Testing Testing ...
I've heard this is blocked.
Is it??
Testing testing.
Call and let me know as soon as you see it.
How to steal property from people and make it look like you are not even an interested party. Has this gone on since July 15, 1877?
I've heard this is blocked.
Is it??
Testing testing.
Call and let me know as soon as you see it.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/27/2011 05:07:00 PM
Labels: testing
Earl SS OFFICER for the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office guards the Xavier-Gonzalez crack house for the sheriff and yknow whomever... (as openly advocated to on video by Joe Xavier Gonzalez who has NO IDEA how he ends up with exclusively felons and CRACK DEALERS IN HIS DUMP).
He has spent an INORDINATE amount of time doing so lately when scant observation of him on video is readily apparent prior to ummmm SHUNEEKWA???
BUT, what's interesting as noted in the past at least ten residents prior is how the Claudios get to spend more time OUT OF THEIR HOUSE since the Donninis took up residence. LMFAO.
The new watchers.
Welcome to the hood bitches.
You might want to familiarize yourself with the RICO statutes considering you got your own heroin family member ... duh.
Nice way to raise your kid. Maybe someone should call family services???
I mean cause clearly all that traffic can only mean drugs and earl over there commisserating and loving it up.
Meantime, assault and batter at Earl's house of gangs results in NO ARREST.
I feel sure that someone always goes out to visit the pigsty on Orient when there is an assault and battery.
Ima have to ask shuneekwa.
She and Earl .. yknow ... that sheriff's office thang and all and no one getting arrested when clearly there was a CRIME committed.
And the paper builds and builds....
Sheriff ... holy shit. I don't think sheriffs do well in prison.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/27/2011 12:40:00 PM
Labels: 6210 eaglebrook tampa fl from thieves to whores we have it all... just like mitchell
Interesting timing with the stalking, the firemen and the .... dah dah .... stuff and such.
You just made yourself a movie star is what I hear.
Hopefully Spencey is driving the truck today so we'll be applying that ROBERTS FAMILY NAME HERE, AS WELL.
Why does the city of tampa cover up that spence roberts is a fireman when there are articles in the tampa tribune that list him as being at fireman banquets and his fat ass thief of a sister also says he is one???
Who is William Rice who also subsequently disappeared off property rolls?
Luckily we have all that stashed away.
Can I have your autograph, Mr. Keller?
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/27/2011 12:34:00 PM
There's a prison saying we offer up......
or Shit on the DICKSTER.
Which was it with you Cwood? LOL.
Never mind.
I knew as soon as I saw your pussy ass.
What a puss.
You remind me of Darrell and every other pussy bitch.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/26/2011 12:16:00 PM
Was that you in a mighty big hurry today, AO???
Were you on your way to pick up Mumford so Teethmaker the family wrecker could give him some head?? Through your car window??
I know he dare not use his anymore.
Who'd he bump to make detective??
I know about Mike Roberts but what about who else??
Just so you know if you did not make the call they are trying to blame you .... they are trying to get the blame put on you to make things even worse. Ask your sister.
People actually think Jane does a job but I know better.
She's having a tough time covering up the in house murders and arresting guys out of her swimming pool or else she WOULD KNOW WHAT AO EVANS AND BILLY DILL(Y) are up to guarding drug trade at the florida avenue kmart.
Ahhh never mind, I know you won't take it.
Is that why Sherry Parsons gets away with everything??
That is one nasty ho.
May her next girlfriend look something like kim kardashian and be more boring.
Mr. Patrick,
You're right .. we never wished death on anyone and they're lying about the dog, too.
Any time you want to see the evidence let me know.
I'm sure he's busy deleting the comments if it's not always keller it's a scumbag with lots of time on his hands at one of the fire stations.
Maybe Mark McRae.
I hear he likes to stalk young girls and degrade others in public.
They hate us here and that makes us happy.
Katie: Live as miserable as you tried to make others. There is no excuse for the nasty things you do.
Maybe you can CribbS can spawn.
And Satan can ride again.
Mr. Patrick you have a good heart. Surely you can see the difference between those assholes and what we do here.
We used to have comments too but not everyone is available all the time and my arm was recovering from surgery and I was not online every day. None of us mind if people write the truth and have never deleted a comment but they were just saying nasty poorly spelled gibberish untruths so it was forcing us to delete comments which we had a perfect record of NEVER DOING.
LONG LIVE FREE SPEECH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/24/2011 05:40:00 PM
Ya fucked UP this time.
Ask fat ass Dottie whose cousin murdered my sister and who was amused by the other murder.
All those mysterious fires, huh?
But that's not really the subject now, is it?
Thanks stupid.
Very disappointed in SPT who did end up giving the wrong phone # and name. You promised to call and write. EVERY SINGLE TIME we try to make things right you pull some dumb stunt ... I hope you have some small idea how much trouble you got yourself in .... and your sister too. Still have all that on file. MY GOD. Your memory must be shot.
