Gone Like the Wind: The High Price of Doing The Right Thing
This sounds like Tampa .... (and that makes me very very sad)
Gone Like the Wind: The High Price of Doing The Right Thing
How to steal property from people and make it look like you are not even an interested party. Has this gone on since July 15, 1877?
This sounds like Tampa .... (and that makes me very very sad)
Gone Like the Wind: The High Price of Doing The Right Thing
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/31/2007 11:14:00 PM
Labels: Tampa et. al. ...enough to go around but a few want it all ....
I guess Charlie can keep denying the EX-felon right to their civil rights(looks like he probably will [keep denying them], anyway) as long as he keeps bolstering my property value .... (this is me at my sarcastic worst!!) He copied Jim Davis' campaign promise to restore civil rights for felons and PROMISED to restore same.
For those with memory deficit --- JEB signed an executive order to declare martial law FOUR DAYS BEFORE Sept. 11, 2001. No one had to give him permission. Charlie could and said he might restore felon voting rights in the same fashion. NO ONE has to give him permission.
But, he's all up on this gambling stuff so hang on felons, maybe I can buy your rights back here pretty soon ...... (at least with all the damn money I'll have I can buy some influence LOL LOL LOL)
Here's the scoop.
Ain't it amazin' how WWCD has all this beautiful time to sit down with the gambling interests but what he did with the Black Caucus was to avert their eyes towards FAMU????
Just sayin ....
Once the Seminoles have it ALL; the white dudes will get it all. It's very cool how that works. What's sauce for the goose .....
Personally, if I were the Seminoles I would have held out for a better deal.
If anyone deserves to be compensated it is the North American Native Americans.
Among others ...
As gambling becomes more and more a part of our Florida lifestyle may I repeat one additional time: I hope you are all very very happy with whom you share your covers. Wouldn't be my choice.
And, I love you.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/31/2007 01:25:00 PM
Labels: fries with that wager? Bush education dovetail crist gambling
I have noticed the same thing CONSTANTLY. I try to make it a habit to at least glance at eight major papers across the country daily. (in self-defense, not because I feel it's even slightly newsy) Even though their stories are community-related; the fear mechanism is still startling in it's similarity each time. Seattle is talking about the same 'scary shit' as Freep, as Chicago, as Phoenix, as AJC as Tampa ... take your pick. Media control. Scaring us into a police state.
I believe that all of this is helping to impel us towards the police state. I observe many events/concrete/mortar which steer my thinking in this direction. The Tampa Tribune is very guilty of this. (i.e. revisiting the gainesville murders during the mentions of impeachment of bush; there was no Gainesville anniversary or birthday involved, nothing new whatsoever)And it wasn't anything to do with Danny Rolling who was not executed til some time later ... ((((Manny, Mario)))
Just fear. Then they get some more thug cops who will end up being the ones that WE need protection from. They and those 'neighbors' whom you think of as quite odd now: they're the jailers.
And, it's coming faster than can be believed. To a neighborhood near you.
I've done some interesting reading and viewing on how Paris (the one in France) was redesigned by the monster King (our own monster king doing our own dirty work here)... many Parisians believe that the entire purpose for this design was to deter the citizens from rioting. (by widening the boulevards making it easier for the authori-eyes to drive people back and giving people no ability to ambush them) Apparently Paris has always been the site of cool people keeping it on the real side. Good enough.
I see this same stuff around Tampa (and probably throughout Florida/NewnitedStates in a thrice). For instance, when you are irritated by those stupid parking lot enclosures (you know the dangerous ones that send you back out into Kenndey (Tampa spelling) Blvd merely to maneuver into the next parking lot. Then, places (read HOLES) like WalMart and Home Depot and Lowe's when they come to an area they TAKE IT OVER. Calls to mind the same thing. It's more CONTROL. Notice the big nasty THREE of that. Any entity/corporation that moves in and exerts that much control --- shop elsewhere. This is just a great post, but you can figure out which stores to stay out of ....
HoMeLaNd CoNtRoL
Has anyone noticed those huge walls along the interstate towards NorthTampa? I just saw them for the first time a few months back but I read the vicious battle from the Cty towards the neighbors who did NOT want these hideous things. Seminole Heights seem to have fought this wall successfully but in these JEBO666 times, I bet it will be back around. Plus, Seminole Heights got tricked into some pretty impressively depressing walls under the guise of 'setting their neighborhood apart.' (thanks to the NEW PEOPLE and to others' weaknesses. DONT BE WEAK.) I see the same unbelievably high WALL surrounding Ybor City and other places. Go look. Then tell me, if you will how hard it would be for twenty cops or so to herd an entire POPULATION down one of these things to a waiting Haliburton 'immigrant' holding pen. hmmmmm. Seems there's also some in lovely Cheval (an area admittedly I am happy to avoid) They kept that interstate clogged up so no one could really watch what they were doing and there is no one left in YBOR who wants to fight it; most there are part of the problem now. (sorry to those of you who are not, I'm not oblivious that there are some souls left there) ... Anyhooooo .... now this big ass wall is there that you couldn't scale without BAT CLANKS and WTF?? Don't bother with the 'traffic-calming, noise-deadening drivel, mmmkay?)
These people aren't protecting us; they are CONTROLLING us and they hate people like us for pointing it out to you.
The walls went up contrary to the wishes of the people (and they ARE ugly and they DO block the sun) and the corporation (owned by WHO KNOWS? triumphed over human beings) Why were these walls so important? Who gives a shit what's good for people's ears? Since when? The same thing with that same area when they tried to talk the neighborhood into building a big wall to block off the XXX businesses that your COUNTY govmint ok'd for the children in that neighborhood.
In Nazi Germany this would be known as ghetto building. They just about have all the walls up. Why can't you see it? Please go look. Please go look and tell yourself the truth. It's very ominous when you compare the two .... (and you should) They won't even need the barbed wire. The walls are to keep us in not to keep noise OUT. People should look at this stuff and see the big picture. I've got a ticket out. I want you to find one, too. Don't let them scare you into inaction.
Hasn't anyone else noticed how many times they advise citizens to stay inside because of this or that murderer, knifist, rapist ... what have you ?? GO OUT on those nights and see the shit they are hauling down the interstate and highways. yep.
This is an invisible invasion and people have to wake up. Up is down. White is Black. Your neighbor is no such animal. That new guy is a fucking freak. Just the way he feels.
And, finally --- on to a great post.
Pensacola Beach Blog: All Fear, All the Time
Oh in case anyone missed it .. Hubbard and FDOT are part and parcel of the REGIME change here in what's left of Florida. I don't have to go on into the nitty gritty here. You drive these roads; you watch the death and destruction just like me. We're giving MILLIONS to Republican-run parties. NO agenda there, I'm sure.
On my fridge there's a cool Florida magnet and underneath it someone (who -- who could this be??) wrote SUCKS NOW
This is true. IF we work long and hard there are still a few tiny pockets left. We have to look at the big picture. We have to stop these people from stealing Florida and our lovely lifestyles.
Or, at least get your tix the hell out of here if my base suspicions prove to be correct. Things are not looking good but I don't want to do my own version of fear. I'm not afraid. I'm standing right up and looking them in the eye. Do the same but plan for the worse.
And don't look into the abyss for too long.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/31/2007 11:47:00 AM
Labels: towards the police state .....
THIS is one of the most important things to do right at this very moment and on into eternity. America the Beautiful absolutely would not survive in any form as we now recognize us under another Shrub.
I'm on a black list somewhere because I spoke up about JEB0666 all along. Others have waited and that's cool; they had their say just recently. And more and more will jump on the bandwagon against JeBBy. It's one of those occasions when gang mentality actually works for us. YAY !! Please join and support Sunny in her Thursday effort to expose Jeb before he tries to slip into the White House on the dime of our bad memory. I can't forget what he did to Florida, can you?
Smashed Frog: The JEB Chapters: Prince Jeb
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/29/2007 09:39:00 AM
The version by Iris DeMent is very beautiful I haven't listened to this one ...
but it's the WORDS that are important.
