
Thursday, September 30, 2010

qtip licker

all I can say to you is: THANKS.

This is better than I could have hoped for.

Too much too little too late to try again with you .......


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

QTIP DRIP farmer klem FLMAO !!!!!!!!!!

Listen, I ain't got no time for yo silliness today ...

BUT I can make a suggestion: If I can stop laughing .....

Scroll down to white trash (and brown) parents .....

it starts with:


And so on and so forth ...

do you even have dickster still?

clean and shiny ..... I was wondering where your pussy azz was hiding ......



And so on and so forth.

Thank you to you and the krewe today.

I feel sure you didn't always win on the playground, either. You totally fucked up again today, for instance.

2004 and tied yourself to 2010................ same thang.

Things you should know ya don't .... umm hmmmmm

Okay, flash, later.

I feel sick from laughing so hard.

Stop the THUG Brown Bailout

The thing about Fed Ex is a person can OWN their own business. So, like it or not .. they are the better choice.

And nasty old Jerry Dupree who my cuz really should NOT see on every corner is a stalker AND a thug who misdelivers and opens UPS packages with NO accountability. He's a real POS. But today he burned himself. Shit brown.

Jerry, come in off the playground you little mama's boy.

Thanks to your help we were able to tell Congress, loud and clear, that Americans have bailout fatigue and oppose the Brown Bailout. But, we can't let up! Last week, Congress passed another short-term extension of the FAA Reauthorization Act, once again delaying until later this year a bill that would fund important improvements to our air transportation system. In mid-November Congress will return to Washington, DC for a lame-duck session where UPS and Chairman Jim Oberstar are expected to continue to push for a 230-word anticompetitive provision that benefits only UPS, at the expense of consumers and FedEx Express. We need your help to ensure that the lame-duck Congress is bailout free. Please share this email with your friends or take a moment and join our Facebook page if you haven’t done so. Thank you for your continued support.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jimmy Carter poisoned??

Just seems an odd way and place to get sick.

Hospitalized from a plane.

Obama : voter apathy


Voter apathy ......

Dear Obama,

I pulled for you, reluctantly but I DID. (palin?? one breath away from an idiot) I knew chances were slim we'd get what America needed out of you. Or any of the current scum. I'm not even sure you tried real hard. Or at all.

Healtcare is NOT universally changed. No one dropped health care off in my inbox as the Canadias have had FOR YEARS.

We're still in Iran, we're DEEPER in Afghanistan.

You're calling for A LONGER SCHOOL YEAR and jumping on the bil gates bandwagon. That's a sick crisis bigger than the dewey mistake.

And there's that whole NEW WIRETAP LAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are you f'ing kidding ME??

You gave no one anything they wanted.

The black people know you're not black.

Oprah knows you do what you're told.

Your agenda has been obvious.


That's all I'll give you.

But not by much.

And there's all those nasty attacks on the Kennedys and that whole Israeli/IRA hate thing going on with your approval.


Monday, September 27, 2010

Gloria Stuart

People can give a lot of credit to James Cameron, Leo DiCaprio and the lovely, lively, REAL and beautiful Kate Winslet but ...

w/out Gloria Stuart we would not have been so captivated.

It appears she joined us captivating

and kept us captivated

and left us wanting more .....

And here's a charming little video of the youngest Titanic survivor, Millvina. She is absolutely adorable and pithy. So polite and generous to this guy. Wish I had been there !

RIP, Ms. Stuart .... your Titanic scene actually changed my life somewhat.

I never watched it until almost ten years after it came out .. and then watched it over and over .....

She was truly amazing.

Rest in Peace, Grand Dame.

Obama w/ the school shit out of left field


No thanks.

Is Obama trying to tank the whole fucking Presidency and Democrat gig??

One believes so.

This longer school year works for traffickers who rely on their kids for income and transport and muling.

NOT SO MUCH for regular people who like to take off and drive across the country.

Knock it off, Obama

Tell Oprah to STFU.

I think you do not want to be President again.

I know it's not that much fun.

And look at all the destroyed lives around it.

American gangster comes to mind.

you stupid fucking whore

truth hurts, huh?

Isn't this what you came here for??

L O L.

Remember ... EVERYONE who looks at him.



That's ON YOU.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Dear White (and Brown) Trash Tampa Parents


Which PART of your crack lives are you proud of?

The part where you turned your back or encouraged your daughter to be a fat whore w/bad teeth and face or the part where your son is a thief and a scumbag?


I can buy plenty of thangs but you can never get back what you did to YOUR OWN CHILD.

Look at them.

They're pieces of shit.

Like you.

Which is probably why you do not notice.

I pity them and I pity you.

And you might be laughing ... you might think you're so tricky. But, you're just pieces of shit patting each other on the back like stealing bones from dogs. That fucking easy.

THE HARD THING: NOT TO BE YOU. Because it's easy as hell to sclide down SHIT SLOPE to BE YOU.

So you enjoy yourselves. Any evidence I see of what scum you are does not impress me in any way. I barely nod my head anymore. One look at you and it's evident what you are.

But doing that to your own child.


Your ass is grass.

later thieves and sluts.
It never ceases to amaze me how often you step on your dick to step on your dick. Doesn't that EVER get painful???

You do it so often.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Mr. Tome_GAY

It might be different if everyone didn't KNOW why your professional pigs were in that hood. They're nothing but whores, nasty sluts, crackheads, crack dealers and the spawn of same. Wow.

I mean .. ANYONE would care what such a pile of trash thinks.

FUCKING LOL. You just don't get it, nigga.

Those stupid nappy-headed whores could strip naked .... frost themselves with dog shit and tie themselves to a telephone pole or a car hood and no one would take notice. They're filthy and they're filthy-looking. Never got close enough to see if they stink as bad as they look. GAD. Anyway .. I'm sure they've even DONE half that stuff.


Who gives a fuckarickey?

Ivette. LOL. Your kids, right?? How's it feel to know that EVERYONE who looks at them knows they go home to a fucking crackhouse with a pos set of parents who are too fucking stupid to hold real jobs so they harass neighbors and deal crack like fucking SCUM??


You stupid fucking whore.

So, go ahead::: Strip naked, frost yourself with dog shit and tie yourself to a pole:


Friday, September 24, 2010

Another Suspicious Robinson Death

Found dead in her bed. I bet I can show you the poison placed there which killed her or incapacitated her lungs.

Keller, I notice you finally remembered what you did to fuck up your tale back in 2004. LOLLSSS. Stupid motherfucker.
I toldja I hadya. Now fuck off.

Another Robinson High School person saw something they shouldn't have. Keep murdering people ... it will be back at you in time.