Dottie, hope you enjoyed working for the COT ... I let this go once but now yer gonna have to be dragged into it too.
stupid fucking whores.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/24/2011 02:39:00 PM
Labels: Michael Keller hard to believe he's this stupid but he is
I just wanted to log on and give ya a quick look at a little something I'm making.
You know look through the USB port like ya usually do. Explaining why your mom wanted to know how many USB ports the new box had and how sometimes one of em lites up for NO DAMN REASON.
Go ahead. I hate to have you be amused by just your own sordid life right?
So anyway .. it's a little movie I like to call ... yer fucked.
And you SOOOO are.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/24/2011 01:50:00 AM
Labels: Deputy Scott Bierwiler florida watch silent holocaust hernando county
We just want our CUT>
But, noone needs to know how much TRANKS I AM PERSONALLY ON OR MY GERIATRIC MAN.
Because since when has a REPUBLICAN cared about privacy?? LOL.
Unless this is back to the medicaid ties of Pol Scott aka medicaid fraud.
Hmmm... mighty tight fit pam running the gang scott supplying the shit.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/23/2011 09:53:00 PM
Labels: Tales of Shuneekwa
Sho 'nuff .... they always be asking the cracksters heroin'sters and meth'sters for advice.
Mighty slow going on that investigation at 8418 Arden. Meth lab explosion and then some but hey ... these things take time, bitches.
BUT when they got shuneekwa on the trail they be over to Jose Hoser Tome five times a day wonderin this and that ... they gotta ask the cracksters about this and that.
THEN they go to 8418 the exploded meth lab and ask their other GOP scum friends the meth'sters about this and that and who lives here and there.
MEANTIME they standing outside crack houses talking to crack hores and all that training for nothing.
TAMPA COPS: UNTIL I got my cut every Friday I never once did KNOW it was a fucking crack house and those were crack whores sucking my cock with AO Evans.
And sixteen year old prostitutes be thinking they smart enough to play. Honey, get a good look at mama. You be DAT someday soon enough for me. LMFAO
Like I said ::: Ya ain't even gotta BE clever.
So you had THAT all wrong, too.
Yer fuckin wid da wrong one.
Like I done toldja and toldja.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/23/2011 09:43:00 PM
Labels: Ivette Perez Claudio IN BED with Sheriff David Gee and GANG FAG JOSE TOME
kick it from south tampa .. kick it back to nt.....
why not just knock it the fuck off?
yer too fuckin stupid which guess what???
Means I do not even HAVE TO BE clever.
stupid twat.
Any old way ....
YOU READY LIKE YOU SAID 8413??????????????????????????????????????
I got whatever it takes.....
So .... come get it.
whenver you man enough.
Or just call some of your korrupt fucking friends at the many places we have seen this week.
You iz ... you sho iz.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/23/2011 07:59:00 PM
Labels: Tales of Shuneekwa
OH I forgot........ AND best of all HOW THEY STOPPED AT THAT VERY MOMENT. Your fucking fat ass will be like a pillow to those boys in florida state prison. dumb fuck.
I heard you got some good advice from your lawyer buddy ... ummmm what's his name???
Ask yo wife.
She probably almost know how to spell it ceptin with an I.
And if one deduces how one has never seen that spawn of yours for OVER A YEAR and then suddenly there it is again .. yknow like a delay, right?
Just in case shuneekwa could get her fat ass in gear in time.
You fucked.
And so is AJ
But, the best part here is how Paul MUMFORD was ODDLY MISSING from today's festivities of the random gun slinger.
We all know how Paul likes to be around those staged thangs with the y'know ... ummmm SHOOT OUTS on video, right?
Hard to believe old slick Paul would miss that.
I called to make sure he was working.
Guess he just doesn't care THAT MUCH.
He spends MO time gettin head from your wife or whatever it is she does while she's halfway in his car many days a week.
What, they're cousins, right?
You bought the farm, fatboy.
I didn't know that other idiot was gay. Holy CRAP.
Gay men usually have better taste in PJs.
Paul sure missed the fun today but his good good good buddy Cole Antonio Scudder was there to double up for him
Now, back to North Tampa.
Boy, someone better tell shuneekwa to read her fucking rules. She out of her league.
For the record, I got some black kin.
HOWEVER .... any of them act as stupid as shuneekwa ima call em shaneekwa.
Eunice .... cough it up honey.
Are you related to Christine Breen?
Ima need to know.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/23/2011 06:51:00 PM
Labels: Comparetto files
Windy, for God's sake, your fat ASS does not have enough heroin pilfered sticks of shit to need a moving truck. What a loser. Your hammock can fit in the pocket of your VERY VERY BIG GIRL JEANS.
But back to the real world.