The pen behind these lyrics belongs to a prophet of our times.
Please listen.
And read here:
"Your Next Bold Move"
coming of age during the plague
of reagan and bush
watching capitalism gun down democracy
it had this funny effect on me
i guess
i am cancer
i am HIV
and i'm down at the blue jesus
blue cross hospital
just lookin' up from my pillow
feeling blessed
and the mighty multinationals
have monopolized the oxygen
so it's as easy as breathing
for us all to participate
yes they're buying and selling
off shares of air
and you know it's all around you
but it's hard to point and say "there" (and that's what I'm doing here, I can point and say THERE, won't you all help me???)
so you just sit on your hands
and quietly contemplate
your next bold move
the next thing you're gonna need to prove
to yourself
what a waste of thumbs that are opposable
to make machines that are disposable
and sell them to seagulls flying in circles
around one big right wing
yes, the left wing was broken long ago
by the slingshot of cointelpro
and now it's so hard to have faith in
especially your next bold move
or the next thing you're gonna need to prove
to yourself
you want to track each trickle
back to its source
and then scream up the faucet
'til your face is hoarse
cuz you're surrounded by a world's worth
of things you just can't excuse
but you've got the hard cough of a chain smoker
and you're at the arctic circle playing strip poker
and it's getting colder and colder
everytime you lose
so go ahead
make your next bold move
tell us
what's the next thing you're gonna need to prove
to yourself
[ www.azlyrics.com ] Thanks to az lyrics ... they're usually the best and most correct. Makes it easy for me to get this up here fast....
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/29/2007 09:10:00 AM
Labels: hard to trust in anything ... left wing broken long ago
Here's Dave (I blog-rolled you like .. MONTHS ago!)
Here's JT Lewis I've been to his place before -- we like alot of the same movies and music. Nickelback has their place ... ya can't really loathe them unless you listen to the radio. hehe. Owning the CD and playing them in the right frame works. Some of their songs can make me cry. That's all.
If I did this right, that's cool. If not, that's cool, too.
Yall take advantage of DC Dave's offer of highly coveted Joost invites. If I did this right and get a chance to check it all out I'll say something when I can.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/28/2007 03:33:00 PM
LOL .. this post is SO COOL. I had to copy it here for you. I tried to just link it over but ... I am so busy I haven't the time to stop and figure out everything I don't know ...
Anyway ..... it's with much pleasure and thanks to Deep Something ... that I tie this hilarity to everything wrong in Tampa and America today.
Oh, and don't forget to replace the word Security with Control
From Deep Something
Under the “you can’t make this stuff up category,” The Department of Homeland Security is moving its headquarters to a lunatic asylum.
Under a plan projected to cost $3 billion, beginning in 2011 DHS will begin moving most of its 60 Washington, D.C.-based offices to a new building it will construct on the grounds of St. Elizabeths Hospital, an insane asylum still in operation in Washington.
St. Elizabeths Hospital holds the dubious distinction of being the first federally sponsored mental hospital in the country, according to its web site.
The U.S. Coast Guard will be the first element of the DHS to move into the new building in 2011, department Spokesman Larry Orluskie told United Press International.
The DHS’s headquarters functions will follow in 2013, and the other components slated for centralization will move in after that.
It somehow seems fitting that the Department of Homeland Security, based on a loony premise, should move into a loony bin. I guess they’re going there to have a ready pool of administrative talent, but whatever the reason, I can’t think of a more fitting place for them.
Above from Deep Something
Did Tampa used to be the site of one big huge insane asylum?????
(more on this later today, if I cut the time out?)
Honestly, who KNEW that most of the Tampa county/city employees were Nazis in disguise? I feel so naive ...
And Joe Redner lost. That's just depressing. It makes me MORE SURE that the voting in Tampa has long long long been dishonest. Nothing against Gwen but every black person I spoke with (and that's alot) was voting for Joe. WHAT does that tell you? No one was her cheerleader except for the usual (Tampa Police, Tampa Firemen, West Coast Police Benevolent ASS.) AND I think but am not positive that there were more votes cast in this race than in the pseudo-mayoral race we held earlier in the month. It's so plain: The voters have NOT spoken. It doen't matter how you vote, it matters how it's counted. I have no personal stake in Joe or Gwen. But I felt comfortable with Joe having been around him so many times carrying on with what I feel is important in life. Never saw Gwen there. Poor Tampa. More of the same .. well, I really have no time but DEEP SOMETHING has tons to read. This is my week for high-liting people with alot of important things to say, I guess.
Buddy Johnson will be the next mayor, I bet.
(and here my good friend intoned: over my dead body) I agree but it would follow suit.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/28/2007 11:18:00 AM
Labels: from Deep Something
This is an excellent summary of what we see around us.
And the rest of the blog pretty much sums it up, as well.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/27/2007 03:54:00 PM
Labels: unregulated market pipe dream
Man who recorded own meth addiction dies By JIM SUHR, Associated Press Writer
When they busted that guy here in Tampa for trying to break into the pipe and steal methane gas (if I recall correctly) --- I thought it was so sad when he said, "It was like I had bandaids over my eyes and brain, I couldn't think."
I'm no angel but I see that some drugs are not one of the plagues mentioned in the Bible (as very addicted meth heads sometimes state)unless the Bible makes reference to a man-made plague. The fact is they are purposeful, manufactured products -- made and marketed by one group to dangle to another group and enslave those people to their product, thereby separating them from their money, their dignity, their health. The meth distributors have created slaves. All around it's easy money for them (mostly for a FEW THEM) and the cookers and ... they never think about this guy. I'm for ending prohibition because nothing makes people who distribute death feel responsible. Certainly no stupid laws that aren't enforced, anyway ....The only reason there ARE laws is to keep the profit margin and job-security intact. We're paying the same people who created a drug problem to fight a drug war. It's high theater.
If you've ever seen the victims of burns from meth-manufacturing accidents, you're probably as horrified as I am even if you enjoy the walk on the wild side.
ST. LOUIS - A former trucker whose documentary chronicled an agonizing descent as methamphetamine ravaged his body has died, optimistic to the end that his story would keep others from the highly addictive stimulant.
"He was extremely satisfied, wanting to do more in getting the word out and showing kids what meth harm does. We didn't get to that point," his father, Jack Bridges, said shortly after the 35-year-old died Monday at a hospital in Cape Girardeau.
"He didn't want anyone to go through what he did," his father said.
Shawn Bridges drew global attention last year for "No More Sunsets," a 29-minute film shot by a former southern Illinois television videographer at Bridges' request. How to buy No More Sunsets..
By his family's account, Bridges already had died at least twice, his heart so damaged by years of using meth — a concoction that can include toxic chemicals such as battery acid, drain cleaner and fertilizer — that it stopped and had to be shocked back into beating.
The documentary shows Bridges mostly bedridden, his constant companions a catheter and feeding tube.
"I'd say he's got a 34-year-old body on the outside with a 70- to 80-year-old man on the inside," his father told The Associated Press last May.
About 28,000 people sought treatment for meth addiction across the country in 1993, accounting for nearly 2 percent of admissions for drug-abuse care, according to the federal Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.
A decade later, the meth-related admissions numbered nearly 136,000 — more than 7 percent of the national total for drug-abuse treatment.
Family members have said Bridges had been haunted by the dreary day in 1976 when his younger brother Jason, barely a year old, died in a car wreck. Bridges was 4 and nowhere near the accident but still blamed himself, wanting to trade places with his dead sibling, his father said.
A lenient upbringing set Bridges on the road to becoming "a little monster," his father said. "By 16, the kid was a high school dropout and partier."
At 26, Bridges had a heart attack that his father blamed on meth's ability to damage a chronic user's heart and other internal organs. Bridges learned he had congestive heart failure. Twice, he tried to kill himself, family members said.
During his final months in a hospital bed, Bridges' words slurred to guttural sounds. At times, he spit up blood, and his weight fell dangerously when he couldn't keep food down. His father said Monday that Bridges developed a urinary tract infection shortly before he died.