By SHERRI ACKERMAN The Tampa Tribune
Published: September 23, 2010
Updated: 09/24/2010 06:44 am
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(from Robinson High shocked by death of cheer coach, 34 -
votenowBuzz up!
TAMPA - Robinson High students and staff are consoling one another over the unexpected death of teacher and head cheerleading coach Tina Maiorana, whose body was found Thursday morning in her South Tampa home.
There were no signs of foul play, Tampa police spokeswoman Laura McElroy said. Police are investigating the case as an unexplained death.
Maiorana, 34, had volunteered to travel with Robinson's student government representatives early Thursday for a meeting at Durant High School.
When she didn't show up, Robinson's school resource officer went to Maiorana's home. She was found dead in her bed, McElroy said.
"Coach Tina dedicated her heart and soul to the school,'' Principal Laura Zavatkay said. "She would basically spend hours here."
"I'm just in shock,'' said Sheron Cavenaugh, a school secretary who had gotten to know Maiorana over the summer.
"I think she was very well loved and liked. She was just a very energetic person – just so full of life. It's just sad. She will be missed greatly.''
Members of the school's varsity and junior varsity cheerleading squad were devastated to learn of their coach's death.
"She was our mom,' said varsity cheerleading captain Taylor Falcon. "She was like our best friend. We told her everything."
Robinson High cheerleader Taylor Cornillaud many on the squad were having a hard time believing the news.
"We spent all morning crying. It's awful," she said.
For tonight's football game, the cheerleaders will wear special T-shirts to honor their coach. On the front, the T-shirt will say: "In memory of Coach Tina." On the back, the T-shirts will say: "Best coach, Best Teacher, Best Friend."
Maiorana, a business technology teacher, began coaching Robinson's cheerleaders while working at another school.
To show their affection for Maiorana, students will dedicate the rest of the athletic season to her.
The school plans to make the announcement today during a pep rally before their home game against Middleton High.
The daughter of a teacher, Maiorana was a high school cheerleader who grew up in New York.
She moved to Florida during graduate school, said her sister-in-law Leticia Maiorana. She was hired by Hillsborough County Public Schools in 2001.
Maiorana taught at Seminole Elementary for four years and began working with Robinson's cheerleaders before transferring to the school in 2005.
"She loved the elementary level," Leticia Maiorana said.
But she found it easier to transfer so she could be closer to her cheerleading squad.
Maiorana is survived by her mother, Mary Ann, older brother Frank and his wife Leticia, and a niece and nephew, all of California.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Robert O'Neill stalkers and tampa firepigs deux

Robert O'Neill LOVES Sweet Bay. Actually what he REALLY loves is sending some thug to follow me in and out of Sweet Bay wearing O'Neill shirts. Wow. It's inspiring to see so many ugly thugs put their weight behind you. LOL. When you land in shit it will be a big ugly pile, baby.
So, this means the other sweet bay murderer was yours too. AND Sweet Shannon of the BIG TNT. hmmmmmm Where IS that fatboy lately? Let me guess. His fat ass is at the Y right now.

What losers you surround yourself with.

I guess you know what that is a sign of, correct?? FEAR. you skeered someone smarter than you will fuck you over.

And today we have another body to add to your heap. And that would be Mark Longway, Hillsborough County sheriff.

Tell me, babby... how close ARE you to Andrew Forman former attorney??

When I said, "take me to your leader", I most def was not interested in stopping AT YOU. A guy who has spent his whole life in the company of evil clowns. Making shit of the very system you claim to protect.

I only got this guy's tag for you today. It was O'Neill's boatyard... clever grey tshirt.

The guy had to follow me like ... three miles to follow me into and out of the store. While I turned this way and that because I did not really have a destination in mind at that moment.
LOSERS> Down blocks, u-turns, up others, another u-turn... so this guy followed me in hee by no accidental means.

You should tell him he was obvious as a fucking loser when he was as far away as the next register. They could go naked without painting the dot from the i in O'Neill on their teeny tiny penises and I would know em.

They stink. It seeps from them.

The world wants to fry them and have them for cow patties.

Robert .. you're not a leader so in whatever fantasy world you feel that you are .. you're NOT in MINE. So .. I'll be waiting on the leader still. What tells me when he/she/it finally pokes it's little snaggle tooth head out of the shit pile I'll be less impressed if that is possible??

6085 9th avenue north
st pete 33710

at 1133:42 pm there is a grey-haired man at the register west end of the front lines w/ the pretty asian cashier and he follows me out after he followed me in and got into this van.

WITH his O'Neill boatyard shirt.

This is Robert O'Neill, a contender for the United States Attorney's post middle district florida using first responsers, what looks to be a retired first responder (and dumbass) to stalk citizens.

I have more than several other photos of the O'Neill people stalking... they always lurk and wait so they can pass by and show you the O'Neill stuff. This guy took no chances. His was on front and back. W/a hat and sunglasses. He really didn't want his picture taken. So I did.
This, by the way, hooks O'Neill up with the whole hood and that comes across through fatass shannon who is BIG TNT and his motorcycle, McEnaney Roofing and dearly river view meets riverview beloved tampa fireTHANG Mike Benitez and his big thug son who once hoisted a small boy up by his backpack and didn't get quite the reaction he was after. BIG MEN ...

Honestly, Robert, this juvenile behaviour PLUS the poisoning and such that you and Christine Breen and Roberto Bautiste's sister take part in is interesting. SOME of it is very juvenile ... and I will opine that you have a Peter Pan syndrome much like Colin Breen's.

It's creepy and stupid. No creepier than you fucking your secretary on your desk and your wife not minding... WOW> Please god I hope you have not spawned.

The following firepigs were also stalking today. Two NEW ONES: SO PROUD.
Then they both exited together . Losers. Back to the station.

There was also lots and LOTS of firepig truck activity today but .. hey, I ain't got all day for their stupid ass boolshit.

FUCK THEM. This is my life. They have begun to recognize that what they smell there is LOSS.

THEY LOST. I toldja that a long fucking time ago.

Claudio "Gangers"

Are you people the stupidest gang EVER or are there some stupider? You're my first gang experience and I must say I'm not impressed. Except for with the collection of half-wits and ugly fucks Mr. Tome-gay has managed to put together ......

Did you want to call him and tell him how you fucked him over into a worst spot than qtip farmer klem again or shall I? Never mind ... let him read it here.
I didn't realize Ivette had gone on the crack diet. I thought you had traded her in for a younger model. Man, WHERE did she start??? She lost that weight so fast it can only mean one thing.
She be lookin like a keller ho but pretty. She's the only pretty one I've seen. Like that kid of yours you have to wonder WTF??

The kid is your fault. I guess Ivette is your fault, too.
Who over at the sheriff's house fixed that up for you?

Same as down at the 13th being let off theft charge after theft charge.
Still, getting little weird bod on the scissorhands. BAD NEWS.
You wanna know what I'm doing why not bring your little pussy ass over and find out?
Or you happy with just fucking with the dog?
Mr. Music the Hater.
There ya go... a whole new crack name.
I've never seen such a hater as you involved in the universal language of love.
It's why you only get the occasional gig tossed. They just do that to keep you stringing along small time fucking with people. That, and the shit you play is redundant.

The 70's called ... they want their hypno back.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Robert O'Neill Pussy or Prosecutor?

Ima go for pussy.

Not the car wreck scenario with the grinning idiot car already smashed in ....

Should have pulled in there with him and gotten the rest of the BABBY ONEEL message.


yer a pussy

sorry i didn't come watch you piss on that goddamn piece of paper.

had to wash between my toes ....

more later.

father and mother of the year: claudio

Thought it was gonna be the rolling meth lab but nahhh .. perfect set up though ...

Once again you lay shame on the good Puerto Rican people ... Ima start a puerto rican channel and put cho shit up there. And ax dem .... is this what you expect your people to act like??

I'd lay wagers that you and mr. keller and gay tome-ay have worked your way (with the rest dem) up from Floribraska centro to here and beyond pulling your professional pigs act.
Anyway .. I try not to think of you as trash ... but it's hard.

wow. you people ARE trash. Serious trash.
Mr. Tome-AY this ain't gonna look good, brother.

Say Mr. Claudio when you were growing up and it finally dawned on you that you were trash, when was that?
You sposed to be about the music. The universal language of love and connection.

You're just a fucking hater.And a thief.

The thing is ... you don't bother me at all. It makes me laugh.

BUT, the sad thing is that one day those kids (yours especially) will want something clean and decent.Not only will they not be able to get it ... it will always be just out of their reach. And they wouldn'tknow what to do with if they DID get it.Not even enough to fake it.

Trash begets trash.

You're a fucking professional PIG. The trail of trash from one house to the other .....but the worst thing about you is the life you are cheating your child of.