Saw old handle-bar Cole today. He's working a faux robbery at the site of Monday's heavy stalking by the GET THAT NUMBA too tall of Tampa Fire Rescue Stalking Station FIFTEEN.
yeah yeah .... (LOL shorty)
BUT on the way home (and cole's fat ass actually set his cigar down from behind the TarJay and got out of his car AT LEAST ONCE can you BELIEVE IT???? I don't think I've seen Cole move since late in 2008. I mean except for to put up matching Christmas decorations at his numerous stolen homes on ..... crap across the street from the Himes YMCA there by Gandy..... just look to the right. The corner one may not be his but the next three most def are despite the fact they're in other folks' names. Just like sherry ... over there on hawthorne..... she be a fake decorator, too...they use the same "guy". LOL.
Any old way and looks like (imagine this) one of Cole's neighbors had VERY BAD LUCK with her central air unit ALSO TOOK SICK FROM WHATEVER was put in her airconditioning duct work and then fell ill and needed a NEW AC UNIT or was that all worked together?? Just look it up in public records.
Cole is a thief and seems to participate in a gang. And besides all that he's stupid AND has never even glanced at the Florida Statutes.
SO< once again .... we have KORRUPT TPD (is AO EVANS your spawn cole?? I so see the handle bar moustache resemblance when she twitches that rat's nest during her drug house guarding) ganging up with Tampa Fire Rescue to intimidate... same old maybe your family member will get shot during a random robbery kinda thang ... when all ya ever had to do was quit fucking with him AND if you don't want your heroin habits and sales and hiding the profits in real estate (LOL sho nuff you motherfuckers got the proof already in the bag hands) talked about you can just stop poisoning our air and fucking with the environment around us both physically and mentally.
BUT until that happens... every word will eventually find its way RIGHT HERE.
So on the way home there (almost out of the county ... and much closer to WHOSE HOUSE YOU THIEVES AND MURDERERS????) comes old port tampa (guess brother slug forgot all the video I have of him) and station fourteen together down the interstate. I guess 15 was in the middle of a heroin run
Which I could give a nothing fuck about. But when you come and poison and fuck with MY family ... then you get whatever I've got to say because I am a peaceful person who has never bothered anyone.
By the way, wiggins. Your kid walks like he has shit in his pants just like Claudio's son. LOL.
He got that shit swagga.
Is that your way of teaching him to be all TUFF and SHIT?
Get it?
I bet you don't let him bathe because he was out on the streets walking with shit in his pants.
phone calls phone calls.
Nah. I'm not a low life like you.
Oh I was wrong about you windy. You like every puerto rican that HOSER JOSE TOME and Joann and antnee diaz ever moved into these crack dumps. Do your little dirty business and RUN. Cunt.
In fact, THE ONLY one of tome's people who did not do that make that two is that murdering slug down at the Chester's appliance store (many times arrested Toad Horn) and Brandon Fragale. The rest just like you are a bunch of pussies.
Ivette, I already know why your face is not on the sheriff's website. Pretty soon lots more people will. LMFAO
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/23/2011 01:34:00 PM
Labels: Ivette Perez Claudio IN BED with Sheriff David Gee and GANG FAG JOSE TOME
Yeah Luhkweesha,
I know I'm crazy and shit and I don't deal heroin like the sluts of the month there on Arden but that tree-poisoning stuff (obviously done to mine along with the special sawing reported by Fred and Sandy)....
well, hey ...
Look at this crazy old boy being dragged through court for it can't even find an attorney.
Crazy bitches but they don't live HERE.
And Wiggers I mean Wiggins Krewe, while you're at it and SUCH good friends yknow with you know who that AO Evans TPD knows all about that abiding friendship and such .... was your dumb ass football licking garbage can licking ass reading here when we discussed how toxins applied to car and air was now in the supreme court as attempted murder? And now you on video.
Sure but Peter Claudio stays away from the car now because he ain't a chicken shit but also because YOU are a dumb ass.
Which is readily apparent by looking at you and reading anything you have to say.
Dumb Ass.
Attempted murder. For the record (despite your ummm proclivity for being able to hold a cellphone)
the statute of limitations NEVER expires.
When next you really see me ... REALLY REALLY it will be because your ass is on trial for that.
Just so you know.
Dumb dipshit with your house full of meth lab explosions and stupider people than even YOU.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/23/2011 09:26:00 AM
Yo grease.
You another leto prodigy?
I mean by-product/
You got some whore callin mah cellular phone?
Got her smart ass mouth on video ass-answered call.
You are such a fucking loser in your shit box.
All of you : one person.
Still losing.
That's a fucking significant laugh.
How's your ugly fucking many times arrested wife??
Jerry Dupress, UPS Tampa, ladies and gentlemen.
If you buy anything that can't be shipped any way but UPS refuse to purchase it.
And apparently writing their phone numbers on bathroom walls where he gets head which he must pay a PRETTY PENNY FOR.
Cause I wouldn't touch that teeny weenie with someone else's pole.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/22/2011 02:47:00 PM
Samuel Alito/Antonin (aka fuckYOU, world) Scalia: Maroon of the Court. He loves to write these idiotic opinions. (link to article not opinion have to read it first and laugh and grimace)
Supreme Court rules for vaccine makers on lawsuits
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that federal law shields vaccine makers from product-liability lawsuits in state court seeking damages for a child's injuries or death from a vaccine's side effects.