"I don't think people will forget what got him to this point," said Chip Rossetti, who filmed the documentary. "But what he did with his condition is really the amazing thing."
Rossetti said 500 to 600 copies of the documentary have been sold, some going as far as Australia. Bridges was also profiled on German television. Rossetti said Monday he plans a sequel, chronicling Bridge's final year and testimonials by people touched by his awareness effort.
"We wanted to keep him with us a lot longer, but we appreciate God's good grace," Jack Bridges said. "We'll still be trying to drive home the point that these drugs are poison, and that people using them are heading the same place Shawn has gone."
On the Net:
Rossetti Productions: http://www.rossettiproductions.com
Partnership for a Drug-Free America: http://www.drugfree.org/Meth
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/27/2007 01:13:00 PM
... and they wonder why people unionize. This so smacks of fraternalism. The managers here are making huge money and then there are 'the rest of them.' Many employed by Publix are there on green cards and I wonder if this is a subtle way of threatening every one of them.
Publix is one of the few remaining companies in FL which evokes feelings of being a 'Florida Co.' and I have friends/family sprinkled all through there. I have mentioned many times in the past that Publix is one of the few that has not been imploded and I wonder if this is the first sign of trouble to come.
It's a definite case of DONT FIX what's not broken.
Who ever heard of pay cuts?
Considering I think that Kelo v New London was a bit of a set-up (the speed in which it whizzed up to the Supreme Court was almost beyond belief) ... to start taking peoples' properties, I wouldn't put it past the new people of Florida to plant this as a starter to implode Publix. Although no on made the rule BUT Publix. Just seems fishy.
They've taken over the utilities, the phone companies, the water, the air.
And now, Publix? Dang.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/27/2007 11:57:00 AM
Labels: ... bad bad move, guys....
Censorship and What appear to be outright LIES by the National Geographic Channel
Gone Like the Wind: Artistic Differences
A big THANK YOU to Gone like the Wind (an amazing mindful blog take extra time to go there and read and read )
As well --- This is Peter Lance, the author of TRIPLE CROSS.
For the full truth on the Nat Geo Whitewash go to:
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/27/2007 10:26:00 AM
A whole darn book. If you can take some time off from the long, lingering looks of lust ... and, supposin you can get through a whole tome ..
Try here
Gangsta Feed
Being Somebody (I think this is just what you're looking for: being somebody)
How they do the gangsta roll in LA Takin the boy a long way from SOHOW
Grillz (yall so outa touch in this area)
Character Driven Criminal Underworld (this looks chock full of stuff for ya)
Training Day
Gangsters and Rapists .... ahhhh that's a relief I thought it was just ME who think alot of yall look like degenerate rapists or somethin... or is just that desperate hungry look? mwahhhhh
This is a BIGGIE: I bet he will be your IDOL
Other Gangsters
Bone Sloan
Oldie but Goodie like half of you, but nevertheless still swinging a lunch pail with a super hero emblazoned on it ... whatev
Certified Gangsta
Gangsters, Inc.
A little history to instill some pride in you (maybe that is what is missing??)
Gangsters for Capitalism (NOW we're getting somewhere ..)
Gangsta style shooting (ya wanna stay au currant here .. they give lessons)
That's all for today but you can help yourself. I hope.
Ya lookin so bold ... (NOT)
Is it because the pictures turned out so great?
There's better ones up to the lab. You'll see.
redrum redrum redrum
Oh wait, all these movies got me going .... hehe
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/26/2007 06:46:00 PM
And, for those who want to 'get it' in English ... I like to listen in the 'first' language (if you're not listening to J-Rock you're missing the boat) .... sometimes the 'first' language of the artist is extremely compelling and leads you to ... all kinda cool stuff ...........
Anyway, here's the English version ... (for Jan who will probably never see it here, but, see, I really DO think about you, your family, and your woman's heart .... )it might not fit quite perfect but when those we love are far away it is sometimes REAL hard to make it through the day without them ....
And if you like Jon Secada even a fraz you ought to hear him do "I'm free" .... (can't find it)
Maybe the second best song in the world ............................
Things are only as important as I want them to be ...........
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/26/2007 05:39:00 PM
Oh yea --- while away some precious time with otis. Makes it all the more precious ...
Oh this came from a time where you could actually hear all the words ... wow.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/26/2007 05:34:00 PM
Labels: this loneliness won't leave me alone .... watchin the tide roll away ..........
Sometimes I'm kinda stunned by the way we get each other wrong, yknow? When I first heard this song I thought he was talking about the sky stars. Our beloved stars which may be the most honest thing existing in the universe. And the most constant. So I got a lil "HUH???" over the whole thing thinking he was saying 'the stars lied' ... hmmmm ....
THEN -- I saw the video which you're not going to get from this one but I guess they took down the hollowood version.
This song is Corey Taylor's (Stone Sour, Slip Knot) SLAM A MUNGA on the USELESS media and HOLLOWOOD.
And thank you to the REAL FEW REAL MEDIA MEN AND WOMEN. Watch your backs.
You have to hunt down the video ... and don't take your eyes off it. You have to watch it all. This is a voice of love and brilliance. Cool dudes that rock.
Never mind : I found the other one but I'm fallin for the 98 one, as well. I'm leaving it ... But, watch this one. It's educational.
Oh the words help the picture emerge ...
I'm looking at you through the glass...
Don't know how much time has passed
Oh god it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home sitting all alone inside your head
How do you feel? That is the question
But i forget.. you dont expect an easy answer
When something like a soul becomes
Initialized and folded up like paper dolls and little notes
You can't expect a bit of hope
And while you're outside looking in
Describing what you see
Remember what you're staring at is me
Cause I'm looking at you through the glass...
Don't know how much time has passed
All i know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
How much is real? So much to question
An epidemic of the mannequins
Contaminating everything
We thought came from the heart
It never did right from the start
Just listen to the noises
(No more sad voices)
Before you tell yourself
Its just a different scene
Remember it's just different from what you've seen
Im looking at you through the glass...
Don't know how much time has passed
And all i know is that it feels like forever
When no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
And its the starrrssss
The sttarrrsss
That shine for you
And its the starrrssss
The sttarrrsss
That lie to you.. yeah-ah
I'm looking at you through the glass...
Don't know how much time has passed
Oh god it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
Feels like home, sitting all alone inside your head
Cause I'm looking at you through the glass...
Don't know how much time has passed
All i know is that it feels like forever
But no one ever tells you that forever
feels like home, sitting all alone inside your heaaaaddd
And its the starrrssss
The sttarrrsss
That shine for you.. yeah-ah
And its the starrrssss
The sttarrrsss
That lie to you.. yeah-ah
And its the starrrssss
The sttarrrsss
That shine for you.. yeah-ah
And its the starrrssss
The sttarrrsss
That lie to you.. yeah-ah yeah
Ohhhoh the starrs
Ohhh oh the starrrrs that liieee
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/26/2007 04:30:00 PM
Labels: remember it's just different from what YOU'VE seen .....
They got THIS man .....
Officers Blamed for Tillman Case Errors
By Lolita C. Baldor and Scott Lindlaw
The Associated Press
Saturday 24 March 2007
Nine officers, including up to four generals, should be held accountable for missteps in the aftermath of the friendly fire death of Army Ranger Pat Tillman in Afghanistan, a Pentagon investigation will recommend.
Senior defense officials said Friday the Defense Department inspector general will cite a range of errors and inappropriate conduct as the military probed the former football star's death on the battlefront in 2004, said one defense official.
The official, who like the others requested anonymity because the Army has not publicly released the information, said it appears senior military leaders may not have had all the facts or worked hard enough to get the facts of what happened on April 22, 2004, when Tillman was killed by members of his own platoon.
Dozens of soldiers - those immediately around Tillman at the scene of the shooting, his immediate superiors and high-ranking officers at a command post nearby - knew within minutes or hours that his death was fratricide.
Even so, the Army persisted in telling Tillman's family he was killed in a conventional ambush, including at his nationally televised memorial service 11 days later. It was five weeks before his family was told the truth, a delay the Army has blamed on procedural mistakes.
