posts as I am constantly updating them as I have more time to delve into the interesting subjects. I thought that comments were automatically enabled. I apologize for the inability to comment. I was able to comment but that's because I'm the author (duh) Now, everyone can comment. It's a free for all. Hey, as well, if you'd like to publish to this blog it'd be cool if you were like-minded but if you're not that's okay too -- just email me and I'll add your email to the list of publishers to this blog. Tampas Back Door Ways (OR)