The high court on Tuesday ruled for Wyeth, which is now owned by Pfizer Inc, in a lawsuit brought by the parents of Hannah Bruesewitz, who suffered seizures as an infant after her third dose of a diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine in 1992.
Pfizer and other vaccine makers argued that a Supreme Court ruling for the plaintiffs could open the door to a flood of lawsuits -- many by families who believe vaccines cause autism -- and threaten the supply of childhood vaccines.
At issue was the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, a law adopted by Congress that created a special program to handle disputes in an effort to ensure a stable vaccine supply by shielding companies from most lawsuits.
Wait. Did the Supreme Court and Congress ADMIT that there are SIDE EFFECTS??????
DID THEY BOTH ADMIT IT??? appears to me, they did. humph. (maybe this is the wookie defense, too?)
Yet they are shielding the manufacturer from known and future defects.
What currency is there for the drug PIGS to then turn out a DECENT PRODUCT??
Give me some of what those jackasses are smoking. I won't share it with the fat-ASSES. (dear hillsborough county firemen yer in a deep hole. stop digging, losers you're burying your stupid f gay porn selves) (nine sightings in less than ten miles, maybe more) It's the old home week for the Philmore avenue gents of eight engines and NOT ONE KNEW WHERE THEY WERE GOING. Awesome video of that and the Philmore neighbors all wondering WHAT WAS UP???Oh, I'll tell you what was up: I was driving by and my sister once lived there ... with one of their MURDER VICTIMS. Another one of my sisters BECAMEtheir murder victim isn't that right Kathy Roberts and your family EXCITY SLUT and (suspected killer of elvis honestly it comes to mind that is one ugly battle axe IF I SAW IT I FELT LIKE DYING and it claims to have met elvis) Virginia Roberts and snitching nephew James Darrel Mason (nee Roberts) and wifey the prostitute turned mommy of the year shotgun shells and all (thanks 13th judicial possession by a felon) And let us not fail to recall City of Tampa Parking MaNGER(MANGY) Dorothy Jean Roberts/Mason (*hide that homestead exemption in tampa and spring hill) mason/roberts/mason/somethin .....or is it Dottie??? and her fatass dirtbag murdering brother Spence Spence the arsonist/slash/drummer/ta,pa fireman. And her other brother. Spence is a bootlicker. One suspects an asshole buddy relationship or something more interesting with billy dill(y) TPD and the rat's weave AO EVANS totally hoped to see that hore today. LMAO. But maybe she didn't want the NINTH orwasn't ALLOWED to get the ninth drugholeguarding sponsorship on video/
But, where was I?
The timing: Magnificent. Just after they castigated the doctor who revealed the autism ties to vaccine. This case was winding its way through the courts at that very moment. So I wonder what the vaccine industry's attorneys had to do with the ruining the doctor's reputation INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY DISPROVING OR DISPUTING HIS FINDINGS.
Check it out: THEY HAVE PAVED THE WAY for the girl/boy slut vaccine which actually contains WHO KNOWS WHAT???? Why will ANY ATTORNEY DO A STUDY IF THEY CANNOT SUE THE DICK OFF OF PFIZER????????
Evil Slutopia: 10 More Things You Might Not Know About Gardasil
May 26, 2007 ... THE EVIL SLUT CLIQUE said... So girls who experience side effects from Gardasil are actually not having any kind of real medical issue, ...evilslutopia.com/2007/05/gardasil-2.html - Cached - Similar
Democratic Underground - some of the thinking re: vaccinations and ...
Feb 7, 2007 ... I'm presenting a cost + risk vs. benefit analysis of GARDASIL. mhatrw, Feb-07-07 05:27 AM, #4. Oh, so now it's only the dead sluts who count ...www.democraticunderground.com › Discuss - Cached
Oh, so now it's only the dead sluts who ... - Dec 14, 2010Slutty neighborhood? Are you implying ... - Sep 20, 2010
More results from democraticunderground.com »
Gardasil for Guys: a good idea, sort of : White Coat Underground
Jun 9, 2010 ... I came across the official recommendations for Gardasil for males. ... little sluts, and make them get dangerous vaccines. ...scienceblogs.com/whitecoatunderground/.../gardasil_for_guys.php - Cached
What if WHOLE ENTIRE CULTURES AND POPULATIONS ARE NOT FORCED INTO THIS VACCINE??? Which pretty much leads to the next article of interest..... (windy, weren't you and your daughter BOTH pregnant by 13??)
THEN we have Mr. Johnson of some place or another. Nothing personal dude but you're the maroon of sociology.
One in four counties failing: Mr. Johnson explains it (I bet he's black LOL just kidding)
The ONLY THING that will "save" a community is an influx of Hispanic immigrants? Is this guy for REAL?