The latest investigation has focused on how high up the chain of command it was known that Tillman's death was caused by his own comrades. Officers from the rank of colonel and up will be blamed in the report, according to one officer who has been informed of the findings.
According to the officials, the report will not make charges or suggest punishments, but it will recommend the Army look at holding the nine officers accountable.
One defense official said it appears the inspector general will not conclude there was an orchestrated cover-up in the investigation.
Oh no?? Why NOT??
Tillman's father, Pat, said Friday he had no intention of commenting on the inspector general's report until he had heard an Army briefing on Monday. That day, the Army plans to release the report and a second related to the killing.
The other report is by the Army Criminal Investigation Command, which will focus on whether a crime, such as negligent homicide, was committed when Tillman's own men shot him. One defense official said it appears the investigation did not find any criminal intent in the shooting.
Tillman's case drew worldwide attention in part because he had turned down a multimillion-dollar contract to play defensive back for the Arizona Cardinals in order to join the Army Rangers after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Tillman's death is not even close to being the only one which involves cover ups and unexplained actions. This girl was beaten before she "died of self-inflicted, noncombat injuries" and initially added it was not a suicide -- in other words, an accidental death caused by LaVena herself.
Mystery Blood Clots
An Iraqui tortured to death
Katherine P. Singleton no rank, no location, no cause
Mystery pneumonia, as well
Mysterious Death Depleted Uranium Symptoms
Mysterious Illness uncovered by Army Medics (no confidence on this)
I am struggling with leaving out names because I feel it is disrespectful to do so --but my hope is that you will take yourself to these places and read the compelling stories of these young, beautiful men and women who are being sacrificed far from home. MYSTERIOUSLY. Why are we allowing this?
THIRTY Horses Dying of "Thirst" says the Army but soldier has unending health problems for YEARS. Or the American contractor in Iraq, Kirk von Ackermann, who pointed out kickback schemes and disappeared after he had a flat tire.
This one hit home as the frequent disabling of my car is much more than just annoyance and theft. It's intimidation of the highest order to threaten a small girl or anyone else with being stuck somewhere alone and without transport. Then my friends at Verizon cut my cell-phone as they've done in the past .... (god) ... la di da ... And, my car tire was flattened yesterday. AGAIN. For those keeping track, that's once a week for three weeks. So, do I find it even a tiny stretch that these guys are being murdered? Nope. I promote it. I believe it to be a fact and I wonder that the publication of their deaths in the mainstream media makes it so obvious and I can't be the only one who sees it. Don't give in to fear or you will be on the list they know they can cow. Seriously.
There are several local Bay Area boys who sound like victims of murder rather than of normal combat and then I realized the dual purpose of getting someone to unfamiliar territory. No more coming back where they would be a danger to those who do wrong.
The report's release comes with the Bush administration under fire from the public and Congress for the war in Iraq. Though the Afghanistan conflict has not drawn nearly so much criticism, the report could add to the drumbeat of negative stories the administration has had to endure over the treatment of wounded soldiers and the long deployments of U.S. troops.
To date, the Army has punished seven people for the Tillman killing, but no one was court-martialed. Four soldiers received relatively minor punishments under military law, ranging from written reprimands to expulsion from the Rangers. One had his pay reduced and was effectively forced out of the Army.
The Army, which requested the inspector general review last year, said in a statement released Friday that it "plans to take appropriate actions after receiving the inspector general's report."
The officials declined to name any of the officers the report will implicate. The commander of Tillman's 75th Ranger Regiment was Col. James C. Nixon. Last year he was named director of operations at the Center for Special Operations at MacDill Air Force Base, Fla.
Nixon knew within about two days that Tillman's death was fratricide, another officer involved in the investigations told The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.
Previous investigations of the case have focused on the facts of the incident and sought to answer questions of whether it was a fratricide.
The report's findings were first reported on Friday by CBS News.
Tillman died in Afghanistan's Paktia province, along the Pakistan border, after his platoon was ordered to split into two groups and one of the units began firing. Tillman and an Afghan with him were killed. A specialist at the time of his death, he was posthumously promoted to corporal.
(this is where it gets really suspicious because of the way the motor units broke down and no more were sent and/or no parts were available. It was like they forced them to spend the night in this far flung, dangerous area and then separated the unit into two units and BOOM, all the sudden one unit forgot the other unit was friendly? hmmmmm ) Purposeful or not this smells like murder, especially given all the lies) Why LIE if you have nothing to hide? Like all truth it has the ring of truth when the guys they tried to quash spoke up. It's notable that Pat Tillman was an avid reader of Chomsky and also an outspoken critic of Bush. His brother is STILL an outspoken critic of this regime in our White House.What I'm saying is that the more you read about Pat's death the more you are convinced that a great deal of 'oddness' or 'collusion' went on. Just about all those present are LIARS and that was proven. I guess they figure if they hold a bunch of stripes accountable we'll shut up. Lateral transfers and on with the program like every other government agency. And we pay them to do this. And, we have the idea that they are killing for Jesus (only some of them, I'm perfectly aware there are still many decent service men and women ...)
For the record Pat Tillman's family at least his mother anf father, is NOT anti-war and I support them. I support their quest for the truth in the mysterious death of their son. If they think they will get it via cooperating with John McCain and from the U.S. Govt, I believe they are sadly mistaken. I bet they know that. And NOTHING brings their boy back.
Since the incident, the Army has moved to improve the notification procedures and now requires an officer to review initial casualty information and verify that the families have been told the best, accurate information.
Associated Press writer Scott Lindlaw reported from San Francisco.
Turned him into THIS man ...
And then killed him
At the VERY LEAST .. they covered it up and by way of an apology a few guys get to rearrange the crap on the arms of their uniforms until they get promoted again ....
Frankly, it's sickening. My uncle served fairly high up in the Army. My Father in Law was one step from being a General .... (he also played football before the Air Force) ....
There's so much dirt involved that a good man can't even talk about it and that's why they are getting away with it. The minute someone talks they find a way to bribe them or shut them up and the show goes on.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/26/2007 11:35:00 AM
It's such a waste of our time as Americans to have to constantly keep our eyes on people we elected to do a public job because they said we could trust them. Well, most of them STOLE their offices, so ...
By Howard Zinn
The Progressive
May 2007 Issue
As I write this, Congress is debating timetables for withdrawal from Iraq. In response to the Bush Administration's "surge" of troops, and the Republicans' refusal to limit our occupation, the Democrats are behaving with their customary timidity, proposing withdrawal, but only after a year, or eighteen months. And it seems they expect the anti-war movement to support them.
That was suggested in a recent message from MoveOn, which polled its members on the Democrat proposal, saying that progressives in Congress, "like many of us, don't think the bill goes far enough, but see it as the first concrete step to ending the war."
Ironically, and shockingly, the same bill appropriates $124 billion in more funds to carry the war. It's as if, before the Civil War, abolitionists agreed to postpone the emancipation of the slaves for a year, or two years, or five years, and coupled this with an appropriation of funds to enforce the Fugitive Slave Act.
When a social movement adopts the compromises of legislators, it has forgotten its role, which is to push and challenge the politicians, not to fall in meekly behind them.
We who protest the war are not politicians. We are citizens. Whatever politicians may do, let them first feel the full force of citizens who speak for what is right, not for what is winnable, in a shamefully timorous Congress.
Timetables for withdrawal are not only morally reprehensible in the case of a brutal occupation (would you give a thug who invaded your house, smashed everything in sight, and terrorized your children a timetable for withdrawal?) but logically nonsensical. If our troops are preventing civil war, helping people, controlling violence, then why withdraw at all? If they are in fact doing the opposite - provoking civil war, hurting people, perpetuating violence - they should withdraw as quickly as ships and planes can carry them home.
It is four years since the United States invaded Iraq with a ferocious bombardment, with "shock and awe." That is enough time to decide if the presence of our troops is making the lives of the Iraqis better or worse. The evidence is overwhelming. Since the invasion, hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have died, and, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, about two million Iraqis have left the country, and an almost equal number are internal refugees, forced out of their homes, seeking shelter elsewhere in the country.
