Read Honestly50.
28 arrests in Hillsborough gang sweep
By Danny Valentine, Times Staff Writer In Print: Friday, August 27, 2010
Hillsborough deputies seized 24 weapons as part of Operation Gang’s Over. As of Thursday, deputies had arrest warrants for 52 people.
TAMPA — On the table in the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office were more than a dozen rifles, shotguns and handguns.
Some of the weapons were powerful enough to penetrate bulletproof vests, others tiny enough to be stuffed in a pocket. One had a long bayonet attached to the end.
All of them belonged to gang members.
Deputies displayed the weapons Thursday while announcing the first day of a countywide gang roundup.
Sheriff's deputies arrested 28 people from various gangs Thursday morning, including members of the Bloods, the Black MOB and the Progressive Village Boys. Deputies have arrest warrants for another 24 people.
"It feels good to get them off the street," sheriff's detective David Evarts said. "It's very satisfying."
The arrests are a result of a seven-month undercover operation called Operation Gang's Over in which undercover deputies bought weapons and drugs.
Most of those arrested in the roundup face drug and weapons charges, with potential sentences ranging from 12 months to 25 years, Evarts said.
In addition to 24 weapons, deputies recovered 6.6 pounds of cocaine, 2.2 pounds of methamphetamine and 1.1 pounds of crack cocaine.
Deputies said the operation happened simultaneously with another anti-gang operation called Operation Under Pressure.
Since June 1, 33 accused players in a multitiered, multimillion-dollar drug ring have been federally indicted in that investigation. Many are members from the Palm River and Progress Village area, deputies said.
Authorities have seized 88 pounds of powder cocaine, 1,200 pounds of marijuana, 1.1 pounds of crack cocaine, $600,000, 13 vehicles, a watercraft, trailers and several firearms.
"The gangs are used to putting fear into the community," Evarts said. "Law enforcement is putting the fear back into the gangs."[Last modified: Aug 26, 2010 10:04 PM] Click here for reuse options! Copyright 2010 St. Petersburg Times
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There are 43 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated
gman044 wrote:
LOL...Progressive Village Boys...what a bunch of tough little gangstas...typical...promoting their housing project section 8 taxpayer funded lifestyle instead of working to leave it...sho dey mamas are proud.
Aug 26, 2010 9:47 PM
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firefighter64 wrote:
What human waste they are. 20 years for each gun found it should be. Gangs, love to shoot all these cowards.
Aug 26, 2010 10:04 PM
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JuicyPlayer wrote:
Nothing strikes more fear in my heart then the name "Progressive Village Boys". Sounds like the name of a New Wave group.
Aug 26, 2010 10:04 PM
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gman044 wrote:
Maybe they have a tattoo of Flo from the Progressive commercials....or maybe they meet weekly and discuss progressive political ideas....or maybe they are just scum who are not worth the gum on the bottom of my shoe
Aug 26, 2010 10:24 PM
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Greystone1 wrote:
Same story, different day. We've been hearing about the big bust, the big sting operation, etc. etc. etc. for the past forty years at least. The media probably uses form letters, just fill in the numbers and the names. It always sounds like the war has been won... but nothing ever changes.
The war on drugs is the forever war. Doing the same thing over and over, while expecting a different result is the very definition of insanity.
Aug 26, 2010 10:50 PM
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vennmaster wrote:
is james mason STILL snitching?? Guys you ain't been to 610 waters or up the blocks in that neighborhood including the "homeless" center by metro ministries on waters and the neighbors (LOL) who crack deal with them across the street. Obvious gangsters protected by your brothers on the TPD. So until you come haul their ●●●●● out of there and get Jose Tome and his claudio gang members and michael keller and his bunch of gangers .. you're NOT doing your job. Wouldn't take you a week to close THIS bunch. Even KIDS know what they are doing. Hell they use the kids for watchdogs and mules. DUH.