Further down in the article reveals dying communities that have long been known as Latino havens and destinations.
Windy Charneco, you fat whore. I so wish you and your disgusting heroin auto sales family would pack it up and head for Mr. Johnson's university town.
I guess you had to move or be arrested for prostitution, huh?
But the best part is: HELLOOO you failed.
At everything you've ever done.
The pictures of your fat ass here there and everywhere were the icing on the cake.
That your family allows you to behave like such a cunt and your dearly beloved boyfriend HELPS YOU by stalking people is criminal and disgusting.
That you have an innocent baby along for the ride is putrid.
Sure miss the nineteen of you crammed into that one heroin hammock Diaz DUMP.
No murders there yet.
Can hardly WAIT to see what is considered WORSE than YOU.
You got more balls than Keller I'll give you that.
Jack, mah nigga, you don't mind if I call you mah nigga do ya?? I hope not. I mean we so close even though I did not know that. You know where I IZ all da time to follow me up to and fro flexing your steroid'd body for the latina ladies and all ....you know where I live and what I do and where I go.
Mah nigga.
Hugs, Jackie.
You corrupt fuck.
Listen I note that you attended A.P. Leto with one Antnee Angel Delgado who has found mention throughout this blog due to his habit of being a thieving realtor AND fucking with my family's houses and yknow my family. Whore after whore barking at the door of antnee's listings, car tamperings (thanks janie you stupid fucking slut with your big trailer ass)threats to a child... ummmm this latest and EVERY band endeavor. One surmises antnee ALWAYS had a hard time getting laid by anything but sluts.
What ELSE did I notice??? Yup. That old colina thang. Another match between you, shorty delgado and clown-haired colin breen .... and his sleezebag wife and partner ....at FOUR GREEN FIELDS (Robert O'Neill less than honorable piece of shit with the DOJ pushed by st pete times who also pushes BOB BUCKHORN)
Antnee, your ties to heroin families notwithstanding, you owe me seven hundred dollars you lying piece of shit.
Surely your very rich (LOL) ceviche eating ass can cough up six hundred bucks out of your numerous rich pursuits when you find your way out of yknow all the lis pendens on the dumps you're juicing with toxins and yknow STEALING.
So, let's keep the juicebox rolling. I ain't done with BB yet so I sincerely hope it ain't done wid us. LMFAO.
Is it scared to get back in the car??
It should be.
Brightest light in the harbor it SO AIN'T.
Poor Ryan.
I loved him. AND YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT along with your whore of a wife who sat on my goddamn couch like a motherfucking vulture.
Fuck her and FUCK YOU.
What does Gina know about you considering HER KID IS DEAD????????????????????????
Does she know about your connections to hit and runs, gangs and auto-tampering??
Does she??
You fucking loser.
Being short is one thing. Being a short loser is another.
Didn't that whore of yours come from back in the woods here?
I keep smelling something there. Like the poop from Jack and AO Evans, I think.
Please slam back a few at Ceviche for me. Then go pay your bills and send me my six hundred bucks. Actually closer to seven.
OR bring it by in person and bring Ryan too, hon. That way you can have him fix all those lil thingies he kicked in because you told him to. He's a decent person who deserved better than a piece of shit like you who spawned and then went on with your thug fucking life w/some whore....even your kid spotted decency and borrowed the name. oooops. So yeah, there's that. Poor kid.
Stated Residence Upon Release:
SILVER HILL DR (I thought that was MILL)
TAMPA FL 33624 33624
Anyone reporting in good faith shall be immune from any civil or criminal liability. Any person who knowingly and willfully makes a false report or counsels another to make a false report is guilty of a felony of the third degree punishable by up to five years in prison. In addition, the department may impose a fine not to exceed $10,000 for each violation. Each time that a false report is made constitutes a separate violation.
A false report is a report of child abuse, neglect or abandonment or adult abuse, neglect or exploitation that is made to the central abuse hotline which is not true and is maliciously made for the purpose of:
Harassing, embarrassing, or harming another person;
Personal financial gain for the reporting person; (hello antnee colin keller and krewe you pieces of shit .....)
Acquiring custody of a child or vulnerable adult; or
Personal benefit for the reporting person in any other private dispute involving a child or vulnerable adult
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/22/2011 11:19:00 AM
I' d like to send a lil request out to Jack Ciucio and his fat ass fuck of a partner, Windy Charneco.
It's the heroin diaries.
You better hope James Darrell Mason doesn't find out about your side bizness, Jackie. He all up in da snitchin.
Oh, that's right .... ol felony probation Darrell and Peter Claudio and the child molesting father and son show of Shelley John Golden and Ellen the cop murder talker all in on it witch a.
Luckier n shit, that,huh??
And Darrell and that little prison boy having the same gabbard attorney. Didn't bother to look it up and see if his wifey THEN prosecuted LOL like she did with James Darrell.
BUT, it has to bother Tina Jane a tad (or not) that her boy ended up on hard-time row while Darrell's fat ass still squeezin itself into granny's car for ride-abouts.