Yes, Saddam Hussein was a brutal tyrant. But his capture and death have not made the lives of Iraqis better, as the U.S. occupation has created chaos: no clean water, rising rates of hunger, 50 percent unemployment, shortages of food, electricity, and fuel, a rise in child malnutrition and infant deaths. Has the U.S. presence diminished violence? On the contrary, by January 2007 the number of insurgent attacks has increased dramatically to 180 a day.
The response of the Bush Administration to four years of failure is to send more troops. To add more troops matches the definition of fanaticism: If you find you're going in the wrong direction, redouble your speed. It reminds me of the physician in Europe in the early nineteenth century who decided that bloodletting would cure pneumonia. When that didn't work, he concluded that not enough blood had been let.
The Congressional Democrats' proposal is to give more funds to the war, and to set a timetable that will let the bloodletting go on for another year or more. It is necessary, they say, to compromise, and some anti-war people have been willing to go along. However, it is one thing to compromise when you are immediately given part of what you are demanding, if that can then be a springboard for getting more in the future. That is the situation described in the recent movie The Wind That Shakes The Barley, in which the Irish rebels against British rule are given a compromise solution - to have part of Ireland free, as the Irish Free State. In the movie, Irish brother fights against brother over whether to accept this compromise. But at least the acceptance of that compromise, however short of justice, created the Irish Free State. The withdrawal timetable proposed by the Democrats gets nothing tangible, only a promise, and leaves the fulfillment of that promise in the hands of the Bush Administration.
There have been similar dilemmas for the labor movement. Indeed, it is a common occurrence that unions, fighting for a new contract, must decide if they will accept an offer that gives them only part of what they have demanded. It's always a difficult decision, but in almost all cases, whether the compromise can be considered a victory or a defeat, the workers have been given some thing palpable, improving their condition to some degree. If they were offered only a promise of something in the future, while continuing an unbearable situation in the present, it would not be considered a compromise, but a sellout. A union leader who said, "Take this, it's the best we can get" (which is what the MoveOn people are saying about the Democrats' resolution) would be hooted off the platform.
I am reminded of the situation at the 1964 Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, when the black delegation from Mississippi asked to be seated, to represent the 40 percent black population of that state. They were offered a "compromise" - two nonvoting seats. "This is the best we can get," some black leaders said. The Mississippians, led by Fannie Lou Hamer and Bob Moses, turned it down, and thus held on to their fighting spirit, which later brought them what they had asked for. That mantra - "the best we can get" - is a recipe for corruption.
It is not easy, in the corrupting atmosphere of Washington, D.C., to hold on firmly to the truth, to resist the temptation of capitulation that presents itself as compromise. A few manage to do so. I think of Barbara Lee, the one person in the House of Representatives who, in the hysterical atmosphere of the days following 9/11, voted against the resolution authorizing Bush to invade Afghanistan. Today, she is one of the few who refuse to fund the Iraq War, insist on a prompt end to the war, reject the dishonesty of a false compromise.
Except for the rare few, like Barbara Lee, Maxine Waters, Lynn Woolsey, and John Lewis, our representatives are politicians, and will surrender their integrity, claiming to be "realistic."
We are not politicians, but citizens. We have no office to hold on to, only our consciences, which insist on telling the truth. That, history suggests, is the most realistic thing a citizen can do.
Howard Zinn is the author, most recently, of A Power Governments Cannot Suppress.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/26/2007 09:42:00 AM
This is SUCH a big surprise. (uhhh NOT)
California -- also led (after a fashion) by a Republican Governor is next and then AZ also feeling a crunch -- Democratic Governor. (though on a quick examination I'm not sure but she may be republican-esque but I'd have to read more)
OF course this is no surprise to me. Many people were tricked into refinancing and otherwise putting their homes on the line and then jacked out of them quickly or slowly by mysterious occurrences or job losses (hmmmmm)
They have tried EVERYTHING with me. EVERYTHING. I know you've read about the threats to burn the house and all the intimidation and harassment. The newest gambit is to tell me I am three payments behind ... of course they have never said a word until a week ago. Who lets someone get three payments behind ??? HAHA
SO --- you ask them for their accountancy and the columns don't line up and etc. (and they admit this) I think I'm getting ready to publicize same and file suit. I've really had it. There is so much distrust between us that I have actually been mailing my MINISCULE payments by Certified Mail for the last eight months ...
I wouldn't doubt that some of these other unfortunate souls have been screwed over in the same fashion.
I paid the payment in person for awhile. They also like to change the payment location or address four TIMES in less than two years. AND they provide no coupons to remit with. When my beloved Mama owned this house they sent her notice of change of address twice in about twenty years --- AND new coupons. Of all the times they have switched their payment office around the country I have received one notice. Five months after the fact ... AND it's been YEARS YEARS since I have had a remittance book. Luckily, I have some background in Mortgage-Amortization (Thanks MD) and Accounting so I've had them in a spreadsheet since the first skank move. Couple years back. I've had them steal the payments.
Has anyone heard of this CRAP??
If I sat and listed the ways they have (Shitty of Tampa and cohorts) attempted to separate me from my home in the last two years I am sure it would be two dozen or more. Most are mindless threats ... some are just ludicrous. Others require some legal work. Then, the people that do this don't want anyone to know they participate in thievery. As if everyone does not know. Talk to people who are not afraid of you. EVERYONE KNOWS. They have everything they think they ever wanted then they espied something I have. And they went to work. Foul.
Is anyone out there experiencing the same thing? With your 'mortgage company?'
If so --- take action.
You're being targeted.
I have all my receipts but some might not be so lucky.
Greed is an extremely ugly thing.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/26/2007 08:02:00 AM
Labels: State's filings were way up in February over last year.
something else we share with chicago Pushing Rope: Chicago Bartender Bribed After Beating By Cop
This just fit the main purpose of my blog too well.
Beatings, lies, cover-up, bribes, basic unlawfulness. And, that's just the cops !!!!
The real gangsters in too many cases.
Borrowing from and THANKING Michael Hussey Pushing Rope twice in one half hour.
Yeah, he's THAT GOOD. Thanks Michael Hussey.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/25/2007 11:10:00 PM
Labels: cops as criminals ... all too common ... something else we share with chicago
Pushing Rope: More Justice Department Emails
New lows of disgust over take the White House. Yippee. Talk about your boiling frog syndrome. Planning it like we're stupid.
More than anything else treating us like stupid children should be punished severely. Okay on second thought, NOT punished more than any other of the crimes they've perped on the American people, the world and our Constitution ...
I'm just very angry. They destroy people with nary a skip of a glancing thought.
Common thieves is what they ARE. Every other crime against humanity I can think of.
AND treating us as though we are stupid.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/25/2007 10:07:00 PM
Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, in a file photo, will not be getting an honorary degree from the University of Florida.
Oh it's beautiful to see this former paradise stretch her long, sexy, tanned legs again ....
Too damn bad we can't take back our lost marinas, our ocean front views, our river fronts which are perfectly ACCESSIBLE without a freaking bunch of pavers ......
But, we at U of F can tell Jeb he ain't even smart enough to beat Flori-duh folks with what was likely HIS illegal stint at office. Floridians are not as dumb as the newcomers would have them believe.
SECOND UPDATE (eeeyewww someone CAVED)
Inside Politics
University of Florida squabbles over snub to Jeb Bush
POSTED: 6:13 p.m. EDT, March 24, 2007
Story Highlights
• NEW: Alumni board makes former governor honorary alumnus
• University's Faculty Senate voted not to give Jeb Bush an honorary degree
• President says Bush "has been a great friend of the University of Florida"
• Some faculty disagree, citing changes in med schools, race-based admissions
UPDATE of sorts
Oh and from the state of my surroundings I'm feeling that JEB 666 has not QUITE lost his grip on FL. Besides the usual now it's TPD's uniformed finest (not always so fine) in their private cars. Leering at me. I guess that stuff about how all that shit is on satellite hit home. Yeppers. Who's the playa/////////// come ON you guys. It's ridiculous.