And some fat whore leaving her sleeping baby ALONE in the house (or worse with you) long enough for your kid to feel like "your"version of a man for five seconds.that's sad.i know you'll never get that.

You were dragged up the same way.It's pretty obvious.So, I hope your son is always good with what is available from the gutter of life. It's all he's ever goingto get. It's ALL HE KNOWS.That's on you. All that directed towards a person who could have had you arrested ten times. Didn't.I'm more man than you will ever be.

I feel bad for that kid of yours. But not for the first time.

He's a victim. Of YOU.

That's not normal behavior.

Yer a bunch of sick fucks.

You think that Mr. Tome is going to give you one of his shiny crack cars???LOL.I love the gang up. So predictable.

Luckily now when things go wrong ... we have some suspects. LOL.Anyway, that kid deserves better.I feel sorry for him. Because of you.

Oh and who knows how mamy neighborhoods and homes you've lived in along with the scum you hang with and donethis in? You're a pig. I'm going to check and see what I can find out.

I'd like to talk to your old neighbors. Chances are they're gone.. murdered by the crack-wealthy mr. tome andhis fat ass associates.

You familiar with genessee where scawtee committed his 18 month probation MURDER??


Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Keller and Tome Street Demos

huh. Skateboarding: Seems to be more for fags every day >>>> not to mention any names. And not to impugn the fags. I love fags. Just not nasty fags like y'all. Gutter murdering selling drugs to kids fags.

And rican sweatiness while jumping around. Yeah, not so much.

The Puerto Rican people should come ova heah, get your nappy, skank asses by the hair and tell you what a motherfuckin embarrassment you scumbags are to them.

You goddamn bunch are so fucked up that puerto rican birth certificates are no good anymore, ykonw that? And that's ON YOU. You bring shame on your people.

Now, what we could have demonstrated to lure people outside for the rank air you toxify would be a couple things ....

You could have scawtee come over and murder someone in the street. I'd like to see a redo of what murder got him EIGHTEEN MONTHS PROBATION.

And, we could do a cooking demo. I mean you could. Now I have some meth cookers in my clan but truth to tell I aint' actually ever seen it done. I have this aversion to scum and think dey scum they can't figure out no other way to make some green. Also, I don't like explosions.

I miss how dumbass darrell was the trusted one to go out and fix the explosions. That would havce me laughing for a f'ing half hour. Wow.

So, you guys could like set up a meth cooking demo. Crack I'm not so interested in .. I know the basics of that and it's not terribly complicated .. little cocaine, some rat poison, battery acid, fire .. water ... ummm here's yer crack. Bell ringers and all.

But I'd sure like to see that meth set up. Not really but I try to be encouraging.

Bring it out in the street and let's have a demo.

BTW, I know how to skateboard and ya look like a pussy. LOL.

O'Neill Chrissy, Breen and Forman (plus FIREPIGS)


Y'all better fucking hope that I nor anyone I am even remotely acquainted with suffers so much as a hangnail never mind some drunk plowing into one of us, huh??


Isn't it ENOUGH TO GET DISBARRED??????????????????????????????????????????????????


you want MORE?????

You should be in prison.

Maybe this time you'll go.

Robert O'Neill stalkers and tampa firepigs

Firepigs back out in medium force today ..... one at each entrance on the interstate. How funny is it that most times I probably miss their frantic effort? Fucking pussies.

And, in conjunction with that we have the O'Neill stalkers from yesterday. Unlike the pigs I won't bore you with MORE pictures of firepigs. They try to keep enough distance not to get photographed but you can almost always get their tag #'s.

Anyway, this guy and his 'lady' with the star tattoos (Tommy, does that sound familiar ....????) LOL

lurked outside a building for me. Bobby's big on that. He likes to have his little scumbags lurking around bldgs where he knows you'll have to enter or exit. This, of course, takes a great deal of following and schedule examination so while on the face of it this looks like a skanky young couple and a gay looking dude who likes his backpack to bang on his ass while he walks ... in reality these folks are the end result of a fucking SCARY bunch of spying and tactical setup.

The behind-the-scenes examination of a person's life and schedule is indicative of a long practice in this .....

Folks, Robert ONeill REAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYY wants to be United States Attorney for the mid dist of Florida.

For the record, this is one of at least TWENTY instances of the O'Neill shirt stalkings. Any time you bring up it's name or it knows you'll be somewhere for awhile and it believes it can freak you out, in one will roll. Mostly losers but occasionally a bright light who looks ashamed of him or herself. They also put stickers on their vehicles, etc... yeah yeah I know they're a surf product. Funny hnow they only show up when Bobby knows someone is talking about him.


This is Christine DeCamp Breen's clown-haired husband's Colin Breen's business partner. You can defend them all you like. You can raise their names in situations you could actually be sued for ...and I will say this to your face unlike your sneak tactics: YOU are all fucked up. These people are murderers and they are MURDERING CHILDREN and using teenagers for mules and having teenagers manipulate and even physically poison others at fast food restaurants.

COME ON what are the chances that every mob guy's kid works at wendy's AND taco bell?? Not just the dealing out the drive thru but the poisoning and toxifying of the food.


Here's another one. The stars are sinister in meaning for this clan. They consider them directional. They're just fucking pigs who had TO BE LED. As they are FOLLOWERS. These are the weak folks that Robert O'Neill relies on to do his dirty deeds.

While he plants child porn on computers and has the help of who knows how many people doing so????

Along with Roberto Bautiste, TPD IAD and his sister who also tried to get their fingers on a family laptop.

Fucking scum. Sure you're nice people to talk to and all and your mom's adorable. BUT you ar FUCKED UP people. Spending blood money and not even justifying it far as I can tell.

So go fuck yourselves. What I have I'm bringing .....

Monday, September 13, 2010

car wreck threats AGAIN

This went from fat thugs approaching me to discuss how their similar model cars blew up to fat thugs standing beside dropped-off wrecks on the interstate (HILARIOUS) to stupid black ASSES swerving towards me on the interstate to Christine DeCamp Breen eying me and then a wreck and then me and then a wreck which the tampa firepigs were working.

Today it was the car right behind me. Miraculously JUST ACROSS THE STREET from the Pinellas/66th street fire pigs who are on video stalking us all over the place in Pinellas.

Washing their pig-mobile during the water shortage.

The ride is almost over gentlemen.

Bring that cunt down with you.

Folks Robert E. O'Neill REALLLLY REALLLY wants to be United States Attorney for the Middle District.

As bad as Pam on a stick/Pam on a Mansion Bundy I mean Bondi wants to be Attorney General.

How many you think would survive through THAT pairing?///

Go fuck yourselves.



Then you'd be more fucked than fucked.

I'm not even SURE how fucked that is.


Even I can't predict.

Oh by the way this has been an ongoing threat for weeks now but this was the car directly behind me.



Fire PIGS to the RESK YOOOOO....

From washing cars to staging disasters ...

they're multi-talented. Not.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Massa Keller and his Collander head

Oh shit, bitches.

He really DID forget.

Is it the drinking??

The amount of shit he has PULLED??????


You did forget.

Put your arms up.

I'm going to nail you to the cross and let the ants have at you.

What a complete raving idiot you are.

I'd pity you if I didn't know what fucking scum you are as you try to eat the world around me.

Piece of shit.

Pieces of shit hang together.

It's because no one DECENT will talk to you motherfuckers.


We've never said WORD ONE to you while your lives revolve around us.

You follow us around Tampa, Pinellas, Pasco, the country.

Fucking losers.

You have to leap out of bushes and get little bald faggots to do your dirty work.

We've already got so much on y'all that we could put you UNDER THE FUCKING JAIL.