Aug 26, 2010 10:55 PM
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vennmaster wrote:
wow firefighter64, if you feel that way look around in your own dept. Many gangers employed by Tampa and Hillsborough fire rescue. Cops shooting gang signs from their unmarked cars on gandy. You have to see this and I do agree with you. They're sick, disgusting thugs and should be deported to any dump that is rotten w/no food. Don't care if they call themselves "american". It's NOT american to be a gangster and we don't want them here. NO gang tats should be coming over the border and no gang tats should be walking around in america.
Aug 26, 2010 10:59 PM
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vennmaster wrote:
wow firefighter64, if you feel that way look around in your own dept. Many gangers employed by Tampa and Hillsborough fire rescue. Cops shooting gang signs from their unmarked cars on gandy. You have to see this and I do agree with you. They're sick, disgusting thugs and should be deported to any dump that is rotten w/no food. Don't care if they call themselves "american". It's NOT american to be a gangster and we don't want them here. NO gang tats should be coming over the border and no gang tats should be walking around in america.
Aug 26, 2010 10:59 PM
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vennmaster wrote:
greystone1 has it right. When the cops are IN ON IT it will never, ever end. And the cops ARE in on it.
Aug 26, 2010 11:00 PM
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Big Coop Dogg wrote:
"In addition to 24 weapons, deputies recovered 6.6 pounds of cocaine, 2.2 pounds of methamphetamine and 1.1 pounds of crack cocaine". Wow what a bust. I've eaten Burritos that weigh more than a 1.1 pounds. How about this, unless you start busting the people who bring it in, or you legalize drugs, please stop hyping up these small time bust.
Aug 26, 2010 11:05 PM
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MentosMan727 wrote:
Vennmaster, why wont you respond to my comments on your blog? Is the TPD working with local crack dealers to steal more of your pets? Any firemen try to poison you lately? lol. The IRA still planting child porn on your laptop? (a likely story)
You seem to be quite the internet detective my friend. I am quite a good one myself - and I have an advantage, as I am not completely insane.
Aug 26, 2010 11:18 PM
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dyanne219 wrote:
thank you for agreat job done... one by one is okay but this is a good one 28..
Aug 26, 2010 11:32 PM
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Greystone1 wrote:
Are the cops "in on it"? Maybe some are... maybe not. It really doesn't matter.
The war on drugs cannot be won because it is morally/ethically wrong. That's right, folks... we are the bad guys.
If someone wants to get high and is not harming others, then it is wrong to stop them. Stopping them is an initiation of force against them and a violation of their inherent (God given if you like) right to self determination. Force against others, except in defense, is wrong.
If you want to pick up a baseball bat and smack yourself in the head with it, I may think it is stupid, I may try to talk you out of it, but it would be wrong to physically stop you. It's your head.
Victimless crimes are not real crimes and they cannot/should not be stopped.
Aug 27, 2010 1:28 AM
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Meg wrote:
War on drugs is NOT wrong. If someone gets high, they are harming others in multiple ways. If someone without insurance hits themselves in the head with a baseball bat, we'll send you the bill since you won't stop them! Now go ride your motorcycle without a helmet and make sure you're hit by the uninsured driver. We'll see if you still think it's a victimless crime.
Aug 27, 2010 2:31 AM
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vennmaster wrote:
Thank you, mentos.
Aug 27, 2010 2:40 AM
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Greystone1 wrote:
"If someone without insurance hits themselves in the head with a baseball bat, we'll send you the bill since you won't stop them!"
I am not responsible for their medical bills and neither are you. Their head, their decision, their action, their responsibility.
Aug 27, 2010 2:48 AM
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Greystone1 wrote:
Let's take your "insurance" logic a step further. Let's say that our oh so benevolent government gives us free national health care.
Then you can say "The government pays for your health care and everything you do affects your health, therefore the government has a right to dictate your every move, every waking moment, from cradle to grave".
Let's see if you then still believe you live in a free country.
Be thankful that our government cannot stop victimless crimes, because a government that is powerful enough to do so would be powerful enough to enslave each and every one of us.
Aug 27, 2010 3:19 AM
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SnapTie wrote:
What's going to happen if Rick Scott becomes governor? He said he would push a bill to randomly drug test welfare and Section 8 housing recipients. I can see available housing coming. I know the projects very well in the bay area. My company has worked with HUD for the past 40 years. Something has to be done it's out of control.