Jack ....Jack .... Jack....
next time you decide to drive your city-issued tax-payer sponsored vehicle into a store behind me and then get out and get in line behind me talking about head-on collisions maybe you should hush the steroid talk in yo head, mah nigga.
Bye fatass cunt, windy.
I gotchoo.
Your ass will be on the paper soon.
All that heroin in Jack's family. All that heroin in the Charneco auto sales ugly fuck family.
A match made in 'ahm so fuckin stupid heaven'
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/22/2011 11:04:00 AM
Hey ... lookeee what I found right next door to your buds, bro.
You and the heroin family and the other heroin family with the under age drinking.
Check it out, mah nigga:
Neighbors for 7010 Parliament Drive, Palm River-Clair Mel, FL
7033 Parliament Drive Carol June Williams (Trustee)
7032 Parliament Drive Margaret Canales
7031 Parliament Drive Andres Vasquez
7030 Parliament Drive Joyce Tim
7029 Parliament Drive Christian G Esther (Trustee)
7028 Parliament Drive Pedro Melendez
7027 Parliament Drive Elwood and Louise A Favors
7026 Parliament Drive Naomi Bruce
7025 Parliament Drive Jane D Davila Dadoun
7024 Parliament Drive Lashonda and Wakeen L Randolph
7023 Parliament Drive Amelia Davila
7022 Parliament Drive Maribel Hernandez-Nieves
7021 Parliament Drive Amelia Davila
7020 Parliament Drive Latonya Greer
7019 Parliament Drive James E Jackson
7018 Parliament Drive Bobby Lee Johnson
7017 Parliament Drive Ervin E Johnson
7016 Parliament Drive Bobby L Johnson Jr
7015 Parliament Drive Zsa Zsa L Wright
7014 Parliament Drive Barbara Newberry
7013 Parliament Drive Edward E Nigro Jr
7012 Parliament Drive P L and Margrette Cherrenfro
7011 Parliament Drive Maria Diaz and Rodriquez Zulma
7009 Parliament Drive Earnest L Delamater
7008 Parliament Drive Armando Diaz
7007 Parliament Drive Judy E Garner
7006 Parliament Drive Greta N Moore
7005 Parliament Drive Geary Charles Anderson
7004 Parliament Drive Yovania D Garcia
7003 Parliament Drive Alison Janke
7010 is Michael Roque or michel
But HELLS BELLS them davila/gavias all ova da place ....
and the balls and whistles. I mean bells.
So ... hope the heroin bidness is kickin bitches.... ima need the money you made.
Surely jackie has a TON unless he spent it all on steroids, dirty cops and social folks and gang tats.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/22/2011 02:54:00 AM
U and lakweesha and christina are just little georgia peaches with ummm who is that again?
Ms. Marshall??
Hey Eunice....what the hell iz DAT about you and crissy lil ho sharin a name and all?
WTF??? I iz bedazzled wid you and jane and crissy fishy.
Yer picture do you justice I ain't never seen up that dirt driveway of yers.
fuck you bitch.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/21/2011 09:04:00 PM
Labels: whores of carrollwood and their daughters meet the south tampa whores
lemme know ANY old time one of you pieces of shit finally admits you're just NOT THAT CLEVER.
Good one Christine. That made me laugh so fucking hard.
You did what you are told all your fucking stupid nonworking life.
Your daughter will be just like you.
No one is less clever than you.
awwww iz yer eyes still burning dreamer??????????????????????????????????????
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/21/2011 08:55:00 PM
I guess you weren't up on reading comprehension when last we chatted 'bout this.
Seldom but once in recent memory have you motherfuckers had such a STUPID day.
I thank you ..
all the shuneeekwas of the world thank you.
Your fat whore of a mother thanks you ....
and, finally....
every one of you displayed some mens rea so ... LMFAO.
When it comes .. who ta fuck will be left in puerto rico and lebanon o?
Astonishing timing.
Oh, hey TOO TALL down there at the stalking station.
Dude, yer so fucked.
Did you want me to show you or have ya already looked through the USB port? Because you are fucked in the ass you ass jabbing faggot. (in legalese that just means the taxpayers will be footing the bill for your RICO defense lawyer you faggoty piece of fucking shit)
dumb dumb fucking shit.
Oh yeah......
weuns gwanna want that civil shit and all
im thinking about a million per annum I got sick of charging you pere diem.
mi habla espanol...
you know a fukkin hill person serious when they speak your ass language better than that steroid'd thug chew choo
Some of the states have misdemeanor penalties or simple fines. Florida is one of nine states with a felony penalty as well as civil liability and administrative fines.
Florida law provides three avenues for an individual alleged to have perpetrated abuse or neglect to seek remedies if it can be proven that the report was made maliciously.