We've got something better in mind.

So fuck off and wait for it.


I miss darrell.

At least I could remember when he was not an ugly fat motherfucker. Y'all arrived as skank scum and that's all I've seen.

Maybe you could send us some photos of any time at all you were attractive or decent or wore something besides the same filthy tanks .....

and those cheezy ass kmart shirts.


Break out the baby pictures.

I bet any money most y'all had the same daddy.



Mr. Gonzalez, (not you fatass) I'm waiting to see whachore boy can come up with. He's a speedy lil motherfucker so it should be vastly entertaining.

Like the rest of it.

Meantime. Save your money.

I want it all.

So you know it's up to two grand per day.

The fifteen hundred wasn't enough after the other skanks moved up and committed more murders.

I think terror is worth MUCH MUCH MORE.

You should BELIEVE that you will pay.

Because you will.

And I want that fifteen grand you got for flipping your hole over there, too.

It does NOT belong to you. You're not smart enough to have money.

And you're way too ugly to improve in ANY fashion so fuck off and hand it over.


I'm amused that you forgot where your noose was hung back in oh let's say 2004. LO FUCKING L.

Since then, you've climbed on your steed and rode it under the tree.

Tied your own hands behind your back.

And now it's our go.

Wait for it.
You really have no choice.

Mr. Boxers Gonzalez

I call him that cause he likes to blow in his underwear. Leaves, I mean. But thanks to Colin Breen and one of his scum neighbors and another guy on the same route we now have a firm grasp on what that blowing is about.

It's to lift toxins into the air (ala scott gonzalez who once left one of his drunken parties to blow toxins up into my cousin's car as he drove by ... too bad he didn't think about a blower when he murdered the guy or whomever he got EIGHTEEN MONTHS PROBATION FOR MURDERING) and to annoy and to draw attention.

This is also practiced a great deal by the permanent homeless, crack shelter .....

But anyway ... I keep a video handy of htis guy stalking my cousin down the interstate.

I feel sorry for him and he's kinda cute. (But married to someone who is possibly related to but at least criminally acquainted to Jose Xavier Tome, though they could be brother and sister and maybe he is flirting with my cuz. Yknow sure enough EVERY TIME she walks out the door there he is .... that ceased for awhile due to a lil conversationg but now it's back... like the old trusty rolodex... they consider this behavior will unbalance one. LOFLEFLELHOUDFLHER lol. And I think maybe he's not flirting because he never smiles. Maybe his teeth are all rotted out from the meth??? I dunno. This is pure conjecture from the activity on earth to video.

He is anther one acquainted with the murderers out on land olakes blvd and such. Shit we likes our men TO BE BAD BOYS.


Mailing Address PO BOX 7221, WESLEY CHAPEL, FL 33545-0103

NORMALLY his little car dealer stalkers behave for about a week or so but this one jumped straight out of the box.

They think they smell blood but what they smell is DEFEAT. And it's making em crankier n shit.

Bitches, this is the Internet. We wield it like a master. Didja use a credit card to pay for that/?

L O L. So secure.. Already gotcher info ... ya see how that works out for us?

Mr. Gonzalez, I wonder how you advertise your property, sometimes. I mean I heard there was a pregnant black woman what wanted it but you refused to rent to her. OUCH. And you continually rent it to only STALKING CAR DEALER SCUM.

This will not look good to the black pregnant woman society you know. Or the renters' folks down there in the clubhouse of downtown tampa.

That's federal and shit. As you stalkers keep trying to iterate it's JUST NOT that free a country.

I know I tried to talk to you about your property but you apparently don't like black MEN or white women and children, either. You don't mind stalking em. What's the deal there?? I dunno. I smell fifty fucking civil rights violations and all that other humane shit.

You lost. I told you that a long time ago. DEAL WITH IT.

And tell colin and his clown hair I said so, too.

Mister Michael Brian Keller

All I can figure is your skinny little skank ass must have done very poorly in math.

I am so going to bury you under that heap of shit you have created which trail leads straight to your door.

And a few others. But you the easy one for me. First blood and all. MWAH

Notice I have not changed a whit while you and your krewe of skum and skanks, crackdealers, whores and CAR DEALER TAGS have really turned yourselves inside out creating a paper trail ... so shit and paper straight to your door.

Along the way the shit will be smeared all over your Mumford. I hope you have a better cop .....

what happened to mumford's car? I just never see him anymore.

See ya in the papers, loser.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

memo to fatass

Hey fatass,

You know I have plenty of video and pics of you and your vicious beast riding in the same car, right? And you calling it ... and you yknow letting it out of your car.

So, I guess you'll have the ho go down for that but one of you's going to. Actually I think it might be the homeowner's responsibility.......

Massa Keller.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Any Clean Tampa Cops: As to Paul Mumford

Does he work the Friday night shift?

Does his acolyte the very obese Borden work it??

Haven't seen the father of the year home much lately so I wonder ...

But doesn't it bother the dozen or so clean cops of tampa that Mumford had a hand in Mike Roberts' murder?

Thereby intimidating the rest of you from yknow actually WORKING CRIME??

Does it bother you that every Friday night his faggots on the corner of Mike Keller and Jose Tome harass helpless animals and children knowing that a police call will bring Mumford or one of his corrupt krewe??
Mumford who staged SHOOTOUTS on video on the same block??

Mumford: THE JON BURGE of Tampa.

They got that motherfucker and they'll get YOU, too.

It will be worth waiting for.

Meantime, I'll be watching what a bunch of losers who can't get laid do on a Friday night.

Whooptee ding.

At least I know where they are .. LOL.

Fucking drips from a penis.

Hey ... incidentally what's a motorcycle cop doing sitting between two known drugholes while we're trying to drive down the street???

Is he re-upping??

Want the picture???

I mean it's obvious TO CHILDREN that they are drug-holes but cops just seem to pick things up from them and drive away.

They got themselves a whole third world set up here.

Isn't that a yacht in Mumford's yard??

The reason I know is that he sent his daughter to stalk my family member. Incidental to that I found out where he lived.

And there's that text message, Paul Jon Burge Mumford.


That you haven't fastened wires to some black man's nuts is no halo for you.


In fact, you might be worse.

At least he did it to MEN, not children.


If I were going to buy a fucking cop I'd buy me a smart one.

The motorcycle cop looked a little steroid-ish but that was no surprise.

Have you looked at mumford??

Lizard eyes.

Fat Asses Should NOT mow lawns

fat ass you and boxers, the other gonzalez on da block?

You related and shit?

I already got him with jose xavier tome, tight up under the covers ...

and with yknow twoTs


You guys are surrounding your intended victim. And doing anything you can to incite.

Of course, being smarter than you .....

well, watch for it, faggot. It's gonna be purty damned funny.


Monday, September 6, 2010

firefighters and child porn

You don't have to believe me. Just stick those exact words in google and hit 'enter'. JESUS CHRIST.

Even I was shocked. I was floored.

I did it on a whim. As you know we here at smart ass and smart people central firmly believe that child porn is being wielded like a sword to bring folks down by framing them and planting it and other means. Not to ignore the fact that there are a few real live perverts. VERY FEW.

So, I wondered how many firemen had been caught or "caught" with child porn but oh yes, YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE YOUR EYES at how many.


Now, this could go both ways so be careful. I don't mean that kids are into fireman porn (LOLLLL On that fat action) but I do mean that maybe their fellow firethangs are getting rid of the guys who won't yknow break into others' houses and harass them like a real firefighter would.