Aug 27, 2010 3:31 AM
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Honestly50 wrote:
On the comments of Gang Members in Tampa PD & Fire Dept, 100% correct, I know them personally. St Pete PD has narcotic detectives that tells certain gangs what to watch out for or if they need to cool their heels for a while. Yet not a single agency will do anything about it. I know I tried with good evidence for them to work with they just let it go on. This story is such small potatoes there are 100's more foot soldiers waiting to take over the territory or already there, never gonna get any better right.
Aug 27, 2010 4:11 AM
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imapopulistnow wrote:
"Progressive Village Boys" - Aren't they the ones who drive a Prius with a rainbow bumper sticker?
Aug 27, 2010 5:06 AM
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liquorbutt wrote:
Nice work cops,but if you can't catch them, and execute them immediately does it really matter, did you make a statement? ....NO
Aug 27, 2010 5:16 AM
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Scott Free wrote:
One gang member was quoted as saying "I diddid do nufin n' s**t".
Aug 27, 2010 5:43 AM
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Scott Free wrote:
Isn't the police force a "gang"? I know I get a little fearful when I get pulled over.... This is a VERY vague article and not very well written. Seems like a fluff piece to keep the masses thinking the police are doing a great job of keeping us safe. As long as their is a "stand your ground" law and I have plenty of my own weapons/ammo (Thank you 2nd ammendment) I don't need the police or the extra bulls**t they cause. Remember when seconds count the police are only minutes away :(
Aug 27, 2010 5:51 AM
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Ace wrote:
Take away their "gats" and their "stash" , and all you have is a bunch of losers who couldn't possibly make it in the real world. They would never be able to hold down a job or get off the system and out of the projects. Some of these "gangsters" are following the horrible examples set by GENERATIONS of the same ilk.
Lock them all up , I say good riddance to bad rubbish.....
Aug 27, 2010 6:01 AM
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cena wrote:
Sad fact is as long as there is a market for illegal drugs and guns, gangs will exist.
Aug 27, 2010 7:27 AM
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Reginald48 wrote:
If anyone has allegations re the PD or FD in their local area, all one has to do is contact the U.S. Marshall's office or the U.S. Attorney's office... Don't let local or state know what's going on... Citizens need to combine their intelligence; weed out these "crooks" within these departments and contact friends who have friends in high places... I'll guarantee you something will be done post-haste as tourism is the leading industry in Florida...
Aug 27, 2010 9:05 AM
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AmericanPride wrote:
@ Greystone1- I think you missed the bus on this one. If someone hits theirself with a bat and doesn't have insurance and the blow to the head knocked some sence into them then they decide to go to the hospital who do you think pays the bill? It's our tax money. If a crash occurs and one party doesn't have insurance again us citizens who do pay in the for of higher rates. Still think there's no "victimless" crimes? Then go talk to the mom and dads who have lost an innocent child due to a stray bullet. Of course the bangers wouldn't have reported the drive-by so I guess, in your opinion, it would have been "victimless". @ ScottFree- Since you "don't need the police" you should start a list of people who feel the same way so when your vehicle is stolen or someone breaks into your home while you're out or an even worse crime is committed against you, you can save tax payers money and not call the police in your time of need.
Aug 27, 2010 10:16 AM
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Honestly50 wrote:
1. Vehicle is stolen report is required by insurance for claim2. House broken report required by insurance for claim3. Car accident report required for insurance claimWhy not just hire $18.00 per hr clerks, Cops never get anything back they have even told friends of mine who did call them that all they were getting was a report to file with insurance the goods were gone.
Other than that I don't call 911 I take care of my own business as well as though that I know well enough we take care of each other & Mother's who get beat & children who get beat or worse. Somebody broke into my house 2 years ago I awoke held them at gunpoint & showed them the door & there were 2 other accomplices outside. I told they them if they wanted to die come on otherwise leave. Then I went back to bed big deal and never even gave a second thought to calling 911. Glow in the dark sights are Fantastic those little white dots are outstanding in total darkness that's how it was when this happened.