Is there a law against leering?? HAHAHA Let me check those statutes. I THINK there is a law against leering or is that: if you see something shiny in the person's hand you can shoot them if you feel threatened. By: JEB 666. This smacks of Bush-bullshit. And some of those who wrap their mistaken arms around them. Grow UP. Or down.
Now, on to surviving Charlie ... which I am holding out hope for despite what I know ... I sense a humanity in Charlie which may surprise us yet.
I hope so.
Oh, by the way --- the guy with the dump-trucks and clean trucks -- this has now (and previously) become an obsession with him. He is EVERY WHERE I am. So, as I suspected; he needed me to notice him and either he's getting the wrong or the right attention ... either way --- what he is doing is illegal and I want to know why he seems to have no fear of prosecution in Tampa FL?
As well, does this make me LESS sure of how valuable my property is; considering how many thugs are trying to scare me out of it?
Mano a mano
Hombre a Mujer
I'm not afraid of you.
Who are you afraid of?
Or why are you hiding behind all that crap?
Communication is the finest skill a person can master. You send boys out to do a man's job. The men are less than one would expect at negotiation. I am completely mystified about your program. Send a letter. And not one of the misspelled ones this time. God.
And, that is the extent of my attention for you. Other than documenting and faxing.
As to your other threats --- when you open a door, you must then take responsibility for what comes through it.
You make your choices every day. It's MONEY. Weregeld. Weregeld. Weregeld. And more. Now it's about more than money. And, that's your fault, too.
And, I believe that puts the responsibility for it ALL directly on you. Shirking shirking ....
What can be worth risking your entire business, reputation and future on?? It must be worth MILLIONS.
Well, we knew that.
You think I'm being a smart ass. Nothing could be further from the truth. But, I see the tension. No telling what dumb ass mistakes will be made next. You've almost murdered people right in front of me. This is insane. Play-acting or not --- it is complete disregard for human life. You are threatening my child but yours is hanging by a thread ... surely you see this. This is a child dragged through the world who has no idea what it is to be a loved human being. It's NOT too late to change that. Please try. For his sake.
I am residing in my homestead property within my Constitutional Rights as an American citizen. Other than that, I have taken no action. Only responses. I know you're not getting the responses you want but you shouldn't expect to. And crossing my path every five minutes is not going to change that.
Maybe I should make a documentary on the Ten Most Outstanding Men in Tampa. That would be enlightening, eh?
Well, it took most of the day but apparently jebby managed to get himself honored.
Jeb Bush honored by U. of Florida alumni
Sat Mar 24, 7:34 PM ET
GAINESVILLE, Fla. - Former Gov.
Jeb Bush was snubbed for an honorary degree at the University of Florida — but he can still call himself an honorary alumnus.
So, I guess heads do not have to roll. LOL
The university's Alumni Association's Board of Directors passed a resolution Saturday to make Bush an honorary alumnus. The move came on the heels of a 38-28 Faculty Senate vote on Thursday to deny Bush an honorary degree.
The main difference between the awards is that the degree is given by the university and the alumni association decides who receives honorary alumni status, said Steve Orlando, a University of Florida spokesman. The association extends the honor to a handful of people each year.
"They might be in two different categories, but from the alumni perspective, we highly respect those that have been given or granted the status of honorary alumnus," said Leonard Spearman, president of the University of Florida Alumni Association.
In deciding not to give Bush an honorary degree, some faculty members cited concerns about Bush's educational record in respect to the university. Some said his approval of three new medical schools has diluted resources. He also has been criticized for his "One Florida" proposal, an initiative that ended race-based admissions programs at state universities.
But Spearman said the association selected Bush because he supported research at the University of Florida, and because of his efforts to provide funding for more faculty and create a statewide scholarship program. He said the association's selection had nothing to do with the faculty's vote.
"What we did was in our own rights, not in our reaction to the Senate," he said.
An e-mail sent to Bush on Saturday seeking comment was not immediately returned.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/24/2007 01:05:00 PM
Labels: Pay Back IS a BITCH .....
Tampa's sex predator law even stricter ... well, those Tampa City Council Nazis are batting 1000. I think it's VERY interesting that those who are so promoting these reasons to 'ask anyone for their papers,' (but especially you men and bright blond-haired women) .. are the ones who are L E A V I N G. This way if anything goes wrong the next current city council people and county commission people can blame it on them. Interesting.
As I've stated several times there are a few predators in my neighborhood and even though they are listed thus and are not allowed here and there now, they've only had sex with family members (to my knowledge and according to what I've read) and they are extremely capable of supporting themselves. Nice new cars, big pieces of property .... etc .... all kinds of big ladders to be used for messing around other peoples' houses (on video)
So, apparently it is VERY OKAY with someone to employ and promote people like this and pay them handsomely. In this way they have created a slave who will do anything for them and this is exactly what THIS LAW enables. We think they are predators, NOW? Imagine when they are then victimized by whomever set up the swells in my neighborhood and enriched them. These guys are both home-owners. Which, I suspect is part of the reason why they didn't make the law about living in certain boundaries. These guys are part of the purposeful degradation of the property in my neighborhood (AND YOURS if they're there) to trick people as was revealed to me by an old neighbor (by way of threatening me but no one said these people are smart; they give out info for one reason but an intelligent person takes it in for another) This pair of sexual predators are also intimidating people in and around Tampa and they are BOTH on a database as convicted sexual predators. Likely they are both driving vehicles registered to the 'women' they are married to or someone else so unless THAT person is a predator, too if a cop runs that tag ... ya see where I'm going with this?? AND, there are AT MOST 50 of these guys although I noticed since I made the point about them making a law concerning less than one percent of the population LESS THAN ONE PERCENT ... they made it a point to include 450 other types of offenders --- which by the way is still MUCH LESS than one percent of the population. So, your 'papers please' from the Tampa Police Dept and Hillsborough County sheriffs and any of these other unaccountable PRIVATE assholes working 'control' (don't forget replace the word security with control) can now be applied to a huger segment of the population of men and bright blonde-haired women who might be deb lafave....
No matter the "romeo and juliet" clause, this, of course NOW includes the 18 year old who had sex with his 16 year old girlfriend and the guy who later even married his under-age girlfriend .... but it also INCLUDES SOMEONE YOU LOVE.
That's right: This just opened the door for the nazi regime overtaking Tampa to stop just about ANY MAN ANYWHERE there is a child and demand 'his papers'. Maybe it WOULD be easier if they just had everyone else wear gold stars.
I'm really glad I don't hang around the places that Mary Alvarez does.
How does a person become an expert on sexual predators but has NO idea that gangs are infiltrating the city and county and are being protected by the badges of this same burg? How is that possible?
How can you go for a gallon of milk and not see an illegal crack stem but see sexual predators like ants?
Similar to Hillsborough's version, the law also includes "offenders" and rental regulations.
Published March 23, 2007
Breaking News Video
TAMPA - A day after Hillsborough County commissioners passed a law banning sexual predators from areas where children are likely to gather, the Tampa City Council passed its own, tougher version.
"We've got to start somewhere," said council member Mary Alvarez on Thursday. Sex offenders are "all over the place. They're like ants."
This is the scariest part and she actually said it OUTLOUD --- starting somewhere --- where will this LEAD????? I suspect it leads to collecting DNA by ANY means and then finding people at the scenes of crimes and perping children by nefarious means of DNA .. but they are starting to overturn DNA so ... Another thing that concerns me is these men they take out of their homes and claim they found porn on their boxes. I'm just not buying some of this. It's targeted removal. I've watched the things they've tried to separate ME from MY home and NOTHING would preclude them from planting porn on a guy's drive and then taking him down. I suspect it has been done to as many as three dozen people in Tampa who were publicly profiled. THEN, the person has no recourse because this crime is considered indefensible. Bullshit. I read these stories and they smack of LIES. The neighbors and family are shocked. Working in a computer lab you see all kinds of things. Once that porn is embedded in the root directory ... Once they tried to kick out an older student for looking at porn but he had just sat down at the computer. I knew this man personally and defended him vigorously as I knew there was NO CHANCE he had anything to do with that. And there the seed was planted about this bullshit they are pulling on men. I tie it to the NAZIS asking men to drop trou in Poland and Germany to see whether they were circumcised or not. Instant death sentence/instant life sentence. There's no real difference. And, once again -- NO, I am NOT related to any predators or sexual offenders ... I just smell the wind and work to shift it ... things are going south FAST -- this is a very bad sign. Are rants in italics easier on the eyes??