Then there's THIS GUY whom I found by googling Tampa Firefighter arrested BECAUSE it's been SO LONG since one has been arrested you KNOW that a moratorium has been set meaning these mf'ers are on a FREE FOR ALL RAMPAGE doing what the fuck they want knowing the word is out that we don't want NO MO ARRESTS OF NO DAMN FIREMEN.

Then there's THIS GUY:
Firefighter Arrested for Sending Explicit Material to a Minor

ORANGE COUNTY, FL -- A DeLand firefighter was arrested late Thursday night on charges of sending a young girl sexually explicit material over the internet.
Andrew Fisher, 27, was arrested by the Orange County Sheriff's Office Sex Crimes Unit -- while on duty -- for possible criminal actions associated with electronic communication devices.
Investigators say Fisher sent the material while off-duty from his own personal computer; the 13-year-old girl's guardian notified police.
Fisher has been placed on administrative leave by the City of DeLand pending further investigation.

A good man passes Jefferson Thomas

It's not often you can really know someone is genuine ... but NO ONE could make up being torn by huckabee and obama. LOL !!!! And I supported Hitlary too ... yes, I did. After John whom I still think was framed by that ho and oprah. Mighty funny she all up in oprah w/that cute lil john look-alike now .... interesting name, too.

Anyway .... Mr. Jefferson Thomas would not mind my sharing a smile with you and so say goodbye to a good man ..

Little Rock 9 member Jefferson Thomas dies in Ohio

AP – FILE - Jefferson Thomas in 1957, one of nine African American who integrated Little Rock Central High …
By TOM PARSONS, Associated Press Writer Tom Parsons, Associated Press Writer – 2 hrs 20 mins ago
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – Jefferson Thomas, who as a teenager was among nine black students to integrate a Little Rock high school in the nation's first major battle over school segregation, has died. He was 67.
Thomas died Sunday in Ohio of pancreatic cancer, according to a Monday statement from Carlotta Walls LaNier, who also enrolled at Central High School in 1957 and is president of the Little Rock Nine Foundation.
The integration fight was a first real test of the federal government's resolve to enforce a 1954 Supreme Court order outlawing racial segregation in the nation's public schools. After Gov. Orval Faubus sent National Guard troops to block Thomas and eight other students from entering Central High, President Eisenhower ordered in the Army's 101st Airborne Division.
Soldiers stood in the school hallways and escorted each of the nine students as they went from classroom to classroom.
Each of the Little Rock Nine received Congressional Gold Medals shortly after the 40th anniversary of their enrollment. President Clinton presented the medals in 1999 to Thomas, LaNier, Melba Patillo Beals, Minnijean Brown Trickey, Elizabeth Eckford, Ernest Green, Gloria Ray Karlmark, Terrence Roberts and Thelma Mothershed Wair.
Clinton lamented Thomas' departure in a statement he issued Monday, calling him "a true hero, a fine public servant, and profoundly good man."
"Jefferson and I had a long visit when he came to my Presidential Center for the 50th anniversary in 2007, and I was struck again by his quiet dignity and kindness. America is a stronger, more diverse, and more tolerant nation because of the life he lived and the sacrifices he made," Clinton said.
In 2008, then President-elect Obama sent Thomas and other members of the Little Rock Nine special invitations to his inauguration as the nation's first black president. During his campaign, he had said the Little Rock Nine's courage in desegregating Central High helped make the opportunities in his life possible.
"Even at such a young age, he had the courage to risk his own safety, to defy a governor and a mob, and to walk proudly into that school even though it would have been far easier to give up and turn back," Obama said in a statement Monday. "Our nation owes Mr. Thomas a debt of gratitude for the stand he took half a century ago, and the leadership he showed in the decades since."
Thomas played a number of sports and was on the track team at Dunbar Junior High, but others had little to do with him once he entered Central, the state's largest high school.
"I had played with some of the white kids from the neighborhood," Thomas said. "I went up to Central High School after school and we played basketball and touch football together. I knew some of the kids.
"Eventually, I ran into them ... and they were not at all happy to see me," Thomas added. "One of them said, 'Well I don't mind playing basketball or football with you or anything. You guys are good at sports. Everybody knows that, but you're just not smart enough to sit next to me in the classroom.'"
Beals said Monday that Thomas was nicknamed "Roadrunner, because he was so fast. You could sometimes avoid danger by running fast."
She said by phone from her home in California that Thomas always seemed to bring a light moment to the crisis.
"He was funny, he had a most extraordinary sense of humor. He did sustain an enormous amount of damage and pain during the Little Rock crisis, but no matter what, he always had something refreshing and funny to say," she said. "It could be the most horrible day and he would say 'Yes, but how are you dressed and are you smiling?'"
Thomas also brought a bit of levity to the 2007 commemoration marking the 50th anniversary of the integration fight — letting the audience know how angry LaNier was with him when he stood up and cheered at a Central High Tigers pep rally.
Thomas thought the white students were carrying the school flag and yelling the school cheer. He said LaNier glared at him and later set him straight: It was the Confederate flag and the students were singing "Dixie."
Born Sept. 19, 1942, Thomas was the youngest of seven children.
After graduation, he served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam. Thomas earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from Los Angeles State College and worked as an accounting clerk with the Department of Defense, retiring in 2004.
Following the 2008 election, Thomas said in an interview that he supported Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Ohio primary and he also liked former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, who made a bid for the Republican nomination.
"It would have been a hard decision for me to make if Huckabee was running against Obama," Thomas added.
Still, he said, he was overjoyed with Obama's victory.
"This was really the nonviolent revolution," Thomas said. "We went and cast our ballots and the ballots were counted this time."
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You and pinellas fire fuckheads

Let me try and set something straight for you.

I know you fuking roid'd up bastards do NOT make good decisions. I know those whores who work with you are no better. Seen em in action.

The intermarrying is enough to make MO look like the go-to state and you're all starting to fucking look alike..

So, I'm going to give you the benefit of my ... let's just say ... MORE CLEAR thinking.

It's FUCKING OKAY for me and my family to go about our daily life documenting your faggot asses fucking with us. THAT is NORMAL.

But when YOUR FAGGOT asses keep following US to places where you OBVIOUSLY HAVE NO BUSINESS at that very monent in your PAID FOR BY ME firetrucks and setting up scenarios where you are doing things IN YOUR PERSONAL CARS ...

here. Sit down and concentrate.


Try to keep it straight.

You're gonna be in for a very rude awakening here soon. I don't care how much head you've had those fire whores give the judges.

A big fucking awakening.

You have made a crucial mistake or twelve. I know it's been a LONG time since you cheated for your GEDs to become fire pigs. And I know it's been a LONG TIME since you lived off that salary that most would be grateful for. And I KNOW it's been a long time since ya paid cash for anything but the next coke deal may you not live through them all ...

BUT, go on to the bank and ask for a copy of your last auto-deposit which remains the same no matter you ive in NC and

work I mean "work" here.

The difference between you and I is that check. YOU belong TO ME.

The other difference between us and you is outlined above.

Your activity is ILLEGAL while MINE is going about my life documenting your fucked up PUSSY ASSES stalking around a family and children.

So, keep busy ....

ya got my full appreciation.

One fucking litigation hold letter and your pussy fuck asses will be regretting coming near me as I have long assured you that you would.

Bout to be a new channel on youtube.

Besides alla that.

L602LW... you following US around because YOU stand up for a MURDERER?

Of course .

go fuck yourself you shell of a man.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Google being Probed and actually .... I reported this first LONG AGO

I don't have time to find the link right now but trust that I nailed this back at blog inception when others were still fighting for top slot which ...oooh yeah.


I won.


(If WE had a state's atty ....)

Oh, and incidentally, shitty hands google is also behind the downfall of NET NEUTRALITY. Imagine that. Hand in hand with the sheriff's regionalism. There's NO REASON why when you are in st pete a search should be different than when you are in Orlando. As well, people can BUY google rankings and ads. Um. Duh.