Criminal penalty pursued by the state attorney for false reporting or advising another to make a false report, prosecuted as a felony of the third degree;
Civil liability for damages, including attorney fees and costs; and
Departmental imposition of an administrative fine, not to exceed $10,000, as authorized by Chapter 39, F.S., and subject to the hearing and other
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/21/2011 08:32:00 PM
Still stalking criminals.
Almost ran my cousin over today.
Luckily he has more balls than ANY TWENTY of those steroid'd little midgets and the occasional overgrown one so he stood his ground and video'd their dirty asses.
Pieces of SHIT.
THREE OF THESE LOSERS to drive a big huge firetruck to the grocery store when each time they start one it costs SO MUCH MONEY. Not to mention everyone having to move and all that other bullshit they cause.
St. Pete Times published a study I'm looking for about the danger of starting the fire truck and driving it even a block: the cost and the effects on the environment, the endangerment to the people it passes and the expense inherent. It's high.
Get this: Firefighters driving around in pink with repainted fire trucks in pink. Once again, breast cancer A MONEY-MAKING INDUSTRY they are only TOO HAPPY to stick their hand out for and steal. Their wives work at the schools in Tampa... at Morgan Woods it was SO OBVIOUS they STOLE from the completely unpoliced santa fund. SO OBVIOUS. Thieves and scum and now they are stealing from those sympathetic to breast cancer.
Fucking disgusting sick thieving bastards.
And sooooo mature.
And then we wonder.
WHAT do stations fourteen (Neptune next to the library and Publix) and Fifteen (across from Publix and star bucks) have TO HIDE???
And every other person in this county and city.
If we want to troll around there all day long examining OUR EQUIPMENT AND OUR TRUCKS AND YOUR FUCKING LAZY SNEAKY THIEVING ASSES it's perfectly fine.
Interesting find at station fourteen ... the same asshole who likes to follow me down the interstate at NIGHT so I get only a blurry but still readable picture of his tag is employed there. So now I have a VERY clear picture.
Oh, shorty ... you the same motherfucker I have very clear photos of your fat brother following me around last year.
So fuck off.
Get a fucking life of your own.
Find something to do rather than eat steroids and sling cocaine from the firetruck.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/21/2011 11:33:00 AM
From Chrissy Breen's transporting of underage teens to have sex in other counties to the under age WEEKLY (as documented and recorded) drinking on the mill drive...LOTS OF TEENS and then sent off to drive after being told they were safe to spend the night..... incredibly (not) all the same names, ain't that right antnee angel delgado?????
South Tampa attempts a crude pass to North Tampa (more ghetto same ugly fucks)
good luck with that.
Also ... sheriff employee earl harper did the usual reactionary drive by today with his fat ass gang arm out the window to let us know he's well protected.
But not for long.
S82 3ZS sheriff scum following
X86 1LG video'd trying to run my sister over on Westshore and Kennedy....
other little snitch with the tampa firemen
And, finally....
IF DCF ignores the reports I make if you keep fucking with him .... I'll make so many that they will be fucked if they try not to do anything....
Those out of state witnesses and shit, yknow??
Go fuck your ugly loser selves.
You're raising whores because you were raised as whores.
I think it's awesome that you have that as a family hallmark.
Is that all she thinks about is showers??
Cause all that's piling up.
Hang on. It's going to be an interesting ride.
Better than the camper adventure.
I think I smell poop from you and AO Evans.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/20/2011 02:23:00 PM
Dear Jane Castor,
It's bad enough that you employ fucking whores and creepy steroid'd up bastards but after all with the reputation of tampa and tampa cops what can one expect??
only a fucking slug would apply.
Now after the freakish and well documented u-turn of barnett who was lying in wait and the DAILY LYING IN WAIT of AO EVANS and her rat's nest of weave .... it's pretty obvious after three stops at advance auto parts that they're having their little gang family fuck with my lights again.
Any time I leave the fucking car. Do they think I'm blind and stupid??
I got yer whore AO EVANS on video eight times lurking around me. Since I'm not being investigated for ANYTHING I feel it's time you tell that whore, her steroid'd up buddy, billy dill(y) and the rest of her nasty korrupt krewe to get the fuck over it.
She needs to spend some time doing what the taxpayers pay her to do which last I checked is not fuck with and intimidate taxpayers and give blowjobs so that gangers will fuck with peoples' tail lights giving you korrupt pieces of SHIT probable cause to pull someone over.
This hearkens back to the christine breen and colin and katie days of daily lights out.
Gee. WHAT could be the connection there, JANE???
Get those motherfuckers off my car and off me.
Go fucking catch a goddamne criminal.
And get your boy earl harper out of guarding crackhouses where his fucking gang members he has living there make it obvious because you and that skumbag david gee make them believe they are untouchable.
I guess that's easy with the tampa firemen covering up their meth lab explosions
and James Darrell Mason snitching out the grow houses so the tampa pd and firemen and sheriffs can take over the bidness.
Meantime telling citizens to avoid certain areas because AO EVANS and BILL DILL are too busy speeding in and out of the waters and florida kmart protecting drug deals to do anything other than add some more gel to their updos.