Like the county, council members voted to prohibit sexual predators from lingering within 300 feet of places like schools, video arcades, bus stops, public libraries and parks, and "other similar places where children congregate."
But the city also voted to prohibit sexual "offenders," a group of criminals that the city legal staff determined can be just as dangerous and more common. There are 450 offenders compared to 50 predators in Tampa.
The Florida Department of Law Enforcement labels sex offenders as "predators" if they committed their crime after Sept. 30, 1993, and were convicted of either a first-degree felony or two second-degree felonies.
The city also beefed up its version by prohibiting landlords from renting to a sexual offender or predator. However, if the landlord can show he did a reasonable check that should have revealed an offender, he won't be in violation.
The government affairs director for Bay Area Apartment Association said he didn't know the city added that requirement for landlords, but he said his group wouldn't oppose it.
"As long as the city accepts the industry's backgrounding procedures, we don't have a problem with it," said Jeff Rogo, whose group represents more than 82,000 apartment units.
The city did add a "Romeo and Juliet" clause in the new law, which exempts sexual offenders who were minors with victims older than 13.
Judy Cornett, a mother of a victim, applauded the new law, but said whether it works will depend on its enforcement.
"If we can't enforce it, why have it?" she said.
Violating the ordinance could result in a $500 fine or six months in jail.
Michael Van Sickler can be reached at 813 226-3402 or mvansickler@sptimes.com.
[Last modified March 22, 2007, 22:47:58]
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by Kay 03/23/07 10:22 AM
Not allowed to rent? I guess this will add to the homeless population and then how do we keep track of them? I still say, let's fear the one's that haven't been caught. They aren't on any list.
by david 03/23/07 07:26 AM
what next-no sun-burned people; no former Largo residents? No Jews? No nobidies who have not passed the color & sexual desire test? Tampa, Oh, Tampa where goeth thou?
by Chris 03/23/07 05:57 AM
Uh oh! Debra LaFave isn't going to be able to go to the library in Tampa! Or take a bus! And you know how dangerous SHE is! Talk about a knee jerk reaction. ANYBODY can be a sexual offender. Fair or not, once you are on the list you are ON it 4ever
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/24/2007 12:13:00 PM
Labels: where does Mary Alvarez HANG OUT??? predators like ants ...
Overheard in Alabama theater during Turtle trailer preview .... audience critics watching Norbit. A guy yells out ... "That's the turtles man? They look retarded!"
Another voice responds, "That's the turtles !!!!!!!!! SHUT UP !!!!!!!!!!!!"
And some more yelling ensued. hehe. ALL on the side of the turtles. I want the hoodie .....
Opening Friday. Buying my tickets RIGHT NOW.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/22/2007 10:56:00 PM
Labels: man ..., Shut UP ... that's the TURTLES
ERACISM meetings are not just rap sessions; they are focused conversations.
I don't feel the racism problem. But, on the other hand I've never looked for the differences in US. In my family and friends everyone was everyone. No one was excluded unless they were just plain SWINE and even then we'd just keep an eye on them. HAHA I DO feel people trying to start it or re-start the racial conflict and I do feel people trying to hang on to it. It's UGLY. This is not a black/white thing anymore but a decency thing. I can have the identical conversation with a black or white or any person of any color or creed or any persuasion or orientation and that's all it boils down to. I still see problems on both sides but from my perspective (and yes, it's open to discussion) I see way more decent people who abhor the police state and condemn any 'bad-isms' for what they are. The Bush Regime has been great at creating more divisions than I can remember in my lifetime. I don't have the hours and hours and hours to list these.
Think of the 'debates' these people have started.
Divide and Conquer. I won't remind you again WHO this is reminiscent of. Please don't buy into it. Don't be sucked in to hatred and fear.
Don't help the twisted ones create more divisions where there aren't any. Don't let them get away with that. It's the oldest trick in the book: Divide and Conquer.
These people do what they can to move the world forward.
The goal of a conversation is not to master a topic or to learn a lot of facts, but rather to deepen understanding. This occurs when people exchange views freely and consider a variety of viewpoints. The process — democratic discussion among equals — is as important as the content.
The key elements of a good conversation are exchange and reciprocity, not competition or the attempt to impose one's views on another.
During a genuine conversation, participants will listen actively to each other and in the process expand their horizons by exploring perspectives that are different from their own. They will also be challenged to critically examine taken-for-granted assumptions.
It is important to understand that we will never agree about everything or reach definitive consensus on each topic. Instead, we try to find common ground and enough understanding of other people's ideas and feelings to move forward toward our goal: Eracism.
If all this seems a bit abstract, here are Seven Guidelines… and Four Specific Rules for Participants (in case one of us ever wanted to get this going...)
Please help when you can and where you can to LOVE EVERYONE.
It's the only rule.
If I don't say that once a week, I feel like I have not fulfilled my warranty to the world.
Just love everyone. Be kind and .... love them.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/22/2007 12:03:00 PM
This is a swell little whiff I picked up while researching to see if I could add anything less compellingly freaky/borderline acceptable for the slow seats ... about letting go our freedoms than picking on sexual predators ... because of course that's how they start it. By going after those you love to hate. Don't hate them. Be happy they got stuck with that life and not you. There but for the grace of god and such ..... (first they go after those you love to hate but eventually and then eventually and then they get to YOU -- still smiling but after YOU)
AND a PERSONAL OBSERVATION (I know these are your favorites) and I'm gonna post a pic. SOON. I actually committed to that, it's a biggie. There's a certain few gnarly places in Tampa where the drug-runner-type-uniform-gangster-wannabe-or-BE-hats on sale are THUS ... and this super underscores the WHOLE POINT I am always making in my slanted fashion (about the new people who try to kick us around when we're not even in the f'ing way -- they just want it ALLLLL) .... anyhooo hanging right next to the ILLEGAL CRACK STEMS ...(haha I wonder why we can't get a law passed about the THOUSANDS of those I guess first we have to take care of the 122 sexual predators.. only 120 for sure because the two in my hood keep it in the family)
.... okay --- the hats for sale are these in puffy-stitch cheezy ass embroidery .... hat brim = 305 or 813 or NY .. that's your only choices.
Take it however you wanna.
I go ahead and take it how it goes down.
I'm a naively styled realist.
A cool combination if I must say so myself.
It means I know what you are up to if I think about it but I don't particularly give a damn if you don't hurt anyone AT ALL. But you are so you are assholes .... yeah, when I am tired ... the run-on sentences are ... RUN ONNNNNNN... the boyfriend is a musician, see ... when he is up all night composing and messing around ... it's either roll with the changes or ... not. I'm rollin... ha. I often wonder if Roger Waters' girlfriend gets more sleep and is therefore far more beautiful .... and I'm going to go find out. This will greatly relieve many folks for a few brief moments. Damn, see above link. She IS hot, but naturally so ... AND ... she became his wife somewhere in the midst of the picture posting. Whew.
It's a very common mis-perception that circles under the eyes are from lack of sleep or from aging. In reality these are symptomatic of several other thing which may include: exposure to pesticide, respiratory interference, interference with the body's ability to carry away dead red-blood cells. Take that those of you who think I'm a complete dumb-ass. I'm merely plain-spoken by choice ... and I am impatient to post and like to edit on the fly and afterwards ... I work best under pressure, and all.
Just wait til I hook up mobile blogging and you have to deal with me completely on the fly. LOL !!! That's when I start collecting money to pay the high premiums for the fender benders ... jeez it will be highway robbery, freeway robbery ... LOL !!!