Texas probing Google over search results

Buzz up!31 votes
AFP/File – The Google search page appears on a computer screen. The attorney general of the US state of Texas has …
– Sat Sep 4, 11:36 am ET
WASHINGTON (AFP) – The attorney general of the US state of Texas has opened an inquiry into whether Internet giant Google manipulates search results.
Google disclosed the antitrust probe in a blog post late Friday following a report by technology website on the investigation by the Texas authorities.
"We recognize that as Google grows, we're going to face more questions about how our business works," Google's deputy general counsel Don Harrison said.
"As Search Engine Land first reported, we've recently been approached by Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott's office, which is conducting an antitrust review of Google," Harrison said.
"We look forward to answering their questions because we're confident that Google operates in the best interests of our users," he said.
According to Search Engine Land, Abbott has been investigating since July whether Google is "manipulating its paid and editorial results in a way that violates antitrust laws."
The probe stems from complaints by three rival search companies -- Foundem, a British price comparison site; New York-based SourceTool, a website run by parent company TradeComet; and Ohio-based myTriggers.
"They claim that Google's algorithms demote their site because they are a direct competitor to our search engine," Harrison said. "The reality is that we don't discriminate against competitors."
He said that "given that not every website can be at the top of the results, or even appear on the first page of our results, it's unsurprising that some less relevant, lower quality websites will be unhappy with their ranking."
European regulators opened an informal investigation in February into similar allegations from three Web companies including Foundem.
Harrison suggested Google rival Microsoft was behind the various complaints.
He said Foundem was backed by an organization funded largely by Microsoft and that both TradeComet and myTriggers were represented by Microsoft antitrust attorneys.
The Google counsel also noted that a federal judge earlier this year dismissed a private antitrust lawsuit against Google filed by TradeComet.
Microsoft and Yahoo! teamed up last year in a bid to rival Google in search but have made only slight inroads against the Mountain View, California-based company which controls around 65 percent of the US search market.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Firefighters have TOO MUCH TIME on their hands

I forgot to link the Jacksonville stalker firefighter arsonist story so you could read the comments.

So, here it is.

So, the thing is when you consider what goes on in the dark of night AT YOUR HOME or in YOUR DRYER VENT.. who is out there with time on their hands and oh so conveniently RIGHT THERE IN YOUR BEIGHBORHOOD???

Why, the benevolent firepig of course.

WAKE UP, people.

They almost have EVERYTHING.

Scalia .... OMG... THANKS, Reagan

Holy shit... you know that scalia is bad and the other one ... what's his name?? Alito... but scalia actully looks like an old-time mobster.

Torture is NOT punishment people:
Please watch it all the way through:


He is just a big fat baby. And, he's RIGHT. Just ask him ... (it's so old by now)
Bush v Gore... he claims that Gore brought it to court ... but no, sweetie it was BUSH who wanted it to be decided.

scalia does not belong on the supreme court.

born in 1936 ... how much longer could this go on??


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Stalking, Arson, Stalking, Threats, More arson .... he still has his fireman job

Jacksonville Firefighter Arrested, Jailed for Stalking
JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A Jacksonville firefighter is in jail facing stalking charges after a woman told police someone harassed her and set fire to her car.
Bruce Edward Jones, 30, is accused of violating his probation against domestic violence and stalking. He was arrested Wednesday after investigators found evidence in his home that tied him to the victim's accusations.
Jones is an engineer and paramedic with Jacksonville Fire Station 50 on Beach Boulevard. A spokesperson for Jacksonville Fire and Rescue said Jones has worked for the department for five years.
According to a police report, Jones was arrested in June 2009 for stalking; the judge issued him a "no contact" order with regard to the victim.
On March 21, a friend of Jones told police the firefighter paid him to paper several cars in the parking lot of the victim's church with sexually explicit photos of the victim.
Less than a month later, the victim and her parents' cars were burned when a flammable liquid was poured onto them and lit.
On April 17, the victim found numerous mail-out cards discouraging businesses from working with her. In the police report, a witness referred to the action as "retaliation for pending and past court actions."
After investigating, police searched Jones' home and found similar mailers. Jones was arrested and is in the Duval County Jail on $125,000 bond.
Tom Francis, spokesperson for the JFRD, said Jones will be reassigned to an office job pending his release from jail and the outcome of his case. The JFRD is well aware of the trust that must exist between firefighters and the community, he said.
Jones will have no contact with the community in a public service role unless the case is adjudicated, he said.



In tampa they just DISAPPEAR the cases and then the firefighters' daddies buy them condos downtown.

Makes for a swell neighborhood.

firefighters and drug lords

and look !! His daddy own(s)(ed) a bar, JUST LIKE YOU, COLIN.

Poire, the security spokesman, said Valdez maintained ties to drug gangs operating in the United States and Central and South America, and a series of arrests during the day in Colombia appeared to bear out that claim.
Valdez grew up in a middle-class subdivision of Laredo popular with Border Patrol agents, police officers and firefighters. His father was a nightclub and bar owner.
The former Laredo United High School linebacker became a small-time street dealer as a teen. His first arrest came at 19 in Texas, where he was charged with criminally negligent homicide for allegedly running over a middle school counselor in his truck while speeding down a Laredo street. He was never indicted.
Valdez later moved to Mexico City, where in 1998 he met Arturo Beltran Leyva, a drug lord working for the Sinaloa cartel, according to the federal police's counternarcotics chief, Ramon Pequeno.
As the Texan worked his way up the criminal chain, first in Nuevo Laredo along the border, then starting in 2004 in the Pacific Coast resort of Acapulco, he nurtured a reputation for extreme violence, including frequent beheadings of the Beltran Leyva group's enemies, Pequeno said.
By 2007, Valdez ranked

Peter Claudio and the things he passes on

Mr. Claudio,

the one thing I have notice you give your child: When he stalks my cousin for you and Mr. Tome////
he walks like he has shit in his pants.

Just like you.

Imagine what a loser you are.

That you want your INNOCENT CHILD
to grow up the same small piece of shit that you are.

Everyone knows it's not cock of the walk.

Just so you know.

And you are a pathetic asshole.

A job for firepig OWNED DELINTZ

Why not take your buddy across the way, Chris Artigas along??? Oh, that's right .. you can't. He was murdered along with the ginas. How's his family feel about what you did to him? No one ever checked george bello's cellphone to see who directed him to that house while chris was there/??

Clothes dryer lint causes $60,000 house fire in North Tampa
By Danny Valentine, Times Staff Writer Posted: Sep 01, 2010 02:49 PM
There are 13 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated

WA wrote:
Must have been a heck of a lint ball, thats why they have to be emptied.
Sep 1, 2010 3:19 PM
2 0 Report Abuse

LePetomane wrote:
No such thing as a "set it and forget it" clothes dryer. Coincidentally, vacuum cleaners also have to be emptied.
Sep 1, 2010 3:40 PM
2 1 Report Abuse

kimmy wrote:
Wow wonder if she has ever checked it? I even go outside and stick a coat hander up in it to get lint out that sticks to the exhaust. Keeping the lint screens clean cuts down on the time it takes to dry your clothes also. Guess she doesn't have to worry about that load. Good she and the children escaped and no one was injured.
Sep 1, 2010 3:53 PM
1 0 Report Abuse

adumbyankee wrote:
her kids are probably morons also
Sep 1, 2010 4:02 PM
1 3 Report Abuse

willie_from_penniless_park wrote:
dryer lint and vaseline makes for good fire starters when camping
Sep 1, 2010 4:18 PM
1 0 Report Abuse