Aug 27, 2010 12:21 PM
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Honestly50 wrote:
Just so you know I am not nor ever have been a gang banger I am upper middle class older & white. I leave the gangs alone I don't tell them how to run their business. Never been in jail with no record throughout my life. I'm just old school and we avoid cops or anybody who knows them.
Aug 27, 2010 12:26 PM
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Jada wrote:
"It feels good to get them off the street"
Just how long before they are back on the street? Some do gooder judge will release them just as they do every other criminal in the past few years.
Aug 27, 2010 12:38 PM
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Honestly50 wrote:
It won't even take that today there are 100's of replacement soldiers already taking over the territory. Easy Money is just that or another gang will just no expand into the area for more turf.
Aug 27, 2010 12:43 PM
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Greystone1 wrote:
"AmericanPride wrote: @ Greystone1- I think you missed the bus on this one. If someone hits theirself with a bat and doesn't have insurance and the blow to the head knocked some sence into them then they decide to go to the hospital who do you think pays the bill? It's our tax money. If a crash occurs and one party doesn't have insurance again us citizens who do pay in the for of higher rates."
Yes... that's the way it us, but is that they way it should be? I am old enough to remember when all of these (well meaning?) laws were passed. According to their proponents, the idea was to provide health care to those who couldn't afford it. There was no mention at the time of it being used to dictate their behavior.
It's kinda like making a deal with the devil. Healthcare in exchange for your soul... except the devil might be honest enough to mention the soul part, whereas the politicians are not that honest.
Aug 27, 2010 2:22 PM
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Greystone1 wrote:
"AmericanPride wrote: Then go talk to the mom and dads who have lost an innocent child due to a stray bullet."
If you recall, my scenario involved someone who was getting high and harming nobody, which is not a real crime and should be legal. Shooting kids (or anybody else) is a real crime and should be illegal.
Sober, drunk or high... if you are harming somebody, you belong in jail.
Aug 27, 2010 2:31 PM
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AmericanPride wrote:
@ Honestly50- Your neighbors must be proud.... You had the bad guys at gunpoint and let them go? So they could go down the street and break into your neighbors homes? Hmmmm or maybe the bad guys had already stolen your neighbors stuff which was in the vehicle that the guys you let go, with a strong warning, where driving. You should put yourself on the list with ScottFree. Also before you pay $18hr($37,440yr) to a clerk who can't take a bad guy to jail you should check the average starting salary for officers.(Florida-$35,554) That's based on 2,080hr work year. Ohh don't forget that officers are expected to act even when off-duty, 7 day's a week, 365 days a year. I'd bet your clerk just wouldn't answer the phone at 2 a.m. @ Jada- I agree that they get back on the street to quickly but maybe the little time they spent incarcerated prevented another crime.
Aug 27, 2010 2:31 PM
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AmericanPride wrote:
@ Greystone1- In that same comment you also wrote, "If you want to pick up a baseball bat and smack yourself in the head with it, I may think it is stupid, I may try to talk you out of it, but it would be wrong to physically stop you. It's your head." This is the comment I was referring to because if it cost you, me, or anyone money to take care of that person, then we are all victims.
Aug 27, 2010 2:44 PM
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Greystone1 wrote:
"AmericanPride wrote: @ Jada- I agree that they get back on the street to quickly but maybe the little time they spent incarcerated prevented another crime."
We arrest someone for smoking pot and throw him in jail, where he either becomes violent or he becomes somebody's biatch. We then release him and he can't get a job because he has a record. What are the chances that he will become a productive citizen? Still think we have prevented future crimes?
I'm betting there are people reading this who have smoked the evil weed (or worse) and went on to become productive citizens... all because they didn't get caught. Had they gotten caught they would now be bitter violent career criminals.
Aug 27, 2010 2:46 PM
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Greystone1 wrote:
"AmericanPride wrote: @ Greystone1- In that same comment you also wrote, "If you want to pick up a baseball bat and smack yourself in the head with it, I may think it is stupid, I may try to talk you out of it, but it would be wrong to physically stop you. It's your head." This is the comment I was referring to because if it cost you, me, or anyone money to take care of that person, then we are all victims."