And here it IS: (the beginning, the middle and the end all rolled into ONE)
Show me your papers, please (This assumes they will say please!!!)
by Alex Eckelberry
March 5th, 2007
(if I'm not mistaken and I'm too damned tired to look or link right now, the article he pointed me to which is also posted in farmer of thoughts... is from nov 2005 and unlinked from the many fruitful links throughout. sorry maybe tomorrow or sat.)
Miami police will now will stage random shows of force, asking for IDs and generally making themselves known. (hmmm and what were they before??)
Miami police announced Monday they will stage random shows of force at hotels, banks and other public places to keep terrorists guessing and remind people to be vigilant.
Deputy Police Chief Frank Fernandez said officers might, for example, surround a bank building, check the IDs of everyone going in and out and hand out leaflets about terror threats. Link here.
At the same time, Deborah Davis refuses to show her ID while on a bus and is ticketed.
Federal prosecutors are reviewing whether to pursue charges against an Arvada woman who refused to show identification to federal police while riding an RTD bus through the Federal Center in Lakewood.
Deborah Davis, 50, was ticketed for two petty offenses Sept. 26 by officers who commonly board the RTD bus as it passes through the Federal Center and ask passengers for identification. Link here.
How do you boil a frog? You put it in a pan of cold water and slowly heat up the pot.
Our hard-fought freedoms are slowly and inexorably being reduced in the name of national security. Just like under Hitler in Nazi Germany ....
And I feel bad for the frogs karma.
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/22/2007 02:18:00 AM
Labels: ... what was that I heard about a police state??????????
In Tampa, Florida a city of 340,000 people, and in Hillsborough County Florida; a county of 1,147,120 (2005(est.)the Hillsborough County Commission has busied itself creating a law that purports to be about sexual offenders and/or predators but instead on close inspection will likely be aimed at the homeless and any man or person thought to be 'lurking' in a park or library, etc....
Men should be especially troubled by this. Don't try to take a nap on a beautiful day in the park without your 'papers' or your 'gold star'.
The City Council is itching to follow suit. And probably will.
Commission Votes To Ban Sex Predators From ‘Safety Zones’
Posted Mar 21, 2007 by Anthony McCartney
Updated Mar 21, 2007 at 03:56 PM
By Anthony McCartney
The Tampa Tribune
TAMPA – Hillsborough County commissioners unanimously approved an ordinance today that would prohibit sexual predators from loitering near libraries, parks and other areas where children congregate.
The “child safety zones” could become effective within a few weeks, officials said. The ban applies to sexual predators, who are the most dangerous class of sex offenders. A search of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement database shows 122 sex predators living in Hillsborough County.
The measure was proposed by Commissioner Ken Hagan (on his way out and already on a watch list) in November and was researched by county attorneys. Hagan said the measure was supported by law enforcement officials, (this impresses me WILDLY) who preferred to create buffer zones rather than increasing residency restrictions, as earlier proposed. (dang the sheriffs office just 'somehow'cleared up a bunch of federal lawsuits, not wanting a whole nother slew of em) Sheriff’s officials feared that if residency restrictions were tightened too much, predators would simply move “underground,” Hagan said. (okay LOL LOL are they admitting they have no control over anything but the obvious??)
(right, I can almost picture that being the reason, can't you? Read my response at the bottom)
If a predator is caught in one of the newly designated “child safety zones,” they will be subject to a $500 fine and up to two months in jail. (and unable to pay and boy isn't this a fine way to keep those cells filled and that money rolling in ....)
The Tampa City Council is scheduled to consider a similar proposal during its meeting on Thursday. (naturally)
Reporter Anthony McCartney can be reached at (813) 259-7616 or amccartney@tampatrib.com.
I really think the sheriff's reasoning fell more along the lines of being able to 'demand papers' of folks passing through these 'buffer zones'. Some might not be aware this is going on across the country --- and as the Tampa FL Hillsborough County crews watched -- they learned. AND -- the laws concerning where one lives are being challenged in federal courts as unconstitutional. When KY. first passed the laws late last year long-term residents were dragged out of their homes for living in the same place they had always lived. The laws have been passed in several states including Kentucky, Iowa, Georgia and others ... under the guise of safety for the children. Kentucky is one of at least 14 states to recently enact new and tougher buffer zones for convicted sex offenders.
This Hillsborough County law actually takes it a step further. I believe that the sex offender could not be 'driven underground' as the reporting requirements are fairly strict (and therefore this action was ALREADY COVERED) ... but, in effect, this gives the authorit-eyes the ability to question someone for any reason if they are in 'an area where children congregate' COME ON -- there are 122 (out of ONE POINT TWO MILLION) of this dangerous class of sexual predators. How tough can it be? I also object to posting their photos in the library. This is akin to wanted posters in the Wild Wild West.
There are supposedly sexual predators in my neighborhood ... probably part of why they didn't want to buffer them out of there. I heard these guys kept it in the family though, so why are they on a list that can't go to parks? They're a whole different breed of predator. Wouldn't have kept THAT kid safe. At all.
If there is a bomb threat at school, I wouldn't trust them to keep my child safe. I don't trust them without the bomb threats. I don't trust the administration and you can't count on all the teachers to have your child's safety first in mind. I definitely don't trust a bunch of pictures and useless laws to do so.
I wonder whose pictures are NEXT??
Those who didn't pay their restitution??
Some states post meth-users. Some publicize prostitutes or their johns. Some air the code-enforcement cases. (not here in tampa, that would make it too easy to prove selective code enforcement. HAHAHA) The publicizing then mushrooms from place to place. What's next? Who is next? The person who lets their car get too dirty? Let your insurance lapse? They already tried to make DUI's use a special PINK license plate. How bout you want to borrow the drunk's car?
Pretty soon the only people not on the list of those publicized for 'badness and wrongness' somewhere will be those who have cops, judges and states attorneys in their pocket ... I hope you're following me and not still pissed about your imagining that I am defending the indefensible. I'm defending the right of someone to live within their Constitutional rights.
Tampa is crafty. They ran this right by the people. Some of the people.
Gonna have to roll it back and tear the pictures down. And, we'll have to get a handle on the vigilante bikers, too. Or maybe next they'll be helping the cops demand papers. A new Black Water on Wheels, as it were. Accountable to no one. Oh, and it's nice the bikers have reappeared as the good guys. I guess the meth-slinging days are behind them. Not that I give a damn but a spade is a spade is a spade. Stop pretending you is what you ain't and get on with your bidness and leave citizens the hell out of it.
It is untenable to over punish a person. It is a Classic Niemoller.
Those laws are in keeping with the finest traditions of puritan witch-hunting, mcCarthyism and flat-out Naziism. They capitalize on ignorance,hatred and fear.
The ostracism represented by stigmatizing this broad,sometimes nebulous category of human beings brings to mind double-jeopardy and cruel and unusual punishment,
both of which contradict the bill of rights. It's what good judges are supposed to address. All too often, the damage is done way before the courtroom anyway.
I want to know --- are all the rapists going to be kept away from the gym ? Oh, hell no; they can arrest the lady and the guy together.
Are all the armed robbers kept away from banks or places with cash?
Are all those guilty of crimes against the elderly disallowed from a buffer zone around the nursing homes?
When someone has beaten someone to smithereens with a baseball bat is he still allowed at the ball park?
When you cut someone with a knife are you still allowed in dishware?
What the fuck does any of this posturing DO?
N O T H I N G !!!
It's job security baby.
Cigars are ON US.
And, no, I am NOT defending the indefensible predators .... after all does this mean Deb LaFave can't get near my babies at the park???
But, she's too pretty to be punished for so long. I can only imagine the lengths they went to in attempts to write Deb out of this action.
City Council of Tampa FL ... County Commission of Hillsborough FL --- get a frickin life and DO SOMETHING meaningful. Not hateful and ignorant.
I begin to miss Kathy Castor .....
Posted by
Vox Populi
3/21/2007 11:32:00 PM
Labels: where are all the violent guys allowed why biker vigilantes????
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