It's an easy connection to make why ivette perez claudio's face disappeared off your website yet her husband is still selling crack and fucking with the neighbors. EASY.
That little byte will never go away... right there is enough to lose pensions and jobs.
And fire that whore.
She belongs on a goddamn pole.
Her and the tampa firepigs staging car wrecks to intimidate citizens.
What a bunch of DIRTY FUCKING PIGS.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/18/2011 04:10:00 PM
He is mentioned here.
(this will have to be fast as I'm on borrowed web access ...)
ANEEEWAY he has rented his crack dump via Kevin John Roberts or John Kevin Roberts (via Spence Roberts and James D Mason former crack house cousins) to yet ANOTHER no account, lowlife stalker (as previously documented) and criminal family with no visible means of support who are related to and fully functioning with a gangster living in a sheriff's employee's house (earl harper).... Now Earl is an SS officer wannabe out to the filthy nasty hole david gee calls a jail. Reports indicate more water problems out there while it appears that Pampa has deigned to pump actual WATER to our home once again BELYING the st pete times lies that the stains on dishes are caused by THE SAME DISHWASHING LIQUID THAT HAS BEEN USED NON STOP SINCE THE LIES BEGAN. It's THE WATER STUPID. We KNOW. We have the samples saved.
So, no visible means of support and a lil street theater with the local shorty mobster. It was funny. Got some nice photos of that stalking cunt committing a felony. She may be one Kimberly Donnini and her nasty ass looking faggot acting biker husband or thang.
What? Was teethmaker afraid you were after fat ass??
She was all wound up today.
That's a felony, denise .. to drive a vehicle in a threatening manner.
You'll be making license plates next you know.
Involving a pretty little baby.
But, you're hardly the first.
We have Xavier's mom and dad from Patsy Street or Theresa or whatever. Nice video.
Back to Jose Tome.
BYE FAT ASS YOU FUCKING CUNT. I should have found out where your boy went but all in good time.
HEY DUSKY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOKEEE here he's a SKATER like you and your hubby and my old buddy and ummmm let's see that thief at erwin vo-tech and ... what else?? Lithia ... that's fred and sandy and who ELSE??? WE KNOW WE KNOW .... Oh and Tony Angel Delgado .. now when I started this post I had NO IDEA howmany of these names would then pop up ... but I gotta go.. here's the church property .. I'm pretty sure keller's was the minnehaha one from jude duffy BUT it COULD have been another with his eva braun ho seeing to the death watch and all.
AND that means double dusty and Michael Brian Keller with the motherfuckin church properties.
I tried to let you die away ... but up you keep pumping.
And you another school employee involved in theft talk, break in talk and fucking around with drug houses.
We seriously got to highlight this shit with maryEllen elia hiring all you fucking gangsters....
former real estate specialists and all.
You folks had potential but you SO obviously (like the Breens) DO NOT BELONG in a decent house .... it was like a sore thumb.
Well looks like you folks will have to look up dusky smith's and michael keller's common interest in church properties your own self.
I DO BELIEVEZ they iz in da process of breaking links just like sheriff gee did for fat ass scott gonzalez.
The webpage "www.hcpafl.org" cannot be foundDNS error occurred. Server cannot be found. The link may be broken.
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The firepigs also did this when we used to post their runs all of which revolved around me today.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/17/2011 10:08:00 PM
Labels: Kim Rollick Donnini Tampa FL new stalker on the block
All slithered out today. It's purty funny.
UPDATE: Still the largest set of ass-jabbing, idiotic, fat, stupid, silly .... bunch of fuckin' losers all sides of the Mason Dixon line.
I mean it's feckin pathetic.
What a bunch of fucking losers.
No life motherfuckers.
I knew you missed me.
I see you feel you have some advantage.
Pussy and drugs.
You built this city on CRAK AND HOs. Gotta get back to work on that video.
All this time on my hands and me ignoring you as sure as the sun rises every day.
You know I just fucking centrillialized my net worth, right?
So, despite the fact that you have NO lives of your own ..... I think you'll find that I have no problem posting what pathetic little shit you up to.
Whiggers: I mean Whiggins: Back into the hole, loser.
Ya ain't purty that early.
Love to ya all.
It's coming soon.
You fucking losers really think you what?
Just losers.
Synonymous with tampa firemen.
And the whores on TPD they run with.
Flick that rat's nest, AO Evans. You still a fuckin ho.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/16/2011 03:00:00 PM
Toldya guys it was Musharaff (bush-araff) that did Bhutto.
And now they will arrest that bastard.
Evil never learns.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/12/2011 09:05:00 PM
Hey shitfaces !
How is being insufferable, ugly pricks working out for you losers?
Many years to come.
LMFAO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eat me raw.
Balls and ALL.
Posted by
Vox Populi
2/10/2011 05:55:00 PM
Labels: 6210 eaglebrook tampa fl from thieves to whores we have it all... just like mitchell
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