I also wrote that I am not responsible for his medical bills and neither are you. The fact that our government forces us to pay for them does not make us responsible for them in any moral/ethical sense.
There is a huge difference between charity and welfare. In charity the contributions are voluntary and the people being helped are not entitled to that help.
Aug 27, 2010 3:08 PM
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AmericanPride wrote:
Greystone1- Really, everyone "becomes violent or somebody's biatch."???? I'm sure there are plenty of productive citizens who have been to jail or who do drugs. Not an argument there at all. Maybe those citizens grow their own or buy it, who knows. Maybe they bought it from the guy who fired that stray bullet. I'm just stating crimes do have a victim. And btw I agree if someone violates another they should be punished.
Aug 27, 2010 3:14 PM
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Honestly50 wrote:
No "AmericanPride" my neighborhood is quite safe there are a few gang-bangers and they know I don't tolerate them around here from 1 main avenue to the next & from 1 main street to the next. I don't take them and I will stand my ground. They know it and they know I drive around & will run them off. Fists, Knives, Guns I don't care I have seen it all. You just half to stand-up, stand your ground and not cower & call 911 who might show up half n hour later, maybe. The ones I chased off that Night Have Never Been Seen In This Neighborhood Again. So keep talking tough while you hide behind your curtain dialing 911, you drive down my street and you don't look like you belong here, or to slow and I will Stop You & Ask What Are You Doing In My Neighborhood! I have done it for years day or night I sleep light with 2 guns under my pillow ready for anything. I've unfortunately scared some of the new newspaper delivery people at 4am but you never know:) But I'm just a native Floridian!
Aug 27, 2010 3:18 PM
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Greystone1 wrote:
Let's try this one more time. If someone smacks themself in the head and the government forces you to pay for it, are you a victim because he smacked himself or are you a victim because the government made you pay for it? Are you a victim of his actions or are you a victim of the government's actions?
Aug 27, 2010 3:38 PM
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LePetomane wrote:
Bah, now they'll regroup behind bars, wine and dine at the taxpayers expense and plan their next romp in the shadows of political correctness.
Aug 27, 2010 3:50 PM
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palinsfatboobs wrote:
honestly50, hear hear. That avoiding cops is what we all know so when you see the gd gangers cozying up to them and the cops in uniform on duty at the doors of gangsters and the video I have of them guarding mr. tome's crackhouse for him as he faked another robbery on his insurance scam .. ... yeah. Avoiding cops times two these days. GOOD JOB w/protecting your own. I would like to see one of the scum come near me. The one I mentioned as snitch is the nephew of tampa fireman spence roberts a KNOWN arsonist. All city employees. Cept james darrel mason and his prostitute mother of the grandnephew of spence roberts. they like to stay home and deal crack w/shotguns and tote weaponry and crack around and have the charges dropped. They're MONEY MAKERS for the 13th. Straight to the top. Ugly bunch. One of them murdered my sister in cold blood. James D. Mason got my mother. The clock is ticking for them.
Aug 27, 2010 4:03 PM
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palinsfatboobs wrote:
I called this person right here: RAY ALCOVER ... arson investigator. He wanted RIGHT AWAY to meet me 'in secret' and 'get what I had'. LOL Suspect in Tampa arson caught on tape - St. Petersburg Times Mar 24, 2010 ... TAMPA — An arson suspect was caught on camera at a Tampa ... the man on the surveillance images call fire investigators Ray Alcover at (813) - CachedShow more results from Ol Ray is what you call a coverup artist, peeps. Later on that month a week or so later Ray Alcover or his counterpart did stalk me over at the International Mall. Got the video. You realize that like bautiste in TPD IAD, ray alcover got his job due to death, destruction and FBI investigations into competent, truthful arson investigators. Spence Roberts is bosom buddies with ray vliet ARSON INVESTIGATOR EXTRAORDINAIRE. When I pointed this out publicly Mimi Vliet's facebook page DISAPPEARED. GUILTY MIND. Mens rea.
Aug 27, 2010 4:08 PM
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