RocLob wrote:
I am still amazed reading these type of stories. Almost want to condone testing IQ's and start segregating the people who do not understand the basic concepts of life such as cleaning lint filters, turning off stoves, blowing out candles, feeding animals, etc.......
Sep 1, 2010 4:54 PM
2 0 Report Abuse

FL Cracker wrote:
I'll bet that 70 percent of dryer vent pipes are clogged with lint. it's a wonder more don't catch fire. people clean the filter by the dryer door, but don't even think about the vent pipe thing from the back of the dryer. who cleans that out? hardly anyone.
Sep 1, 2010 5:41 PM
0 0 Report Abuse

itsallpoo wrote:
Dryer lint is great for starting camp fires..but what's the vaseline for? I thought you put that on the door knobs when mommy and daddy are in the bedroom making the next addition to the family. Ducts should be cleaned occasionally, always stupid to run the dryer with no lint trap but you'd be amazed how many do. Kinda surprised I haven't had a problem yet since my vent tube doesn't go straight outside it snakes around the wall then outside. Just not something you think about until it happens to you I suppose.
Sep 1, 2010 5:45 PM
0 0 Report Abuse

Fugilebrity wrote:
$60k damage? Looking at the house at that address on Google maps, it would be a total loss, plus burn down half the neighbor's house.
Sep 1, 2010 5:52 PM
0 0 Report Abuse

fish wrote:
LET ME GUESS.....4 kids, no husband and poor domestic skills....Home ownership 101 tells you to keep your dryer free of lint and to clean the vent out a couple times of year...I bet this woman makes out on this deal through her landlords insurance. Also gets a free hotel for her and her 4 rats through the red cross....
Sep 1, 2010 6:21 PM
1 2 Report Abuse

MentosMan727 wrote:
Sep 1, 2010 6:29 PM
0 0 Report Abuse

palinsbackporch wrote:
oooohhh they needs to call DELINTS it's a FIREPIG business run out of property that was code-enforced out from under the owner. Like most firefighter owned property. Coerced one way or another. Why doesn't it bother you people how much they OWN???
Sep 2, 2010 10:54 AM
0 0 Report Abuse

palinsbackporch wrote:
kimmy, by that same toke fireman spence roberts pours accelerants into hood vents for kitchen ranges. Next time you use your hood vent; WHOOSH flames shooting from the roof. So ... think of what one of these animals could cram in there to start a fire. It's just not within the realm of reality ..... someone helped it. Unfortunately there IS NO ARSON investigation in tampa florida which is why the firemen were shot by d'arcangelo. They were burning down peoples' houses. Ask around. They've just gotten worse. Google d'arcangelo. he wasn't a disgruntled ex-employee. He shot them because they would not stop burning down houses. I know the survivor.
Sep 2, 2010 10:57 AM

The Thing about White TRASH

They are like the other woman.


Despite obvious indicators of : It SCREAMS IT when you walk by. LOL

Gurlz, you is nasty white trash.

Everbody BUT you ... knows it.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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For other uses, see White trash (disambiguation).
White trash or poor white trash is an American English pejorative term referring to poor white people in the United States, suggesting lower social class and degraded living standards. The term suggests outcasts from respectable society living on the fringes of the social order who are seen as dangerous because they may be criminal, unpredictable, and without respect for authority whether it be political, legal, or moral.[1] It is usually used, especially by blacks,[2] as a slur, but may also be used self-referentially by whites of higher socio-economic status to jokingly describe their origins.[3] In common usage it is similar in meaning to cracker (especially in Georgia and Florida), hillbilly (especially in Appalachia) and redneck.[4] "Redneck" applied originally to politically active poor white Southern farmers and by extension is today used to denigrate Southern conservatives.[5]

Tampa Fire HOODS Psycho Terrorists

like this guy only they're not in prison yet.

Stalkers: The Psychological Terrorist
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By Katherine Ramsland
Mr Hyde
Stalking is not limited to star struck admirers. Thomas McCarthy, 43, was a fireman, husband, and father of two children. His friends and coworkers liked him, but he had a terrible dark side that no one suspected. He had violent obsessive fantasies that compelled him to follow adult women of all ages, learn everything he could about them, keep lists, and sometimes act on his fantasies. He might watch a woman sign a check in a store and catch a glimpse of her address; he might go through her mail or garbage to get a phone number. He had all kinds of ways to get the information he needed to feed his fantasies about what he might do to a particular woman and how he might accomplish it.
After he was caught breaking into the home of Peggy Kilroy in Lakewood, Ohio, according to the arresting officers interviewed for "Inside a Stalker's Mind", McCarthy told police he had stalked around 2,400 women. He had elaborate codes for what his target women looked like, and he might follow them for months, watching through their windows, learning their routes and routines, and even reading their records in doctors' offices where he cleaned aquariums after hours. What he wanted to do, he admitted later, was rape them, torture them, and cause them pain. One actual victim whose home he entered he subjected to bondage and a stun gun, another to the cut wires of an electrical fan. Although he went through several years of therapy and had even tried a drug that was supposed to diminish violent urges, nothing seemed to work. His fantasies and stalking behavior escalated.
Then in 1997, he spotted Peggy Kilroy in a supermarket and followed her home. He decided to break in one evening and rape her, but instead he encountered her brother, Brian, who subdued him and called the police. When he pleaded guilty to breaking and entering, he agreed to describe everything that he'd done and his detailed confession went on for two days. The detectives were stunned to realize the number of women that McCarthy had followed without any of them being aware of his activities. They had to wonder how many other women might be in the same predicament with as-yet-undiscovered stalkers like McCarthy.

Dr. Phillip Resnick
In fact, says Dr. Phillip Resnick of Case Western Reserve University, one in 12 women is stalked at some point in her life -- and men do not always do the stalking.

Stalking Tampa FIRE PIGS and cocksuckers


They apparently, in their little pinhead minds, believe this to be the derring DO of like ... FEAR FACTOR.

What smoking assholes. One hopes they're getting their firefighter-organized crack and meth runs out of the way while they're at it. Doubtful they think that far ahead.... most of them appear to be on steroids.. REALLLLY bad thought processing

We neglected this activity for a long time ... they lie in wait. Like fat ass scott gonzalez. Him and one of his big hairy-ass ugly friends.

It's a fuck-ugly club from what I can see. You have to be beat almost to fucking DEATH with an ugly stick in order to join. That or spread your legs and be a low-life whore for the likes of a murdering, sleezy, scummy stalking, child-molesting tampa fireman.

Both these guys should have made the cut a long time ago. And piper fire should have the fbi right up their ass.

But considering they're ALL RELATED down there in alphabet land ...

This idiot angled in and almost wrecked himself to get in front of us this morning... an idiot WITH A GUN notice his way cool hunting sticker. Impressive. The bigger the gun the smaller the cock I think is how that works.

Definitely TRUE with truck, isn't that right scawtee??? You and your big rig buddy? Must have a lil wee weenie like you ..... soon as you got done were you off giving him head ?? That's what I heard. I heard you go down like a fucking whore.

Anyway ... oh I almost forgot.. if you enlarge the picture you can catch where the stupid pig was caught weaving in and out of our lane... faggin pussy probably getting head from scawtee firefighter/murderer.

That firepig above Ya7lz was behind the wigington fire you name it we'll burn it down truck ... which also likes to hang out with me at publix (hey martin, how's your CAREER IN MY HANDS going??? you shiney fat thug) ... you get where you can smell 'em. I'm the crazy one but they lie in wait and hop in the trucks that YOU BUY FOR THEM WITH YOUR HARD-EARNED TAX DOLLARS to follow my family and I around town...

this guy shoved behind us on the interstate until we pulled over and then roared by.

I've seen both these guys way too many times. Fuck em.

They don't like it that the arsons are hitting close to home but they just don't stop.

You guys emasculate yourselves EVERY DAY in EVERY WAY. There's not a man among you.


Stalking children.

You're such pussies you should sell yourselves for ten bucks a pop like the keler whores.

speaking of which... MAN that BITCH IS OLD, keller. LOL

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Slopping the pigs of Tampa

well, imagine that. Took fifteen minutes for kevin beckner to use the SAD deaths of officers kocab and curtis and THE INHOUSE (MUMFORD AND DELGADO AND KELLER AND TOME gang) murder HIT of Officer Mike Roberts to suck some more money up and buy some votes, too.
Stay tuned. We've got a pictorial of the STALKING PIGS this is slopping.
Hillsborough commissioners approve fund for families of fallen police, firefighters
By Nicole Hutcheson, Times Staff Writer In Print: Thursday, September 2, 2010
TAMPA — The families of police officers and firefighters killed in the line of duty will get up to $100,000 under a new county program.
Hillsborough County commissioners unanimously approved the First Responders Fallen Heroes Fund on Wednesday.
"We're looking at providing immediate sustenance for surviving families to honor the sacrifice their loved one has made for our community," said Commissioner Kevin Beckner, who spearheaded the creation of the fund.
Beckner is particularly interested in quickly making money available to families of first responders who are killed.
"It can sometimes take 45 to 60 days before people even see a check, especially with insurance policies," Beckner said.
First responders, including police officers, firefighters and paramedics in the county and its three cities, would be eligible for the benefit.
The county would allocate $200,000 annually for the fund. The money would be moved from a reserve fund that is normally used for emergencies to the county's operating budget. If the money isn't used, it would go back to the reserve fund and be reallocated the following fiscal year.
No more than $1 million could be allocated each year.
Payments are expected to be made to beneficiaries within 30 days of a death, Beckner said.
"I don't want people to be confused that we're sacrificing services or jeopardizing somebody's employment," he said. "This is coming from funds for catastrophic events and there's plenty there."
The county's reserve fund has a balance of $36.3 million, Beckner said.
Commissioner Jim Norman stressed the importance of getting financial support from the county's cities: Tampa, Temple Terrace and Plant City.
"I really do passionately think there needs to be a legal structure where everyone steps up for these families involving all municipalities," Norman said.
None of the three cities have committed funds to the county's fallen heroes fund yet.
"We are in the process of finalizing our annual budget, and funding for that project isn't immediately available," said Temple Terrace spokesman Mike Dunn, adding that they would like to hear more about the idea from Beckner.
Private funds also will be raised for the county's fallen heroes program and county employees will be able to contribute automatically from their paychecks.
A virtual memorial tribute is also in the works for those killed in the line of duty. The names of those killed since 1885 along with their pictures, obituaries and eulogies would be included. The site is currently under construction.
As it stands now, beneficiaries of first responders killed in the line of duty are entitled to a combination of public and union funds. Children generally receive money for college, funeral expenses are covered and a portion of the officer's pension is paid to the family. The Florida Police Benevolent Association also pays $30,000 to the families of its members who are killed in the line of duty. Private money can also play a big role.
In the most recent case, more than $300,000 was collected through fundraising for the families of slain Tampa Officers David Curtis and Jeffrey Kocab. Each widow also qualified for more than $700,000 in government, union and pension money.
Nicole Hutcheson can be reached at or (813) 226-3405.[Last modified: Sep 01, 2010 11:42 PM] Click here for reuse options! Copyright 2010 St. Petersburg Times
There are 7 comments Oldest First Newest First Top Rated

sidney wrote:
Good thing that the annuities for the families of the fallen were listed. Gilding the lilly in this case and far too much. But hey, we support illegitimate kids, tons from one idiot, so what's another few hundred thousand?
Sep 1, 2010 12:27 PM
2 1 Report Abuse

mytwocents wrote:
Maybe this is something the unions of those that "sacrifice for their community" should consider doing instead of the county.
Many of these are paid well, enjoy great benefits, pensions, free programs, etc., etc.,
Sep 1, 2010 2:05 PM
2 2 Report Abuse

vennboy wrote:
i hope beckner and norman each give up a house and a car for this fund. When my father was murdered we just sat and waited. My mother alone with FOUR OF US. That's all I'm saying. Was my father less a hero? As well, look for more officers to be killed. They're buying the families in advance. If you fail to see my meaning please check what U.S. soldiers' families get now.
Sep 1, 2010 2:44 PM
2 2 Report Abuse

Tampa605 wrote:
Putting money in a fund for families that will already be well taken care of through good insurance policies, perpetual state retirement benefits, healthcare for life, and other community funds, while laying people off...sounds ridiculous to me. I am thankful for everything the police do for us but for example the two widows of the TPD officers who recently died will each see over $600,000 from insurance and other community funds PLUS free health insurance and state retirement benefits for life.
Sep 1, 2010 5:15 PM
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somethingtosay wrote:
Beckner is buying votes for 2012; He is as pathetic as the rest of them. One term is more than enough. Why enrich someone who is already taken care of while taking food out of the mouths of others. Not one deputy or firefighter was in the audience to cheer him on, because they know how excessive this is.
Sep 1, 2010 8:59 PM
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mattgordonmd wrote:
I can see some short-term assistance in re: bill paying and such. The union-negotiated life insurance policies, pensions, etc., are far more generous than the vast majority of people receive.
Sep 2, 2010 12:20 AM
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firemanarsonisspenceroberts wrote:
My family will enjoy that one hundred grand. almost as much as i snuck out the back door.
Sep 2, 2010 12:58 AM
0 0 Report Abuse

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However -- (you knew this was coming, right??) -- I'm willing to disclose same for a fee. In fact, I'm going to disclose some of this in a book which will definitely be for sale very soon but if you'd like to know if your name or some similar aspect that identifies your smarmy and illegal acts towards me and my family have been mentioned I'd be happy to negotiate a fee with you. For the record, save your pennies if I've known you longer than thirty years. Out of respect for you and your family I'll leave your names out. Out of respect for you and your family I have remained silent. Apparently this same respect was not inbred in you. That's a pity but you and yours are safe with me. The ones who took it upon themselves to do your bidding against an innocent family are wide open just like they've left MY family wide open. Herewith I refer to my extended family and network many of whom are currently suffering at your hands. Be on notice.

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In my living room watching;
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..... risk something, take back what's yours
say something that you know they might attack you for
cause I'm sick of being treated like I have before ....
Meanwhile, the leader just talks away
Stuttering and mumbling for nightly news to replay
And the rest of the world watching at the end of the day

In their living room laughing like,

"what did he say?"

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......" And I dare you to ask for a lot, I dare you to hold fast to your ideals and to expound them as publicly and as fearlessly as Martin Luther King and Bill Coffin and Betty Friedan and those dozens of grandmothers arrested a few weeks ago for protesting the war in Iraq."

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It is concentrated strength.
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"Those who profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation…want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightening. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters…. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will." Frederick Douglass, 1857
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I was born a citizen of the world and have remained such but along with that: I'm a long time Tampa resident. Mixed bag at that as I've seen life here from nearly all angles and while somewhere in there I became slightly indoctrinated, I'm not too proud of the way people have taken over this city and run it with an iron fist for all but some. This city is working hard on creating just two classes. Thems and them dont's and they are working hard to shove some families down into the gutter for reasons known only to them. Some might be as petty as jealousy, some might be politically motivated, some might just be stupid and all are wrong. I want to believe we can get better but that would entail some stuff that I have no control over. I only can control myself and my reactions to what occurs.

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